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My First Blowjob, But I'm not Gay Ch. 11

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Wife outs Stevie to girlfriends, dresses him and drops him.
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Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 01/25/2024
Created 06/23/2020
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I apologize for the big gap in this series, but I had to wait for an inspiration. I hope you like it. I recommend you read prior chapters to understand characters and context. Happy reading, and comments and feedback are always appreciated!


I hurried home hoping my wife wouldn't be mad that I was late, and wondered how mad she would get when I told her I was going to go over to Roger's, and not let her dress me up. As I approached the house I noticed three cars in the driveway. I recognized two as belonging to girlfriends of my wife. I hung my bike on the rack in the garage and walked into the kitchen, grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked into the den to face the women.

"You're late Stevie. You know we have plans."

"Sorry about being late. I'm going to go get cleaned up."

"The girls didn't believe me when I told them about our plans for tonight, and how you just love getting dressed up like the woman you wish you were."

"Hon, you promised that would be our secret."

"Oh, Stevie, they didn't believe me until I showed them this."

She clicked the remote control to our 60 inch TV, and there was a picture of me, fully dressed in drag and giving a seductive look. The girls all started giggling. I was turning red blushing in embarrassment. "Turn that off! Please!"

"Stevie, I thought we had an agreement, no fucking other men, or should I say getting fucked by other men, without me. If you can't keep that agreement, you can't expect me to keep your secret."

She clicked the remote again and there I was, dropping to my knees this morning in front of Gus' amazing cock. The girls were all giggling as I chased his cock with my mouth as he slapped my face with it. I stood there, frozen, spellbound, as I watched myself take his cock into my mouth on the big screen.

I couldn't believe she was showing this to her girlfriends. They were all big gossipers and they would tell their husbands, and the whole neighborhood, for sure. Gus was now plunging his big, fat cock into my ass, which elicited a couple of "Oohs" from the girls.

"How do you take that monster up your ass? I'd never let a man that big fuck me! and never in the ass!" one of them commented. I looked on and realized this was now reality for me. To the world I am a gay cock sucker bottom, regardless of what I think.

I decided to have some fun with the girls. "You better not tell your husbands or they may come see me, and I guarantee they will prefer me." And I walked out of the room to go take a shower.

As I dried off, I realized the wife was standing there watching me. "Where did your girlfriends go?" I asked.

"They left in a hurry to go tell their husbands what a faggot you are. I don't think you are going to get invited to any more poker games."

"Maybe I will, and just maybe we'll do more than play poker," I resonded.

"You really are a faggot. Hurry up. I'm going to make you up like the cock whore you really are."

I had shaved my body in the shower so I'd be smooth for Roger, but the wife had other ideas. I saw a black, lacy bra, bikini panties, a black lacy dress, black lacy garter belt and black fishnet stockings laying on the bed. And of course, my (my?) silicone falsies. My mind wondered how sexy I would look in it. I knew she had me. I wasn't going to be able to resist wearing that sexy dress.

"Now get in here so I can put on your makeup and make you look like the woman you wish you were. You know you want to look like a whore so men will know you want them to fuck your mouth and gay ass."

I had to admit she could work wonders with makeup. I sat there patiently as she worked her magic. She put my Marie Osmond wig on. When she was done, I looked in the mirror and was surprised to see myself. She had done a masterful job, and I thought I might be able to pass as a woman in a dark bar, but she had overdone it. What I saw was a woman that looked like a whore.

"Why did you make me look like a whore?"

"Because you are a whore, a COCK whore. Wait until you see yourself in your new dress."

I had to admit that I loved the act of getting dressed, rolling my stockings up my smooth legs, and adjusting my falsies in my bra. I looked in the mirror, admiring how sexy I looked. I really liked how my garter belt rode on my hips and held my fishnet stockings up. I was spinning around so I could see how hot my ass looked in my new panties. She walked in and handed me the dress and said "You really look like a whore don't you? You can't resist staring at yourself in the mirror. I do have to say, though, you do have a figure most women would die for. Wait until you see this dress on you. You will have all the men staring at you and wanting to get in those sexy panties and your gay ass. I'll go get your red four inch heels."

I held the dress up and could see through it. It was a fine black mesh with black lace all over it. There was no zipper and I would have to pull it on like a sweater. It had a wide neck and a plunging neck line. I carefully pulled it over my head carefully, so not to mess up my wig or makeup. It. was strechy, fitting snugly to my curves. The low v-neck was barely high enough to cover my bra, and definitely showed off my push up bra with silicone aided cleavage. And short! It barely was below my ass, but did show off my tanned, smooth legs.

"You are so Gay! You can't stop admiring what a sexy bitch you are. Here, put on your heels, it time to go."

I put on my heels and followed her down the hallway. It struck me how good I was getting at walking in these things, and I loved the way they accented my legs and ass. I had always noticed that on women, and now it was my legs and ass. The thought that others, especially men, would notice, hopefully stare at me excited me. I caught up with the wife in the kitchen as she was grabbing her purse.

"I need a purse, too. Where am I going to carry my phone and other stuff? This dress is skin tight and doesn't have any pockets."

"You won't need your phone where you are going. You'll be too busy. Now get in the car, Bitch!"

"Listen Hon, please don't call me bitch. We've been married way too long for name calling."

"You listen up, Bitch, don't call me Hon. You lost that privilege when you started sucking men's cocks and letting them fuck your gay ass. I'll have to decide how I want you to address me, until then, all I want to hear out of your mouth is Yes Ma'm and No Ma'm. And it better be in your sweetest, most feminine voice."

"Yes, Ma'm, but where are we going? You aren't dressed up for going out like me?"

I got only silence from the wife as she drove towards downtown. She refused to tell me where we were going. Finally as we got downtown, she spoke. "Tonight you look like the slut that you are. You will have to fend for yourself tonight. The way you look, as far as I'm concerned, you can walk the streets with that sexy, feminine stride of yours, in your high heels. That comes so naturally for you. Real men couldn't master walking in heels like you have, and the way you swing your ass. You are so GAY."

She pulled up to the curb in front of the last real theater in town that showed Adult films, usually gay subjects. I had never visited before, but understood that movies ran continuously, and you could stay for as long as you wanted. "Now get out of my car, you Bitch!"

"I don't have any money to buy a ticket."

She reached into her purse and pulled out a ten dollar bill. "This should cover the ticket and leave you enough to by a coke to wash down all the mens cum you are going to swallow tonight."

I got out and looked up and down the street waiting for her to pull off. Instead, she rolled down the passenger window and said, "so you're going to be a street walker? Go on in."

I leaned over and looked into the window. As I did so, I realized that with my high heels, my ass was sticking out, and my skin tight dress was barely covering it. It made me feel, and I know, look sexy. "Please, Ma'm, can I get in and we go home?"

A man walking down the street came up behind me and patted me on the ass. "If you aren't going to get in, want to come watch a movie with me?"

The wife spoke before I could come up with a response. "Looks like you already have the horny vultures circling. You better go on in with him before you attract the vice squad. You do make a pretty prostitute. Maybe you could turn your new passion into a moneymaker."

"Go to hell!"

I stuffed the ten dollars in my bra and turned to see the man standing at the theater ticket booth, watching me. He looked like a middle aged businessman that was probably in town on business and looking to kill the evening. I smiled at him and turned and walked away. I needed a walk to clear my head and get my act together. As I walked, I realized that I was alone in public for the first time. I wasn't in the security of a dark bar, and I felt particularly vulnerable, yet free, without my wife with me.

I had walked several blocks before I had to stop for a red light. It dawned on me that I had walked so far in my high heels and was enjoying how they sounded on the sidewalk and caused my ass and legs to flex. I felt so sexy swinging my ass, knowing I was drawing stares from people in the vehicles driving by. I also knew their headlights hitting my semi transparent dress was giving all a great view of my lingerie. I looked across the street and saw the downtown Hilton. I assumed the man at the theater must have been staying there. I turned around to go see if I could find him in the theater to see if he could give me a ride home. As I walked, I caught my reflection in the store front windows and thought, wow, what a hot chick! My skin tight dress showed off my bubble ass, flat stomach, and small fake boobs. It was so short it barely covered my ass and made my shapely legs look long. I looked so hot I would fuck me, especially knowing there is a big cock between those sexy legs.

My mind was confused as I walked, admiring a hot woman's reflection, a thought a straight man would have. But I knew it was my reflection in the windows. I loved how hot I looked, dressed in drag, which was definitely not a thought a straight man would have. Part of me missed the athletic, alpha male I had always been. But one thing was definitely different, I knew now that I love cock and having sex with men.

I made it back to the theatre and walked up to the ticket booth. It was being worked by an elderly lady. She spoke as I approached. "You sure look sexy, Hon. I love your dress. Have you ever been here before?"

Careful to sound feminine, "No, and I never thought I would. But, there is always a first time for everything."

"When I was young like you, and still had my beauty, I would suck every man that showed up. Not nearly as many men show up these days. Are you here for fun? or are you working?"

"Working? NO. I'm not a prostitute. I missed my ride home and hope to find one. But, I do love cock." I reached into my bra to grab my money. "How much is a ticket?"

"No charge for ladies. Have fun and I hope you find a ride."

I walked in to find a gay movie showing. Both were stud's with big cocks. One was on his knees sucking the other. I stood there for a minute to let my eyes adjust to the darkness, and then slowly walked down to the front. When I got there, I turned and shaded my eyes to see If I could pick out the man I had seen earlier. As I looked around, I noticed there were on about a dozen men spread about. As I looked closer, I could see that several of the men had what appeared to be another man leaning over them giving them a blowjob. It occurred to me that by standing in front the movie was lighting me up, giving them all a great view of me, including my lingerie through my sheer dress. I stood there for a few minutes, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, shifting my weight and pushing my hips from side to side. I knew I had their attention as I started to slowly walk back up the isle, still looking for the man from earlier. I didn't see him. It hit me that he must be one of the men giving another man a blowjob.

All the men were staring at me as I walked up the isle. I looked at each one, like I was picking out the best piece of fruit at the grocery. Each tried to get my attention as I walked past. I saw a good looking man, dressed in a suit that motioned me to sit next to him. I paused and sized him up, and then shuffled down the row and took the seat next to him on his left He immediately put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I put my hand on his leg and started moving it up and down, getting closer to his crotch each time.

"Hi, good looking. I'm Stevie. Are you enjoying the movie?"

He whispered "I'm Bill, and I'd prefer a straight movie, but it's ok. It isn't nearly as good as what we are going to do. You want to suck my cock, don't you? or would you rather go back to my room and let me fuck that sexy ass of yours?"

I ran my hand up to his crotch and moved it over his bulge. I gently moved it back and forth on it, and started squeezing it more firmly. I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be big, and he wasn't fully erect yet. Before I could answer his questions, I felt another man's hand rubbing on my left thigh. I turned to see it was the man I had seen out front. I spoke to him, "so did you enjoy giving another man a blowjob? Why now the interest in me? Want to make it look like you aren't gay?"

"I'm not gay, I'm looking to get a blowjob."

I turned back to the first man and said "Let's go back to your room where we can have some fun, just the two of us."

"Why don't you give your friend a blowjob first. I would love to watch, and then we'll go back to my room."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, it would be hot to watch, and as I watch, I will be looking forward to fucking you."

I turned back to my left and said, "Pull out your cock, and I'll suck it, but only if you say you are gay loudly enough for everyone around us to hear."

He pulled his cock out and I thought, this is my lucky night. I started to stroke his fat cock that was at least seven inches. "Let's hear it, admit you are gay, or my date I are leaving."

"I admit I'm gay."

"Louder, and also say you love to suck cock."

I continued to slowly stroke his big cock as he looked at me with pleading eyes. I took my hand off his cock and stared back. He reluctantly blurted out, "ok, I'm gay and I love to suck cock. Now please suck me."

I smiled and turned in my seat and scooted down to the edge on my left hip, turning so I could comfortably feast on his nice cock. I also had to focus on keeping my legs tightly together, being sure to keep my stuff in the front so the man on my right wouldn't discover my surprise that I had waiting for him if he started to rub my ass while I was sucking the other man's cock.

I resumed stroking his cock and leaned over and engulfed the head, swirling my tongue around the head and slowly started moving my lips up and down the shaft, maintaining suction and using my tongue on the freneum. The flickering of the light and the moaning and sound effects from the movie made it extremely erotic. I noticed a man had come and sat next the the man I was sucking, and had his cock out and was stroking it. I also felt the man on my right starting to massage my back and ass. My cock was hard as a rock and had escaped my black lace panties, which were holding it against my stomach. The man I was sucking reached over and was now stroking the newcomer. The man rubbing my ass worked his hand up around my body and was massaging my false breasts. How I wished they were real so I could enjoy the sensation of his hand on my breast.

I could feel my cock straining and needing attention, but I didn't want to cum in this situation. Doing so would make a big spot on the front of my skin tight dress, making it obvious to anyone that looked that I was really a man. I was working frantically on the cock in my mouth, giving it my best, moaning on it, hoping I could get him to cum before me. It occurred to me that being in drag, cock in my mouth, watching him stroking another man, and having another man massaging me, all in a Gay Porn Adult movie theater, was an amazing turn on and that I was on the verge of cumming without touching my cock.

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cdCindy1cdCindy17 months ago

Me again -- forgot to mention, I would love for my wife to out me to all her girlfriends. I want them all to know that I'm a sissy faggot crossdressing bottom bitch cocksucker. They would all tell their husbands and I would become the neighborhood cocksucking. I can't wait.

cdCindy1cdCindy17 months ago

I would love to be feminized by my wife and then go to a Gay AVS and suck cock and get fucked. Like the guy in this chapter -- I ADMIT THAT I'M GAY.

I'm also a sissy crossdressing faggot -- AND I LOVE IT !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This series is so entertaining and very hot. I hope there will be another chapter. It seems like there is some unfinished business.

I'm not the CD type but if a guy I was with one evening wanted me to wear lace panties, a teddy or something like that it would be fun.

I have enjoyed this series a lot. It has been fun and very hot.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very hot stories. Thx

GayleCDVS120sGayleCDVS120sabout 1 year ago

an ex girlfriend feminized me and got me into crossdressing. soon after, she introduced me to toys. She made me watch video after video of CD's giving blowjobs. She introduced me to Virginia Slims 120's, telling me that it would enforce being a feminized version of my former self. Within 6 months, i was giving her gay friends smokey blowjobs. She made sure i told them I needed to suck cock and that I was gay.

We're still friends to this day. Ironically, I'm the one with several boyfriends. She got fat and cant seem to find a steady man!

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