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Nerd and Nudist


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Now I had plenty of witnesses in case Scarlet tried to say I sexually assaulted her or something. The arrival of even more women to our non date seemed to vex Scarlet but she didn't back out even when Sonja was clearly acting like she was interested in me. I wasn't too sure how much to believe either Sonja or Scarlet as to the sincerity of their feelings. Alicia seemed to have a pensive mood and she seemed to keep trying to keep me between her and my sister.

As you can imagine, with so many other people there it was difficult for Scarlet to even get close enough to me to pull anything. If any of them had actually thought that this would be a date, it turned instead to just all of us watching a movie and then when it was over we hung out and talked about the movie for a while. Alicia found some metaphor by which to turn the bad guys in the film into republicans. I was almost starting to believe that she might actually was us to be ruled by a monarch. Or maybe she meant something different by republican than what the definition in the dictionary said.

Anyway, the night was fun but if it was supposed to be a date then it was a bust. One by one they all left. I stopped Ophelia from asking for a ride home. Instead I called a taxi for her and I just went back on my bike.

When I finally got home I ordered a pizza because I didn't feel like cooking.

"So," Ophelia began to say, "when did you become a player?"

"A what?"

"A player. You just took three girls out at the same time. I thought we might come back here and all of us have an orgy or something."

"That's not what was going on."

"It looked like it to me. If you had to pick one, which one would you go with?"

"None of them. It wasn't about that."

"They all liked you."

"No they didn't."

"They did. I could see it. They were each trying to get you to notice them. Then two of them looked like they were about to have a cat fight."

"They were arguing about politics."

"Yeah, and trying to get you to side with them."

"Well, I got out of there in one piece. That's all I really care about."

"And you did not like that girl in the red dress."

"Scarlet. Yeah, we're not friends."

"But she wanted you so bad."

"Wanted to see me suffer more like it."

"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend. Even with all these women throwing themselves at you, you just can't see it."

"They weren't throwing themselves at me."

Ophelia was about to respond when someone knocked on the door. I turned on the outside light and opened the door.

"Dr. Smith." I was surprised to see her and even more surprised to see how she was dressed. She was wearing a skin tight black dress. "Good evening."

"I was heading back this way and I thought I would drop this off for you."

She handed me a tall lamp that looked practically new. I didn't want to be rude so I invited her in. I introduced Ophelia as my roommate again. We should probably be consistent after all.

"I didn't know you were sharing a place with a girl."

"Well ... um ... see we used to live in the same foster home a long, long time ago and when she was about to get out she told me that she wanted to go to college here so I thought it would be ok if I let her stay with me for a while." Dr. Smith was one of the few people who knew that I had grown up in foster care. I kept it secret from everyone else for obvious reasons. There was already enough about my life that I knew the answers to that I had to explain to people who wanted to get to know me. I wasn't about to let everyone know I was an orphan and have them ask a million times if I knew why my parents gave me up.

"Oh, then you two are kind of like brother and sister."

"Sort of." Ophelia said. "I know I wish I had a brother as amazing as Emile."

"So, where do you want to put the lamp?" Dr. Smith asked.

"I don't know."

"How about over here in the corner? This looks like a good spot."

"Yeah, that's nice."

"See, it softens all the light in the room."

I happened to be standing right next to her and she looked at me in the eyes. I tried not to peek but my eyes did a quick jump down to her breasts and then back up.

She looked at me and then she looked down at my body. I couldn't say exactly where she was looking but she was looking at me and doing some kind of calculation in her head. Then she looked over at Ophelia and seemed to be disappointed.

"Well, you two have a good night. And I'll see you on Monday."

We all went to the door and I watched as she drove away.

My sister was about to mention something about the whole encounter but I told her I didn't want to hear it so she bottled it up. The entire time Dr. Smith was in my house I was very conscious of the fact that my body order was pretty strong after all the cycling I'd done. I decided to take a shower before bed.

While I was waiting for the water to get hot I undressed and my sister came into the bathroom with me.

"A little privacy please." I said.

"Come on, we can take a shower together."

"Says who?"

"Says me. I don't want you using up all the hot water. I want to take a shower too."

I wasn't going to argue with her, especially when she slipped out of her dress so fast and when it fell to the floor she wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"Still no panties?" I asked.

"I'm not going to wear them in the shower."

My dick was already hard for something like the fiftieth time that day. She just looked at me and smiled. I tried to be cool and act like a proper sibling as we got into the tub together and I started to soap up to get the stink off of me. That process and getting rinsed off wasn't so bad. The really bad part came when my sister got her turn with the soap and I think she was actually trying to turn me on as she let the bar slide all over her body. Then it looked like she was playing with her titties.

She turned away from me and used the soap a bit more. She started to back up onto me and I backed up all the way to the wall. She started to press her slick ass up against me and she rubbed it round. Somehow my dick got between her lets and she clamped down on it with her thighs.

Her thighs and her pussy were like the triforce and my dick was going in and out of the center. I wasn't actually fucking her but it felt like I was. A couple of times when I pushed forward I felt the head of my dick get very close to the opening of her pussy. It would sort of get hung up there for just a moment and then would move past it.

I grabbed her hips with one hand and the other reached around and felt her breast. I let my fingertips get hold of her nipple and I pinched it.

All of this was getting to be a bit too much for me and I felt myself starting to want to cum. When I did cum it shot out of my dick and flew all the way across the tub.

We didn't say anything about it. I washed up a bit again and she finished her thing. Then we both washed our hair. It was time to get out and a good thing too because we were starting to run out of hot water.

After the shower we got dried off but instead of at least wearing a towel as she went through the house, now my sister was walking around completely naked. Well, is she was going to do it then I could do it too. It felt funny though. Even when I lived alone I never just went from one room to the other naked.

She laid down on my bed and when I entered the room she said, "Can I ask you for a favor?"

"I suppose."

"I know you said you would be busy and wouldn't have a lot of time for me but I was wondering if I could spend the day with you tomorrow."

"The whole day?"

"Sure. Why not? I mean, everything's going to be closed, right. I'd really appreciate it."


"Thank you." She got up on her knees and hugged me.

"I'm, sorry about what I did in the shower." I said.

"You don't have to be sorry about that. I want to make you happy."

"I know but we've been crossing this line into incest territory rather frequently."

"I just feel so good to be with you. That's not wrong is it?"

"We'll have to keep it a secret. I hate to make it sound that way but ..."

"I never want anyone to take me away from you."

I grabbed my pajamas but as I was going to put them on my sister told me to stop.

"It's just us." she said. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bed. "Can I kiss you?" she asked.

"Kiss how?"

"I don't know. Like I kiss a girl."

"Maybe that would be too much."

"How about just a light touch on the lips?"

I told her it was ok and she closed her eyes and moved in to give me a kiss. Instead of a light peck on the lips, as soon as the kiss started she went full in.

I couldn't help myself. As I kissed her I reached for her breasts to feel them again. My sister broke the kiss. She put one hand on each side of my face and then directed me to suck her nipples.

I had moved on top of her by this point. She spread her legs for me. I sucked her left nipple and then I went to the right one. Then she started to push my head downward. I kissed a bit of her belly here and there as I moved down to her pubic hair. Then I was face to face with her pussy.

I looked up at her. She had a longing in her eyes. She tilted her hips up and then she grabbed my head and tried to force me down on her.

So this was the very first time for me to lick pussy. I had sucked on tits once before. That was the very farthest I'd been with a girl before Alicia had come over. Now I was licking pussy and that pussy was my sister's.

I tasted her and let my tongue out to feel her pussy lips. There were a lot of ... um ... places I guess I would say. There were the lips of course and the opening. Of course I would notice the opening. There was the place under the opening that led to the anus. Then there was the place above that seemed complicated for no reason. I didn't really understand biologically what it was or what it was doing there, what I learned very quickly was that my sister really liked me to focus my attention there.

I'm not sure if it was because I was doing a good job or a bad job but my sister started to move her pussy up and down along the lower part of my face. It took some time to get her off. I guess I didn't mind. In a way, I really didn't want to rush this. I was actually enjoying licking her pussy. I honestly was ok with the fact that I was doing this to my sister. I shouldn't have been ok with it but I was. I guess, I wasn't ok with the fact that I was ok with it if that made any sense but that was as close as my conscious was getting to being annoyed.

"I'm almost there." Ophelia said.

She arched her back and braced herself and then her body rocked with her climax.

I looked at her as she lay there happy.

"Have I told you today that you are the best brother ever?"

"Not yet."

"Well, you are."

I looked at her and she looked at me. I was still right there between her legs. I still had a hard on. Her pussy was right there and it was wet and ready.

I dared not ask. I dared not even suggest that I wanted to do that. But I wasn't moving. I was making myself available I suppose. If she asked for it I would give it to her. It would be my very first time to be with a girl. I'd deal with how messed up it was that my first would be my sister later. For right now, there was a pussy right in front of me and if I had the chance to put my dick in it I was going to do that.

She reached for me. She grabbed my cock and stroked it a bit. Then she positioned the head of my dick up to her pussy. She rubbed the outside of her pussy for a bit.

"I'm scared." she said.


"I've never been with ... a boy."

"Only girls?"

She nodded. "But I want to. I want to be with a boy I've just never had the chance before."

"Ok. I guess I should say that for the record, you don't have to be with me. You can be with anyone you want to be with."

"I know. But I like you. I trust you. I know we haven't really known each other that long but I hope we'll always stay together. You're all I have and I don't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me. Now that we're together there's no reason to ever lose contact again. You don't have to do this with me to know that I'll always be there for you."

"I know. But it's kind of like, because I know you'll always be there for me, that's why I want to do this with you. Does that make sense?"

"I think it does."

We were set. We had both sort of agreed that we were going to do this. This was going to happen. I looked at the head of my cock slowly start to go into her opening. We were going to have sex and in a way we were both losing our virginity to each other. That really made this special.

The head of my dick was in and now part of the shaft was going in. We were going slow because we both wanted this to be perfect.

Knock, knock, knock ... knock.

FUCK! WHO the FUCK is THAT! Not now. Not fucking now. Are you fucking kidding me?

I was going to ignore it but then another round of knocks came from the door and I got up, put my pajamas on, and then went to answer it.

I opened the door.

"Alicia, evening. What's up?"

"Can I come in?" she asked.

I seriously contemplated pretending to be a republican so she would get disgusted and go away. No, she could not come in. I was about to get some pussy for the first time in my fucking life. Go the fuck away.

"Um ... It is kind of late." I said.

"I'm sorry but this is important."

I let her in all the while thinking that it had better be a matter of fucking life or death. Otherwise there was no way it was more important than me getting some pussy. COME ON. Unless of course she wanted to be the pussy I was going to fuck but why would I take a chance on that when I knew I had guaranteed pussy waiting for me?

"So, what is this about?" I asked as she took a seat on my sofa.

"First, let me ask you what the movies was about."

"It was a movie. We went to see a movie."

"Why were all those other girls there?"

"Because I didn't want to be alone with Scarlet."

"The girl in red?"

"Yeah. She has a history of being a troll."

"Then why go out with her?"

"Don't know. I guess I wanted to show her that I could go to the movies even if it wasn't with her on a date. I'm an adult and I can go or not go to the movies as I see fit."

"Ok. I don't exactly understand."

"I'd have to explain it and it would take time but that's not really the important thing. The only real important thing was if you enjoyed the movie."

"I did but ..."

"Then, relax. It was just a movie. We all went as friends to see a movie. It was not a romantic date. You don't have to be on a romantic date every single time you go to the movies."

"Ok. It's just I've been a bit confused and I sat and thought for a bit and I wanted to tell you something. I think this is really important."

"Ok. What is it?"

"I'm not a lesbian."

"And General Franco is still dead."

"I mean I'm not against that at all you understand. I'm for equality all the way. And I know I had sex with your roommate ... and I enjoyed it. Of course I enjoyed it because like I said I'm not against that. I even felt myself being attracted to her afterwards because there's nothing wrong with what we did. But what I'm saying is that I'm not a lesbian myself. I can identify with the cause and I feel solidarity and everything but I did some soul searching and I think I can say with confidence that ... um ... unfortunately I'm just heterosexual. ... And I wanted you to know."

"Ok, I know."

"So, I also wanted to say that I like you. I don't know how you feel about me or if you gave up trying to have anything with me because you thought I was gay, not that there's anything wrong with being gay of course, but I like you. I want to try to have a relationship with you."

"Isn't it a bit early to have that talk?"

"I know it seems that way but after everything that happened and today with the movies I just thought I needed to make things official."

"What do you mean by official?"

"We should officially be dating."


"Yeah. We aren't a couple yet but we're dating."

"Ok, we're dating."

With that finally worked out I thought she might leave but she just sat there relaxing on my sofa. I almost felt like I was cheating on my sister just being with her. And my sister was probably still waiting for me. I was about to get up and suggest that Alicia leave when she leaned over to me and put her head on my shoulder.

As we were like that she made a play for a kiss and I kissed her. While we were kissing I heard my sister at the door.

"I'm still waiting for you."

Alicia and I both looked over at her. She was wearing just that big t-shirt.

"I'll be right there."

"Hurry up. I'm horny."

Alicia looked at me and then looked at Ophelia and then looked back at me. "I didn't know you two were fucking."

"We're not." I said.

"Not yet." Ophelia corrected. "It's still something I'm looking forward to."

Alicia seemed confused and a little upset. Ophelia walked over to us, raised her shirt high enough to expose her pussy and then got on top of me and kissed me deeply.

When we broke the kiss Ophelia looked at Alicia. "Emile promised to be my first time with a guy. I had hoped to have him all to myself tonight but in honor of you two officially dating you can join us if you want."

"No, that's ok." Alicia got up and went to the door. I got my sister off of me and I saw her out. She still seemed upset as she went to her car and then drove away.

"Well, I think that's ruined." I said.

"You didn't want to date her anyway."

As soon as I had the door closed and locked my sister threw that shirt on the floor and was naked. She threw herself into my arms. I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. I put her on the bed and got out of my pajamas. Then we were back in the position we were in before.

I went in slowly. There seemed to be some kind of pressure in her pussy preventing the head of my dick from going too fast. It seemed uncomfortable for her at first but she eventually got used to it. I pushed in as far as I could. The eventual stopping point wasn't determined by the length of my dick. In fact, I wasn't able to get all of my dick in her. Rather, I reached the end of her pussy where I assumed her cervix was.

I started to move in and out of her. We had now both lost our virginities to each other. That made this kind of special if you thought about it.

It did not take long before she started to respond to my dick more and more intensely. Again she arched her back. She bucked her hips and she had her orgasm. Right as she was coming out of it I pulled out of her and shot my cum onto her belly. I couldn't exactly aim it so some of it shot all the way up by her face and a bit of it didn't go very far and landed on the outside of her pussy.

I kissed her. She took my dick and as cum was still oozing out of me, she put it back in her pussy.

She whispered in my ear, "I'm so happy you let me stay here. I can never repay you enough."

"We're family. We have to stick together."

"I never want you to let me go."

We continued to have sex but there was a different feeling to it now. I wasn't trying to build myself up so I could cum again. I was just fucking her to fill the time. We were just doing it the same way you might play a video game or watch tv. I was on top of her, then she was on top of me. Then we tried doggy style. We both just really enjoyed fucking and didn't want it to end.

I honestly don't remember at what point we stopped. I just remember waking up the next day and we were both still naked. Before even getting out of bed I started to run my hand all over her body. She woke up and did the same to me as well. Without a word she got on top of me and with just a bit of saliva she got my instant erection into her pussy and we started the day with sex.


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