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Movie Buffs Ch. 01

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Selena Gomez forms a bond with a fellow movie fan.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/04/2021
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All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez

(MF, Oral, Cons)

by MrMaxLord

Chapter 1: Meet Cute

There was a great deal folks didn't know about Selena Gomez. None of it was salacious. Far from it. She did have a private side but nothing in it was extremely shocking. At least not the kind that would set the internet on fire and create urban legends about her.

The surprise thing about her tended to be her interests. People tended to be shocked that a Disney kid was really, really into movies. All kinds of movies. From her mother she definitely got a taste for the more openly artsy fare. That was what led her to do Spring Breakers after all. Selena and her mother had been fans of Harmony Korrine.

However, high brow wasn't the only thing Selena loved to watch while wrapped up in a cozy blanket with the light out. Her stepdad had given her a steady diet of horror movies growing up. On the set of Barney she was the only one who could quote Freddy Krueger on command.

Was she too young for that? Sure, by the judgement of some. But it was also a fun time. It gave her a deep appreciation for film, not just the the upper crust stuff embraced deeply by the most snobbish of critics. She actually found herself finding the most gold that way. When Selena went looking around for the forgotten stuff, or at least forgotten by critics, she found so many films she would consider classics. And when she looked on the internet she found a community who would agree with her every so often. They could be so welcoming it made her wish she could tell them who she was as opposed to being anonymous.

One place Selena didn't have to be anonymous was one of her stores. It was an independent music & movie store. It was called The Jukebox Office and upon walking in she was always a bit stunned at how it seemed like a time warp connecting every single era of entertainment into one store. The place almost seemed bigger on the inside.

While her friends outside the store almost uniformly teased Selena over her physical collection of films and music, they didn't get it. Somethings you just couldn't find streaming anywhere. Digital was convenient and she owned quite a few movies that way. But Selena had a much wider palette. She had both the Criterion Channel and a big selection of Criterion DVDs and blu rays.

However, anyone who went to the store didn't have that issue. Their thoughts on films aligned with hers, and maybe none more than her officially unofficial movie bud Sam Carpenter.

Sam was a man after Selena's heart. An eclectic taste in art, especially films with a deep appreciation for both being scared and actually owning a copy of a film. He was a manager at the store, but also maybe it's biggest customer. Selena wouldn't be surprised if he had a copy of every movie and album for the movie sold along with a couple of the retro games and toys. She dug that about him. She also liked the fact she had started using the word "dig" and all its tenses since talking to him.

Sometimes they'd have lunch or a quick cup of coffee whenever she came to the store. There was a nice little hole-in-the-wall café in the same lot as the store. It was a quick jaunt for a quick cheesesteak and a coke to talk about movies.

That was all they really did with movies. Talk. Recommend. Review them with and for each other. They had never watched anything together. Sam had never asked and neither had Selena. He'd assumed that was a step too far. While he never talked to her with any hint of being starstruck, Sam knew he was dealing with a celebrity and thought it might be a step too far if he seriously pressed things further than where they already were. Even if she did drive him wild and checked all the checks for his own personal list.

Selena was a very guarded person herself. The business and her own personal life had made her a lot more cautious when dealing with people. And having someone over to her place for a film or going over to someone else's house was a big leap. Still, if Sam had asked...she'd consider it. Selena could tell he was attracted to her. He was discreet about it, but she could always tell when someone as taking a quick glance at her and checking her out. He just never pushed it, never made it obvious nor made her feel uncomfortable. She liked that. If they had been seeing each other more casually he might have made a move and Selena had no idea how she'd act. At this point though...the odds were the answer would be a positive one for them both.

With all this, when Selena walked into the Jukebox Office with a smile that only grew brighter when her eyes came upon Sam. Seeing him was always the highlight of these trips. Just talking movies and anything else. He was easy to talk to, fun as well.

"Hey Sammy," she said. She had snuck up behind him as he was stocking the horror shelves appropriately enough, getting a startled yelp to come from him. Though any shock on his face melted away when he realized who it was. "Anything new I should know about?"

"Nothing really ships for a couple months," Sam replied. "Thanks for the scare by the way."

"No problem. Figured I owed you one after that last recommendation you gave me."

"Serpent & The Rainbow really got you huh?" asked Sam. "Told you it would."

"Yeah yeah, at this point I should really start buying it when you say something is going to scare the crap out of me." Selena moved closer to Sam and the cart full of movies he was stocking. "So, nothing new, but any goodies I should check out here?"

"All of them." Sam jokingly replied. "All prime stuff here. Want to give me something to zero on?"

"I thought by now you'd know my tastes." Selena responded, her smile sweet and delicate as her tone.

"Oh I do Sel. But everything here pretty much covers everything from your gore fests to your deeply psychologically traumatizing bit of scare fuel."

"Ooohh a buffet," Selena said. "Well, I'm feeling like a laugh tonight. Something that's going to make me gasp for air laughing just as much as from screaming."

"Let me see what I've got that order," Sam said. His fingers traced along the cart until he hit just the thing, tapping the blu ray before picking it up and handing it Selena. "There you go."

"Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight," Selena said, reading the title aloud. "What, is this like that old show?"

"Kind of," Sam said. "Movie version, just one story. Great hidden gem too. Look at the cast list."

Selena's beautiful brown eyes scanned the back of the box, her jaw dropping a bit when she saw the list. "Jada Pinkett before the Smith, CCH Pounder, Thomas Haden Church...BILLY ZANE!...and William Sadler...why is that name so familiar?"

"He was in Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Mist..." Sam said.

"Oh yeah, I know him," Selena said. "He's great. This whole cast looks great."

"Then that's my pick for you. Guaranteed good time."

"You always guarantee a good time."

"Have I let you down yet?" he asked, the slightest bit of flirtatiousness in his voice.

"Well, I guess your case is made, isn't it?" Selena snapped up the movie. She was about to go to the register to pay for it, but she stopped. "You break coming up soon?"

"Nah, took an early one." he replied. "Why?"

"I don't know...was kind of hoping for a quick little chat over lunch," Selena said. "I like those. I...like talking to you. You're fun." Her tone also adopted a level of flirtatiousness. This was how it went between the two of them. A little harmless it of back and forth. Being honest about the attraction while being dishonest with themselves on how much they actually wanted to go past just talk.

"I...well..heh...," Sam said. She always found a way to do this to him, to make him trip over his own words. When she first started coming in to the store he was sure it was all on accident. Selena was funny and intensely charming. At this point though he could definitely tell when she was turning it up on purpose.

"I like talking to you as well," he managed to get out despite his mouth going dryer than the Sahara. "You...ah...you're fun to. Wish we did it more."

"Yeah, me too," Selena said. Both of them were staring at the obvious. It might as well been a giant neon sign on both their heads. But both were acting like the signs didn't matter for their own reasons of nervousness and insecurity.

To Sam, this was Selena Gomez. She could pretty much have any man in the world. Rich, handsome, famous. Anyone she wanted. He was the manager at a store specializing in the slowly dying arena of physical media, and niche stuff at that. Not exactly prime choice.

For Selena, it was hesitation to even approach the possibility of a new relationship. Sometimes she even thought she was being too cautious. She had good reason but that reasoning was now basically cutting her off from having a real love life.

"We should watch something together sometime," Sam said, shattering the silence and completely surprising himself at what he blurted out. "Um..I mean...you know...watch something and then have like a conversation fresh from it, you know? Unless...nah...dumb idea..."

"It's not," Selena said, similarly blurting out a response that surprised her just as much as Sam. "There's a lot to be said about...fresh opinions about something. More raw. Besides, it'd be nice to watch a movie with someone who can appreciate it. Sometimes, when i watch with friends I just have to hear a running commentary. Sometimes it'd just be nice to enjoy a movie with someone. Savor the moment....the movie! The moments of the movie...savor...talk about them...oh, you know."

"Yeah...I mean not every movie needs to be like it's on Mystery Science Theater."

"I really should watch that show," Selena said. "I've got friends who swear by it."

"We could watch that together too...if you want to watch anything...you know...together."

A pause once more struck the two. Both were unsure of where to take this. Selena though decided to suck it up an steer the ship to wear they both knew they had wanted to go all along.

"How about we watch this one together?" Selena said, holding the movie up in her hand. "I mean you have me at a disadvantage, having seen it and all....so...how about it? Get a pizza or some drive-through burgers and just junk food it it up? All on me. My treat for being my movie guru."

"Eh, you know a lot, I'm not much a guru or a guide or anything."

"Is that a no?" she playfully asked, her smile warm and inviting.

"No, it's just...you know your movies too is all I'm saying." Sam took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts so his reply to her offer would be clear and concise. "I'd love to watch the movie with you. But, um...where do you want to watch?"

"Well, my place is kind of crowded with roomies and super cute dogs. I'd kind of want a more...focused film experience. So...your place? Is that cool?"

"Yeah, it's perfect...I mean, you know, perfect in that there's no else but me there. Well, there's the cat and the dog but they tend to keep each other busy. Friendly though. Is that a deal breaker?"

"Nope," Selena said. "Animals are a lot easier to quiet than than people. A nice bone and some catnip and they're happy and quiet fuzzballs."

"Cool...so...I guess I'll see you then. Can't wait."

"Well, there is one more thing," Selena said. Her tone clearly told him she wasn't a few words away from having second thoughts.

"What's that?"

"Well...I kind of need your address if I'm coming by."

"OH! Yeah...of course...duh. Um, once you pay for that come back and I'll write the address down on the receipt. And my number. All the important details."

"Great!" Selena replied. "This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait."

"Me neither." Sam agreed. "I'm really excited....to see the movie! You know...hang out."

"Oh totally me too!" Selena yelped. "I mean...you know, never seen this before...and...well, burgers, a movie and a friend...and cute dogs, sounds like a perfect night."



"Well...see you then...you know, after you get the receipt and everything."

"Yeah, of course. like a pre-order bonus," Selena said. She then took a moment, piecing together how flirtatious what she said sounded. "I mean...well...let me just buy this." She took the movie to the register, leaving Sam just as elated, excited and nervous as she was. Selena over her first date in a long, long time(that she wouldn't admit was a date), and Sam over spending some alone time with Selena Gomez. HE was sure all it was was two friends enjoying a movie together. He wouldn't allow himself to think otherwise.


The sun had gone down and night had fallen on Orange, California. While this was the cue for most houses to turn the lights on, in Sam's house the lights were dim save for his television set. On the screen was the film he had recommended. On the table was a simple yet guiltily satisfying meal for two of fast food burgers. Sitting next to Sam on the couch was Selena, who had not only brought herself and the movie but the food. It was her treat and not a money splurge, but she always had a soft spot for fast food burgers. It seemed like the perfect meal for a horror movie. Something that just tasted good.

While fast food was a weakness of Selena's, that weakness was always overpowered by something that grabbed her attention much harder. Demon Knight had done just that. Neither of them had uttered a word since the movie started. Random "wows" and "holy shits".

The lack of conversation wasn't something Sam or Selena disliked. They were there for the movie. Though there was a good exchange for the talking, in Sam's eye sat least. Slowly but surely during the movie Selena had scooted closer to him on the couch until she was practically resting her head on his shoulder. Her hand rested on his and more then a few times she buried her face into his shoulders during and overly gruesome scene, screaming and laughing and the silver screen scares.

All too soon the movie was over. Sam had to reluctantly get up to remove the disc and turn the lights on. Still, when he got a look at Selena's face the new view was a nice salve for the burn of moving away from her.

"That was SO good!" she exclaimed. "Oh my gosh...funny and scary...I love the whole thing with the eyes being the only way to kill a demon because they're the windows to the soul...and Billy Zane...so hot. Though I gotta admit...kind of crushing on William Sadler from that movie, not going to even try to lie."

"Well he certainly is a bit more dashing than usual," said Sam. "Glad it you enjoyed it."

"Like I said, you haven't steered me wrong yet." Selena got up from the couch. She leaned down to grab a stray fry that was left then headed towards Sam's kitchen. "Can't wait to see what's up your sleeve next. I'm thinking...something with a little more romance." She stopped in front of the fridge. "May I?"

"Of course." Sam answered. While Selena bent over and took a Coke from the fridge, he took a quick glance at her bottom and tried work up a little courage to follow up on her romance request. He hoped he wasn't going to be to upfront and blow the chance that had been presented to him. When Selena turned around and leaned against his kitchen counter as she opened the soda, he knew he had to seize his moment from the sound of the "ksh" as the can was opened.

"So what kind of romance are you looking for?" he asked, sitting on a bench on the other sit of the counter.

"Hmmmm, I think something a little funny." she replied. "But not like...sappy? Something that's actually funny instead of Hollywood just saying "Oh, girls will like this because it's got kissing and a some quirky 90s pop song that cute and upbeat." Like a real funny movie with romance where I believe the two people in it are actually falling in love. You know, some chemistry."

"Yeah, chemistry is important." Sam felt his mouth go dry. "It's kind of a must have."

"Mmmm hmmm," Selena said as she sipped from the can. She leaned a bit more over the counter. "I mean, if two people don't have it, you don't want to see them in the same scene at all." She took a quick breath. She was going to go for it. No turning back. She liked Sam. And it'd been far, far too long. And the chemistry? She could feel it.

"You know what the real litmus test for chemistry is though?" Selena asked, gently putting her hand on Sam's.

"Well, I'm certainly willing to hear it from someone who's in the film biz," Sam said.

"It's the kiss," said Selena. "See, dialogue is one thing. You can bullshit your way through dialogue. Honestly more than a few people have bullshitted their way to an Oscar. But never when it comes to romance. You can see it on the screen. And you can also tell that the actors feel the spark."

"I...well...I can't disagree with you there."

"Care for a demonstration?" Selena asked. Before there could be a verbal response Selena sealed things with a kiss. The minute he plump lips touched his the chemistry theory was instantly proved. Though it was less sparks flying as a blaze igniting. Just as the tips of their tongues touched ever so lightly in their lips lock, their mouths separated, Selena smiling a bit when her eyes saw a satisfyingly stunned Sam.

"Very good," Selena said. "I love it. But I how about for take two you come over to me. A bit more intimate."

Sam nodded. He slid off the stool and came to Selena. She was leaning her back against the kitchen sink now. Her face and gaze were seductive and sweet, her posture inviting. Those brown eyes of hers somehow brought to mind the film they had just saw. The heart and soul were right behind those beautiful eyes, energy radiating out and drawing him in like a tractor beam.

"No this time, I want you close," she said. "Very close. Your hands on me. Holding me. Does that work?"

"One hundred percent." Sam did exactly as Selena asked, putting his arms around her and resting his hands on the small of her back.

"And....action," Selena said. The pair's lips met again and the closer contact made all the different. Their tongues got a lot more contact time, rolling and caressing each other. Sam got a bit more emboldened, moving his hands south and taking a firm grip of Selena's ass.

"Bedroom," Selena said when the kiss broke. "Take me to your bedroom."

Sam led her Selena to her requested destination, flipping the light switch the moment they entered. The bedroom was cozy, a few framed posters on the wall. It wasn't as heavily decorated as as the rest of his home which was covered in some of the coolest looking memorabilia Selena had ever seen.

However the decorations were secondary to what she had her mind on in the moment. The bed look big and comfy and she was more than happy with the company in the room.

She reached behind her facing Sam and closed the door. Selena removed her shirt, pull the t-shirt over head as Sam watched, his brain now on autopilot. If he thought about what was happening too much he was worried he'd wake up. That made him a little speechless. Fortunately for them both, Selena was far from that, and was able to use her words to make things a lot more fun.

"You know Sammy, you're a little overdressed," she said as she unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor. "If I don't have a nudity clause, neither do you."

"O-o course," he said. Straining to take his eyes off her semi-nude from, Sam managed to do that just long enough to get out of his pants without toppling to the ground with the grace of a Jenga tower. With that mission accomplished he brought his eyes back to Selena just to catch the tail end of her final bit of undressing.

"Very nice," Selena said, looking at a stripped-down Sam. "You certainly know how to make a girl feel wanted. Lucky for you...I know how to make a man feel that way too."


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