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Nowhere to Run

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Her boss wanted my wife to fuck him. She did.
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Author's note: This dark, sordid tale could've gone in any number of categories so I put them in a hat and pulled out loving wives. I'll probably regret that but it's luck of the draw.

Technically, I suppose it's wife "sharing" so it may be appropriate. The asshole going after our hero's wife gets it in the end, so I guess there is that. LOL



My wife slammed the door shut as she all but ran into the kitchen from the garage.

"Max, my fucking boss told me I have to sleep with him or I'll get laid off."

I looked at my beautiful wife as she seethed with anger, clearly wanting me to do something about her problem.

I married Lois five years ago after meeting her through her sister. Believe it or not, I was on a blind date with her sister Sydney when she told me that I wasn't her type but she would introduce me to her sister. She did as promised and it's been wonderful ever since.

"Lois, I'd ask if you were joking but you're way too upset for a joke."

"God damn it, Max! This is serious."

"Honey it's nothing. You don't even need the job."

"I love what I do. I don't want to lose my job."

She worked as a Veterinary Assistant. She's an animal lover and gets her fill of dogs, cats, birds, or whatever else comes through the door and I don't have to have any pets I don't want. I'm happy with my two cats.

She doesn't need to work because my family is wealthy and I've got a large trust fund we live off. I also work as a Clerk for my Uncle John, who is a State Supreme Court Justice.

"If Greg is being an ass, just quit. You're pregnant and I did hope you'd be a stay-at-home mom, you know."

She was supposed to talk to her boss, Greg, about going part-time after having the baby. I guess he thought fucking her was a better idea.

"I know, but I like working."

I got up, hugged her tightly, and touched her stomach. She wasn't showing much, being only three months pregnant, but I liked rubbing her belly anyway. She loved it as well and let me have my fun.

"Let's calm down and think about it, okay?"

I kissed her and led her to the couch by the hand.

It was a small office she worked for. There was no HR department to which to report him and suing the scumbag wouldn't do any good since there was no proof, but we had to do something.

She fell asleep in my arms as we watched Chopped, but my mind was on our problem. Dr. Greg would have to be dealt with.

I could hire someone to kick his ass or break his arms or legs, but that didn't seem drastic enough. I wanted him to suffer.

Nothing was coming to me, so I gently woke the love of my life to take her to bed. As I grabbed some pajamas from the closet, I saw a box on her side that gave me an idea.

"Honey, I think you should fuck Greg."

"What?" She screamed as she shot up in bed.

"Yes. Tomorrow night and I have to watch."

She looked at me like I had two heads, and then I told her my idea. The smirk that crossed her face when we were done talking scared me but I thought it would work out.

The next morning I visited Dr. Greg at his office. He wasn't exactly pleased to see me, but I assured him he would like what I had to say.

"Alright, Max. What can I do for you," he said as he closed his office door.

"I understand you want to have sex with my wife, Greg."

He started to stutter something but I held up my hand to shut him up.

"I'm not here to kick your ass or anything. I'm all for it."

"You're joking?"

"Nope. Lois has some fantasies she wants to live out and up until now, I wasn't on board. I'll let her do it, but I have some terms."

He smirked and said, "I'm listening."

"Okay. First, it's tonight or nothing."


"Second, I get to watch."

That made him smile.

"You can watch, but I get to talk shit to you while I fuck her."

I laughed and said, "Sure. You can say anything to me that makes you happy while she fucks you."


"Third, we record it so Lois and I can watch it after."

"I get a copy, and you don't give it to anyone else," he said quickly.

"Sure. We won't give it to anyone else."


"Good. The last thing is that Lois decides if she wants to do it again. If she doesn't, you'll leave her alone."

"Max, once we fuck she'll be begging me to come back."

"Sure, Greg. Do we have a deal?"

He stood and shook my hand. "Oh, we have a deal, cuck."

I laughed and said, "Okay, man. See you tonight. I'll even serve you my best Scotch."

I gave Lois a high-five as I stopped to kiss her goodbye. "It's a done deal."

She gave me that evil grin again and I wasn't sure I liked it. I let it go and headed to the store.

Later that night, I opened the door for Greg and he started in on the shit talking immediately.

"How about that Scotch, cucky?"

"Sure. Come on into my den."

I poured a healthy amount of expensive Macallan for us and he drank it greedily.

"Lois is getting ready. You know how women are," I said as I sipped the delicious golden liquid.

He nodded and looked at my picture wall.

"Did you take these?" He asked.

"Most of them were taken by Lois on our various trips."

"You must do okay for yourself, cuck. That's a lot of traveling."

"I do okay."

"Honey, I'm ready," Lois shouted.

"Well, I guess that's our cue," I said calmer than I felt.

"Bring the bottle," he demanded and walked upstairs to find my wife.

I shook my head and brought the bottle.

I walked into the room and Lois already had him undressing. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as he did.

She was wearing a matching black lace bra and panties set with thigh-high stockings and her sexiest high heels. I was hard as soon as I saw her.

He was as well and I almost laughed at his average-sized dick. I figured he was packing a salami with all of his blustering.

I sat on a chair in the corner and poured another drink for myself.

Lois said, "Greg, I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before."

"Now you're talking, baby. Let's give cuck-boy a show he won't forget."

She smiled and kissed me deeply before saying, "I'm sure we'll all remember for a long time. I've got some fantasies, Greg, and you're going to fulfill some of them, okay?"

"Anything you say, baby."

He leaned in to kiss her but she put a hand on his chest.

"Not yet, stud. Lay down."

He slid onto the bed and she pulled out the bag from my shopping trip that afternoon.

"I'm going to tie you to the bed, lover."

He smirked and said, "Wow! You're a kinky bitch, huh?"

I knew that pissed her off. She did not like to be called a bitch.

She fastened his wrists into the restraints and attached them tightly to the bed. She picked up some thick pillows from the floor and put them under his ass.

"It's a better angle for deeper penetration, baby," she purred.

I saw his dick twinge up and slap back down onto him. I almost laughed again.

She spread his legs and fastened his ankles to the bed leaving him in her control.

His dick jumped again in anticipation.

She picked up the camera and put it in his face. "Greg, do you want me to fuck you?"

"Yeah, baby. Fuck me in front of you're cuck husband."

She put the camera back on the tripod and smiled at me.

"I'm gonna blindfold you baby," she said as she traced her finger along his throbbing shaft.

That irritated me and made me squirm but she mouthed, "Sorry," as she slipped on the blindfold.

She pulled out a harness and slipped in the dildo I bought specially for Greg. I guess I forgot to give it to him before we started. That wouldn't matter though. He was going to get it from her.

Lois had told me that it was a fantasy of hers to use a strap-on dildo on me, but I would never let her. She brought it up as a joke every once in a while since, so I was glad she could finally get it out of her system.

She poured some lube on it and stroked it as if it were her cock.

"Are you ready, lover?"

"Yeah, baby. Climb on."

She had that devilish grin as she crawled between his legs and drove it into him.

His scream was unreal as she forced it in. He thrashed violently screaming all kinds of profanity at her as she pushed and pulled driving deeper into his rectum.

She got sick of his bucking around so she grabbed his balls and said, "Stop fighting me or I'll rip your balls off with my hands. You told me I could fuck you. Now take it like a man, bitch!"

He stopped thrashing and said, "I'll fuck you both up for this. Ah!" He screamed as she bottomed out.

"Damn! I didn't think you would take all eight inches, but holy shit it was like a hot knife through butter. Are you sure you've never had anything up here?"

She laughed as she started pounding into him. Surprisingly he stopped screaming and I saw that he was crying as he grunted.

After a few minutes, the son of a bitch shot a load all over his stomach. Lois laughed and said, "Honey, he came all over himself and I never touched his thingy. I think he likes it."

"Fuck you, bitch," he growled as he grunted in what I assumed was pain, but maybe he did like it after all?

That pissed her off.

"Never!" She rammed him.

"Call me!" She rammed harder.

"A bitch!" She rammed him so hard she fell on top of him.

"Fuck! Now I have your nasty cum on me."

She sat up and pulled out of him. She undid the harness in disgust and wiped the dildo on his lips. He didn't like that.

He spat at her but blindfolded he missed and he started screaming at us to let him go.

She ignored him and walked into our bathroom. As the shower started, I stopped the camera and pulled off his blindfold.

"I'll kill you, mother..."

"Shut up, you prick. You'll do nothing to me or my wife. This is what you get for being a slimy piece of shit."

"I swear to God, I'll..."

I picked up the slimy dildo and put it in his open mouth. That shut him up for a second before he spat it out.

"Greg, Greg, Greg. My wife clearly asked you on video if you wanted her to fuck you and you said yes. That's consent, buddy."

"I swear, I'm gonna..."

"You're going to do nothing or I'll have that video online and links sent to your entire family—edited of course."

He slumped down and said, "Just let me go, asshole."

I opened my nightstand drawer and pulled my handgun out.

"I'm going to release you, you will get dressed, and you will leave peacefully. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Just let me go."

Lois walked in nude and I handed her the gun.

"Here you go, honey. If he does anything stupid, aim for his nuts."

I released him and he cursed us the entire time but he didn't try anything stupid.

I stopped him at the front door and said, "Prick, just so you understand, I have the resources to end your life and no one will ever find your body. You need to chalk this one up to a life lesson learned and not come after us. Do you understand?"

"I got it. Just leave me alone."

I opened the door for him and as he walked out, I said, "Hey, Greg! She quits."

I laughed as I closed the door and as I turned my wife was standing behind me in a different lingerie set.

"Honey, I'm so fucking horny right now. I need you to take me upstairs so we can fuck."

I smiled and tweaked her nipple.

"Just to be clear, love—I'm fucking you, right?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and headed up the stairs.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The biter bit what an excellent twist. In a way it's a pity she quit. After all she could have called him "Peggy" at work every day 😃 but I guess he might have got a bit bummed out about that 😁


KushkanKushkanabout 2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Enjoyed the story. As far as the job goes, can’t she change her mind. Don’t you think there are other veterinary jobs.

medicationtime1medicationtime14 months ago

Real nice.

As to comments about loving the job she can get another elsewhere.

SirDesteclesSirDestecles5 months ago

Lmao... Nice twist, loved it and the fact that the couple stuck together to peg the boss made it even better!

desecrationdesecration6 months ago

The boss is a Redditor, they love to get pegged.

Julie1972Julie19726 months ago

Looks like the boss won at the end. No real long term consequences and the wife is out of a job she loves.

silverthorne16silverthorne166 months ago

But she had said, quite firmly, that she did NOT want to lose her job. She liked her job and wanted to continue.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

5 stars your best story.

49ers6949ers697 months ago

Got a little laugh out of it. Good therapy. Good story and well written.

desecrationdesecration8 months ago

I enjoyed this one way too much. Sodomize the sleaze!

Foggybottom81Foggybottom818 months ago

Not one of your better stories.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Unique. But there were plenty of other ways to get even with the asshole with out raping him.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


Calico75Calico759 months ago

Rape is rape even if he is a slime ball. Good this is a fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What can I say....hahaha

Kernow2023Kernow20239 months ago

good one put him in his place

blackknight314blackknight3149 months ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x9 months ago

, it would be just as wrong if she wasn't married.

demanderdemander9 months ago

Plastic or rubber? D

Btrying2Btrying29 months ago

6.14.24. Such an interesting tale with a very big kinky twist. Loved it.

Nice writing too.

Thanks for sharing. John

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Lolololololol very nice switch of the situation. Let's hope he learns his lesson and doesn't try forcing sex on women again. He's a perfect example of someone who's not just being a slimy turd but also an imbecilic slimy turd of the highest order lol. BardnotBard

EastCoaster1EastCoaster111 months ago

Short... to the point... and very nicely done...

...five stars !

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I don't usually enjoyed tales of shared wives.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxabout 1 year ago

Brilliant!!!!! Funny as can be. Thanks for the ROTFLMAO!

dgfergiedgfergieabout 1 year ago

Macho assholes that like to fuck married women deserve whatever Karma deals out.

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