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Mountains of Rubber Ch. 03


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While Daniella tried to make sense of this, floating helplessly, MzDominica raised the edge of her skirt. The slave could see Mistress was naked underneath, and she began to drool. Dominica reached her middle finger between her own legs, and withdrew it. She held it up, glistening with her pussy juices.

"Mmmm..." she said. "Your face is all nice and clean again, after your shower." She waved her shiny finger back and forth, watching Daniella's gaze follow it again. "Good girl. And now, I mark ANOTHER part of MY territory!" Dominica wiped her wet pussy juices over the tip of the slave's nose, and onto both nostrils. "Inhale deeply," she commanded. Daniella mindlessly took a long, slow breath, carrying the scent of her Mistress deep into her brain. "Good girl," MzDominica said. "You are mine. You have always been mine. You will always be mine!"

Daniella's eyes closed. Her mind drifted. She couldn't help herself.

"Good girl," she heard Mistress say. "Float here, a moment, my slave. Just float. And drift. And feel yourself belonging to me. Completely."

The slave was not sure how much time might have passed, when she heard Mistress telling her to open her eyes, and look in the suitcase again. Rising, like a robot, up on her knees, she lifted the cover on the suitcase and found... a sheet of butcher paper. On top of this were two items: black rubber panties, and a plastic container of talcum powder.

"Stand up, Daniella," Dominica commanded.

Feeling awkward, now, standing in Mistress' presence, the slave rose and stood with her legs slightly separated, prepared to drop to the floor where she belonged, at the slightest command. But the command never came. Instead, Dominica told her to take the container, and lightly dust her thighs, bottom, and hairless crotch with the talc. Then she was to take the rubber panties, slide them up her legs, and pull them snugly into place. The front of the panties felt strangely thick, as if there were more there, than just a layer of soft, black rubber.

"No need to tuck your little clitty/cock under, this time," Dominica teased. "Pull it upward." Daniella adjusted her genitals, feeling the tight rubber wrap around and against them. "That's right. I want you to stay nice, and long, and hard for me. We're going to have some fun!"

As Daniella watched, Dominica reached into the suitcase, lifted the butcher paper, and removed one more item. It looked like one of those universal remote controls for TVs and stereos. In a way, that's exactly what it was! Dominica held the rectangular box, pressed one of the many buttons, and looked upward at Daniella's face, watching for her reaction.

At first, the slave did not realize anything had changed.

"You feel it, don't you... slave?" Dominica cooed. "That slow, gentle stroking of your pussy? Mmmm, so good! Feel the rubber, softly moving back and forth. Up and down. Feel it!"

In a couple of moments, Daniella realized the rubber panties had started massaging her crotch. She wanted to cum -- she'd been wanting to cum since last night, when Mistress had put her to bed with the wet dildo in her mouth. Now, she needed to cum with an urgency that was almost as strong as when she had needed to pee, a short while ago!

"Feel that rubbing, stroking and stroking and stroking your sex. Not hard -- just so very gently. A long, smooth glide upward... from base to tip... all along your pussy. Then a slow, gentle stroke downward. So soft, you can barely tell it's there. But you CAN feel it, can't you? It makes you want to cum in those tight, rubber panties -- doesn't it, slave?" Daniella could only nod, her voice gone. "Yes... but you cannot cum without permission! And you do not have permission -- not yet!" Daniella whimpered.

Dominica pressed another button. "Now, slave, feel the panties tightening around the base of your crotch." In the back of her mind, Daniella remembered that "Dan" had testicles -- and those balls were being slowly squeezed by the rubber panties. "Feel it. First, it squeezes so gently -- pleasantly. The soft rubber, pulling together. Just a nice, pleasant compression. So especially nice, as those panties continue to massage your little clitty/cock." Daniella's hips began to rock, her eyes to close.

"Yes, but the pressure on your balls continues to increase, doesn't it, slave? Harder and harder." Daniella's eyes began to water. "Yes, it hurts -- but somehow, you also like it. Don't you?" The squeezing got tighter, and the slave's eyes opened again. She could see Dominica watching her. "Tighter, and tighter..." Daniella's jaw dropped open, and she began to shake her head slowly from side to side. "Squeezing so slowly, so hard. Another moment... tighter. Another moment... even tighter." Daniella's throat emitted a tiny squeak! Dominica pressed another button. "And now the squeezing stops. The stroking on your clitty/cock also stops. Feel it all stop, my slave!"

The stimulation stopped -- but the need to cum remained.

"You see," Mistress said, "from here, I have complete control over your sex, through the tight rubber panties." She waved the remote in a little figure eight. "On your knees, again, slave." Daniella dropped quickly to the floor. "Follow me outside. Crawl, slave!"

Dominica stood and led her slave into the hall, through the front door, outside again. Daniella gave no thought, this time, to whether she might be seen. She merely followed.

Outside, past the mini-van, stood two pine trees, about four feet apart. MzDominica led Daniella to the space between them, and told her to stand up again. To close her eyes, spread her legs, and raise her hands up in the air, above her shoulders. To listen closely, as Dominica clicked the shackles closed on her wrists and ankles, attaching her to the chains. Chaining her between the two pine trees.

"Open your eyes, again, Daniella!" Dominica stood before the slave, holding the remote control again. "Look into my eyes, and listen closely," she said. "See the remote control in my hand. Do you see it?" Daniella nodded her head. "Good girl. I can do so many things with those soft, black rubber panties. You can smell the rubber, even from here, can't you?" Daniella's eyes were becoming vacant. "That's right. Deeper... and deeper... Rubber slave must obey Mistress Dominica... Rubber slave must obey Mistress Dominica... Rubber slave must obey Mistress Dominica... Let your eyes close, now, slave. Slowly... slowly..."

Daniella's eyes drifted closed. Her breathing became slow and deep.

"Feel yourself dropping deeper... and deeper... So mindless... So empty... So open... Your pussy is dripping wet inside those soft... black... rubber panties. So wet. Being wet makes your clitty hard. Having your clitty hard makes your breasts grow. They feel bigger... and bigger..." Dominica rubbed the corner of the remote control on Daniella's left nipple, round and round and round. Then around her right nipple. So cool and hard. Daniella could feel her breasts jiggle as she shivered with Mistress' touch. "Good girl. Just keep dropping for me... Deeper... and deeper... Feeling more and more feminine. Wetter and wetter. Your breasts bigger, and softer. Needing to be touched. Now just relax into the shackles, babi. Let yourself go. Obey. Listen to my voice."

Daniella slumped, arms held high, legs far apart. Of course, the shackles, the chains, were only in her mind. But that didn't matter. She stood between the trees, appearing to hang from invisible bondage only she could see, only she could feel.

"Good girl. Now I'm pressing another button on the remote control. Feel the rubber panties grow and stretch, reaching upward along your torso, downward along your thighs. Feel them stretching and covering your body. The soft, shiny, black rubber reaches up over your tunmmy, over your chest, enclosing your huge breasts. First the left breast, then the right breast, coating the undersides, in soft, shiny, black rubber. Then over the tops. Finally, slowly wrapping around those long, hard nipples. Mmmmm, so tight. The rubber squeezes your nipples, pulsing. Pulsing. Milking them."

Daniella's head dropped back, her face pointed up into the sky, as she began to moan.

"The rubber stretches out, under your arms, stroking your armpits, covering you. Down to your elbows, where it licks inside the creases of your skin as it coats you, completely. Completely. Down your legs, caressing your thighs, stroking behind your knees. Down to your feet. It tickles, so softly, under the arches of your feet. Between your toes."

Daniella was panting heavily now, her eyes opening again, in little slits.

"Up the crack of your ass, up the middle of your back, to your shoulders. It caresses your spine as it rises, rises, rises -- and reaches in smooth, black rubber sheets, over your shoulders to meet the rubber that covers your breasts. You know where you are, don't you, Daniella? You know where you are. Tell me!"

Daniella gasped out the words, "Black rubber suit!"

"That's right," Dominica replied. "You are encased in my black rubber suit. Completely covered in soft, shiny, black rubber. Feel the panties pushing that butt plug -- that big, black, rubber butt plug -- deep into your ass. Fuck... fuck... fuck... Mmmmm...."

The slave was pumping her hips, grinding back and forth, head back, moaning constantly.

"Open your eyes, Daniella. Look at me," Dominica commanded.

Her head snapping down, her eyes snapping open, Daniella obediently regarded her Mistress, awaiting her instructions.

"Watch, now, as I press one more button." Dominica lifted both hands high, so the remote was directly in front of Daniella's face. Dramatically, she extended her index finger, slowly dropped it toward the box, and pressed a big button, dead center in the set of controls. "It all stops," she said. "The black rubber suit remains in place, but everything stops. All is quiet." She looked up at Daniella's eyes, with a wry smile. "Or... is it?" Slowly, Dominica stooped before her slave, placing the remote control on the ground, just a couple of feet away in front of Daniella. She stood up again.

With the middle finger of one hand, Dominica caressed her slave's rubber-covered crotch, gently, slowly. "Do you know what mode the remote control is in, now?" she said. Daniella gently wagged her head, no. Dominica smiled. "It has a microphone. And every sound it hears will control the black rubber suit. EVERY sound, however tiny, is going to make the suit stimulate you, in a different way."

Daniella couldn't tell if Dominica was still stroking her sex. She felt so very aroused, and so very wet.

"You are now at the mercy of every noise you hear. Every bird call. Every puff of the wind. Every rustle of the trees. It's going to play up and down your body. Stroking your sex. Pinching your nipples." Dominica stood close, whispering in Daniella's ear. "Caressing the back of your neck." With one booted foot, she trampled the pine needles on the ground, making crackling noises. Daniella could feel gentle trails of sensation, behind her ear, though she had not been touched.

Then MzDominica stepped back, turned around, walked away a few paces. She turned again. "Mmmmm, you look so yummy. I'll be back. In a while." She looked up, and around, admiring the pines and the blue sky above. "You're in the mountains! Enjoy the fresh air! The sunshine. And... all... those... delicious... noises!" She turned once more, and walked back into the cabin.

Leaving Daniella shackled between the trees. Her pussy dripping. Her mind floating. Listening for sounds. Wondering what was going to happen next.

Almost immediately, a gentle breeze stirred the branches of the pine trees all around her. Daniella could feel the rustling, as caresses up her thighs, across her belly, almost to her breasts -- then it stopped! A bird twittered, and she felt her nipples being pinched -- so sharply, and yet so lightly. High in the sky, a jet plane flew, and its distant roar vibrated the butt plug in her ass. The staccato of a woodpecker in the distance felt like someone was tickling her underarms.

There was a crunching of dry leaves in front of her. Daniella felt like someone was squeezing her breasts. Crunch. Another squeeze. Crunch, crunch. More squeezing. Realizing her eyes had closed, Daniella opened them, and found herself staring at a squirrel, directly in front of her. Paws upraised, it seemed to be begging. It took a step on the dry pine needles. Crunch. Ohhhhh... her breasts felt so good. Step, hop, hop. Crunch, crunch, crunch. She felt each noise, and her pussy dripped even more. Slave to the squirrel's every move. She spread her thighs just a little wider. Each little crunch squeezed her breasts. Trailed up her thighs. Pushed into her wet pussy.

Behind her, Daniella heard more crunching -- louder, as from bigger feet. Crunch, crunch. Pause. Crunch. It felt like caresses between her shoulder blades, and she wanted to fuck back onto something, she felt so good.

Then the thought hit her. Marking territory? Dogs, and cats... and other animals. Like what... mountain lions? What kinds of animals were around here, anyway? Were they all really scared away by the scent of human urine? What WAS behind her?

The squirrel probably WAS here begging for food. You weren't supposed to feed the wild animals, but some people did it anyway. The squirrel was here, looking for goodies -- was something here after the squirrel?

Hop, hop, step. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Mixed with uncertainty and a little fear, the noises still stimulated Daniella's sex. Her crotch was pumping as she stared at the squirrel, gazing helplessly into its little black eyes, as each crunch played with her pussy. As it got closer and closer to the remote control. Hop, hop. Crunch, crunch. Every crunch, a flick of sensation on her clit! It was going to grab the control! What would it do to her? Would it push one of the buttons?

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! From behind her, Daniella heard the larger feet move quickly, and the squirrel stood upright, then scampered away. She was about to try to turn her head, to see if she could look behind her, when MzDominica came back out of the cabin, carrying something. Mistress seemed to be looking past her, at whatever was behind her, nodding and smiling. Then she looked back at Daniella, her smile even bigger, and she said one word: "Sleep."

Daniella went into a deep trance.

* * * * * *

Oooh, what is Mistress carrying, you may wonder? Well, you'll find out soon!

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