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Nerd and Nudist


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"Yeah but maybe it would be best to wear something if we sleep in the same bed."

"If you want me to I will. But I find panties chafe when I sleep."

"I have a pair of sweatpants you can wear if you want."

"Uh ... I'll just try the panties."

She got them on and I was treated to another brief sight of my sister's vagina.

She got in bed and then I got in bed and then I tried to sleep.

"How big do you think your thing is right now?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to measure it?"

"I want to get some sleep."

"Oh, sorry."

I tried to sleep and then I felt my sister place her hand on my erection.

"Can I see it?" she asked.

"No. I need to sleep."


"You saw it yesterday."

"But you were soft. I've never seen a hard one before."

"Don't you think it would be weird?"

"No. We're brother and sister. You've seen me naked."

"Only because you keep flashing me."

"But brothers and sisters are supposed to see each other naked all the time. It's normal for them."

"We don't exactly have a normal family. I think it'll be some time before we're that comfortable with each other."

"But I just want to look. It'll only be for a moment. Then we can sleep. Please."


I closed my eyes and tried to rest. Then I felt my sister kind of half way grab my dick through my pajama pants.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I just want to get an idea of the shape."

"You really want to see it?"


I sat up and threw the covers off. My sister sat up as well. I pushed my pants down far enough for my dick to be exposed.

"There. Get a good look because I don't plan on putting it on display often."

"Can I turn the light on?"

"Fine, but just for a moment."

She turned the light on and then she gazed in wonderment at my cock.

"See. Not quite 13 inches." I said.

"I saw a ruler on your desk. Let's measure it."

I was about to protest but she was already on her feet and out the door before I could say anything. Then she was back with the ruler. I told her to be careful.

"Nine." she said.

"Great. Now can we please just go to sleep."

She smiled and put the ruler on the cot. I pulled up my pants and got into bed and she followed.

Thankfully that was the end of her antics for the night.

The next morning I heard my alarm go off. I smacked it to shut it up and then wondered how many minutes I could stay in bed until it would become absolutely necessary for me to get up. My sister was still asleep, or pretending to be. Her ass was pressed against me and as soon as I realized it I started getting a hard on.

I tell myself that I didn't mean to do it but for some reason I let my hand feel her ass again. She wasn't wearing panties. At some point in the night she had taken them off. I would later find out that she took them off in the living room when she went to get the ruler but I didn't know that at the time. All I knew was my sister's naked ass and pussy were pressed up against me.

I let myself indulge in feeling her ass for a bit but then I came to my senses. I knew better than that. She'd probably think I was some sort of predator if I kept that up.

I started to get out of bed with as much stealth as I could. Then my sister said something.

"Good morning." she whispered.

"Good morning. Sorry about ..."

"I like it when you touch me."

"You do?"

She reached behind and brought her hand to my hard on. "Do you like it when I touch you?"

"Well ..."

"I know you do."

"Some things are involuntary."

"Take it out."


"You touched my ass. I want to touch your thing."

I grit my teeth and got my dick out of my pants. She put her hand on it and gently let her finger tips dance up and down the shaft. Then, she rolled on the bed to face me. She grabbed my dick and started to stroke it. While she was doing that she put her head on my shoulder and put her leg over my leg and started to grind her pussy into me.

"I don't think that's ..." I started to say.

"Don't worry."

She pumped my dick with her hand and I have to say, it was a very good feeling. Instinctively my hips wanted to thrust forward. She giggled when I did and I was just trying to lock my body in place lest I do something I didn't want to do.

As I thrust upward again and again my cock got bigger and bigger in her hand and her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. She let out a small sound of pleasure as she pressed her head into me. I could even feel her nippled getting hard because her tits were pressed into me too.

It felt good. I think my dick actually thought it was having sex. I grabbed my sister's ass with one hand and shoulder with the other so I could hold her in place. Her pussy hair was a bit uncomfortable but that was too small a concern to really notice.

"Do you like that?" she asked.

I wasn't able to respond. I felt an orgasm coming and there would be no way for me to stop it. What would I do? Where would I cum. I didn't have any tissues handy. I couldn't cum on my sister. I couldn't cum on my bed.

I quickly pulled my shirt off, got my dick out of there, and let my cum go into my shirt. I was going to have to wash that before I wore it again.

I laid back down and tried to catch my breath.

"That was fun." my sister said.

I looked at the time and started calculating in my head how short my shower would have to be.

My sister was looking at the bit of cum that was still on the head of my dick.

"Can I?" she asked.


She didn't answer with words. She brought her face to my cock and licked the cum off the head of my dick.

"Wo. That's going a little too far."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to know what it tasted like."

"You keep surprising me."

"We're still getting to know each other." she defended.

"But listen. What we just did was not right. If the cops knew we were sleeping naked together, or doing almost sex, or the fact that you just ingested some of my semen, they'd definitely take you out of here and I'd go to jail."

"I won't tell. It's just between us. Our secret."

"See that you don't because we'd both end up incarcerated."

"I don't want that so don't worry. I won't tell."

I took a deep breath and mentally started making a list of all the things I'd need to do. But my sister just could not leave me alone. She licked the head of my dick again. I looked down at her. I watched as she put the head of my cock into her mouth for just a moment. She took it out and was just about to put her mouth back on my dick when I stopped her.

"That's enough for now." I said. "I have to go."

I got up and took a shower. When I was finally finished and getting dressed I told my sister not to spend all the money I gave her. When I got home we could go get her a phone and make her a key and all that but for now I wanted her to just stay home and stay out of trouble.

When I was at work I had to bring some documents over to the political science building. I always thought that was silly. Politics wasn't science, not like the kind we did. I handed the file to the girl behind the counter and waited for someone to sign them and then give them back to me.

"You're Emit, right." a girl said to me as I was waiting.

I just nodded. Being called Emit was at least better than being called Emilio. I couldn't stand that nickname or the time people thought my name was Email.

"Alicia," she introduced herself. We shook hands and then she asked me if I liked coffee.

"Who doesn't?"

"There's this new place that opened up. Maybe you should try it."

She was trying to be subtle but it was clear to me that she wanted me to ask her out for coffee. I sort of did and we exchanged numbers so I could call her and set a more exact time.

During my walk back to where we did real science I noticed several girls looking at me from a distance and two girls even seemed to be talking about me. Maybe it was just my imagination. Why would they be talking about me?

Near the end of the day I just couldn't stay awake and I crashed on the chair in the office. Maybe some silly person might think it was from using my brain too much. Dr. Smith noticed me there and told me I could go home for the day. I thanked her and grabbed my bag to head out. As I did I noticed that Dr. Smith was looking at my crotch. Ok, now I had to be imagining things. Dr. Smith had to be like 40 years old at least. She told me to enjoy the weekend and I said I'd see her on Monday.

On my way home I made a copy of my house key and got a sim card for my old phone. That should take care of my sister for a while. I had set up my old phone to work as just a wifi phone a long time ago but that wouldn't do her any good outside the house. Now she'd have two phone numbers going to the same phone. I like redundancy. That might be why I had two copies of most of my textbooks. I had one copy for writing in and another that I kept pure.

When I got home I found my sister wasn't there and she had left my door unlocked. I was about to be angry but she left a note saying she had walked down to the lake. I got my old phone out, put the sim card in and then put it on the charger so it would have power. Then I walked down to the lake to give my sister a key.

I found her clothes on the little pier that extended into the lake.

"Ophelia?" I shouted. I heard a splash.

"Emile. Over here." She was swimming.

"Do you have a bathing suit?"

"No." Correction, she was skinny dipping. "Come on in. It feels great."

"That's ok. I got you a phone."


"I'll head up to the house."

"Can you bring me a towel?"

What was it with this girl and not remembering to get a towel?

I went to the house and got my one large beach towel out. I went back down to the lake. My sister got out of the water naked. It was a kind of secluded spot. There shouldn't have been anyone able to see her but it was possible someone on the other side of the lake hiding behind a tree with binoculars or something could get a glimpse.

I expected her to get dressed but instead she just wrapped the towel around herself and walked back up to the house that way. Once inside I encouraged her to take a shower since you never know what sort of microbes live in the lake water. She did as I asked and again asked me for a towel, and again, walked around the house with just the towel around herself.

Maybe she was doing it for attention. She certainly had my attention. So if I wanted her to stop then I needed to ignore the fact that she was a borderline nudist.

I checked my email. Most of it was the usual stuff but there was one email that was a bit different. That girl from the political science building wanted to know if tonight was a good night for coffee. She must have done a search for my name on the school's system because I did not remember giving her my email. I was going to be upset but ...

Hold on ... a girl was actually contacting me preemptively to ask me out? What? Did I die and wake up in a parallel dimension? Hell yes I want to have coffee with her.

"Ophelia, I need to go out again."

"Where you going?"

"Just for coffee."

"But, it's the afternoon."

"I know. Anyway, I might have company when I come back."

"You going on a date?"

"Not sure yet. If I bring someone home I'll call you ahead of time, ok. Please answer your phone. If I let you know that I'm bringing someone please be dressed when we arrive. Is that ok?"

"Sure. So I just need to wait for you to come home again."

"You have a key and a phone now. If you want to go out just go out. If you're going to be out late please call and let me know so I won't worry."

"Roger that."

My date with Alicia was pretty normal I guess. She talked a lot and I stayed quiet. I discovered a long time ago that girls were not interested in anything I had to say.

"So you see, the entire electoral college system is rigged. The republicans have ..."

I nodded.

"You know what that means? Your vote doesn't really count. My vote doesn't count. They throw our votes in the trash and they mean nothing but the republicans blame the voters if we get a bad ..."

I never thought I would meet someone more steeped in jargon than myself.

"Wait" I said. "So, is it rigged in the law or did politicians just monkey with the system?"

"They're using the law to monkey with the system."

I should have known there wouldn't be a simple answer. "How?"

"By forcing a majority of ..."

If she weren't so pretty I think my eyes would have glazed over.

" ... but the republicans in congress never counted the applications. Can you believe that? 49 states have asked for ..."

I needed another coffee or I was going to fall asleep listening to this girl. She smiled and waited patiently for me to return and I even got her a small cake to eat. I was really hoping she'd take the hint, take a bite, and PLEASE not talk with her mouth full.

My plan almost worked. She got a bit of cake on her fork. She raised it to her mouth. She was almost going to take the bite and then she started talking again, only now she was using the bit of cake as a gesturing device.

" ... now that is an interesting system but I think it would be better if instead of only the top two going to a run off the top three would instead. Sure, that might mean you'd have to have a second run off later but it would prevent republicans from being able to ..."

Note to self, start dating theater majors, or art majors, or some other air head field where the girl would not be either interested or able to drone on and on. Ok, sorry. They aren't air head fields, but in my experience artsy people only talked shop with other artsy people.

"So do you live on campus?" she asked me.

It took a moment to register the question. She had finally spoken to me like I was a human being. "No. I have a place by one of the lakes."

"Sounds nice. Is it expensive?"

"Not really. I think I got a good deal on it."

"I'd love to see it."

And that was how she talked me into bringing her by my place. Maybe I'd finally found the secret to getting a girl. I just had to shut up and let them talk me to death instead of the other way around.

I didn't want her to just go out there directly. She was in a car and all I had was a bicycle. I told her I needed to stop by the supermarket on my way home. She offered to drive me or follow me but I told her to please give me half an hour. She said that would give her time to go pick up a bottle of wine. How old did she think I was?

I called my sister and told her I'd be coming. Then I peddled on my bike as fast as I could to get there and clean up anything my sister might have left out. She had been pretty clean so far but I used to live in a dorm. Roommates can turn messy very quickly.

I arrived at the house and my sister was waiting. She asked if I wanted her to leave me alone with the girl and I almost said yes. But then I remembered all the times I had to be a ghost while someone else got laid and I told her it was up to her.

Alicia drove up and smiled at me as she got out of her car. She raised the bottle of wine in the air to show me.

Now, I'm not old enough to drink. But the law actually allows those under 21 who are not old enough to buy alcohol to consume alcohol if it is served to them in the privacy of their own home. I figured I was on safe legal ground and if not then I could just have Alicia talk the cop's ears off.

"Cozy place." Alicia said.

"I'm glad you like it."

Then my sister came out the door to greet her as well.

"OO, What'd you get?"

"Just some wine. May I ask ..."

"I'm Ophelia." my sister said.

Alicia was still waiting for an explanation. I was about to tell her that Ophelia was my sister when Ophelia beat me to it.

"I'm Emile's roommate."


"That's my real name. Everyone just gets it wrong and I kind of got tired of correcting them."

"Really. I never knew. And you have a roommate?"

"I just moved in from out of town." Ophelia said.

"She's looking to go to college here from next semester."

"Well, that's nice." Alicia said.

We all moved into the house. It was then that I noticed that the cot had been moved back into the living room and off to the side.

Three glasses came out and we all had a drink. Then Alicia started her whole politics speech again on Ophelia. She covered the same points all over again. I waited patiently. I tried to imagine having sex with Alicia in order to stay awake. The wine was kind of making me sleepy. I looked at her from my chair as she sat on the sofa next to my sister. Then I looked at my sister and remembered what I had done with her that morning and I started to get a hard on. I wasn't sleepy anymore.

If I wanted to stay alert I really needed to find a way to block out what Alicia was talking about.

"And you know, Emit ... I mean Emile is such a good listener." Alicia said. "He never interrupted me once."

"He's wonderful like that." Ophelia said.

"How did you guys meet?" Alicia asked.

"My mom found him and thought he would be the right kind of guy to look after me. She said he'd be a good big brother figure for me. You know, to keep me out of trouble."

"When will parents learn that modern young women don't need a male to look after us?"

"I know, but I don't mind. Emile is really nice and just between you and me, he's got the biggest dick I've ever seen."

"Really? It's funny because I had heard something about that recently."

"Oh, yeah. Huge."

"You two do know I'm right here, don't you?" I said.

My sister giggled and took a sip of wine. "Say, do you want to see it? I mean, we're all friends here, right?"

Alicia was a bit embarrassed at how forward Ophelia was but after a moment to adjust she took a sip of her own wine and then said ok.

"We might have to talk Mr. Straight and Narrow into it, though." Ophelia said when I started to protest that I wasn't going to show anyone anything.

"I can see that."

"Ladies, please. If I were asking to see your breasts you'd be offended."

"I wouldn't be." Ophelia said.

"Me neither." Alicia said. "If men can go topless then women should be able to as well."

Ophelia got her arms out of her dress and let the top of it fall to her waist. I was a bit scared she might just let the entire thing fall and I just knew she was probably not wearing any underwear. She was already not wearing a bra as it was and her bare breasts were on display for all to see.

Alicia followed her lead and took her top off. She was wearing a bra but Ophelia helped her out of it. Now there were two topless women in my living room asking to see my dick.

"Come on. Show us. A deal's a deal." Ophelia said.

"I don't remember agreeing to anything."

"He thinks his cock is so special just because it's so big."

"Yeah, Emile. It's just us. Relax and have some fun." Alicia said. "I want to see if the rumor is true."

They approached me. I tried to protest some more but deep down, I think I really did want to pull it out. How often did this sort of thing happen to me? Never, that's how often. A girl wanted to see my dick. Nuff said. I was getting hard anyway just looking at all those perfect titties bouncing about.

They came to me and made me stand up. Then they got my pants loose and pulled them down. My cock sprang out in front of them and whacked Alicia in the face. She giggled and smiled.

"See, look at that. Have you ever seen a dick that big?" Ophelia said.

"Only in a porno. That's big." Alicia said.

"There. You've both seen it. Can I put it away now?"

"Oh, no. Not yet." Ophelia said as she grabbed my dick. "Alicia, don't you think he was very brave in showing us. We need to help him overcome his shyness."

Ophelia presented my hard dick to Alicia and pointed the head at her mouth. Alicia realized what was being suggested to her. She looked up at me and then smiled. She opened her mouth and then in went my dick.

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