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Once Upon a Time - A Fairytale

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A Short Collection Of Fairytales.
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Once Upon A Time......

There was a beautiful princess named Princess Elsa and what she longed for is to find love, but what she longed for even more is for adventure. As you can see being a princess you don't get the chance to have adventurous very often. In fact, the only true ardours that she has had was exploring her family's castle. To which her mother the queen wasn't very happy with whenever she does. And you might be asking yourself if she's so beautiful why hasn't she found a suitable suiter by now. Well, you see my dears the answer is quite simple and that is that. She did get quit a few but they nearly last more than a day as they all were repelled by her thoughts of going on adventures, to which she could not resists.

As they all wanted to proper queen a one that is not interested in adventuring but one well take care of their offspring and other queen like duties. But today least of least of all days princess Elsa couldn't go adventuring in her family's castle as she needed to tend to her guess as it is her birthday. And if her mother had caught her neglecting her duties to explore their castle or some other place and getting dirty princess Elsa would never hear the end of it. But unknows to her and the other people in their peaceful kingdom and realm there is something sinister going on. As some where deep in the forest there is a cottage and in this cottage lived a witch.

"Oh, this would be perfect indeed this would be one birth ay that the princess would soon not for get." She said to herself as she held up a glowing blue amulet in her hands.


Back in the castle it was time for princess Elsa to go and get change in to her party gown as her other royal friends did the same. And that is where she is now going through all of her fancy dresses not knowing which one to pick, but of course her mind was else where and that else where is tomorrow. As she knows she could start exploring again and attempt to have adventures again, just as s long as she could get away long enough. She could hear it now her mother lecturing her "You're not a child an more Elsa you're a grown now and a princess at the--" from the queen her mother.

"Have you found the perfect gown yet princess?" asked one of her royal servants as she was coming in.

"No not yet."

"Do you want my help princess?"

"No, I can manage." As princess Elsa started pulling out party gown after part gown after party gown.

And when she found the perfect one which was a dark golden dress with a small a bow and shoulders matching the very same shade of dark gold.

"Oh, may I be so bold—"

"You may--"

"That one is perfect for tonight."

And after holding the gown in front of her in the mirror "I agree, please help me put on Margret."

"It would be my pleasure princess."

"There almost done princess."

And when Margret was finished with princess Elsa's hair she stood back "You look extra gorgeous princess."

"Thank You, you may go now."

"Yes, princess and it be my honor if I could wish you a happy birthday."

"Thank you I'll see you at the ball. You well be there well you?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world princess." And with that Margret's did the bast curtsy as she could with that plumb body of hers. And waited while princess Elsa made her way out of her bed chambers, where a couple of guards were waiting for her just outside of the door. On their journey to the doors that lead to her family's ballroom the place was mostly dimly light. Lit only by the moon light and torches, if fact it sort of gave off this creepy haunted mood to it. And it was times like this that princess Elsa wanted to explore her family's castle that much more, in fact in the past she has by sneaking out.

So, for the moment princess Elsa just sighed and proceeded to her family's ballroom. "Anything wrong your majesty?" one of the guard asked as he looked over and noticing princess Elsa sighing, and wondered what was wrong. And to see if she was alright and not hurt or depressed or anything like that.

"Huh oh no it was nothing I was just--"

"Excuse me your majesty we're hare." Informed the other guard.

"Right." Princess said as she once again closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Princess are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, I'm a sure that I am, okay do it." Princess Elsa said just before nodding her head to signal to the guard that she was ready to enter.

And when the doors opened to the lavish and dream like ballroom the light flooded the hallways and the wall that was directly in front of it. Ans when princess Elsa walked in everyone all stopped what they were doing and turned their attentions towards her. Until she made her way to her parents and her brother prince Arthur, who is no longer interested in exploring and having adventures unless it is in an official capacity. Once when princess Elsa was standing right next to her family every resumed what they where doing. Be it dancing or conversing with one another, but there is at least one guest there that is doing non of those.

And that guest was that witch from before in a magical disguise. Dressed in a fancy blood red party gown in fact it made her look like she was draped in blood. Meanwhile back in princess Elsa's bedchambers Margret was just about finish cleaning up and hanging every one of the party gowns that princess Elsa pulled out earlier. And just like on other occasions like this Margret just could help but hold up one of princess Elsa's fancy gowns in this case it was princess Elsa's purple assumable with the huge bow in the back and natural folds on the bottom, and held it up in front of her while looking in the mirror in the bedchamber. And imagining herself wearing it "What do you think you're doing?" the thought of the princess catching her made Margret put the gown where it belonged.

Out of breath but satisfied voice Margret observed "There now that's finally done now I can attend princess Elsa's birthday party as promised."

Mean while back in the ballroom Elsa and the rest of her family are now spread out doing various things. Her father king is standing near the food area with a chalice in his hand, while her brother the prince is trying to talk to some young maidens, which seeming's to be his favorite past time now. And her mother the queen is now sitting in her throne, and as for princess Elsa herself she is conversing with whomever has her attention at the moment. All the while all of the guards is in high alert, with there hands constantly at the ready just in case that they needed to take action.

All the while where all this is happening the witch in her magical disguise is staying mostly in the shadows observing, until she had managed to catch the attention of some random male.

"My good lady care for a dance?"

"Not interested." The witch responded and walked away.

Later in later on in the night it was finally time for the cake, and when the cake was rolled out it was multi tier. With blue frosting and pink floral designs around it and in big bold words in white 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS' written on it. The cake itself is chocolate with clustered filling. After when princess Elsa had finished cutting and dividing all of the pieces as equally as possible, the pieces of cake were handed out. Then even later in the night princess Elsa and the rest of her family are now standing in front of their own respective thrones now. As each person walked up to the throne and curtseyed or bow and some even decided to kneel and wished princess Elsa a happy birthday and thanked her for allowing them to attend.

All the while all of her gifts are some where that is visible for everyone to see. And when it came time for that witch to pay her respects, unlike with every one else who remained at respectable distance she continued forwards until the queen held out her hand.

"That's quit far enough woman."

Not want to stir up trouble at least not yet she stopped where she was standing and choose to kneel, to draw attention away from her true intentions that much more. When she was fully kneeled princess Elsa started approaching her with every one especially the guards on high alert.

"Princess Elsa, I wished to give you this in person." And with that she pulled out her first which of course was that amulet. While she reached her hand upwards princess Elsa reached Her's downwards to meet Her's half way.

And just before she stood back, she added "Oh and it be my honor to also wish a happy birthday princess Elsa." After getting back up she started making her way out of the castle while princess Elsa made her way back to her family.

And when the witch was cleared of the castle she started laughing as if she had finally got her revenge already. Before disappearing in to the night and presumably back to her cabin.

The next morning after being helped in the dress that she was going to wear for the day, which was just a simple light green with fluffy shoulders.

"Careful." She warned Margret as she was zipping up princess Elsa's dress but accidentally nicked a bit of her hair in the process.

"Apologies princess."

"Alright you may inform the chief that I'm ready for my breakfast now." She informed Margret.

"Right away princess."

"Alright I'm finished now you may take my breakfast away now." Princess elsa told Julia her other servant.

"Ready to begin your lesson for the day princess?"

"Do I have a choice?" know the answer princess Elsa didn't expect an answer.

As you can imagine she had a hard time concentrating through her lessons like she always does, but today was extra difficult as princess Elsa so wanted to explore and go on an adventure as she has not had the chance the day before. And when she was dismissed for launch, she let out long sigh. And stretched and made her way to the dining hall where there were only a few people there it seems that today like any other day she was going have to dine with her mother the queen. Later in the day princess Elsa thought that she would get the chance to explore and have an adventure when she was caught by her mother the queen.

"Elsa you weren't thinking about going on adventure where you!?" her mother the queen scolded her.

"Whatever do you mean mother?" she tried to play it innocent but the queen wasn't falling for it.

"Come on." Her mother the queen said as she grabbed her daughter by the wrist like a naughty child, and pulled her along.

Alas She was too busy for the rest of the day to have that long awaited adventure or at least it seemed like to her, even though it's only been a day but to her it feels like ages. And now it's time to get ready for the nightly feast with family and so she had to make her way back to her bedchambers to get change. Mean while with that the witch in her cabin she started making her way-out side, and once out there she looked up into the sky and remarked to herself.

"It won't be long now and after that I could begin the next step in my plains. Hahahahahahahahahahahaa."

Back at the castle with princess Elsa she decided to go with a hot pink silk with the shoulders and necklines exposed, and yellow and blue flowers going around the rim. As for dinner it wasn't anything too special aside from your usual chatter and loud conversation and the like. And after dinner the guards escorted her back to her bedchambers but not wanting to take her shower princess Elsa had plains of sneaking out to have that long waited adventure that she been itching to go on. Just as she was about to start sneak out something caught her eye and that something was the glint of that amulet that the witch gave her the night before. But only this time it was glowing and some kind of matching blue energy was also coming off of it. Curious she picked it up and lifted it to the moonlight to get a better look at it, and as soon as she did that very same blue energy engulfed.

And when it fully engulfed her, she disappeared and by the time she reappeared she found herself being transported to a strange and far away land. And a strange one at that, after getting up and dusting herself off she realized that she was still holding the magical amulet. Not know at to do now but to just start walking around. If she wasn't so scared she would have been excite as this was exactually the type of adventure that she so longed for.

"Hay watch it lady!"

As a passing car was about to hit her as she was unknowingly crossing the street with out looking where she was going. Just after honking the horn in his car to get her attention. Then some time later as she was walking pass three punks dressed in the usual black leather jacket and matching black leather pants with a dirty shirt each. And as soon as they notice princess elsa walking by they all gave gratuitous wolf whistles and made loud comments such as.

"Hay babe where you goin?"

"Lookin good princess."

And "You comin out of costum party or something princess?"

And when they have her almost cornered, she was now really scared nut at the same time she tried to play it tough by saying "How dare you bloke the path of your princess, stand aside your princess demands it!"

Almost sensing the fear coming off of her they did not budge, and in fact they just laughed it off. And realizing that she really is powerless against these men. She started running mean while some where near by in a bar a strange man had just had a drink tossed in his face from a woman that he was trying to pick up for a date, or perhaps something more. It was at this point he decided to call it a night and started leaving the bar, and just as he stepped out of the door princess Elsa had just turned the corner near by. Still being chased by the gang. Before he knew what was happening, she pumped into him.

After pumping in to him with out thinking she hid behind him while he walked over to the gang with out fear and started punching each one of them. Luckily, they where all smart enough to take off as they know that neither one of them are a match for him. Just after he started punching the first guy making him bleed and at the same time slammed the second in to the near by brick wall. The third guy was about to pull out his pocket knife but decided to rake off as he started hearing sirens near by. And when the last of them had taken off. He made his way back towards princess Elsa whom was hiding behind a park n' pay machine.

"It's alright they're gone."

And when she didn't come out of her hiding place, he started making his way towards her. She lost concise looking around not knowing what to do at first, his first instinct was to see if she was alright by brining her to a hospital. But after searching her and realizing that she did not have any identification on her, he realized bring her to a hospital and have her treated would proof challenging for the both of them particularly if she is unconcise like she is now.

Mean while back in the enchanted realm Margret is had just entered princess Elsa's bedchamber like she usually does on any other day, "Okay princess Elsa it's time to wake up how--"

Realizing that princess Elsa's bed had not been slept in as it is still neat and untouched. Finding a empty place to place the princess Elsa's breakfast she ran to the waiting guards out side, "The princess Elsa is missing go and inform the king and queen."

And with out saying a word both of them took a peek in the bedchambers of princess Elsa. And realizing that she was telling the truth. And took off as quickly as they could. Later on, one of the guards finally managed to locate the queen walking around in the garden.

"Your majesty--"

"What is wrong."

"Your majesty I'm afraid that your daughter the princess she is missing." He tried to say in between breaths.

"Has she gone exploring again?"

"No, at least I don't think so your majesty her bed didn't seem to be slept in all night."

"Alright I believe you. But just to be safe go look for her but discreetly we don't want to cause panic, we'll keep this to ourselves for now."

"Yes, your majesty." With that he saluted by crossing his right hand over his left shoulder and did a quick bow and took off.

The other guard accompanied by Margret had finally located the king and informed him the same thing. And just like the queen the king demanded that the two do the same thing but the additional order of him going along with them and splitting up.

Mean while back in the realm without magic princess Elsa had just jolted awake, finding herself in a strange and unfamiliar place. The first thing that caught her eyes was the rain out side along with all of the various blurry images of houses and parked cars and the like. Then she turned her attentions to the various things around the living where she was left, starting with the near by coffee table.

After touching it she tossed the blanket that she was covered in off of her and got up and started exploring her surroundings like she had been taught in case she was kidnapped and held captive some day. At this point and time that is what had happened to her. But that thought did not last for long as a picture had caught her eyes which had managed to calm her thoughts for the time being. But when she turned around, she jumped a little as that mysterious stranger that saved her the night before is just standing be hind her.

"Breakfast?" he simply asked in a kind and calming tone.

Feeling a little course and hungry she fallowed him and as soon as they reached the kitchen, he pulled out a couple of chairs, and motioned for her to sit in one of them. It took her while but she eventually did realizing he is trust worthy at least for now. She watched as she watched him make is way over to a cabinet and pulled out two bowls and than made his way to the pantry, to grab a box of cereal. And finally to the fridge for the milk, and after pouring the cereal in to one of the bowls he realized that he only had enough for just one person. Ignoring that fact he did the same with the same with the cold milk.

Grabbing a spoon from a draw he handed the bowl of cereal to her, at first she did not touch the food that is in front of her. "What? Don't tell me you don't trust me?"

"Well actually--"

"Oh, I see hare let me teach you princess." Not fully realizing that she is really a princess. And with that he proceeded to scoop up some of the cereal from the bowl and placed it in his mouth and was about replace that spoon with another. He then got up and went in to the same draw and grabbed a new spoon from it.

Then some time a little later she was finally brave enough to start a conversation with him "That picture that I saw was that your parents?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"So where are they right now?" realizing he probably shouldn't have asked that question.

"I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't--"

"No, it's alright--"

"What happen to them?"

"Well, they died when I was young—

"Oh, my word I'm very sadden to have heard that."

"No, it's alright you didn't know."

After when all of the cereal was gone she started using the spoon like a soup spoon and started treating the cold milk like so.

"Wouldn't it be better if you lift the bowl and--"

"That would be unlady like."


"So, what about you? What would you be having?"

"Oh, don't worry about me."

After pouring the rest of the cold milk in to a glass he drank it down and nothing else.

"Names David by the way."

"Princess Elsa honor to meet you." She said as she was curtsying.

"Princess?" With an unclear indication if he believes her or not.

"So, what about yours where your parents? Do they live around hare?"

"No, they are back at my kingdom.

"And where is that?"

Unable how she could answer that question she decided to drop the question, mean while back in the enchanted realm. With princess Elsa still missing and unable to be located the queen and king have finally decided to considered princess Elsa either lost, missing or worse captured. Back with the realm with out magic and later on that day. Daivid had just entered the door with a handful of groceries in hand. He made his way in to the kitchen and unable to locate her he got a little worried.

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