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My Biker Baby Girl Ch. 01

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My biker babe becomes my lover when we are stranded.
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I have owned and ridden Harley-Davidson motorcycles all my life. I bought my first one when I was 17 years old and completely rebuilt it and rode that bike until the day my daughter was born. I sold the little Sportster that I had and walked into the hospital the day after she was born. I had a little hot pink helmet and a little leather jacket, also in hot pink. I looked at my wife Emily and noticed that she had a glow about her. She was holding our little K.C. (short for Katherine Caroline, both of our mothers' names) and the look in her eye was nothing but pure love for our little baby girl. We were young but well off parents. Both of our families had made sure to plan for our future with college and career at the forefront.

Emily was a salesperson for a local Harley-Davidson store and made pretty darn good money. This is how we met. I was a network engineer and got the bid for the local Ohio stores for networking them back to corporate in Minnesota. Emily was everything that you pictured a sales woman to be mixed with a little biker bitch. Emily could ride and, in fact, our first date was a ride in the country, me on my Sportster and she on her Heritage Softail. We had a blast riding through the hills and ended up falling in love. We were young when we married but made sure to not lose our goal of being independently wealthy by the time we were 40.

I told her that when our daughter was born, whoever had the higher income would continue working and the other of us would stay home with our little girl. Three months before our baby girl was born, Emily got a promotion to regional sales manager for the Midwest region. Her salary tripled and made my wages look pathetic. So, as planned, the day K.C. was born, I quit my job and planned to stay home with our little girl. I sold the Sportster so that I could buy a bigger bike for me to ride our little pumpkin on.

I was only 22 years old when she was born and her mother was nearly 29. I thought that I might go stir crazy sitting at home caring for a newborn but quickly found out that she was a full time job. Her mother went back to work after just four weeks and I was a full time, stay-at-home daddy. It worked out well as she was the apple of my eye and I could not deny her anything. I would lay my life down for my daughter in a heartbeat, no questions asked. Everything was going well. Emily did wonderfully at her new position but she was rarely home. She missed all of the important milestones that our little girl had.

When our little K.C. had just turned three years old, my wife's plane went down in a thunderstorm. She was on business on the company jet and we received quite a cash settlement from her death. I was devastated and I needed to be strong for our little girl. The money that we received was plenty for me to stay home with my baby girl throughout her childhood and into her teens.

My little girl has been a passenger on the back of my bike since she could hold on to me. I had gotten a supped up Ultra Glide when she was born and installed a pink leather seatbelt to help hold her in. We went riding every day that we could. If the sun was shining when she would get home from school, I would have her clothes laid out and the bike ready to roll when she got off of the school bus. She was my little sidekick and loved to ride with her Daddy.

The day that she turned 16 years old, I went and bought an RV with cargo space to carry our bike and a tow package for our pickup truck. I enrolled her in online school and we took off on the open road. She was well advanced in her studies and was able to take some college courses along with finishing her high school courses. We stayed in the south in the winter time and rode in the north in the summer time. We were going to visit all 48 continental states and then see what else we could get into.

My little girl turned into a very stunning individual, just like her mother. She had long dark wavy hair that she kept cut just above her waist. She had 34C cup tits and a little booty on her that was accented while she was in her hot pink chaps. We would stay in one place for a week, park the RV on a campground and take the bike out and get lost. We found some wonderful roads for riding and documented our trip from start to finish. My little girl wrote in her journal every night about our trip that day. She had quite the collection of journals throughout the months.

The day that she turned 18 was a special day in both of our lives. I was going to be 40 in a couple of weeks and wanted to do something special with her on her 18th so that she might return the favor on my 40th. We were in Colorado, in July, when she turned 18. We were camping in the Rocky Mountains and had some rain off and on all week. The forecast was favorable enough to plan a ride on her birthday. We shared a bedroom with separate beds. I had gotten up early and started the coffee and got some pancakes going. I hadn't heard anything out of her by 8:00 am so I went into our room and opened the curtains and stripped her covers off of her to find my beautiful baby girl lying there naked with her hand in her pussy. Her legs gently spread apart and sleeping like a little angel.

I panicked for a minute. I was not supposed to see my little girl like this. And I was definitely not supposed to enjoy looking at her like this as much as I was. I could feel my cock getting hard in my pants, straining against the zipper, trying to get out. I quickly covered her back up and walked out into the hallway and adjusted my growing cock in my jeans. Day in and day out, we were in this RV either driving or cooking or bathing in this close space. Of course, I noticed my little girl growing up. I was a single dad without a lover for years. I noticed everything about her turning into a woman.

The first time that I had to take her to buy bras; she teased me making me look at each and every one that she tried on. It had been a wonderful two years on the road but my patience was wavering. I walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. I should have splashed some cold water on my dick so maybe it would go down to normal before my baby girl got up out of bed.

I wasn't sure what to do here. What the devious side of me wanted to do was not something that a Daddy should think of himself doing to his little girl. The good side of me said "Just go in there and sit on her bed and wake her up with a gentle shake." I did the latter.

I adjusted my hard cock again and went back into our bedroom, sat down on the side of her bed and brushed her hair out of her face. "Pumpkin, it is time to get up. Happy Birthday baby girl, you are now an adult. "

Her eyelashes batted open and she took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the sunlight pouring through the windows. She smiled and said, "Oh thank you Daddy. And good morning to you my handsome daddy!"

I smiled at that. She had called me her handsome daddy since she was about five and found out what the word handsome meant. "I have breakfast almost ready and a route planned for the day. Why don't you get up and shower while I finish up the bacon."

"Mmmmm, daddy, it smells so good. You should go check on the bacon; it smells like it is getting burnt."

She wanted me out of the room so she could get her robe on. "Alright baby girl, I will give you some privacy. I know when I am not wanted." I feigned sadness with a pouty lip.

"Oh go on, daddy, get out of here and let me get showered."

I rose and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you sweet pea. I can't believe that you are 18 years old now. Time has gone so fast. Get a move on little lady."

I walked out into the hallway and glanced back to see her pull the covers off of her and lean out of bed to reach her robe. Her tits were absolutely perfect. Her nipples were huge and standing straight out on end. That image would be emblazoned in my brain all day with her breasts rubbing in my back all day. Ugh!

I finished up our breakfast and she came out in her summer riding gear. A hot pink leather riding halter, her hot pink leather chaps with her matching hot pink leather boots and tight black jeans. She looked stunningly beautiful and I gasped as my cock began to harden inside my pants again. Her black hair was braided and she had a hot pink leather sheath that she wore for riding around her two foot long braid.

"Baby doll, you look breathtaking! You are going to get some looks today for sure."

She smiled at me and said, "The only one I want looking at me, is you, daddy." She winked at me and walked over to me and gave me a big hug. "Let's go over the map over breakfast daddy. And you can tell me of your plans for my 18th birthday. I sure hope that it is something special, something that I have been dreaming of for years. I am hoping that my wish comes true today!"

We sat down and ate our breakfast. We went over the routes that we were going to take and how far out we would ride to make it safely back by sundown. We were actually going to top the Rocky Mountains and see what was on the other side of the mountain we were camping on. We packed up our saddle bags and packed a picnic lunch that we planned on stopping in a remote little area in the mountains and having lunch. It was going to be a good day.

The sun was shining and there were only a handful of clouds in the sky. They were big and white and fluffy and looked like bags of cotton balls floating in the beautiful blue sky. I got our bike out and K.C.'s helmet as she was still required to wear a helmet in this state. It was warm enough to ride without her face shield so I took the half helmet which was black with hot pink flames going down the sides.

When she saw the helmet as I wheeled the bike around the camper, she began pouting. "Do I have to daddy? No one will stop us and ask."

"Sweetheart, as much as I would love to say yes, you know that I don't break the laws when it comes to helmets. Would you rather have your full face shield?"

"No, daddy, if I have to wear one, I guess that one is better. Thank you Daddy!"

Now, on our last trip into town, I had gotten a new set of pipes. I installed them two days ago but hadn't had my baby girl on the back of the bike with the new pipes yet. I watched her put her helmet on while I got the bike started and settled in myself. When she was ready to get on, I braced the bike as she climbed behind me and rubbed her tits down my back as she was getting situated.

Once we got out of the campground and scooted on up the highway, K.C. grabbed me around my waist and hugged me. "Thank you daddy for being the best daddy a little girl could hope for. I love the new pipes daddy. Our Sadie is so much louder and vibrates even more. Awesome feeling daddy!"

My little girl just confessed to me that she loved the vibrations of our bike. Now, I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure there are only a couple of places that those vibrations could have an impact. My cock started growing again, thinking about my little girl's pussy getting wet on the back of our bike with her hands wrapped around my waist. If her hands went two inches lower, she would be feeling the head of my cock. Now the vibrations were getting to me...ugh, it was going to be a long day.

We had figured that it would get chilly the closer to the top of the mountain. We had no idea the temperature change as we climbed this beautiful mountain. We figured it would take two hours to get to the top of the mountain and we were going to go down the other side two hours and have lunch and head back. We had been heading steadily up through some of the most beautiful roads we had ever been on. K.C. always had her camera out and taking these stunning photographs as we rode.

We got about a half hour from the top and finally had to pull over and get our leather jackets on. We were on a deserted highway as we pulled over. K.C. got off the bike first and I could see her nipples poking through that pink halter top. Her nipples were so hard that they looked to be painful. She was shivering but she was always a trooper when it came to riding with daddy.

We put our leathers on and our gloves and got back on Sadie. By the time we got to the top of the mountain, it was pretty darn cold on the back of that bike. Did you know that it can snow in July in the tops of the Rocky Mountains? I did not know this and when we topped the mountain, it was like driving into an episode of The Twilight Zone. The trees were covered with snow and the sky looked to be black ahead of us. I could feel my little girl's grip on me become tighter. She was nervous looking at the road ahead of us. I had to admit that this was the most nervous I had ever been with her on the back with me. What I didn't know about the Rockies was that sometimes the storms stopped at the peaks and never made it over onto the eastern side of the mountains. I wouldn't have called it a blizzard but it was definitely not Harley riding weather.

The roads were getting slushy and very hard to maneuver in. We needed to find somewhere to stop and wait this weather out. We were already down the mountain a half an hour and when we looked behind us to see about going back, it was definitely out of the question. I pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the bike for a minute. I turned around and looked my little girl in the eye and knew that she was scared out of her wits. The expression on her face was enough to make my decision. We were going to stop at the first place that we could find and seek shelter.

"Daddy is going to find us somewhere safe to stay for a little while. We cannot try and make it back up this mountain road, pumpkin. We have not seen another vehicle in more than an hour and Daddy can't risk his little girl's life or safety. Hold on to Daddy, pumpkin, we'll find something up ahead soon, I am sure."

I put the bike in gear and took off very slowly in the slushy mess on the road. Not even a quarter mile up the road, we found a paved driveway up to a cabin overlooking this side of the mountain. Now it was almost noon and their safety light that you see in so many country homes was lit. The cabin sat off the road about a quarter mile and the driveway was winding up ever so slightly.

We pulled up to the cabin and saw that it was deserted. There were no cars in the driveway and the house looked quite closed up. There was a barn to the right of the house and I chose to take the bike up there and at least get her out of the snow. If nothing else, we could at least get warm in the barn. I got off the bike and opened the unlocked barn door and opened it wide. I pulled the bike into the neatest barn I had ever seen in my life. Everything was hung neatly on hooks designed to specifically hold that item. I turned the bike off and the instant silence startled us both.

"Daddy, I am scared. What are we going to do?"

"Well, baby doll, we are going to walk up to the house and see if we can't find a way in. Maybe we will be lucky and find a fire place or furnace to use to warm us up. We can eat our lunch and try to figure out what we are going to do. Don't worry; Daddy will protect his little princess."

I grabbed our lunch out of the bike and took her hand in my other hand. We walked out of the barn and I shut the door. We walked up to the cabin and found it to be locked up tight. I searched for a key over each of the door jams on the front porch to come up empty handed. Then I glanced into one of the window sills and saw a strategically placed rock in the corner. C'mon really, people were still using those fake rocks for hiding keys?

I picked up the rock in the corner of the windowsill and turned it over. Sure enough, there was a secret compartment there and when I opened it, found the key to the front door. I unlocked the door and led my little girl, so cold and scared into an unknown cabin. I flicked the light switch to find that the electric was out. It was still technically daylight out but it seemed to be just before dusk with as little light was coming in the windows. I shut the door and glanced around.

We entered the living room that had a high cathedral ceiling and a huge fireplace and mantle on one side of the cabin. There were three couches and a huge coffee table facing the fireplace with two deer heads and a moose head hanging above the fireplace. The rack of wood next to the fireplace was stacked full of wood that would last a couple of days if we needed it. We were soaked from the snow falling down on us and we were dripping onto the hardwood floor.

"Baby doll, we have to get out of these wet clothes. Why don't you find the bathroom and take off your wet leather and I will try and find us some dry clothes." We walked down the hallway and she veered off when she found the bathroom with a shower stall big enough for five people at once. "Sweetie, why don't you see if the water is on and if we have hot water? I'll try and find us some dry clothes to put on."

I walked into what seemed to be the master bedroom and went to the closet. I opened the closet door to find nothing but flannel shirts and jeans that were twice the size of my waistband. The shirts that were hanging in there were all XXXL and we were both going to swim in them. Oh well, it was dry clothes and we weren't going to be in a fashion show. I grabbed two shirts out and turned to look at the bedroom. There was a king size bed made out of oak timber and piled high with quilts. There was a dresser and when I opened the first drawer, found big thick hunter socks. I grabbed two pair. There was also a smaller fireplace in here with a stack of wood next to it as well.

The fantasies immediately started flowing through my brain. The images of my baby girl that I had glimpsed at that day and the way her nipples were poking through her little halter top were making my cock hard again. The things that we could get away with up here in this mountain cabin were endless. What was I thinking? I cannot do that to my little girl. My pride and joy was all that I had left besides the millions that I had in the bank. Stop it! You cannot do those things to your daughter.

I walked back down the hallway and heard my little girl moaning. "K.C., are you all right?"

I heard her shuffle around a bit and stammer out, "I...am...I am okay, daddy...did you...find anything...daddy?"

She seemed to be out of breath. What had she been doing in there? Had she been playing with her pussy again? I knew she masturbated. And I am sure that she knows that I jack off. For God's sake, we share the same bedroom. Things happen when you are alone and you think that your roommate is sleeping. I knew that she had been playing with herself last night as I caught her hand in between her legs this morning. Oh, that image flashed in my head again. She is so fucking beautiful. Why am I lusting after my own daughter?

"Here baby doll, I found some warm flannel shirts. It is going to be big on you but we can roll up the sleeves. I also found some socks that are going to be like stockings for you but they will keep your feet warm. Here you go baby."

She opened the door a crack and I could see that her halter top was off and that she had no panties on. I could see the back of her naked torso in the mirror across the room. My cock sprang to life seeing her braided ponytail hanging down to the crack of her ass. I handed her the shirt and socks and stepped back hoping that she hadn't seen my hard cock sticking out of my jeans.

I have got to get control of these urges. I couldn't bear to hurt my little girl. She opened the bathroom door and said, "Well, what do you think Daddy?" The shirt hit her leg at her knee and the socks came up over her knee. She looked absolutely beautiful in this big man's clothes. The very next thing that I noticed was that her nipples were hard and poking straight out. "Daddy, why don't you get out of your wet clothes and we can start a fire. There is no hot water but the water does work."

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