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My Naga King Ending

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When evil gets over confident it loses in the end...
4.1k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 07/21/2013
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(I have to really thank everyone who stayed with me this long, if you didn't read my comment on the chapter before this I'm warning you one final time now. As the author I hate this ending but I couldn't wrap my head around any of my other ideas. I was a little optimistic about the last chapter just because of the bit of sex I didn't like anything else. There is a little epilogue after the large page break if you want to read that.)


I groaned as I came to I was lying in a plain white room. I moved to get up and my legs felt like jello, I fell forward as soon as I did. I felt a shiver up my spine, it was as if they had injected me with muscle relaxers while I was unconscious. I heard laughter coming from behind the main door I crawled toward it, it wasn't like I was stupid enough to try and use the window in my state. I reached the door and saw the flickering of the television from the other side. I backed away and rolled on the carpet to conduct a bit of electricity.

The light quickly flickered and went out, I sat up and soon the door opened it was my mother.

"Oh I see you're awake."

She walked out and I cocked my head, oh I see you're awake? That's all she had to say to me? She came back in with a wheelchair and helped me into it.

"The little potion we gave you should keep you mostly helpless and I wouldn't continue to use that little power of yours."

Of course I had to agree with her, the wheelchair was uncomfortable and all metal, even the seat had been removed. She wheeled me into the living room and stopped by the couch. Some stupid sitcom was on the television, I tried to reach Zeos and was hit with a wave of pain. It wasn't something was very good at to begin with but I had never messed up like this. My mother clicked her tongue as if disapproving.

"Tsk tsk tsk, didn't I tell you that the potion would keep you helpless? You should learn to listen."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm mostly bitter."

"Because I upset your precious Juniper? In case you don't know the whole story she isn't really your daughter."

"I know that, but she has been like one."

I stared at her.

"You knew?"

"Of course, ever since she came into this world I knew."

She set a cup of tea on the side table next to me, I crossed my arms.

"Would you prefer something else?"

"Yes, information."


"If you knew Juniper wasn't your daughter why did you keep her?"

"I had to, it wasn't like I was getting another one not to mention I know you aren't really my daughter either."

I bit my lip.

"Now sit there and be quiet my show is on."

I rolled my eyes.


For and hour or so I tried to wriggle my legs, I did feel pain from trying to overwork them but that was a good sign. I glanced over at my mother, if you could call her that, and cleared my throat she only looked over when a commercial came on.

"How long are you expecting to keep me here?"

"Until the baby is born, do you need something to eat? Or perhaps you have to go to the bathroom."

I shuddered, I didn't want anything that involved needing her assistance.

"No...where's dad?"

She smiled, I swallowed nervously.

"What did you do to him?"

"Use your imagination."

I frowned.

"Dad! Dad! Where are you!?"

She cursed and got up.

"Fine I'll go get him."

She got off the couch and walked back toward the room I had come from, she returned with my dad. He 'looked' at me with eye sockets, as if he was just a vessel I swallowed.

"Your friend needed a little something to return to her other form, this is all that is left."

I swallowed thickly, it appeared that my tears couldn't even come I think they were afraid too. She sat him down on the ground and patted his head like he was a dog he 'stared' into space with a blank look on his face.

"You're a monster."

"Oh I'm no monster, a monster would have happily killed you and your little bastard as soon as she was alone with you. Juni wants your baby though so I'll play nice."

"How......how could you say that to your own daughter?"

She sat back down and grinned.

"I couldn't, but you aren't my daughter so it's nice and easy."

I sniffed and stared at what was left of the only father I remembered, he twisted his head as he noticed I was staring. I looked away.

"What are you keeping him alive for?...Is he alive?"

"Something like that, more of a ghoul, their so obedient."

"You know more than you're letting on...."

She smiled.

"But of course."

"So you know Juniper is Matilda and she's just trying to get back at me?"

She smiled a little wider.

"I'm afraid you have the wrong information."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Will you stop playing games with me? Just tell me."

"It's rather obvious."

I stared at her for some time then it slowly clicked.


She clapped her hands.

"Oh bravo took you long enough."

I swallowed.

"You knew who Zeos was?"

"Not at first, I have always had trouble using my powers this body just isn't strong enough."

"Why don't you just use your other form like your mother can?"

"Because I'm unable to, that's where your baby comes in."

"This whole thing is going in circles."

She rolled her eyes.

"I'll spell it out for you, I'm just using Juniper, she's nice and young we can get her lactating and when the brat is eighteen mother can put my soul inside it."

"And if it's a boy?"

"Sweetie you've spent an awful lot of time around demons, you should know that the gender doesn't matter to a demon."

She crossed her arms.

"Anything else, or can I watch my show in peace?"

I sighed and got quiet.


Sometime later I felt the sharp tingling sensation that told me that my legs were trying to wake up. I looked down and saw that what was left of my modern day father had made a couple of incisions on each leg. Instead of bleeding something purple was dribbling out, I squeeze his shoulder gently, he smiled slightly. I glanced over at the couch and noticed we were alone.

"Where is she?" I whispered.

He twisted his head toward the hallway.

"Can you find a phone?"

He shook his head I made a face.

"If I found a phone, would it work?"

He shook his head again I sighed, I still couldn't reach Zeos or anyone else, I didn't even know what else Lily was up to. He laid down and moved as if he was playing dead, she walked back in and stretched.

"Oh you're awake."

I was beginning to hate that sentence.


"Well you need to eat, my body needs to be in good condition when it comes into the world."

I shook my head, she walked into the kitchen and came out with a small brown case. She opened it and showed me a mix of syringes.

"Either you can eat or I can help you, trust me, as much as I detest you I won't harm you while you carry Zeos's child. After all, having a bit of his DNA in me would help me with my 'stunted growth'."

I frowned and only nodded, I think a lot of people would given the choice. She closed the case.

"Good girl."

She walked back in the kitchen to make something, I sighed then bit my lip.

"Where are Gina and Eric?"


"Did you do something to them?"

"Not a bit, I might need them later."

"Are you really this heartless?"

She walked into view and smiled at me.

"But of course, humans don't mean anything to me."

"But this body, and Eric's came from you."

"No they came from my human body, I feel nothing for you guys, deal with it."

She walked back into the kitchen, I looked around for her purse, no matter what she did to my phone or the house phone I knew she would never cut her own self off. I glanced down and watched my dad crawl toward the front door. I smiled, that was where Matilda had always kept her purse. I wondered if I could keep her occupied.

"Hey Matilda, you say you want a healthy body, what are you making?"

"Steak and potatoes."

"What about a salad....and a health shake packed with vitamins?"

She didn't say anything at first.

"Fine but you better eat everything."

"Oh I will."

I waited for him to come back, I winced as I felt my legs wake up more, soon I saw him come back into view with her phone in his mouth. I took it from him and put it on silent before slipping it in my bra. I thanked him and he went back to playing dead, I just had to play along until dinner was over.


I stayed in bed until I heard the television get turned off, I slid my legs out of bed and moved them a little. I could feel the stinging from the cuts but as long as I could walk I didn't care. I found dad's old golf clubs in the closet, Matilda was fairly careless. I walked out and went toward her bedroom, she was sound asleep I walked in grabbed a pillow. I looked behind me toward the door where dad was 'staring' at me. I bit my lip until it bled and dropped the pillow on her face when she didn't stir I sat on it.

She struggled and tried to fight me I gripped the bed as she shook and struggled I refused to budge. It took some time but she finally stopped moving, I slipped off the bed and took off the pillow. I stared at her for a bit before I tried to reach out again, I whimpered as the pain shot through my head. I felt a shiver run up my spine and turned around. She was laying on her side, I backed away, she had definitely been laying on her back. I turned and ran out of the room and out of the penthouse.

I frowned, the hallway was different, very different.

{Nice try doll.}

I shook my head as I heard her, I picked a direction and bolted I wasn't even building up electricity. I turned at least four corners before I ended up right where I started she was leaning against the doorframe.

"You're welcome to try again." she said.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, mother made this in case Juniper fucks up and gets found out, it's a magical maze, there are about fifty thousand incorrect routes, twelve routes that get you close and one route to get all the way out."

I frowned.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Did you forget already?"

"No I mean, why me? You could do anything to get what you want....but you picked this, why?"

She grinned.

"Because I hate you."

I sighed, she smiled.

"If it would make you feel better you can keep trying I'll wait for you."

I backed away from her and took another route, each time I ended right where I started, feeling frustrated I stopped in a hallway and slid down to the floor. I wiped my eyes, Lily seemed to covered all of her bases. I suppose I could eventually find the route I needed, but by then for all I know Lily probably would have changed it around. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them.


I don't know how long I sat there until I noticed someone tapping on my shoulder, I raised my head and saw my father. He nodded toward one of the plain silver doors I'd already tried. I shook my head.

"No, I already took that one."

He crawled toward it and pushed the door open, I looked over and my mouth fell open there was a type of fire escape I hadn't seen on the wall. I got up and walked over he gave me a boost and I opened the latch. After I climbed in I turned and reached down to squeeze his shoulder again. He smiled and waved before he disintegrated in my grasp, I swallowed my sobs as I washed the dust fade, I turned and crawled out. I saw that it was an air vent.


When I finally reached the end I pushed the thin screen out of the way and ignored the rats as I climbed out. I was in the alley, now I understood why he had played dead she would have finished him off herself if she thought he could help me find the way out. I felt dizzy, I hoped that was the potion working it's way out of my system. I ran out of the alley way and took out my phone. I frowned as I realized what else that damn thing did, I couldn't remember anyone's cell number. I scrolled through the contacts, Gina's number had not been deleted.

I pressed the call button and kept running, it took a bit before I heard her voice.

"Stay where you are I'm coming."

I stopped and stared at the phone as she hung up, I sat on the bus stop and looked around, I suppose I should wonder how she knew where I was but long before I reached this point I should have stopped questioning so much. I felt a chill up my spine and got up thinking Matilda had found me. I relaxed seeing Leta, then frowned I had no reason to fear her as far as I know, why did I feel so off?

"Hello dear, I'm just out for an evening walk, what about you?"


She smiled and I backed away from her.

"Leta it's late you should go home and get some rest."

"Care to walk an old woman home?"

I looked around.

"I uh...I have to wait for someone."


She stepped toward me and my eyes widened as her looks faded into the bitch from the past.


I swallowed.

"There are two of you?"

"Just one actually, it's actually a fun story would you like to hear the short version?"

I only stared at her.

"It's not polite to stare dear."

She held up her hand and it glowed purple, It became clear while 'mom' couldn't use her powers.

"By that look on your face I'm betting you're figuring things out."

"....I think."

"It's quite simple, this body is aging while my soul remains the same, I broke off a little bit of myself so I would have a body to return to if I died of old age before you met Zeos. Then mother mentioned that it would be good to have a bit of Zeos's powers in me so here we are. Mother wanted to play with him and I figured that would be OK, it's a shame you couldn't stay with Patrick I rather liked you, I would have even spared you. Of course mother was right when she said you wouldn't be able to resist Zeos."

My head throbbed but I didn't dare shut my eyes I focused on her, she flexed her claws at me.

"Now, why don't you come along, you'll catch your death out here and you have something that I need."

I shook my head, she frowned, but it wasn't as if she was mad more like she was thinking of the best way to attack me. I backed up and she faded I ducked when she got close and stunned her with an old fashioned headbutt before I bolted. I turned a corner and she appeared in front of me. Sliding to a stop and ran the other way, we danced like this for a few blocks before I saw an abandoned building. It had partially burned years ago, I knew it was unstable then again it seemed safer than being outside. Why weren't there any people around to help? I sighed and ran inside, I rested under the destroyed steps as the dizziness got worse.

"Oh little Cassie dearie, this dust is really bad for you in your state."

I stood up and she appeared in front of me.

"Feeling dizzy yet?"

I shoved her out of the way and ran in the opposite direction, my head was starting to throb once again. I finally noticed the odd smell in the air it was like an expensive French perfume. It was obvious where it was coming from and I knew it was the cause of my dizziness.


I had managed to avoid Matilda for awhile before I could no longer control my legs, I crawled away from her. The bitch thought my current state was hilarious and had stopped a few steps behind me several times because she couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't believe that I had thought to defend her at all. I laid on the floor as my body got as heavy as it could, she stepped over me and smirked.

"All tuckered out?"

I wanted to break her nose so bad, all I could manage was a little glare she wasn't intimidated in the least.

"Oh, cat got your tongue?"


She grinned.

"Such language, pretty girls like you should watch their mouths."

I frowned.

"Well I'm going to pick you up now, so don't struggle I'd hate to drop you."

She reached for me and I mentally hurled every insult I could manage to think of, anyone could imagine my delight when she fell backwards. I thought I had done something but I heard noise coming. I was lifted up off of the ground then the scene faded.


I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a large maroo and black bedroom, I swallowed, my eyes drifted over to the bedroom door and Gina walked in.

"Hey sleeping beauty."

I stared at her as she dropped on the bed next to me.

"Don't freak out, I don't have anything to do with that psycho we left behind."

I tried to form words but was still unable to.

"Don't worry the poison will fade and you'll be good as new."

I raised an eyebrow, she smiled and her looks faded my eyes widened, Lady Crystal, mom. She stroked my forehead.

"I had a feeling you'd recognize me quick enough, we brought souvenirs from Hawaii."

I made a face.

"I'm sure you have questions, let me see if I can clear up the obvious ones, when you were about to get married Zeos gave us a vial of his venom so we could be there for you, we only took a little and saved the rest. When you died your father and I took the very same poison Matilda gave you so we could come back when you did. Since we took so little venom the most we're good for is that little fading trick and of course knocking out cocky succubi parasites. We took the rest of his venom and it's slowly working but it's enough to keep you safe. Is that a good start?"

I swallowed and nodded, my head throbbed, she grabbed the glass on the nightstand.

"Here open your mouth, it's just water."

I did as I was told, it burned but I'd get over it, my real mother helped me sit up and hugged me.

"It's so good to see you again, your father is at Zeos's castle helping to remove the little bitch who took your body."

She paused.

"And he took Matilda with him, she shouldn't have been so careless, she used her powers a lot in that old human body, she was nice and weak after playing chase the mouse with you."

I rubbed my head and shook it slightly.

"Don't worry dear, this time I think she'll be easier to handle."

I screamed as the hair from earlier caught fire it burnt to a crisp she moved and I could see my reflection in the mirror. I was glad to be staring back at myself she smiled.

"We didn't know where you were at first, then you turned twenty two, remember when you met Harold at the party? The mutual friend who invited him was your father, he figured if he left you there with Harold that you two would meet, guess fathers really do know best."

I found myself smiling and cocked my head she smiled.

"Of course mothers know best too, just depends on which parent gets to make which decision."

She winked.


I closed the note book and smiled at my five year old daughter Minda, I of course had to omit all the 'romantic' details and swear words but she seemed to get enough. Minda looked like her brother but had very familiar blond hair.

"Is that really it?" she asked.

"That's really it."

"Well what did daddy do to the mean witch?"

"She's chained up in the dungeon, we don't want to kill her on the off chance she tries to get in the family again."

"Did you chain her up with mommy?"

"Oh no, we don't want them having time to plot anything."

She grinned, I picked her up and set her on the counter next to a bunch of white roses, my memories had been coming back quickly over the past few years. I looked up as Zeos walked in.

"There you two are, what have you been doing out here?"

"Mommy told me how you met and stuff."

Zeos kissed the top of her head.

"I was waiting for her to ask you about that."

I kissed him and smiled.

"You say that like it's unavoidable."

"Jackson asked when he was seven, Gia asked a year later and Tobias only had to ask about the end."

He placed his hand on my swollen stomach.


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