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My Wife's Surprised Fix

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Wife unknowingly fixes the problem.
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This is a story I wrote for my lady Chelle in February 2017, most of this is true.


The love of my life Chelle (Shell) and I have been together for what seems a life time, and we are still so much in love with each other. We just can't get enough time with each other, 24/7 isn't too much for us. We truly are one of the most perfect couples in the world.

We live in a middle class apartment building in the country, we are in our 30s, and we make love or fuck several times each day, every single day. Like I said, we can't get enough of each other. We go to our SUV late at night sometimes because she can fuck the demons out of me for hours in the back seat of the SUV. Watching her fuck me in the backseat is an amazing sight.

Chelle has long dark hair, down to her ass. It's beautiful. A very pretty face, a bluesy voice, huge tits, and a pussy that never stops. Guys, and sometimes girls, hit up on her daily. Whistles from cars that go by. She's a looker.

I've gotten her into watching porn, even some hardcore stuff. I've gone from squeezing 3 fingers into her pussy near the beginning of our relationship, to now a days I not only have a I-Vibe in her, but also a realistic dildo that looks just like my cock, and I am fisting her hard, all at the same time. She squirts like a river. Chelle can't get enough.

She wears stockings for me often, just about every night, because I think she looks amazing in them. I do believe she started me on a stockings fetish LOL. I've never been into legs until Chelle. She rocks the fuck out of stockings!!

I am disabled due to seizures and take care of the apartment, she works to pay the bills. Her job is only 2 miles from where we live, in town, if you even want to call this small ass city a town LOL.

About 10 months ago, something out of nowhere happened that neither of us saw coming. A teenager was driving late at night, and smashed into our only car in the parking lot, our SUV, the same SUV that we fuck in. Shit!! He drove off and nobody around that saw what happened managed to get a license number from the hit and run driver.

We don't have money to get a car and our insurance sucks. So we had to cut our expenses. We ate less, lowered our Direct TV, and even skimmed our landlord out of $50 of the monthly rent. I seemed a bit shocked he didn't notice when we did that the first month.

On the second month, we pushed our luck and kept $75 from our rent money. Again, I seemed a bit surprised he didn't notice. Chelle and I promised each other that we would pay him back, but at this time, we couldn't live without that extra cash.

She was ready to go to work, so I walked with her as I have done for the past few months since that guy totaled our SUV. During our walks, I would often drift back from time to time, just to check her out. She wears outfits to work that will put an image in my head all day, so that I miss her and think about her, and it works LOL.

On this day she was rocking it, heels, stockings, short black skirt, white blouse, and her hair was long and blowing in the breeze. She was my vision of love walking in front of me. My cock, like it always does, stands to attention whenever I look at her beautiful body and sexy clothes that she wears for me. Walking behind her is always difficult because it's not easy keeping up with her walking while my cock is rock hard.

"love you, have a great day at work Chelle. I won't be able to walk you back home this evening though because the insurance company is suppose to call today, so you be careful please. Keep your mace handy and eyes on your surroundings." Her safety was always first on my mind.

"I will, I promise, I love you too honey" she said.

On the walk back, and throughout the day, I couldn't get my mind off of her. She loves it when I jerk off to her, I think that's one of the reasons she dresses like that for work, it drives me sexually crazy.

Sure enough, several hours after the walk, about 2 hours before she got off work, my thoughts and anticipation for her return getting me more and more amped up, I couldn't help it, my cock was so hard from thinking about what she looked like this morning, that I had to touch it. It was throbbing.

I tried to resist for 20 whole minutes. I wanted to save it for that evening, so that my cock was that much stronger for her. But I lost that battle LOL. Grabbed a towel so that the lube wouldn't get all over things, sat at the computer, and clicked on one of the videos she and I recorded. This one was us in our kitchen, I had the camera in a position to catch the entire kitchen table, which according to the video I was watching, looked like I was banging the fuck out of her. Oh, I remember that moment, and yes, I was certainly fucking her into oblivion. Then suddenly I pulled out, and rammed her ass without loosening it up first. She screamed and came within about 20 seconds, and so did I.

After clicking out of the video, I cleaned up, looked at the clock, and still had 90 minutes before she got off work. Still no phone call from the insurance company. So I laid down for a bit to rest up for the evenings activities. I dozed off to the news on tv pretty fast.

She walked in and woke me up, I had no idea how long I'd been snoozing, it was dark outside the windows, which isn't unusual when she gets home now since she is walking instead of driving.

Chelle asked "what did the insurance company have to say."

I could see something was on her mind, troubling her, her face looked like it was troubling her much more than normal though.

I told her they never called, and she was very upset. More upset than I expected.

She said angrily at the ceiling "WHY DID THEY SAY THEY WOULD CALL TODAY OF ALL DAYS!!"

I didn't understand that, and asked "honey, was your day ok, you look like you had a bad day, your hair is a wreck LOL, you look like you have a headache."

She didn't respond, just tossed her purse on the table and walked into the bathroom where she proceeded to get a shower. She came out of that shower a whole new person. Back to my Chelle. We decided to change things up and have a relaxing evening watching a movie or two.

The next month things were pretty much the same, in a complete stand still. Insurance company is still messing around, we are still without a vehicle, and still cutting costs so that we can survive week to week.

"Honey" she said to me, "I think we should cut other costs besides the rent."

"Really? I can see why Chelle, but, he didn't notice, we are going to pay him back, and it's the biggest cut back that we have, I just don't see how we are going to cut costs in other departments."

"Honey, is there anything we can do, besides cutting the rent" she asked.

"I don't think so Chelle, don't worry about it too much, if he notices and asks, we will explain things to him and tell him he will be paid back before the year is up, and an extra $200 as a thank you."

Chelle saw that there was really no other way, so she left for work again, and again I walked her that morning to work. I fell behind like I always do, just to check her out and admire her. Heels, stockings which my eyes stayed on for a good 10 seconds, ass in another short black skirt (my favorite), a purple top, long hair, makeup, she was my daily supermodel and porn star rolled into one woman.

My brain spoke to me and said "Yea man, you are one lucky fucker." Then, always on guard for her safety, my brain said to me, "how does she walk in those heels for miles without falling?"

As the day went on, I started feeling horrible. A cold was settling into my throat. I texted her during the day to let her know I wouldn't be able to walk her back home after work.

She pleaded with me to get her, but I just couldn't. I took so many cold meds to fight it off that day, I don't want to get sick when there is so much sex to be had daily. Neither of us wants to take a night off.

Again I woke up to her over top of me, looking down at me, and waking me gently. She was a mess, hair a mess, both stockings ripped to shreds. As soon as I saw the stockings, I stood up panicked. She calmed my worries and said her walk home was safe.

"Honey" she said softly to me, "there's something we need to talk about."

"Um, ok Chelle, I'm all ears, as long as you are ok, that's all that really matters to me."

She continued "Ok, um, I don't know where to begin. Do you remember last month when you waited for the insurance company to call you? Well, I walked home alone that evening, everything was fine until I got to our mailbox in the lobby area. The landlord walked into the room while I was getting our mail. I was scared shitless. I could feel his eyes all over my body, it was creepy honey."

"I kept telling myself "please just keep walking, please just keep walking," and he did, until he got past me and was on his way out the door. He opened the door as if to walk out, stopped, and came back inside. He was walking right towards me, so I put my hand in my purse and closed my hand around the mace, just in case I needed it."

"He said to me, "Hey, Chelle, is everything ok with you and your man?"

"I told him things were great between us, I filled him in on the teenager that hit our car, our money troubles for the past few months also."

"He put his finger to his cheek as if he was thinking for a moment, and then said "yea, I noticed you two have been paying less than the agreed rent costs. I wasn't going to say anything, but it keeps getting more and more. I have a business to run, bills to pay also, if you can't pay the rent next month, you will have to move out. I feel bad for your bad luck, but, I'm a business man first. I can't look out for everybody's problems."

Chelle continued her story to me, "Maybe it's the way he said it, but, I completely understood where he was coming from, and he was right.

"He told me to follow him so that we could work out the details, and that maybe he could cut us a break until we get back on our feet some. So I followed him into his office in the other building. He sat at his desk, and I sat in the chair in front of his desk. He was on his calculator and kept flipping through papers adding stuff up.

He set his pen down, leaned back, and said "I just don't see a way around it, you two will have to move by the end of the month if you can't pay me in full, plus what is owed from back rent.

I was floored honey. I don't have a clue where we would go. He saw me crying and offered me a tissue. As I stood up to leave, he came around and gave me a hug. I needed that, even from him who I hated at that moment. I couldn't help but let all my tears out onto his shoulder, but my makeup also got on my white blouse.

He told me to sit back down for a minute, because he just had an idea. He didn't move though, and stood right next to me, it was hard to look up at him to see his face on that angle, and I couldn't look to my right because all I would see is his pants, he was THAT close to me.

He told me that he sees me going and coming from work each day. He said he watches me through his window and that sometimes he jerks off to me and my perfect legs and ass."

I was shocked, and said "WHAT? HE TOLD YOU THAT?!!" I mean, I couldn't blame the dude, she is an amazing vision. I think most guys in this small town have boners when they see her.

Chelle ignored me and continued her story. "A lump was in my throat over the thought of this man jerking off to me when we are walking to work each morning. But he kept talking to me about how to work things out so that we could still stay here."

"He said "Chelle, you are amazing to jerk off to, I can help you and your man stay here, but I need something in return, it's a win win for both of us. I will cut HALF your rent each month. HALF. You can save hundreds of dollars each month that way. I will keep it at half for the rest of the year."

A smile came across my face, and I am sure even though I couldn't see his face, he saw me smile from his angle.

"Does this make things better Chelle?"

"I told him "YES, very much so, thank you thank you," I told him."

"Not so fast Chelle, I am going to lose an awful lot of money by doing this for you. You CAN NOT tell any other tenants about this arrangement. And I still have not told you what I need in return, but, so far, this is a good deal, right?"

"I told him yes, it's wonderful, and that he is a wonderful man for doing this for us. But, I didn't know the rest of the deal yet honey. Please don't be upset with me, just sit there quietly and listen, this is hard for me to say..."

I took a very deep breath or two so that I could relax and listen without wanting information as fast as I could get it.

"You see honey, he offered us a great deal, it's an answer we were searching for, we can save so much money now. So I told him, "whatever you want, it's a deal."

"He walked around and sat at his desk again, I could now see his face and his smug grin. Did I just agree to something? He told me to stand up and sit on his desk, as he patted the desk in front of him to show me where to sit. I didn't say a word because I figured he wanted to whisper and not be too loud for any tenants to hear."

"I sat on his desk, my legs were crossed so that he couldn't see YOUR cookie. He just sat quietly and stared at my body honey. I was so nervous. It was really weird. And then he put his hand on his lap, I thought nothing of it at first, until I noticed it out of the line of my sight, that he was sliding it back and forth. I moved hair out of my face slyly so that I could see what he was doing without him knowing I was looking, and my God honey, he was playing with his cock through his pants right in front of me. He was moving his hand back and forth, he was stroking his cock!! I knew exactly what he wanted, and got up to walk out."

"He stopped me and said "Chelle, you know this is the answer, nobody at all needs to know, and you and your man can get back on your feet. You know this is the best solution."

"I hated to admit it, but, he was right honey, it really was the answer to everything. All I wanted to do was walk out of the room and come to you. I wanted to hear about the insurance company's phone call. But I was caught up in fixing our problem, and he was right, there was no other choice."

"He reached out to touch my hand, I flinched it back out of panic, but he said everything was ok. He said that in such a way, it really did calm me. He took my hand, and placed it on his pants, I could feel his cock honey. I swear I have not touched another cock since we have been together, I love you honey, please believe me. I was doing this for US. For US!!"

"I touched his cock, it's smaller than yours, but boy was he hard. I have to admit, I found it flattering that he was THAT hard just from looking at me. He didn't have to move my hand, before too long, I had to, I don't know how to put it, maybe it's a girl thing, but I had to kind of "reward and thank" him for getting so hard from just watching me."

"So I felt his cock through his pants honey. I am so sorry. I hate to say it, but I kind of got turned on by it."

"He asked me "Chelle, would you like to see what you do to me? What you do to me each morning you walk to work and you don't even know it, what you do to me when you walk home from work, and you don't even know it, would you like to see my cock?"

"I closed my eyes, thought about you honey, and decided that our future was worth me doing this, so I said yes."

"He undid his jeans, and pulled down his pants right in front of me. I looked down to see him standing with his pants around his ankles and his boxers on just barely keeping his hard erection inside of them. I reached out and touched it, this time I put my fingers around his cock, his boxers still on. I really didn't want to see the actual thing honey, having a barrier between his cock and my hand was wrong enough for me to do."

"But, with his left hand, he slowly pulled down his boxers. I have to be honest honey, I've never seen as hard of a cock as he had at that moment. I guess it's from him jerking off so much, and now he has a real live woman standing in front of him touching his cock. It was hard as a brick and standing straight up towards his belly button."

"He placed both hands on my shoulders and put a little pressure on them. I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. I was kind of wrapped up in thinking about why he was so hard for me, that I quickly thought about our money situation, and as soon as I thought about that, I dropped to my knees as silently requested."

"I knew there was no way out of it at this point, it was the only option, so I didn't waste any time and started putting his cock into my mouth. He tasted nasty, and wasn't the size of you, but he was so hard for me. My pussy was feeling a little tingly, I have to admit. I am so sorry honey, just being completely honest with you."

"As I sucked on his cock, I thought of it like a challenge to get it as far in as I could. I opened my throat, it took a few tries, but I got him in all the way. I was so proud of myself for a minute honey LOL. He was THAT hard that I wondered if I could do it. But I did it."

"I felt him about to cum, so I put both my hands on his shaft and started twisting both hands while I sucked the head of his cock, you know, like I do to you when I want you to cum. Out of nowhere, he pulled out of my mouth, I figured he was going to cum on my face, but before I realized what a bad idea that would be, he stood me up and bent me over his desk."

"I was like a deer in headlights, I was NOT expecting that, but I couldn't speak for some reason either. It was like it was all just a strange dream. I thought he was going to fuck me right then and there, but, to my surprise he didn't. He didn't even touch me, he jerked off behind me and came on my stockings and skirt. I just stayed still, didn't speak, I waited for him to say something."

"He told me that I could leave and reminded me not to say anything to anybody. I wanted to tell you what happened, so I walked fast in my heels to you, but you were out like a light. Seeing your peaceful face, smiling at me, I just couldn't tell you what just happened to me. I decided to tell you the next day, but you would probably freak out on him, and we would be homeless. So I didn't tell you."

I couldn't keep quite anylonger, "Chelle, what the fuck? Are you ok?"

"shhhh, just be quite, don't say anything, I am not done yet."

"Shit Chelle, there's more?"

"Yep, just wait, there's a lot more. 4 weeks went by and I tried to talk you into paying the full rent. I just knew what he was going to ask of me if we didn't pay the full rent. Do you remember earlier today, you said you felt a cold coming on?"

"Well, I was getting the mail again about an hour ago, and he appeared out of nowhere. He extended his hand, then his fingers, and motioned the first finger to follow him. He didn't even say anything. So, I did as instructed. On the way to his office I tried to think of an idea that could get me out of doing what I am about to do, but I just couldn't think of a single thing. He closed the door behind us, and sat at his desk."

"We sat quietly for about one full minute, when he said softly, "come here and stand in front of me.""

"Out of protest I kept my mouth closed and didn't say a word, but did as told. I stood there awkwardly for about 5 minutes, yes, 5 fucking minutes, just standing there. I didn't know what to do, things seems like forever, so I looked out the window, saw the people in the parking lot coming and going from their cars. I wondered if he did this to other people who live here. When that thought hit me, I felt his hand touch my stockings. I didn't like it at all and jumped a little, I wasn't expecting it since my eyes were out the window, but I felt a twinge in my pussy."


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