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Mum's Hotel Ch. 01


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"He hasn't been active for over twelve years, which has been very frustrating for me. I went on dating sites online with no success, that was so disappointing for me. I was also on a role play site. I was looking for a younger man. I thought I had one. We arranged a meet he turned out to be seventy-year-old man, he'd sent me pictures of an eighteen-year-old with a monster cock as we wrote online, I asked him if he'd call me mummy when he was fucking me? That was another disappointment."   

"Jean, I'll give you cuddles anytime you want."  

She smiled, "I think you like my big tits; can I lock the door? The young trainee is good she's impressed me I know a lady in her early fifties whose recently been widowed, she trained as receptionist when she was young, she'll need to be taught how to use a computer, now give mummy a cuddle and tell her how her big titties feel, she'll bounce them for you? Darling, mummy didn't have a shower this morning, mummy wants her pussy clean for you. I'll take my panties off so you can give me a feel so you'll know how wet you make me."  

It impressed me how fast Jean got naked, one minute she was dressed, the next she was only wearing a pair of self-supporting silk stockings. Her body was amazing her breasts were massive the rest of her body curves complimented her massive tits she looked so cuddly I quickly stripped Jean gasped when she saw my massive erection, "Barry, your cock is magnificent it's bigger than the pictures the old man sent me I fantasised so much about the dick pictures he sent me now I've got yours to play with let me make him hard for you."  

I sat on my office chair Jean stood in front of me but leaned over so I had access to her tits and pussy I felt her take my bulbous head into her mouth I knew from the way she was angling her throat she'd be deep throating me soon. I slid a finger up and down her perfectly formed sex slit. Her vulva was swollen and hairless, her thick cunt lips were glistening with her cunt juice. I slipped two fingers deep inside her entrance. Jean gasped with pleasure as her head bobbed. Her lips were now wrapped around the base of my cock, she was deep throating me in a lovely way as she massaged my heavy balls with her head bobbing.  

She came off me, her eyes were fixed on my cock, "Barry, please take me. I want to feel this beauty inside me, it's easily the biggest cock I've ever seen."  

Jean was so wet I knew she'd take me easily, "Mummy, how do you want me to take you?"  

Jean smiled, "Hard and deep. I need it so much. Do me doggy style. I want all of you inside me."  

I bent Jean over the table I ran my bulbous head just inside long sex slit I positioned it the middle I pushed slowly I slipped so easily inside her I felt the head of my cock hit her cervix, "Fuck, this is fantastic I'm stretched but it feels so good, get a rhythm going, how's it for you?"  

I was getting a powerful rhythm going. Jean was good, she'd grip release, grip release, grip release with her strong cunt muscles. I had the feeling she was getting close. Her massive tits were bouncing uncontrollably as I pounded her pussy, "Jean, you're wonderful. You are giving me a lovely tight ride, you have a gorgeous tight pussy."  

"Baby, I'm so close keep going I'm so close, my cunt will always be tight for you, your cock is a perfect fit for my cunt, I'm cumming."  

I kept pounding her relentlessly her whole body was shaking the look of pleasure on her face told me so much, "Barry, that was incredible it's years since I had an orgasm as strong as that, keep going, bring me off again I'm good to go. When I'm doing my carer bit can I still see you?"  

"Of course you can, I think you'll still be working for me."  

"Baby, that would be great. I want you in a bed. I'll take you places you never knew existed; will you take over Tom's Penthouse? It's not a problem as I'll just give George a sedative, so we can fuck, I'm very noisy when I'm fucked hard. I love how you're fucking me now."  

"That's good. I'm happy you are enjoying it I'll have the Penthouse but I don't know if I'll use it as mum wants me to stay at home with her at the moment."  

"Darling, we'll work something out Tom was a womaniser I think he'd a lot of lady visitors to his Penthouse there was a silver Jaguar parked outside it a lot, I'm going to cum again cum with me darling let me feel your creamy spunk spurt on my cervix, cum for me, darling."  

We both climaxed within seconds of each other. Jean's orgasm was stronger than the first. She was now glowing. She sat on my knee. We kissed and touched lovingly for several minutes. The office used to be a bedroom. It still had its bathroom; Tom had said the noise from the kitchen which it was above was too loud to use as a bedroom, so he converted it into an office. Jean and I then showered she washed me everywhere as she was rinsing me, I was thinking about the silver Jaguar, "Jean, does the silver Jaguar have a private number?"  

Jean smiled, "Barry, you're clever it has the registration number LR 10 I take it you know who's car it is, thirty years ago when Liz was pregnant with her daughter, Andy was never away from the hotel reception when I was on duty he ogled at my tits, I'd push them out for him that excited him, he asked me out several times but my husband was looking after me, to be honest I wasn't interested, the Reed's are a wealthy family but Andy had a stroke ten years he can't get it up now but when he's in for his morning coffee if I'm on duty he comes over he still ogles my tits. I used to park my car in the apartment block car park I saw the silver Jaguar there several times I saw Liz and her sister Carol going into Tom's apartment block I'm sure if Liz knew about your monster cock, she'd be very interested in you, I'd better get dressed and get back to work. My pussy is tingling. It hasn't tingled so much for years, let me know if I can work for you."  

Jean left first. I thought of Liz Reed, Andy, her husband, was over twenty years older than her, he was the largest cement producer in the area, his son from his first marriage ran the company now. There was a coffee club that came into the coffee every morning, apart from Sunday, around forty business men would sit in a circle to chat and drink a coffee, Andy was full of himself. It was good to have these men around the hotel, but Tom never sat with them. I asked him once why he didn't sit with them; he told me he got things done. They were just dreamers.  

I went downstairs at ten-thirty Susan got me outside the kitchen, she whispered, "Barry, there's a funeral lunch coming in at eleven the numbers have gone up from one hundred to two hundred and twenty, I can't make our rendezvous."  

I told her there would be other times I went into the kitchen. They were on top of it. I helped them set up the buffet. Thirty minutes later, the panic was over. I went into the lounge where the morning coffee was served, there was thirty odd guys there including the Mayor and Andy, they all went quiet when I walked in, the mayor stood up he came over, he shook my hand, "Barry, I'm so sorry to hear about Tom's passing he created a wonderful here I'm sure you'll continue to run it the same way on behalf of all of us here I pass on our strongest condolences."  

The room was flooded with their hear, hear cries, I bowed my head in acknowledgement, "Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts, I will do my best to run the hotel to the same standard as Tom."  

I went into the Bistro for a quick lunch, my phone rang, it was Jo, "Hi Barry, how's your day going?"  

I quickly explained the situation with Jean wanting to go as carer for her husband, by doing this, she could save her house. I then said that Tom had always done the Purchase Ledger, the Sales Ledger came automatically from our computer system. I suggested we had the Purchase Ledger over to Jean, as she could do it from home.  

Jo thought it was a great idea. She was all for it. "Barry, it was an enormous shock for Jill when I told her about Tom when I got home last night, they were very close, Tom was like the father she never had. When she was eighteen, she passed her driving test, he bought her the Mini she's driving today.   

She's accepted what happened is part of growing up. Jo told me she'd be in the next day, she thanked me for letting her have today off.  

In the afternoon, I saw the silver Jaguar in the car park beside the Spa. I took a walk through the spa. I saw Mrs. Reed swimming in the pool. She shouted out, "Barry, may I have a word with you?"  

I walked over to the pool. Her massive tits were spilling out of her bathing costume, "Certainly, Mrs. Reed, how can I help you?"  

She swam over to me she had a gorgeous, voluptuous body she was wearing on her finger a cone diamond ring which looked over an inch and a half in diameter, "Barry, please call me Liz calling me Mrs Reed makes me feel old, I'm so sorry to hear about Tom he was a wonderful caring man, he has made this hotel what it is today. I'm so happy that you'll now be running it though you have a great number two in Jo. That was my hundredth length, so my swim is done for today, if I give you my mobile number, could you let me know the funeral details as soon as you know them as that is one service I wouldn't miss for the world?"  

She came out of the pool as she put on a towelling bathrobe. She said, "Barry, please let me get my phone as I can't remember the number, do you have time for a coffee with me?"  

I asked her what she'd like? I ordered two cappuccinos from the Spa bar; I sat down to wait for her. She came back with her mobile, her number was written on paper under the protective cover, she gave it to me. I dialled the number, it rang, Liz smiled, "Great, we have contact."  

We had our coffee, Liz told me how much she enjoyed her daily swim, she felt so much fitter; she told me she was getting her body back into shape as she was swimming every day and watching her diet.  

"I'll miss Tom, he always had a sparkle in his eyes, he was a very talented photographer, I was a model when I was younger. A lingerie company approached me if I'd like to model for them. They sent me some gorgeous samples. Tom took the pictures the company offered me the job but Andy said no as he didn't want his wife showing off her body, my job was now to look after him."  

She didn't look happy as she told me this, my mobile beeped I had a message from mum, "Liz, you're a beautiful woman you should be contented that you were offered the post, which would be a boost for your confidence I must go now but as I know the details of the funeral, I'll let you know, do you still have the lingerie pictures if you have I'd love you to WhatsApp them to me?"  

Liz smiled, "I'll send them tonight but for your eyes only, but I'd love your comments on them, thanks for the cappuccino next time it's on me."  

Mum's message was I had an appointment on Thursday afternoon with the tailor at two o'clock, did I want her to cook dinner for me tonight? I replied, thanking her for making the appointment, I would eat in the hotel as I still had a lot to do but I'd be home around nine. I'd love a glass of wine if she was still up. She sent me a thumbs up sign in reply.  

I went over to the penthouse. I wanted to see what was in the safe. Tom's laptop was sitting on the kitchen table. It had timed out, but the screen was blank but in the up position. It was easy to open the safe. The safe with many drawers. There was a lot of cash, gold bars, share certificates. It would take time to go through everything.   

I found an envelope with my name on it, it read, "Barry, you're now the boss. I wish you well. I want you to know Jo was my lover, Jill is my daughter. Please look after both of them. I'm sure you will appreciate my honesty in telling you this. Please check my laptop if it's not reset, please reset it for me, if the videos are still there, please delete, keep what you see to yourself as everything in them was consensual, the password for the laptop is the same as the safe combination. Thanks for being a great grandson, Tom."  

I went straight into the kitchen. The laptop hadn't been reset. I found the video files there was a lot of them under Fun in Bed; I opened Josie, Tom was fucking Josie, the mayor's wife. She was hot and taking it in every hole.  

Under the two sisters it was Liz and Carol, her sister, It was so hot they both had wonderful bodies.   

This was going to take a long time to get through as there were so many videos I opened 'My dream girls'. It was Jo and Jill, having a slut session with Tom. What they were doing with him stiffened my cock.

To be continued please give 5 Stars as this will encourage more people to read the story, comment and follow.

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RalphM346RalphM346about 2 months ago

I, Agree with me I agree with the other comments. I like the way Story sets up. However, The grammar Is so poor That it is Off putting. Desperately need An editor To help with sentence structure! Other than that, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story!

goatman96goatman962 months ago

Story is interesting but hard to follow as your writing is terrible. Your sentences run on and on and have several subjects and should be made into several distinct sentences with subject, verb and object, preferably in that order.

You desperately need an editor for grammar, etc as it is just too hard to read your writing as is.

Good luck in the future.

Lee2012Lee20123 months ago

A tad tough to read S I kept getting lost in your run-on sentences. None to worry as the concept kept me going. Love the lushes tits, myselfm. On to the mnexr, yes? Okh, BTW 5*

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Totally careless writing.

HOG57headHOG57head4 months ago

This story has so many possibilities. Ignore the haters. You could use some help editing. Please do t stop writing or sharing

bluerowdybluerowdy4 months ago

A disaster, could not follow. The same name for different characters? VERY CONFUSING, stopped reading before finishing first page. TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

lassidor1lassidor14 months ago

sorry but the plot is very similar to other stories and the grammar and punctuation are atrocious.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Poorly edited. Grammar is distracting.

Good start plot-wise but tiring to read.

Keep trying. Your effort is appreciated.

tallman441tallman4414 months ago

Good story. Why is it, every woman has huge tits? 5 stars

Moms_SonMoms_Son4 months ago

I'm using my username for this comment rather than making it anonymously. I'm not saying this to be mean or a troll, or anything like that. I hope you will take this in the constructive spirit I'm intending. I would be more interested in this story if these issues are addressed but they start so early that I don't even have a chance to get pulled in before they distract me. They start at the very beginning and continue throughout... or, well, I assume they continue because I stopped reading even before I got to the middle of page one.

You need an editor. There are several different problems...

Tenses, keeping your wording matching the tense you establish in each sentence. For example:

"In this story there IS a lot of mother and daughter sessions." should be "In this story there ARE a lot of mother and daughter sessions." That reminds me, this is also the first mention of any daughters. If you are going to use an introduction or forward, you should give us as much background information as is helpful to step into the story and start letting it flow over us.

Another one is here... "I HAD worked in the hotel since I was ten years old. I WAS now eighteen and if my grades WERE good in my exams, I would go to university to study law in September." You are using the first-person present tense to tell this story so, be aware of what words are that match your tense. "I HAVE worked in the hotel since I was ten years old. I AM now eighteen and if my grades ARE good in my exams, I would go to university to study law in September."

You have a problem that I had when I was younger... comma faults that create over-long, run-on sentences. It can be tough to keep track of what the sentence was about at the beginning by the time you get to the end of it. Example...

"I wondered about what Tom had said about mum divorcing dad and the evidence John had; I knew mum and dad argued a lot when dad was home and that wasn't often I'd seen many pictures of mum when she was younger she was a beautiful, tall, voluptuous woman, dad had used Tom's hotel for meetings he had met mum there he asked her out, I was sure that mum saw him as a rich, handsome man, mum had got pregnant, they'd got married then I was born."

That should be several sentences. One of the things I had to learn was that wherever I planned to use a comma to extend a sentence would a period be better? A sentence should be short and self-contained, as much as possible.

"I wondered about what Tom had said about mum divorcing dad and the evidence John had[.] I knew mum and dad argued a lot when dad was home and that wasn't often[.] I'd seen many pictures of mum when she was younger[.] She was a beautiful, tall, voluptuous woman[.] Dad had used Tom's hotel for meetings[.] [During one of his visits] he had met mum there [and] asked her out[.] I was sure that mum saw him as a rich, handsome man[.] Mum got pregnant and then they'd got married [before] I was born."

So, one long sentence can become up to 8 short sentences. Also, what is the significance of his mum seeing his dad as "a rich, handsome man"? Was she impressed by that which caused her to date him, rather than be she found him charming or fun or whatever? Or maybe, yes, she knew that he was rich but she went out with him because he was (a) handsome, (b) charming, (c) he had a big dick? As it is it gives us some background knowledge but doesn't just get worked into the story.

SLOW DOWN!!! I don't mean you, I mean your story, specifically the pacing of your story.

His grandfather dies, devastating both of the women. That night he goes to help close up the hotel for the night and then suddenly he and Jo are French kissing. Develop that. What is in their thoughts, are there subtle touches, efforts at seduction, lingering over moments. You can make the story as long as you want, there are no limits to how long a chapter can be. So, if it takes you one or two more pages to finish a chapter but really helps reel your readers in then it will be worth the extra effort. As I said, I gave up with the kiss with Jo.

If you want readers (and good scores) pay attention to the CRAFT of writing. Also, do be afraid to go back days, weeks, or even years later and polish or add to stories / chapters you have already posted.

Frankie1952Frankie19524 months ago

Loving this story. Please keep it going. So much fun to be had yet I reckon.

AardieAardie4 months ago

Also, sentence structure is a problem. Still, I managed to follow and enjoy the story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Punctuation, punctuation, punctuation. Otherwise - great story so far

muskyboymuskyboy4 months ago

Good idea but you badly need an editor. The characters are mixed up to the point it is almost unreadable. You need help with English as well.

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