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Naked Friday 03 - Wednesday &Thursday

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Team Building with a naked twist.
6.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/04/2012
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Wednesday morning came soon enough, and with bleary eyes I reached a hand out to turn off the alarm clock.

I'd put it on the 10 minute timer so I sank back into the warmth of the bed and reached over to where Martin should have been – it was cold and vacant and I sat bolt upright then, wondering where he had gone.

I called and got no answer, so I got up and went downstairs without even thinking of putting anything on, and went on through to the kitchen where I could smell toast cooking.

Martin was standing in front of the hob as naked as I was while he finished off our breakfast.

"I thought we might have breakfast out on the patio this morning, what about you? The weather is lovely and warm outside already."

"Sounds good to me." I said as I moved up behind him and put my arms around his waist, dropping my hands down to his lovely cock.

I cupped his balls in one hand and gently stroked him with the other and he started getting hard.

"Hey! Stop that now – keep going and we'll have to have breakfast in here – I can't go out and be seen with an erection, can I?"

"Well, you could – I don't know that it would be seen though, 'cos I would be sitting on it!" I responded.

He laughed and put the toast on the tray and I opened the door and went out onto the patio. There were two houses behind us that could see into our garden, plus Sammie's next door.

I don't know if anyone looked from the back houses, I suspect we were seen though given that this is the time people generally arose for work and would look out at the day, but Sammie was in her kitchen next door and she waved.

Coming to the back door, she opened it and stuck her head out and said "Morning you too – have a good night after? I know I did but we're both wrecked for work this morning – how are you?"

Martin replied before I could get a word out.

"Bloody marvellous – It's like the first day of a new life for us, don't you think?"

"Hmm, I don't know about that. I don't know what the hell came over me last night but I have to admit I did enjoy it. I may do it again sometime too – especially if you two are going to wander around like that all the time!"

"Are you still naked from last night?" I asked.

She pulled the door open and stepped out of her kitchen, walking across her patio right up to our fence.

"No – more so! I had Geraint shave me last night as you can see. I was going to have something like yours, but he slipped so it all had to come off. It feels really nice like this – very exposed though, don't you think?"

Martin said, "Gina, that looks spectacular – we'll have to do yours later love – I love that look."

Sammie said she had to go and get ready for work, but said she would catch up with us later and tell us what happens at her work. She was going to try what I did yesterday and go without underwear, just to see what it would be like.

"I'm taking a G string with me in my purse though, just in case I bottle out, not having company like last night."

She turned and walked back into her kitchen, waving as she closed the door behind her.

Martin and I finished our breakfast and I gathered up the dishes to take back into the kitchen to wash up. Martin asked as he was passing me in the kitchen if he should lay out my clothes again today, or would I like to make my own mind up about them.

"Are you taking me to work today?" I asked.

"I hadn't thought to, but I certainly will if you want."

"OK, you put out my clothes then please and, just like yesterday, I promise to wear them all day – I won't even take a 'reserve' with me today, so bear that in mind when you choose will you?"

He just chuckled and went off to have his shower whilst I stood at the sink, in front of the picture window looking out to the houses behind and to the gaze of anyone looking out their windows, and washed up from breakfast. God, even that made me wet!

When I had finished, I went upstairs to see what Martin had laid out for me.

This outfit was better than yesterday's. It was a completely sheer black dress and I quickly put it on. It was backless to the top of the crack of my bum and completely devoid of any concealing patterns. I could hide more behind a dirty pain of glass!

It was so short it only came to half way down my bum, about 2" of material between the bottom of the V in the back and the hem of the dress, and my pussy was not covered at all. This would surely be too much for work despite the circumstances. I would have preferred to be naked – OK for a night out though but I loved it anyway.

"Martin", I called from the bedroom, "When did you get this dress for me – I haven't seen it before.

"I slipped out yesterday lunchtime and bought it for you. Does it fit?" he called back from the shower.

"Only where it touches, and it don't touch in many places – you lovely little perv!" I shouted back.

I went into the bathroom and Martin opened the shower cubicle door. His smile said it all really – it was ear to ear and I swear if he wasn't wet from the shower, you would have been able to see the dribble running down his chin!

He clearly liked it anyway, evidenced by the hard on he was now sporting after I had done a 360 turn for him.

"Look, I'll definitely wear this sometime, and look forward to wearing it, but not today OK. I'll wear something similar to yesterday and tomorrow but once Friday's out of the way, I guess anything will go after that, don't you?"

He smiled and said, "OK, I suppose that is pushing it a little unless you go without altogether. Go take it off and you can have the shower while I dress and I'll find something else for you, Yes?"

I reached up and kissed him and said, "OK Darling." And I called back as I went out the door, "Love you to bits you know Martin!"

And I meant it too.

While I showered, Martin had gotten out a small summer beach dress for me. Spaghetti shoulder straps, low cut and with an elasticated waistband. The material was very light, slightly see through and would easily blow in the breeze. It was low on the breast and short enough to show up to just below my pussy but would easily blow up when I was outside. Not as daring as yesterday, it didn't reveal anything when I sat down (unless I wanted it to of course) but it was probably the best we would find without going shopping.

I wondered if we ever would, or would I just be a dedicated nudist after Friday – as if I would get away with that!

'I can dream I suppose.' I thought.

Never mind, I thought, let's just see how things go after Friday. One thing I did know – after Friday my, our, lives would never be the same again.

The day went along pretty much as normal; no-one commented on my attire today and the only difference was a 15 minute chat with the producer in the meeting room in the middle of the afternoon. Then, it was time to go home. Only tomorrow to go and then it would Friday!

I couldn't wait.

Again, when Martin came to collect me from work, I took off my dress in the foyer before walking out to the car.

Martin had a big grin on his face as I walked across the car park where a good number of people from other buildings once again saw me in all my naked glory. One or two shouted out something but I didn't hear exactly what they said, I just looked towards them, smiled and gave them a wave.

Martin drove straight home and I remained naked once more as we went into the house. I have to admit, it was a singular pleasure that I was able to disrobe on the way home, I had been feeling quite uncomfortable in my clothing, despite the weight, or lack thereof, of my dress, since break time this morning.

We had quite a simple dinner and planned a relaxing evening in watching the television.

Sammie came around at about 8 o'clock. I didn't know who was at the door, I hadn't seen anyone come up the drive, but just got up and opened the door wide making no attempt to hide my nudity.

I was surprised to see her naked again, and invited her in. She sat down and I went to make her a coffee while she chatted aimlessly to Martin.

When I came back she said, "I have some news for you two."

To explain a little, we live in a small cul-de-sac of 6 houses, but don't socialise much with each other – they were all new houses and none of us had been living their for long. The houses that backed on to us were older, and we didn't know anyone in those. Anyway...

Sammie continued, "June, from across the road, came over mine this afternoon asking what we had all been up to yesterday, running around in the street naked. I told her all about it and said that we didn't mean to embarrass or upset anyone and that we would apologise if we did. She said she didn't mind at all but if we were going to continue in that manner, we should go see the rest of the street to see what they thought. So we did. It seems that, while people obviously have reservations, so long as there are no outright public sexual acts going on they could probably live with it. I also asked if they would mind me answering the door to them naked, I had put on a dress to go see them, and again, they didn't mind too much. So – we are OK to go naked in the street anytime we like. What do you think of that then?"

Before I answered, I thought how strange that was.

I mean, for a whole street full of people we hardly knew to accept us being naked in public. I know they are all pretty young, but still, it seemed a little odd for all that.

I said, "That will make life a lot easier I suppose, but it's odd though, don't you think?"

Martin said "Woopeee, that means that I can indulge too – never thought I would get away it – you girls are different aren't you, it's not often you women get reported for being naked!"

We chatted some about that and Martin suggested that maybe we could have a BBQ and invite the rest of the street along. It would at least get us all talking and we would then be able to be much easier with each other once they all got to see and hear what it was all about.

We chatted a while longer and eventually, about 8:30, Sammie got up to go home.

"We're having an early night tonight – I got to get his engine running – I've been either half naked or naked completely naked all day and I'm horny as hell. See you."

And off she went home. I wondered what she wore to work this morning, but didn't get the chance to ask. I would have to remember to sometime soon.

I closed the door behind her and turned to Martin and said, "Sound's like an idea – what you think, big boy?"

He'd had a semi on all night and I wanted it inside me – any or all holes would do!

Tonight, we made love – not the frantic lovemaking of the last two days; slowly and very tenderly, but with passion!"


Martin woke me before the alarm went off by gently stroking the small of my back, which was facing him, and moving his hand down on to my bum every now and then to caress a buttock.

"Hmmmm, what a lovely way to be woken up" I said and slowly turned over in bed to face him.

I kissed him gently on the lips, nose and eyes and then just cuddled into him, his erection pushing against my tummy.

"Why are you awake so early then Mr.?" I asked.

"I've been awake for about an hour and I've been lying here just looking at you, you are mesmerising you know, and I think you have finally enchanted me. I can't think when I have been happier than I am right now and I want to cherish this feeling while it lasts, so I've just been studying you for an hour and as it's nearly time for the alarm to go off anyway, I thought I would just give you a stroke. You feel so soft and silky."

My heart just melted at what he had just said. If there is some place called Nirvana, then this was it right here, right now.

Martin kissed away a tear on my face and asked, "What's the matter Baby, why are you crying?"

"Nothing Darling, absolutely nothing – that's why I'm crying. I feel so whole, contended and loved right now and I'm so happy about it that it's just made me cry – promise me you'll do everything you can to keep this feeling for me; I know I shall."

"That honestly is something I can say for sure – I don't want to lose this either and in future, anything you do or want to do is fine with me – even if we do get arrested for it – I don't care. I just want to indulge you totally and do anything you ask. I have never loved you so much as I do right now." he replied.

I moved up towards his lips and kissed him, running my hand down his back and on to his buttock also, giving it a squeeze.

Our kiss became harder and harder and slowly I lay on top of him. I couldn't wait any longer and moved up his chest until I was able to move back down onto his hot erection and impale myself on him.

I slowly started to rock back and forth on his chest and we carried on like that for about ten minutes until we both came together.

Considering how slow and tender it had been, my orgasm hit my like a thunderclap and I exploded, screaming in sheer pleasure at the feeling. I soon came back and fell on his mouth like a hungry beast, pushing my tongue as deep into his mouth as I could – and he responded in kind – but only for a moment.

He pulled his face away and said, "Gina, I could stay here all day with you doing this, but I think it's time we got up and ready for work. Are you going to shower while I go and start breakfast?"

"You meany." I said with a mock sulk. "I suppose so."

He still had to push me off him though!

I finished my shower and went downstairs for breakfast. Martin had almost finished it so I took over while he went to shower (note to self – install a bigger shower!).

While I finished, I thought about tomorrow.

The film crew had said that anyone who intended to leave their home naked would, with their permission, be filmed from their door to work as well as be filmed on and off throughout the day. Now I have to say, this appealed to me.

However, Martin would not be able to take me tomorrow – he had an early start as he was required to go to a different office and would have to leave early. I decided I would get the bus today, and see what I could do about that on the way to work, maybe chatting with some of the regular commuters, most of whom knew each other in passing – commuters are regular beasts by nature – to see what they would think of a naked girl getting on the bus during their early morning commute.

I wondered what Martin would think of that, so as we ate our breakfasts (I was making it difficult for him as I had decided to sit on his lap again) I told him what I planned.

"If you are going to do that, I think your best bet would be not to speak to them separately, but collectively. Wait until you have passed the last stop before you have to get off and go to the front of the bus and speak to them all at once. Just explain what is planned for tomorrow and ask them if they would mind so much that you wouldn't be able to do it. Don't forget to tell them that the BBC will be filming it, and emphasise the BBC angle – it's amazing what most people will do to get on telly – look at what you've become, for instance."

I dug him in the ribs, hard, and he jumped – but he still had a smile on his face and I was just feeling impish!

"So, if you're going to do that, what will you wear today – are you going to choose, or should I again?"

"I'll choose this morning I think, but I'll need your opinion before I go – if you don't like what I've chosen, you have to tell me and then I'll let you choose and change into that before I go. Deal?" I said.

"Go on then, you minx, go do your worst!"

Martin started to clear away the table and I went upstairs to delve into my wardrobe for something that I thought was suitable, and that I could, at a pinch, wear all day without feeling that I have to rip it off by morning break, like I did yesterday.

I chose a thin red button up blouse and a white mini-skirt to go with it. The skirt was between 2 and 3 inches below my pussy so was reasonably modest, but my blouse was, if you looked hard, see-through.

You could just make out the colour of my nipples if the light was just so. I teamed those with a pair of 3" open sandals.

I brushed my hair and, just as I was finishing, Martin came up the stairs.

"What about this then, look OK to you?" I asked as he came into the bedroom.

"It's OK for what you need I suppose, but boy! I'd sure prefer you in something much more revealing or otherwise just naked. I'll just have to wait 'till later for that though, won't I."

I giggled and raised my head for him to kiss me, which he did – hard.

Damn, I'll have to go clean my pus again now! I thought.

I walked to the bus stop, it took about 4 minutes to get there, and I only passed a few people on the way, two of those from my street – this bit shouldn't be too much bother then judging from what Sammie had told us last night – but as I progressed I was going through in my mind what I would say to the people on the bus.

The difficult bit would be actually getting up and starting – once I had done that, I felt that I would be OK.

I waited a few minutes for the bus and climbed on. The journey on the bus would last about 30 minutes, including all the stops that it usually made as it wound its way around the city.

When we were out on the open road between the city and suburb where our office is located, there were only two more stops to make. They were close together and then a very short run to the stop where I had to get off.

I decided that it was now or never. I had sat up front today, so as to ensure that I was in the right place to carry out my plan.

Shaking, and with a very dry mouth, I got up and moved toward the driver so that I could address everyone on the single decker bus.

"Ladies and Gents" I started, "Could I indulge your attention for a few moments please?"

Nearly every eye on the normally very quite bus looked at me and I felt my face flush bright red.

"Tomorrow, I shall be travelling to work naked." I said and paused to let it sink in.

Now every single eye was looking at me – and that included the driver! I leaned over quickly and said – "Watch were you're going man, but by all means listen."

There was a pregnant silence in the bus now and I took a deep breath and continued.

"The company I'm working for has decided, as a team building...."

I eventually got through the story and finished with, "Is anyone going to be sufficiently upset with that that I won't be able to do it, considering it's likely to be only one day?"

Now, apart from the engine of the bus, it was deadly quiet.

"Please, don't be afraid to say no if it's not acceptable, but it would make life so much easier if you would indulge me for just one day, and I promise not to be crude about it – for me, it will be just like any other day, except I'll be naked."

One or two people asked questions which I answered honestly and eventually they all said it would be OK but there was one exception, a lady in her early fifties I guessed.

She said, "Since so many seem to be agreeable while I feel quite uncomfortable about it, I will make an exception rather than be a stick in the mud and make alternative arrangements for tomorrow. It will just be tomorrow won't it?"

"Since you ask and are prepared to do that for me, I'll be quite honest and say I don't really know right now. I have been practising for tomorrow the whole week now, and found that I really like to be nude. If tomorrow goes well both on the bus and in work, then I was thinking that I would just become a full time nudist and do it all the time. (That raised a bit of a cheer!) If you are unable to accommodate me under those circumstances, I'll make other arrangements myself. And thank you for being so considerate about tomorrow. Would it be OK if I paid for a taxi for you to and from work tomorrow?"


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