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One Smoking Hot Ass

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Anal prostitute explores her limits with a mysterious client.
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Stocks were not made with the goal of being comfortable. A simple fact which Sarah found out about very quickly. Her ass, feet and hands were stuck on one side of the heavy wooden board, the rest of her hidden on the other side of it, forced into an awkward kneeling position, her head on the floor and her arms thrust backwards. They'd given her a patch of soft carpet for her knees and if she shuffled around a bit, she could rest her head on the parquet without crushing her boobs in the process, but that was about the extent of both her freedom and her comfort.

If the rumors were to be believed, she could expect an experience that was well worth a bit of discomfort, though. Sarah only hoped it would start soon. They'd told her the Lady would be here in a couple of minutes, but time passes slowly when you're bound in such a cramped position. The ridiculously thick blindfold trapping her in total darkness didn't help, either.

Finally there was the sound of a door opening and closing and someone taking off their shoes. It had to be the Lady. Everyone else would've made some sound of surprise upon being suddenly faced with a woman's private parts. Sarah didn't hear anything for several seconds. Most likely the Lady was standing there, checking her out. The thought put a dirty grin on Sarah's face.

"I take it that you're the one who volunteered to be my interactive room decoration for the evening." The Lady's voice was soft-spoken and pleasant, but something about it caused a shiver to run down Sarah's neck. Or up, in her case.

"That's me." Sarah instinctively attempted to raise her head, but even if the stocks had allowed that much freedom of movement, she wouldn't have been able to see her client anyway.

"And you understand the conditions of our relationship?"

Sarah suppressed the urge to mimic the Lady's formalities. Out of her mouth it would only come off as mockery. "Yes. I mustn't try and look at you. And my ass is yours to play with."

"Correct. And you understand that I don't intend to go easy on you? I delight in teaching my playthings how much the human body and mind can withstand. This evening might very well leave you sore and exhausted for days."

"Don't worry about it. I'm tough." There was no way Sarah would've chickened out, especially not after that announcement. She had a reputation to uphold as the district's biggest anal slut. And besides, who cared if she was sore for a few days? With the amount the Lady was willing to pay, she could treat herself to a whole month's worth of spa vacation.

"That remains to be seen." The Lady paused for a moment to give the words time to sink in. "From this moment on until we stop I don't want to hear a single word from you unless I directly ask you something or there is an emergency. You're to be nothing but a pretty ass that exists solely for my pleasure. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Sarah herself was surprised at how submissive that single word came out. She'd heard of the Lady, that phantom mingling within the inner circles of the BDSM scene. The one who never showed her face, yet commanded respect with her presence alone. It was said that she could drop anyone into subspace by merely uttering a few words. That was just an urban legend, of course. And yet Sarah found that her crouched position didn't feel just uncomfortable and slightly stupid anymore. There was something intrinsically right about her being forced down and hidden behind the only part of her the Lady was interested in.

"Very good. There is a multitude of business concerns I need to attend to and I like to have a stimulating ambiance while I work. You're free to moan as much as you need to."

Sarah swallowed at the "as much as you need to." Voicing her pleasure was part of her job, but usually it was more of a service than a necessity.

She gasped as something cool touched her ass. A moment later she recognized the feeling as fingers, spreading generous amounts of lube around her asshole. Sarah didn't strictly need to moan as the fingers unceremoniously pushed into her, but she did anyway. She loved how the Lady made no attempt to be gentle as she drowned both the inside and the outside of her well-trained ass in lube, pushing into her whenever and with how many fingers as she felt like.

Some of the lube trickled down between her cheeks, where the Lady caught it and rubbed it into her pussy lips. Sadly the Lady didn't spend much time there and Sarah's clit got no attention at all, save for a big splotch of lube. But that was to be expected, since she had been contracted only for her anal capabilities.

The Lady wiped her hand on Sarah's thighs before she got up and walked away. However, an exciting tingle remained in Sarah's ass and pussy and she was very aware that it wasn't just lube trickling down her legs. There had to be some kind of stimulant mixed into that stuff.

A loud rumbling momentarily distracted her from the growing need between her legs. The Lady was rolling something heavy up behind her. Sarah got an idea of what it was when something thick and rubbery parted her dripping ass cheeks. Without so much as a single word, the Lady switched on the fucking machine.

It was wasn't the biggest dildo Sarah had ever had up her ass, not by a long shot, but still big enough that it would've given any anal virgin nightmares, and it was covered in rough nubs that rubbed against her inner walls with every movement. It also got wider and thinner several times along its length, like a more rigidly connected string of anal beads, making it impossible to get used to the ever-changing stimulation as the dildo pushed all the way into her. And all the way out again, until only its very tip kept her cheeks apart.

Sarah's moans weren't just for show. It was a very slow fucking, but the Lady used even that against her. If the machine had fucked her just a bit quicker, she could've completely relaxed her sphincter, leaving it open while the dildo kept pumping into her. But as it was, there was just enough time between the wide bulges that her ass closed around the thin part before it was forced open again. And all the while the nubs rubbed the spiced lube all over the inside of her ass.

Whatever the Lady allegedly worked on, it took a lot longer than just checking a few mails. If she even was working. Sarah couldn't hear anything over the constant rumble of the fucking machine. Maybe the Lady was sitting behind her, doing nothing but watching that monster dildo slowly and methodically destroy her. Sarah hoped she was. This was the most intense ass fucking she'd gotten in a long time. Every thrust made her moan like a bitch in heat as the constant build up and release of tension on her sphincter killed any coherent thought left in her mind. It would've be a shame if that performance was wasted on an inattentive audience.

But it wasn't only the dildo that made her wantonly scream out her pleasure. Whatever the Lady had mixed into the lube, it had soaked into her skin and taken full effect. Her pussy lips, her clit, the insides of her ass, everything between her legs tingled as if soft, warm fingers were giving her the most intimate massage. This gentle pleasure was a delicious counterpart to the ruthless fucking, but in its own rights no less mind melting. No matter how much the machine overwhelmed her with the most brutal pleasures, she always needed more.

It didn't take long before Sarah got completely lost in the onslaught of sensations. Her only measure of time was how her ass slowly started to get sore, but she was far too horny to care about that. It was a problem for future Sarah. Present Sarah couldn't get enough of that perversely over-engineered dildo. Even with the copious amounts of lube the insides of her ass burned from the never ending friction. Her body screamed for a break, her mind screamed for more and her mouth screamed all that tension out into the world. Her moans and wails flowed freely, droning out even the noises of the machine.

And then it stopped.

Sarah gasped as this time the dildo pulled out completely. For a brief moment her sphincter stayed open, confused by the sudden emptiness, before finally relaxing for good. It was the only part of her that was relaxed, though. Her ass hurt from the relentless fucking, but in her agitated state she wished the Lady would turn the machine on again. With any other client she would've playfully begged for more, but Sarah was bound by the Lady's order no to speak on her own. She could only silently hope that the end of the machine meant that the Lady was finished with her work and ready for the next phase.

"You put a lot of energy into your voice," the Lady said. "It was hard not to get distracted."

Sarah didn't know if a "Thank you" or a "I'm sorry" was appropriate and decided not to say anything at all, since there was no clear prompt for an answer. Her face got hot, though, at this confirmation that the Lady apparently hadn't paid her much attention after all. The most vicious ass fucking Sarah had endured in months had been nothing but a means to get some background noise. She could've been disappointed, or even annoyed, and yet it only turned her on even more to hear how much the Lady was objectifying her.

"I'll be reading now, so I want you to stay still and not make a single noise. Can you do that?"

"Yes, my Lady," Sarah said, trying not to sound too deflated. As much as she enjoyed submitting to the Lady, her body screamed for more action. Hanging in the stocks with an aching ass and a twitching cunt and no further distractions sounded like an exercise in frustration and nothing else.

"You won't have to worry about boredom creeping in. I've got a plug ready that will keep you occupied."

That was better than nothing, but not by much. Sarah had spent entire days with a plug up her ass, to the point where they didn't do much for her anymore and it even felt a bit strange not to have at least a small princess plug between her cheeks. It was a far cry from the perverted things she wanted the Lady to do to her, but at least she'd be able to get some stimulation by working her muscles around the plug.

There were the characteristic noises of a toy being lubed up and then a cool steel tip pressed against her sphincter. Sarah could already tell that the plug's size was rather disappointing. Still, she took care to properly relax her muscles, just in case the Lady had some surprise in store for her.

The plug slid in and, as expected, it was just big enough to properly fill her, but didn't really add any excitement. Or so Sarah thought, for the first fraction of a second.

It was as if the plug had exploded inside her. Hot pain shot through her rectum and as she instinctively clenched down, it only got worse. She screamed, only to get silenced by a sharp slap on her ass cheeks.

"I told you not to make a sound. And you don't need to worry about getting injured. Capsaicin doesn't harm organic tissue in any way, it only acts on the nerve endings."

Sarah barely suppressed a whimper when the meaning of these words sunk in. The Lady had coated the plug in some sort of chili extract.

Within seconds she was drenched in sweat, the fire in her ass radiating out to overheat her entire body. The pain drowned out everything. A muffled ringing noise in her ears deafened her and the tears quickly soaked through the blindfold. Sarah half choked on her own ragged breaths as she tried to bear that diabolic plug in silence. It was impossible. No human could stay calm with hot chili up their ass. She didn't even have a gag to bite down on to release at least some of the tension. But while she knew she stood no chance, she could at least try to fail as late as possible, biting her lips and swallowing her hyperventilating gasps to try and hold on. Sarah knew, if she allowed herself even the tiniest whimper, there'd be no going back.

In a twisted way, the cruel workings of her predicament could be used to her advantage: The human body instinctively clenched its muscles to make pain easier to bear, but here this tactic backfired phenomenally. If she clenched her cheeks, the chili covered plug pressed even harder against her inflamed insides. The only way to prevent further pain was to relax, which was next to impossible. It took all her willpower to try and keep her ass relaxed, to embrace the pain as it roasted her insides. The mental effort gnawed at her sanity, but at least if gave her something to do, something to focus on.

She almost lost it when she heard the rustling of paper. The Lady was actually reading. Right there on the floor Sarah was hanging in the stocks, her mind melting from the effort not to scream her throat sore, and the Lady didn't even acknowledge her agony.

Sarah was no stranger to clients who liked it rough. Maybe there was a correlation between people who were into ass stuff and sadists, maybe it was just her luck or a vicious cycle of her reputation preceding her, but more often than not Sarah's jobs made her prove that her ass could handle quite a bit of abuse. And she didn't mind. She loved rising up to a challenge. There was nothing like the pride she felt when she'd proven to herself that she could manage more than she'd initially thought. The pride and the perverse rush of energy she got out of it, which always made her feel strong and sexy for days after the fact. It was the search for this thrill that had eventually led her to the Lady and her generous offer. But no matter how hard her other clients had spanked her ample cheeks or how brutally they'd fucked her ass raw, at least it had felt personal. Making Sarah suffer had given them obvious, direct enjoyment. The Lady, however, apparently just liked the idea of someone suffering in her vague vicinity while she did other stuff.

There was no reason to drive herself crazy. She could've blown it off, told the Lady that she had enough of her games, that she wasn't going to expend any more effort if those efforts weren't acknowledged. And yet she kept biting her lips bloody in a desperate attempt to stay silent for a few seconds longer. Because the Lady had told her so. The Lady wanted to see how far Sarah could push herself and, truth be told, Sarah wanted to know the same. She'd be disappointed by her own weakness if she allowed herself the easy way out.

The Lady turned the page. And another one. And another. Every time Sarah heard the rustling of paper, she was a hundred percent certain she wouldn't make it to the next one. Hell, she wouldn't make it even ten more seconds. There was just no way she could endure the pain, let alone keep it in, for any longer than that. And yet, after the ten seconds had passed, she found that maybe, just maybe, she could manage a few more. Bearing even one more minute of this torture was out of the question, but, if she set her mind to it, a few seconds were possible.

And so she held on, always a few seconds at a time, drenched in sweat and tears, her ass radiating hot suffering through her entire body. She felt like she was getting hoarse from all the screams she didn't allow herself to scream, and yet she held on. And as the Lady got through more and more pages, Sarah's hope grew that she could actually make it. Even the burning, while still making her eyes overflow, wasn't that unbearable anymore. After all, there was only a finite amount of chili on the plug. At some point it had to wear off.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed."

Sarah twitched, startled from being suddenly talked to.

"I've been introduced to a handful of girls who claimed to be strong-willed anal sluts, but none of them could prove it when I put them to the test like this."

Sarah didn't answer and not only because she wasn't explicitly asked to. She knew, if she opened her mouth, she'd start sobbing uncontrollably. But even in her undignified state, a smile appeared on her abused lips. She'd done it. She'd endured where others couldn't. For the first time since suffering the spicy plug, Sarah got acutely aware that she was still horny as fuck. She hoped the Lady would reward her with some genuine sexy time, but even if not, she already knew that once she got home, she'd rub one out to that sweet memory.

"Let's free you from this thing. But don't forget: I still want you to remain silent."

Sarah had thought it would be a relief to get rid of the plug. She'd rarely been this wrong. Her burning insides had become so sensitive that the tiniest friction felt like being fucked by a cheese grater. It really didn't help that on its way out, the plug rubbed the last of the chili extract into her inner walls. Biting her lips wasn't enough anymore. Sarah opened her mouth to the loudest silent scream ever, her nails dug into her palms, her toes pressed against the floor as she tried anything, everything to hang on and somehow stay quiet, no matter what.

Even after the plug was finally gone, her ass kept throbbing and burning hotly. The ordeal had left it so sensitive that any stimulation at all was so intense it almost hurt. The soft touches of the Lady's fingers teasing her entrance were enough to make Sarah twitch and shiver all over. It felt like being an anal virgin all over again.

"Are you holding up?" The Lady dragged her finger over Sarah's drenched pussy lips as she spoke, making her bite her lips for entirely different reasons.

"Yes, I'm okay. I... I can handle it." Sarah laughed. She couldn't help it. It felt too good to know that she'd done it. She'd lived up to the Lady's ridiculously high expectations. And that finger on her pussy... God, she was so horny!

"I'm happy to hear that. And tell me: How sensitive are you now?"

"I..." The answer ended in a drawn-out hoarse gasp when the Lady pushed her juice-covered fingers into her ass. Even though she was gentle about it, the friction over Sarah's inflamed walls was enough to make her break out in sweat again. "Fuck! Really, really sensitive!"

The Lady giggled as she withdrew her finger. It was a funny sound. Elegant, and yet full of mischief. "I see. You know, I have a proposal for you. If you feel like you're done for the night, you can go home right away, with all the money and the knowledge that I'm very happy with you. However, I'd be willing to pay you ten times the amount if you let me lube you up and use the machine again for another half an hour. And don't worry, it will be the nice lube again."

The mere idea made Sarah shiver. If a single finger already felt like it tore her burning ass apart, she couldn't even begin to imagine what that monster dildo would do to her. As much as the thought excited the raw, feral side of hers, she had to know her limits. "I... I'm sorry, but I can't. I could never stay silent when you do that."

"Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't require you to stay silent. I'm far too interested to find out what your slutty voice sounds like when I push you to your limit."

Sarah's pussy twitched. It was intriguing, to be sure. And it was also a ridiculous amount of money. With this kind of cash she could spend the entire winter on a beach holiday. "I can't promise that I'll make it through."

"But are you willing to try?" The Lady gently pushed her finger back in. It hurt. It burned. But in a twisted way it also felt so, so good. "You're such a brave girl. Will you show me how strong you can be when you really set your mind to it?"

Sarah did show her. It was a real blessing that the room was soundproof.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This story is absolutely crying for a followup 2d chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bravo! More, More!

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