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My Workout Partner Ch. 16

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Jacked off in a crowd and left with a mess.
2.5k words

Part 13 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/14/2017
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As we took a break from lasering my nether regions, Joey asked, "Angie, do you want your robe so you can get out and get a drink, or something?"

"Not unless you make me," Angie said smiling. "This end of the building isn't occupied by many people right now. I have something to eat in the therapy office. I'm kind of jealous that only one of us gets to stay naked around here."

"Just be patient, right now you don't have the same freedom that he has, at least not until we expand your nude waiver," Joey said. "I'd love to see you parading around here in all your naked glory, but we don't want to get ahead of ourselves and get shut down before we have the lawyers do their work. OK?"

"OK," Angie replied. "Just know I'm ready when the company is. I'm still going to chance it between here and the PT office."

Gingerly sitting up on the table, with my cock, balls, and ass still stinging badly and turning red from the laser treatment, I waited as the nurse finished toweling the gel off of my crotch and ass. More important than the pain, I was happy to hear some good news! I thought Angie was keeping her clothes on outside of the pool and our nude yoga class because she had physical therapy duties and she wanted to keep her professional persona. I didn't realize Ashley and Joey were working on parading their beautiful submissive around here with me when the paperwork and the lawyers said she could! My first official day of full-time nude in public was looking up...and that was saying something! I would soon be joined by a naked partner...maybe two, if Jamie got hired!

As I hopped off the table, Joey said, "show the nurses where the snack bar is and let them get something for lunch. Your smart watch has been programmed so you can run a tab. We'll see you back here in 20 minutes, or so." As she glanced down at my crotch, she commented, "Ouch! Do you want some cream to calm down your package before you go?"

"Well, I guess it does hurt a little, now that you mentioned it," I replied.

"Here, let me rub it on for you," Angie cooed. "We haven't had near as much fun this time as last time!" And without waiting for an answer, she pumped the dispenser a couple of times into her hand and slathered my cock and ball sack with some hydrocortisone, taking a few quick stokes of my shaft before fondling my balls. "Bend over and I'll get your bright red asshole."

With that, I quickly turned around and bent over, shining my butt and rosebud to two of the nurses that were still standing in the doorway, waiting on me to show them to the snack bar. Looking between my legs at the nurses, I joked, "It's not anything y'all haven't just seen."

"Obviously, they're old friends," one of the nurses smirked. Her name tag said her name was Margaret.

As Angie finished, she rubbed her hand on my ass cheek to use up the remaining cream, turned, and exited thru the door toward her lunch.

I stood up and finished rubbing the cream into my bald pubic mound, crotch and shaft. "Let me adjust myself," as I rubbed in the cream down my butt crack and around my enflamed anus. "We can get going now. The snack bar is at the front of the building."

"You're going to take us there naked," one of the other nurses exclaimed! "Don't you need to put a robe on, or something?"

"No," I smiled. "I've got the run of the place, just like I am."

"No shit," was all she could say.

"Okay," I announced. "Let's go get y'all something for lunch. Evidently, it's my treat!"

"Oh, you're a treat alright, but it has nothing to do with the snack bar," Margaret joked. "I'm going to enjoy the eye candy along the way!" ...to which several of the gals within ear shot agreed.

So off I strode from the classrooms into the gym with four wide eyed nurses in tow. Walking thru the gym at lunch time, the place was packed...probably 30 people, or more, were on the various machines and free weight stations. I realized that the people who worked out at this time of day were not folks I would otherwise have seen before...but they all were getting a good look at ME!

When we reached the front of the gym, I led my group into the lobby to the snack bar, which was off to the side by the elevators. I stopped short, causing one of the nurses following me to put her hand on my butt cheek to help her stop so suddenly. I wasn't really thinking thru my eagerness to take the nurses for something to eat. The snack bar was full of folks who work in the building getting their lunches, as well. I'm pretty sure that Joey knew I would be exposed to virtually everyone in the building while I waited for each of the nurses to order, since I had to wait and go last so I could pay for their stuff. The looks and comments as we waited in line ran the gambit from crude to complementary. I even got groped a couple of times and had my ass pinched by someone behind me in line. After my initial horror of walking into all of this mass of activity, I regained my exhibitionist courage. This was basically the world I would live in now. I knew my body looked good. I was standing in line with a group of 10 or 15 clothed people, naked, smooth, and tan. It was exhilarating all over again...just like when I stepped off the elevator only a few hours ago. Once we were all mixed in with the other paying customers, the touching and rubbing up on people trying to get their order into the people behind the counter was having an effect on me. Fortunately, only a few bothered to glance down at my growing excitement, and that was usually after I happened to poke them in the back or touch a hand or leg with my growing cock.

After I had ordered and was ready to pay for the group, the gal at the cash register asked the "cash or card" question, to which I pointed to my smart watch. She nodded and said, "I'll need to see some ID," with a smirk on her face. Looking over the counter at my now raging hard on, she smiled and said, "oh, I think I've seen that cock earlier today, getting off the elevator, didn't I?"

Smiling back, I replied, "yes...yes you did! I'm the new nude instructor. You'll have to just believe I work for the gym. I'm all out of pockets for my ID. You'll be seeing all of me every day. I hope that's OK?"

"Well, I guess that's OK," she answered. "I look forward to seeing you later. I may still require proof that you work here."

"Maybe I'll have to get the company logo tattooed on my ass, or something," I said with a wink. Little did I know at the time how true that would be.

After scanning my watch and paying for the group, I noticed that there was an empty table and four bar stools in the corner of the snack bar by the widow of the lobby. "Let's just eat our stuff here," I suggested. "There isn't a lot of time left and there really isn't any place back in the classroom to eat."

"Are you sure," one of the nurses asked? "It's really kind of exposed." Then glancing down, she added, "your erection isn't going to hide itself being out there by that window!"

"You really think I'm worried about being exposed at this point," I noted?

"I guess not," the nurse smiled. "But there aren't enough stools for all five of us."

"They probably don't want me to sit my bare butt on one of their stools," I joked. "Besides, until the hydrocortisone takes full effect, I don't really want to sit down."

We sided over to the high table. I stood with my left side toward the glass, so I could watch people's reaction to my naked profile. The four nurses crowded in on either side of me and sat down on the stools. With the table and the nurses in the way, beside noting I didn't have a shirt on, only the people in the lobby would be able to notice that I was totally naked and sporting a full erection. Standing sideways to the table pointed my erection toward Margaret, which occasionally was hitting her in the thigh as we ate and talked. She didn't seem to mind at the time.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you," one of my group asked?

"Yes, I guess I am," I answered, matter of factly. "I would ask 'how did you know?', but that would be silly."

"This is how we know," Margaret said, as she wrapped her right hand around my fully erect shaft. "What would you do if I jacked you off right here?"

I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "cum, I suppose."

Well, she looked at the other three women, grinned, and started discretely stroking my shaft under the table. I didn't want to get fired for lewd behavior my first day on the job, so I should have told her to stop, but the feeling was electric, being jacked off in such a public place. The adrenaline rush made me light headed. I turned my bare butt to the glass in an effort to hide Margaret masturbating my cock from the lobby. With the four women sitting around the table, this hand job was hidden from the clientele that were still in the snack bar.

Margaret's demeanor abruptly changed. "Don't make too much of a mess. I already have your precum on my hand," she commanded. "Let's see how long you can last."

The moment was electric! With the excitement of being naked in a crowded snack bar, the recent rubbing around of the clothed people in line against my nude body, the comments, the fact we were in front of a window, and her boldness in grabbing my cock and stroking me off, I didn't last long. I had to grab the table to keep from collapsing as my legs buckled. I bit my lip to keep from moaning as I had a huge orgasm and shot several strong loads up under the table. Margaret continued to stroke for a few more times until I began to soften. She stroked one more time from the base of the shaft to the tip to milk my cock, covering her hand with so much cum that it was dripping on the floor. "You were primed and ready. I had assumed Joey trained you better to last longer." With the look of disgust, she wiped a thick coating of cream from her hand onto my stomach, crotch, and thigh. "I do like my men hairless. No pubic hair for the cum to get stuck in. You need to get cleaned up and get back to class... and not a word to Joey, or my boss. Understand?"

Not waiting for an answer from me, she continued, "Come on girls. Nasty boy here needs to clean himself and we don't need to be seen with him with cum dripping off his cock." With that, she grabbed all of the napkins, wiped the remaining cum off her hand, spun on her heels, and dropped the paper in the trash can on the way out of the snack bar...leaving me with a problem of casually trying to wipe my mess off well enough that I could get out of here and make it to the lobby rest room without being noticed...or fired on the spot! I wasn't even going to worry about the mess on the floor. At least I wasn't needing to worry about a hard on. Fear will do that to a guy.

As I took stock of my situation, I quickly scanned the room to see who might be aware of my predicament. Thankfully, not many people were still in the snack bar, so I was able to bend down and pick up a couple of used napkins off the floor and wipe enough of my juices off to not be quite so obvious. To my horror, one guy in a suit and tie, who was finishing eating a few tables over saw what I was having to do. Who was he? Oh, crap! He's walking over to me. To my relief, he smiled and winked at me, paused at my table, and handed me a couple of napkins that he had. "I hate when that happens, don't you," he mused. "Do you want some help getting to the rest room? Follow close behind me."

"Thanks," I answered. "Let me get some of the rest of this spunk off my leg and I'm right behind you." And with that, I was able to follow behind him, shielding the still wet skin on my left side.

"I saw what that cunt did to you," he whispered over his shoulder. "I'm Mike, by the way. Nice outfit you're wearing. Do you work here, or are you a streaker who got hungry?"

"Hi. Thanks. I really appreciate the help," I offered. "Yes, I work for the gym as their nude instructor. I just started work this morning. I sure don't need to get fired for lewd behavior my first day!"

The few yards from the bar to the rest room, I was tight against my new friend. I don't think anyone saw the remnants of what had just happened. As we entered the thankfully empty men's room, he turned and grabbed my swinging cock. "I'd sure like to help clean you up! Any chance of that," he asked?

"I'll have to take a raincheck, Mike. I need to get back to a class I'm part of. I really appreciate the offer, though. Do you work in the building, too," I asked?

"As a matter of fact, I do," Mike answered as he turned to leave. After he released my cock, he took a quick lick of my cum on his hand. "Well, you better get cleaned up for class, then. Just don't let somebody put you in a situation like that again. Be a little more discreet next time. I'm sure we'll see each other again." He stroked me softly on the ass, smiled, opened the door, and left.

I ran some water over a few paper towels, not waiting for water to warm up. I figured the cold water might help calm my cock down. Wiping and drying as quickly as I could, I took a moment to take a leak and hurried back toward the classrooms without incident.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loving the male on male aspect, hope you keep adding bits like that

simonjbrightonsimonjbrightonabout 3 years ago
What has happened to Molly?

I was wondering what happened to Molly? At the beginning she was involved and appeared to be Angie's Dominatrix...

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