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New Girl in Town Pt. 25


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"It's impressive," He smiled as he admired the gift. "An amazing gift from a pair of exceptional students. I'll treasure this. Thank you both and, Jake, thank you for your kind words. Now, we should probably do something constructive before the final bell."


Graduation Day

Principal Owen wrapped his speech to the graduating class then gestured to where Jessica sat on stage.

"Our student speaker came to us just this year though you'd hardly know it with how she jumped into her life here. She helped us build a championship team on our volleyball court, but, as all her friends were keen to tell me, the most important things she brought us was her kindness, empathy, confidence and her compassion. Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present you, this years valedictorian... Jessica Golden!"

Jake patted her knee as Jessica adjusted her valedictorian stole and stood. She gave him a quick smile before she approached the podium.

Principal Owen shook her hand then took his seat.

"Thank you, Principal Owen; esteemed faculty and staff. And thank you all for coming out on this momentous occasion," She paused, shuffled her note cards then looked up.

Her eyes drifted to the top of the stadium seats where she sat that first day to watch the band. She smiled as she looked over toward the broadcast booth, under which she had spent many lunches with her friends. She glanced back at her cards then set them down.

"Principal Owen, my fellow graduates, families and friends... I had a speech prepared. In it I would have spoken about inspiration, wisdom and looking forward to bright futures for us all, but as I stand here looking out at all of you another inspiration has taken me. So if you'll please indulge me... I'd like to talk about that."

She looked at Principal Owen who gave her a guarded nod to go ahead.

"As you can see, I'm not the only valedictorian onstage today. Jake Gibson is as well and is wearing his award at my insistence," she turned and smiled at him.

"Thank you again, sweetie," she said then turned back to the crowd.

"Jake and my GPA's were tied, but it was decided that I won due to his absences from the wreck. I won because I was here. As I looked out over this stadium filled with my friends, it got me thinking just how true that statement is. I won because I was here. I walked into this very stadium before the first day of school, but I did not want to be here. A few of my fellow graduates greeted me that day..."

"Still sorry about that, Jessica!" Jamie shouted from his seat.

That garnered a ripple of laughter from the class.

"You've been forgiven for all of that, Jamie," Jessica laughed then continued. "Shelly and Jody came up and introduced themselves to me, the new girl in town, and they made me feel welcome to this new school. I walked into school the next morning, nervous but hopeful. That's when I met Staci... who immediately took my schedule away from me."

"I gave it back, Jess!" Staci shouted.

"Yes, you did," Jessica laughed. "Staci became one of my truest friends and, if you couldn't tell, I love her to pieces. Then I met Jake. I had seen him that first day but we weren't introduced until I wandered into Ms. Simpson's class wondering if I was in the right place. Turns out, in more ways than one, I was. Through these few individuals I have made friends that I will carry with me through my life. Friends that I will always trust. Friends that I know will always have my back and I will have theirs. Friends that I will never forget all because I was here."

Her eyes had scanned the crowd as she spoke. Settling a moment on each Misfit as she continued.

"There were many ups and a few downs this year, but through it all my friends were by my side. Staying up late, talking with me when times were tough. Staying with Jake while he was in the hospital. Day and night so that he was never alone. Making me smile on those days when I didn't think it was possible. I had all of that, because I was here. So I'd like all of you to take this with you out there in the world, when you don't feel like you're where you should be please remember that, even if you don't think so, you might be right where you belong. I thank you all for welcoming me in and making this my home. And to my Misfits, I love you all, always!"


After all the hugs were given, pictures were taken with family and friends and gowns and mortarboards exchanged for diploma's and graduate tassels the Misfits filtered back into the stadium. They saw and watched a crew start to take down the stage and remove the rental chairs.

"Hard to believe this is the last time we'll be here," Bobby broke the silence.

"Lot of good memories," Jake commented.

"Of all the bad trades you made you mean?" Jody giggled.

"They weren't all bad," he defended.

"So much lost chocolate for poor Jake," Roxie smiled.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Worth it though."

"Something tells me that Jake isn't talking about the fruit," C.C. pointed out.

She made a kissy face at him then Roxie and Jessica followed suit.

"What a year," Bobby shook his head.

He saw a piece of paper hanging out of the back of Jake's jean pocket and nudged it with his foot.

"A little late for a letter of recommendation isn't it?" He asked.

"Mine were sent out months ago." Jake said.

"Okay so a love letter from one of your many girlfriend's?" Bobby asked.

"Or crushes?" Staci giggled then looked at Jess. "I didn't write him a love letter, Jess. I promise."

"Don't think I didn't read how you signed his yearbook, Staci. Excellent use of French in there, by the way," Jessica answered then waved her own paper. "We got these from Ms. Greene... or, Bancroft now."

"It was sweet of her to come out," Ray said.

"It was," Jake nodded. "Still not sure about opening this though."

He waved the closed envelope.

"Dude, the last time she handed you two envelopes, they had huge checks in them! Give it here and I'll open it for you. Maybe we can afford Maiden for a late Graduation party!" Bobby said as he reached for it.

Jake snatched it back before his hand closed on it.

"Not what this is," he said.

"They're letters... from Patrick," Jessica told them.

"Oh... are you sure they aren't checks too?" He asked.

"I... no..." Jake answered.

"We have to open them now don't we?" Jessica asked.

"I mean you don't have to. Though, I'm sure that I speak for the rest of us when I say that I'm curious what they say," Staci said.

"How about Jake and I read them later, alone, then tell you all tonight at the party?" Jessica suggested. "I don't want these to be the last thing we talk about here, ya know?"

The group nodded their agreement.

"Why does this feel so, I dunno, final?" Staci asked after a few moments.

"It's not. We have the graduation party tonight at your place then we'll all get together before Jake and Jess head to California," Shelly said.

"Speaking of," Jamie stood. "I should be heading out. Gotta pick up my dad so we can meet Marie's folks for dinner."

"We'll see you both at the party, right?" Ray asked.

"She can't miss it, Jamie. She's a Misfit and Misfit attendance is mandatory. I texted her as much earlier," Roxie told him.

"She wouldn't miss it, Roxie," he assured her.

The girls insisted on hugs before he left. His departure started a trickle of others leaving. Somer had to meet Rick but promised to be at the party. One by one they all headed out with just the original Misfits still there. They all got up together and climbed the stairs. Jake lingered at the top and looked over the stadium for a moment until Jessica came up and hugged him from behind.

"Come on, Jake," she kissed his cheek. "More adventures are out there just waiting for us."

Jake glanced back at where Roxie, C.C., Staci and Ray all waited for them and chuckled.

"Is that Roxie and C.C.'s new nickname or Ray and Staci's?" He asked.

She gave him a playful punch.

"Possibly Roxie and C.C.'s, funny guy! So let's not keep any of them and whatever else is out there waiting for us huh?"

"Yeah," he said then leaned in and kissed her.

Epilogue Some years later

"Welcome back to the gold medal match in beach volleyball here in London. If you're just joining us, you've missed some tremendous play," the announcer said.

"Right you are," his female analyst agreed. "The combination of Golden and Wescott for Team USA have stunned the volleyball world in this Olympics by tearing through their pool. Knocking off team after team to make it here, the gold medal game."

"Golden sure is trying to live up to her name. After some first set jitters they really took it to the Brazilian tandem in the second set. Looking at my sheet here, I see that that Golden and Wescott played together back in high school," he said.

"I spoke with them prior to the match and they played a season together before Golden moved to a new school where she brought home a state championship alongside our bronze medalists, Tabitha Spencer and Caitlyn Henshaw," she informed the viewers.

The camera zoomed in on Tabitha and Caitlyn seated in the stands. The pair held up their medals to the camera along with the necklaces that Coach Morrison had given them.

"Carter High really pumps out champions don't they," the male announcer said.

The Carter students cheered as they watched at the newly renovated Thunderbird Drive-in. The town had booked the venue so all those that wanted to view the event together could. The place was packed with current and former students as well as a lot of townsfolk.

Coach Pennington, now Assistant Principal Pennington, watched over the students while he cheered along with them. Ms. Simpson and Coach Morrison, both wearing Team USA Volleyball Tees that Jake and Jess shipped to them, helped corral them while rooting Jessica on.

The camera panned the crowd and zoomed in on Jessica's family as the announcers spoke of them.

"A lot of Jessica's family and friends made the journey over the pond as they say here," the man said.

The camera went from Mr. and Dr. Golden to Sarah who had her hair colored red, white and blue. Beside her sat Grammy, who had on a handmade Team Golden shirt.

"Little Sarah's growing up, but with that hair... I guess somethings don't change," Ray commented.

Somer nodded. She and Ray had ran into each other at the concession stand and decided to catch up while watching the match.

"I'd say that Roxie would be pissed, but," she gestured toward the screen.

The camera pulled back and showed Jake, Bobby, Roxie, C.C. and Staci seated in front of the Goldens and Jake's parents.

"I'm guessing that she did Sarah's hair herself," Somer finished. "Staci looked good."

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Do you want to talk about you and Rick?" He countered.

"Point taken," she nodded then after a moment. "It was just distance, you know?"

"Yeah, know all about that," he nodded then gestured to her right.

"Hey, look who's coming this way," he said.

She looked and smiled. Jamie and Marie walked hand in hand toward them. Marie spotted them, smiled and they walked over.

"Good to see you," Jamie greeted them.

"Hey, guys! This feels like a mini-reunion. We just spoke with Jody over by the swing set and now you two... I guess it makes sense though" Marie gestured toward the crowd, "I think the whole town came out to watch."

"You're right about that," Ray nodded. "I saw Coach Pennington earlier. He and Ms. Simpson are over with the students."

"Who called for a reunion?" A voice asked from behind them.

They turned and found Patrick approaching them with a woman at his side.

"I'm crediting Somer with that one," Ray chuckled.

"What? I was just getting a sno-cone. You're the one that came up and insisted on paying for me," she nudged him.

"I thought it was the neighborly thing to do. How ya been, Patrick? Would you and your lady friend like to join us?" He gave Jamie a nudge. "I'm already counting on you and Marie to join us."

"Need help with the chairs huh?" Jamie chuckled.

"Well, I wouldn't turn down some help," he grinned.

"Then let's get at it, so these lovely ladies don't have to stand around any longer than they have to," Patrick added.

Ray and the guys got more lawn chairs together and soon the group were seated and chatting about the old days until the camera zoomed in on Jake. Marie shushed them so they could hear.

"...Ms. Golden's fiance and, according to her, her unofficial masseuse going back to her playing days in high school," the male announcer chuckled.

"She'll need him after this match for sure," the analyst said. "She's ready to serve for match point."

On the screen, Jessica tossed the ball into the air, jumped and smashed her serve over the net. One of the Brazilian's had to dive to play it. She lofted it up for her partner who sent it over the net. Cass bumped it high as Jessica rushed the net. She leapt high and slammed down a shot between the opponents. Both dove for it but came up with just sand. The stadium and the drive-in both erupted in loud cheers and applause. Jessica had just won gold in her first Olympics. She hugged Cass tightly in celebration then turned toward the stands, found Jake in the cheering crowd and blew him a kiss. He smiled and wondered, if winning a normal game amped her up, what he was in store for now that she had won gold.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 23 hours ago

Way too long and drawn out. Too much fluff comments by writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 24 hours ago

Difficult to get to the end, If you stopped reading after chapter 8, a nightmare to navigate to subsequent chapters. Therefor on Literotica smaller chapters please.

Great story Keep writing Tall Girl

PhredDaggPhredDagg10 days ago

GREAT story. Please finish it by telling us about their college life etc.

RsHmarRsHmar14 days ago

This stoy ends way too soon , Jess and Jake college life story would be nice to have ..how they graduate , married and have kids ...

fishkoppfishkopp23 days ago

I loved the reference to Kenneth and Michelle, and hope that your next story focusses on them again!

AardieAardie28 days ago

Yeah, looking at the epilog again leaves me with more questions than answers.

AardieAardie28 days ago

They finished high school, but you didn't really FTDS. I hope you do a sequel covering the summer break and then college.

Also, rubbing on every guy's erection at prom and girls making out naked in bed is pretty far over the line so it seems ridiculous that they didn't do more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I cried like a baby. Thank you for finishing this story out

WittonWittonabout 1 month ago

Too much of this story took place in some parallel universe e.g., North Carolina law limits parents’ liability for a minor child’s actions to $2000. If the story line included a smart lawyer you might find a huge insurance policy the father had on his business that covered the worthless son in any car he was driving and so on - but you don’t get the protagonists being offered 300 grand flat out take it or leave it - et cetera

The story line was good enough without making it about Superman and Wonder-woman

I couldn’t believe the characters after Jessica got word that her athletic scholarship was safe.

The one thing I liked was the way he handled the issue of Jessica’s loss of virginity

Falstaff60Falstaff60about 1 month ago

Great story with a satisfying finale. Although I would love to read a revisit of these characters in future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Great story all through, glad to finally be able to read this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Pretty amazing - it took year to write but in the end the best story on line. Congratulations.

Smiffy69Smiffy692 months ago

Waited until the end to comment. Enjoyed very much. Felt it got a little bogged down during the last quarter but was good in the end. More please.

drycreeksdrycreeks2 months ago

It was a great story front to back. Could have been more i think but great job it was enjoyed n appreciated

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