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New Year's Resolution Ch. 01


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Now, don't get me wrong, I was excited for this trip. Despite being the house I was going to get laid in, I had no doubt in my mind that I would be able to rid my mind of previous troubles and enjoy my stay. Whether or not it would take a few drinks to get me to lighten up had yet to be proven, but I wanted to test the theory.

We unpacked in the near-frigid sea air, being both relaxed by the sights and smells of the area and almost frozen to death by the relentless, sea-breeze. Eventually we got it all unpacked and set up on the first floor - where my mom and her mom would then load the dinky little elevator and send it up to the appropriate floors. We worked quickly, getting the luggage into each room and getting the food and liquor to the third floor - where we'd spend most of our time.

For good reason too. With the open kitchen and main living room having a wide open view to the ocean, it was nothing to laugh at. It was the quintessential setting for a beach vacation. When you opened the windows and turned on the fireplace that rested in the center of the living room, you got a crisp breeze that would be instantly soothed by the warm haze that emanated out. This floor also included the master bedroom, shared by Mom and Dad. Despite Nana paying for the trip, she insisted that they have the room.

I suppose since I'm describing one floor, I might as well describe the rest. The second floor, which essentially holds the main selection of bedrooms. Two of them had balconies directly under their third floor counterparts and every room had its own bathroom. Three of the rooms included queen sized beds and the fourth and final room on that floor had two twin sized beds that you could easily push together if you wanted a nicer setup for a night with your lover.

No one took the room with the twins. I had my choice of any room, but I chose the room across from the twins, the only 'queen' room that didn't have a balcony. I let my brother and his partner take that room, which was directly next to mine. The room across theirs was Nana's room. She took it every year before now and it was no surprise she wanted it again this year.

The first floor was actually pretty nice, despite us never spending all that much time down there. It included a single bedroom that had two bunk beds. Each bottom bunk had a full sized bed. So that would hold about six people comfortably. Not too shabby for one bedroom, but anyways, back to the rest of the floor. At the far back end, directly across from the front door was an open snack kitchen and in the middle of the room, a pool table. To the right, if you were coming in from the front door, there was the theater room.

With cheesy popcorn carpet, '60s movie posters, wrought iron film reels and upward shining lights, it really did look the part. It had three levels of elevation. The lowest had two red leather chairs and a yellow leather table between them. The second level had a red leather couch just high enough to see above the first level viewers. The third and final level had a long, and you guessed it, red leather couch that spanned from wall to wall. It seemed to stay pretty dark in the back. So yeah, as you can imagine, it was cheesy as hell but it was also pretty comfy at the same time. Oh! And I forgot to mention the 65 inch smart TV mounted on the wall. That was pretty nice, too.

Head back out of the room and hook a right, back toward the snack kitchen and you'll find a large sliding door that leads to the back of the house. It had a covered swimming pool, broken tables exposed to the elements without any maintenance and hidden away under the left second floor balcony, was the hot tub. As you can imagine, a hot tub on a cold winter night while listening to the crashing waves with a partner would a pretty heavenly experience.


I had just finished unpacking my luggage, storing my clothes away, plugging in my tablet to charge and tossing my jacket onto the bed before I set out for the third room to join the rest. I had sat in my room for an unknown amount of time, wishing Allison was here with to no avail.

I climbed the half landing staircase and was greeted with the sight of my family. Dad was checking what kind of kitchen equipment we had in stock. Mom was putting away wine and other assorted foodstuffs. Nana was on the couch, trying to get the TV to work while my brother, Geoff and his partner, Luis were sitting at the round glass dining table, talking and looking out at the ocean.

Dad looked back toward the stairs at me, "Hey, Mike! What've you been up to?"

"Oh not too much, just finished unpacking and thought I'd spend some time up here with y'all," I spoke as I reached the bar top, taking a seat.

Mom finished arranging the liquor in an almost decorative state in the corner of the bar top counters before she walked over to face me, "Hey, why the long face, Sweetie?" She spoke in her usual, concerned motherly tone as she cocked her head slightly. God, even after all these years - those simple actions could seemingly make my heart beat a few hundred beats-per-minute faster.

I hesitated, wondering if I should just avoid telling the truth, but decided against lying to the living lie detector who stood before me, "Ah, it's nothing, really. Just wish that Alli hadn't backed out like that is all."

She straightened up and began to take a stern look upon her face as she took in my words. "Look, Honey. Allison was a bitch to leave you like that. She doesn't deserve you. Hell, I would say ninety-nine perfect of the god-damned population doesn't deserve my little man!"

"Mom, come on, really. First of all, she's not a bitch. Second of all, I'm not your 'little man'." I made a show of flexing my biceps as I spoke, trying to ease the mood a little. It seemed to work, as she just laughed to herself and stared at my comically overly-theatric gun show.

"Well then, my not so little man, what would you like for this here bargirl to get you? You obviously need some liquid happiness in you," she mocked, punctuating with a little wink.

"Oh, well let's see here..." I leaned over the counter and took eyeful stock of the liquor. Vodka. "Got any Bloody Mary mix?"

"Sure do! I assume that's what you want?"

I nodded as I responded, "Yeah, that'll do! Something simple."

She whipped up a nice Bloody Mary in no time flat, complete with a celery stick poking out the top. I sipped it liberally as I took in the ambient sunlight coming in from nearly all angles.

"Good?" She surprised me a bit when she spoke.

"Yeah. Thanks, Mom."

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and hugged me tight, "Of course, Sweetie. Anything for my little man!" Once again, making sure to mock me with that nickname, but I really didn't care anymore - the drink was beginning to ease any tension I had.


"Alright, ladies and gents - what are we eating tonight? I can whip up some BLTs if that's to everyone's satisfaction!" Dad yelled out from the couch.

We were all standing around the bar, getting a beer, some Whiskey Sours and a couple of vodka tonics for everyone. After a few looks around seemingly in agreement, I spoke up, "That sounds pretty good, Pops!"

He started to get up from the couch as he grumbled back at me, "Oh come on, Kiddo. Don't call me that - I'm not that old."

As the bacon sizzled, Dad sliced tomatoes and broke apart strips of lettuce while I eyed his wife, my mother dear. Now I'd be lying if I said my father was a dick. He was quite the opposite, in fact. He was as genuinely nice and caring as a father could be which is exactly what was causing this sense of guilt as I looked over her body.

She was sitting at the bar wearing her skin-tight jeans, one leg crossed over the other. Her hands cupped her cheeks as she rested her chin in her palms. From my sideways vantage point, I could see her breasts hanging down, pressing against her blouse since she was leaning forward slightly. She wasn't wearing a bra! I could feel the tightness in my pants growing further into discomfort as I eyed her figure.

Then, as I sought her face, I saw that her eyes were locked on mine. A small, knowing smile began to appear in her lips. I darted my gaze away, back towards my father as an all too familiar pit began to form in my stomach. While I tried to keep my attention on my father's cooking, I couldn't help but see Mom in the corner of my eye, staring intently at me just I had been doing before.

"Come sit next to your momma, Big Man!"

God dammit.

I slid off the stool and walked past my brother and Luis toward Mom, who was patting the stool next to her. I got up onto the stool and tried to avoid eye contact for the moment, but she wrapped her arm around me and pulled me tightly against her before she whisperingly-slurred into my ear, "Are we going to have another incident?" She nuzzled into the crook of my neck as she continued, "Maybe that wouldn't be all that bad."

I pushed back and harshly whispered back to her, "Mom! What the fuck?"

She just looked back up at me with the most innocent look in her eyes while she slurred softly to me, "What? Don't you still want your old mom?"

"Just stop it, Mom - you're drunk." I spoke back to her as I gently pushed her back into a sitting position. Just in time as well, as Dad brought a plate to me and Mom.

I saw her lean toward me slightly in my peripheral before she spoke clearly, quietly and without any decipherable slur, "I'm not drunk, and I'm not blind either. I saw you checking me out over there."

She sat up straight and started eating - just in time as well, Dad was returning with the other plates for everyone else. To be honest, I lost my appetite. Not only had I been caught gawking, but she was treating it as if she actually liked it. I wasn't sure how to feel about it. On one hand, she's my fucking mother and that's sick to even think about to most. On the other, she was possibly opening the gate to achieving my greatest goal - to love her in so many more ways than a son should. Right now, I was just anxious. I wanted to shovel the food down and hide in my room for the rest of the night, but I knew that wouldn't do any good.

I began eating despite my distinct lack of appetite, sometimes catching Mom watching me out of the corner of my eye. Wonderful - now she was checking me out. Not that I had any sort of disliking to that. I didn't have any idea why she was acting so blatant about her presumed feelings toward me. Before that night, she had never shown anything further than the care of a loving mother and now - well things were certainly changing.


The rest of dinner and the following evening were without incident and were fairly pleasant. We all got pretty drunk and played Scattergories, put on a horror movie which promptly sent my nana downstairs to go sleep and then we all settled down with some more-than-uplifting TV. One by one, we left for our rooms and their beds within.

That night I had some trouble getting my restless mind to ease its incessant mental form of tossing and turning. I couldn't shake the thoughts of what Mom had said that evening. Was she drunk and horny or was she telling the truth when she proclaimed her soberness? Either way, she confessed her desires under the shield of alcohol to soften the blow. And when I look back on it, I'm glad we were both at least slightly tipsy; I may have flipped shit if I were sober at the time.

I awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of Dad's Tahoe starting up. I could see the shadows of my window's blinds from the headlights and their eventual descent as he pulled out from the driveway.

I got out of bed and stood in front of the window, catching only a glimpse of who was in the driver's seat. It was indeed my father. Well at least no one had stolen it. But I couldn't think of a reason as to why he'd leave in the middle of the night.

Then, light began to fill my room. This time from the hallway outside - my door was being opened. I turned to see who my intruder was, only to see the almost glowing silhouette of my mother in her black, velvet robe.

"Can't sleep, Sweetie?" she asked. Her hair was untamed and naturally frizzed out from the sea air.

"Mom, where's Dad off to?" I asked and only then taking notice of my mere boxer-clad body, "And what the hell are you doing in my room?"

"Now is that anyway to speak to your mother?" As she spoke, her hands grasped her hips and she cocked her head slightly. Her hands fell away as she continued, "And just where do you think he is?"

"Oh, yeah."

Dad had taken up metal detecting as a hobby in the last two years or so. If the beach looked washed out and there were dips in the sand, he'd go out at whatever hour low tide started and would 'treasure hunt' for hours. Needless to say, he doesn't sleep much - so the late night hunting never really gets to him.

I sat on the bed and shifted the sheets over my boxers. Last thing I needed was any unwanted growth to be seen by my mother. I looked up toward the doorway and she was already standing at the foot of my bed. She strutted around the corner toward me and sat down, pulling the robe tight to her thighs; very much accentuating the shapeliness of her ass as she lowered down.

She rested her hands on her lap, one atop the other before she spoke, "Well, Sweetie - let's make this as simple as possible. Just answer yes or no for me. Alright, Darlin'?"

I took a deep breath and thought about saying anything more than "Okay," but that was all that came out. I sat there, tense and anxious of what she was going to ask while her hazel eyes scanned my body up and down.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do, Mom. I don't know why-"

She snapped with a faux anger, "Stop that! I said yes or no, didn't I?"


"I know you love me as a mother. But what about me as a person? My body, my attitude, my love for you?" she pleaded for an answer as she put a hand on my bare thigh, against the edge of the sheet. She squeezed gently as her eyes began to glisten.

I grasped her hand and pulled it to me, kissing it once before I spoke, "Every bit of you, inside and out."

"If you love me so much, then why did you act the way you did at dinner?"

"Because, Mom - I've loved you for so long and I honestly thought that all this time you had just accepted me as just some love-fool. I thought that when I met Allison that I had made you happy. Happy that I stopped seeing you as the only one for me, happy that I had met someone new, someone completely different than you. But to tell you the truth - I never gave up. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for her, but every night I'd lay in bed hoping that you'd take me away from everything."

"Oh, Sweetie!" she nearly yelled out as she wiped her now-streaming eyes, "I suppose I have some fessing up to do. I told Allison some things I probably shouldn't have. I scared her out of coming here so I could be with you, having this conversation. And god, that night you kissed me - I could barely sleep, my heart was on fire! You were so young and I was so flattered that I had such an effect on you, but that kiss... oh my god that kiss. I'm sure you could have stolen any little lady's heart with that, but you got me. I hope you don't mind."

"Not one bit, Little Lady..." My words trailed off as I neared her red, quivering lips.

The moment of contact between our lips was the single most entrancingly beautiful moment of my life. The soft press of her lips against mine, the soft whimpering moan from her, the acceptance from both of us that this was the start of something amazing, something that was transforming our relationship from what most would consider to be the strongest - the love of a mother and her children to that of one even stronger - an intimate love between mother and son.

As our lips caressed each other and mashed into themselves, we found ourselves locked into an embrace that neither of us could escape easily. I felt her tongue press against my lips, so I met her halfway and tasted her. I was never one to get off on the idea of French kissing, but her lips and her tongue were among the sweetest of tastes I have had the pleasure of experiencing.

The pace of our breaths quickened as the thumping in our chests seemed to be audible to each other. I opened my eyes to see her beautiful face. And as if the current of air from my eyelashes found their way to hers, she opened her eyes as well. As our gazes met, I could feel her begin to smile and distance herself from me.

She sat there, nearly panting as her chest heaved in and out. She sounded like she was forcing the words out through her breathless lungs, "I hope you know that isn't any turning back now. God knows I can't."

"I wouldn't dream of it. That was everything I could have ever wanted."


"Well if you're asking, I suppose I could think of a few things."

She leaned forward and kissed my forehead before speaking once more, "Well, Darling of mine - I think you'll just have to wait. I've had something planned for New Year's Eve. I hope you don't mind waiting."

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chytownchytownalmost 3 years ago

*****Fine piece of storytelling. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Beautiful lead-in

This story is a great start to what promises to become a warm loving story between mom and son. I anticipate with great enthusiasm the follow-up story or stories forthcoming from this talented writer. Please continue in this vein.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A little too much about the house.

bigrednotbigrednotover 9 years ago

Great start. The build up is so important.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 9 years ago

Good writing but very very short on sex as in none. I hope chapter two has some sex in it as that's the whole purpose of this web site, fucking and sucking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

your story was dreamy real like, despite other stuff. you have talent. you have the makings of talent, that these other commenters cant comprehend. After reading this, if there is any commenters who badmouths you, that is not in a constructive way is a fool.

ZeuginZeuginover 9 years ago
More please

Please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Teaching her chair with her ?????????

It's all good!" she got up from her chair, teaching it with her and then sat it down next to me. I felt a quick, warm peck on my cheek and the tight embrace of her arms around mine.

Maybe its just me being A dumb Canuck but I have never heard the expression teaching her chair with her

FaustyFaustyover 9 years agoAuthor

Actually yeah, that was a mistake. I was forced to edit the years and I had completely forgotten about that bit. Thanks for pointing it out, I'll pay more attention next time!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
i didn't read it all

well they can't teach talent... but you could maybe improve if you took more classes.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
this little man is an over achiever

" In those three years, a lot happened. But that's to be expected, of course. I graduated high school, began college, got my bachelor's and started on the next semester toward my master's."

WOW, that is a lot for only three years!


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