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One Week With Uncle Steve

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First time for nephew.
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Many thanks and gratitude to HardAssLioness for her insightful editorial suggestions.

Uncle Steve had an auto accident and broke both his legs. My mother, his only sister and nearest relative, went over and took care of him every day. His casts ran from his feet all the way up to his crotch. With help, he could walk, barely, just far enough to get into the bathroom. But today, a weeklong vacation began for mom that had been scheduled for months, and I reluctantly volunteered to stay with him while she was gone.

"Thank you so much, sweetheart," she said as she rushed around the house, packing, loading the car and giving me instructions. "He needs a sponge bath each day. I know, I know," she said when I groaned and made a face. "It's not that bad though. You'll need to help him into the bathroom and make sure he hits the toilet when he pees. There's an extension on the toilet seat, and with help he can sit, so at least you don't have to wipe his butt." She laughed.Hardee, har har. Very funny, mom!

"Stop making those faces. It's a wonderful opportunity to get to know your uncle better. And remember, the Lord rewards all good deeds," she said as she ran her hand over my short, brown hair, kept that way from years on the school swim team.

"I don't need a reward from the lord, mom."

"Watch your mouth, Jimmy. You don't do it for the reward. It's just the right thing to do."

"I know, but let's be clear about this, I'm doing it for you. You deserve a vacation."

"Oh you sweet boy," she cooed and hugged me. "How'd I deserve such a wonderful son?" She fussed with my shirt collar. "You've always been there for me. I can't imagine living without you. Are you sure I should leave?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You're going, young lady" I said in a mock stern voice. She laughed and kissed me on the cheek. I had just graduated from high school, and I looked forward to some time along. This coming fall, I had planned on attending the local community college, but my future seemed so uncertain. I needed some along time to figure things out.

Mom had been a widow for five years now. This was thher first vacation since dad died from lung cancer. She and three of her girlfriends were off to the Bahamas. Still an attractive woman, but a bit chunky in her middle age, I hoped she would have the time of her life. Maybe she'd getlucky. I actually hoped she would. After getting her loaded in the minivan, I waved goodbye, and she was gone.

I closed the door, turned around and looked at myself in the full length mirror in the entry. I inspected my face looking for new facial hair. It had begun to grow in my junior year on my upper lip and chin, and I had a sparse but proud mustache and goatee. I loved to run my fingers over it.

Now that mom was gone, I felt liberated. I undid my pants and underwear and kicked them away. "Ye haw!" Mr. Penis shouted. He started talking to me the day I discovered masturbation years ago. I stared at him and my nice crop of dark pubic hair. I was so proud of it. I ran my hands through the coarse hair, spread my legs, cupped my balls and gave them a shake. "Let's party, boys." Mr. Penis was always ready. He called my balls, The Twins. They never talked, but Mr. Penis jabbered for the three of them.

My cock hung down about four inches (Seven inches when hard) and wiggled as I shook my testicles. I rotated my hips back and forth to make my cock shake side to side.

"Come on Mr. Penis, we're gonna have some fun," I sang. "Gonna jack off until the..." And then the phone rang and startled me out of my silliness.Crap!!


"Hey." It was mom.

Naturally! Busted when she wasn't even here!!

"I forgot to tell you something. Uncle Steve has certain medications he needs, so be sure that he takes them on time. You'll have to scoot over there right away. I have the med schedule written out. It's on his night stand."

"Okay, mom. Anything else?"

"That's it. Have fun!"


"I will. You have fun too."

"I'll try!"

"Not try! Do!" I said in my Yoda impression that always made her laugh.

She giggled. "I'll miss you."

I hung up the phone down. Looking into the mirror, I picked my penis up and said, "Sorry ol' boy. No play time right now." Using my thumbs and index fingers, I made my urethra talk back like a puppet in its own special, silly voice, of course. While Mr. Penis talked continually inside my head, I frequently gave him voice with my penis puppetry.

"I'm always last. It's not fair!"

"I know. I'll make it up to you. I'll use the super glide motion lotion tonight."

"You better, and that little pink dildo up the butt would be nice. On setting number three."

"Oh, you like that do you?"

"You know I do."

This banter started the blood flow into my penis and it began to swell. I groaned and slowly stroked it making it fully erect and hard. It didn't take much for that to happen, and once it did, I couldn't resist it. I closed my eyes, gripped it just below the foreskin, and began stroking. The foreskin let me slide up and over the glans with ease. Given a couple of more minutes I'd be cleaning my spunk off the mirror, but then, of course, the phone rang again. "Damn! What now!" Mr. Penis wasn't happy.

"Hello?" I asked the receiver once again.

"Hey, Jimbo. Uncle Steve here."

"Hi Uncle Steve," I replied out of breath.

"You okay?"

"Ya...ah...yes, sir. I just had to race across the room."

"When you come over, could you stop and pick up a pizza? I've got some cash here for you."

"Sure." By the time he gave me his topping preferences, Mr. Penis was limp again. I reluctantly put masturbation out of my thoughts, for now, put my clothes back on, packed my over night bag and headed out the door.

The pizza's aroma filled my car, dad's old mustang I inherited, and I couldn't wait to dig in. I left my bag in the car and hurried in with the lunch.

"Hi Uncle Steve," I called out. "Lunch is here."

"Great! I'm starved." His deep voice called out from down the hallway in the master bedroom.

I can't say I knew him very well. He was a bit of loner. He was Mom's only sibling and never married. He was a big man, not fat but big boned and muscular, so I worried that I might have trouble lifting him out of bed. Uncle Steve had thick, dark body hair, over his chest, face, shoulders, legs and I presumed every where else. It was one thing I admired about him. I hoped that I would get that family gene too. Plus he was very handsome. I once asked mom why he never married. She shook the question off with a shrug of the shoulders.

I put the pizza in the oven on a low setting and went in to see my uncle. The door was only slightly ajar, so I knocked before entering.

"Come on in. No need to knock."

He was propped up on pillows. His large, well muscled, hairy chest was bare. He wore a loose, draw-string pajama bottom with the legs slit up the sides revealing the enormous casts on both legs. He flashed a huge grin. His teeth were pearly white. After an initial glimpse, I tried not to stare at a huge penis shape under the pajamas. It lay across to one side all of twelve inches long.

"Hi," I said shyly. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better."

"Are you hungry? Anything I can do? Mom said you needed some meds about now."

"Yes, yes and yes," he replied and laughed. "But right now, if I don't take a leak, my bladder is going to explode. Sorry to ask for some help with the dirty work right off the bat."

"That's okay. That's why I'm here. So how do we do this?"

He explained the procedure. He sat upright, and I swung his legs off the bed. They looked funny, sticking straight out, and I chuckled. He laughed too.

"Just get me on my feet for starters. Climb onto the bed behind me, reach under my arm pits and lace your hands at my chest. Then lift. Once I'm up, get the crutches under my arms."

I did as he instructed. I couldn't believe how big he was. His biceps bulged when I began lifting. They were huge. His chest hair caught between my fingers and pulled.

"Ouch," he said and laughed.

"Sorry." I took a clean grip in front and began lifting.

"Get your legs under you. Don't hurt your back."

As soon as he was standing, I jumped down, grabbed the crutches and put them under his arms.

"Just walk behind me and hold on to my hips. Just to steady me."

We ambled to the adjoining bathroom. His back was as hairy as the rest of him. I was startled at how attractive it appeared to me.

"Okay, here's where the fun begins," he said with a chuckle. "I know this will be embarrassing, but if you could undo the draw string in front we should be able to get the job done."

I did as instructed and his pajama bottoms fell to the floor. I'd never seen a penis so big. I'd seen monster cocks on the internet, maybe, but certainly never in real life, even in the four years of the high school gym showers. The head and girth were massive. His fore skin, still intact as my own, only covered the rim of the glans.

"Your going to have to point it in the right direction, or you'll being cleaning pee up off the floor." I could tell he was as nervous as I.

"Better hurry. I don't think I can hold it much longer."

I dropped to my knees, reached over and took it in my hand. It's size and length aside, it felt so fascinatingly different than my own. As soon as I touched it, he flinched slightly, giggled in embarrassment, and then groaned. At first a little trickle came out allowing me to adjust my aim, and then he relaxed, and a full flow of urine streamed out of his cock. I looked up at his face, and his head was tilted back and his eyes were closed. The flow of his pee went on and on, until finally, after a few squirts, he groaned again and just a few drops dripped out.

"Holy smokes," he sighed. "That was close. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

I pulled off a couple of sheets of toilet paper, lifted the huge cock and dabbed the end. It was so heavy. Dropping the soiled paper in the toilet, I realized I hadn't taken a breath, and sucked the air into my lungs. Mr. Penis said,"That was kinda weird."I frowned at that thought, pulled Uncle Steve's pajamas up and tied the string.

"Ready to eat," I asked.

"I sure am. Do you think you could get me into the front room? I never asked your mom. I thought it was too much for her, but you're so strong. You shouldn't have any trouble."

"No problem."

"I'm getting sick of that bedroom."

We ambled along the hallway, me trailing with my hands on his hips. I couldn't get the image of his penis out of my head. I never considered myself gay, or anything else for that matter. I was still a virgin, and I did find sex, gay, straight or otherwise, all a great fascination. I had kissed girls a few times, and Linda Johnson let me feel her up one time, but that was it. The gay porn I have watched did get my excited, but any kind porn got Mr. Penis hard, so I just never thought about it. Because of that, I figured I was bi-sexual, as long as I didn't admit to anyone, it didn't bother me.

Tonight, however, I knew that when I lay in bed and beat off, I'd be thinking about a very large penis.

I maneuvered my uncle onto his recliner chair and tilted it back so that his legs were propped up. I handed him the TV remote, and went to the kitchen.

As I prepared lunch, the thought of having sex with a man came to me. I shook my head a few times and told Mr. Penis to knock it off. But he wouldn't listen. As I sliced the pizza, I imagined what it would be like to have a big, fat cock in my mouth. I stopped what I was doing and closed my eyes, surrendering to my imagination. I had seen deep throat blow jobs on internet porn, but the thought of having what Uncle Steve had between his legs all the way down my throat brought me out of my reverie. I dished up the pizza, adjusted the growing boner in my pants, grabbed some napkins and served lunch to my uncle.

"Something to drink?"

"How 'bout a beer? Help yourself to one if you want."

"Well, I'm not twenty-one yet," I replied.

"I won't tell if you won't. You're a full grown man as far as I'm concerned."

I got the beer, and one for myself. I needed it.

After lunch, we watched a football game, shared a couple of more beers and talked about our lives. He seemed genuinely interested in what I did and what I hoped for in my life. I asked some questions about his life, but he remained vague.

"I want you to know," Uncle Steve said, "That what you're doing, helping me out, means a lot to me. You're a good man, Jimbo. So thank you, again and again."

"Oh, you're welcome. We're family, Uncle Steve." After a few minutes of silence, I said, "The truth is I'm doing this for my mom. She hasn't had a real vacation since dad died, and I wanted her get away and have some fun."

"That makes me even prouder of you, son. I know this can't be easy. Holding onto another man's prick and helping him piss. Trust me, it isn't easy for me either. I've always been so self-reliant."

"Can I ask you a question?" The beer made me braver.


"How come you never married?"

He was silent for an awkward moment and then he said, "The truth?"

"Well...of course." He laughed at my statement.

"Jimbo..." Another awkward silence. "I'm gay."

The awkward air hung in the room like a cloud. After a couple of minutes he cleared his throat.

"Not many people know that. Not even your mom. Though she may suspect. I've been in the closet my whole life. It just seems easier that way."

"What about sex? How do you find someone when you're in the closet?"

"Why do you ask these questions?"

"I don't know," I said and chugged off a third beer. It was loosening my tongue quite nicely. "I have a confession." I paused and we looked at each other. "I'm a virgin, so I'm not sure about anything. I like girls, but sometimes I fantasize about men too."

"Wow," he was honestly shocked. "How did it feel holding my cock in your hand?" He sure knew how to cut to the chase.

"Fascinating. I've never seen one so big. I've seen a lot in gym showers, but yours is a monster." We both laughed.

"Well, you've seen mine, why don't you show me yours?" Uncle Steve obviously didn't beat around the bush.


He moved his plate off his lap, and his penis outline under his pajama bottom had grown and swelled. He set his plate on the side table, untied the draw string and rolled the top of the pajamas down revealing the monster.

"Now is all we've got, Jimbo. Your dad's death and my car wreck have taught me that." He looked down at his cock and flexed his muscles. His penis danced up and down.

"Can yours do that?"

"Mine talks," I said, regretting it instantly. I knew he'd want to hear and see what I meant. He laughed.

"Talks?! Well, come on!"

I stood up, entranced now, Uncle Steve urging me on from his easy chair and Mr. Penis gleeful in my head.

"Take all your clothes off and let me have a look at you," he whispered. His hand wrapped around his massive cock, pulled it fully out of the pajamas and slowly stroked it.

I pulled my shirt off exposing my hairless chest. Uncle Steve smiled and nodded. I undid my pants and dropped them to the floor, stepping out and kicking them aside.

"Turn around and drop you undies," he said, his cock growing longer and fatter. I couldn't take my eyes off it.

I turned around and pulled my underwear down, bending over mooning him as I slid them down my legs. I held that position for a few seconds giving him what I thought he wanted. I was right.

"Beautiful," he whispered. "Don't move." My own cock was as hard as it had ever been. I reached up and gently fondled my testicles letting a finger slide up to my anus rubbing it back and forth.

"Oh ya," Uncle Steve said. "Very nice."

We stayed like that for a few more minutes. I was delirious with pleasure. From Uncle Steve's moans, I could tell he was too. I couldn't believe this was happening. I'd only been here for a few hours, and here I was, bent over naked, rubbing my ass hole while my uncle beat his meat. The voice of Mr. Penis started up in my head. "Oh, baby. We're gonna have some fun while momma's gone!"

"Turn around, Jim," Uncle Steve said. His voice was breathless. I stood and turned dropping my hands to my side. Uncle Steve had stopped stroking, but his huge cock pulsated. He just stared at me.

"You are so handsome, son. You like a like a Greek sculpture. Trim, thin and hairless but muscles well developed. Very sexy."

"You're amazing looking too, Uncle Steve. So big and hairy. Very sexy too. I never dreamed this was going to happen."

"And you're a virgin? I can hardly believe it."

"Sad but true."

"Aw, don't think of it that way. Now let me hear your penis talk." He grinned from ear to ear.

"He's tiny compared to yours."

"He's beautiful, Jimbo, just beautiful. Trust me on that. It's not the size that matters, it's how well it can talk." We both laughed.

I moved up close to the chair and the near naked gorgeous man sitting in it.

"It's easier when it's limp, but here it goes. The remarkable Mr. Penis."

"Howdy Uncle Steve,"Mr. Penis said, my thumbs and index fingers manipulating the urethra."Poor Jimbo almost fainted when he saw that mule dick between your legs!"Uncle Steve laughed.

"Very nice to meet you Mr. Penis," he said playing along. "May I shake?" He asked and looked up at me.

"Hey, it's not up to him. You have to ask me."I stepped closer until my thighs touched the chair.

"Mr. Penis, may I shake," Uncle Steve said and leaned closer. He spoke directly to me swollen cock.

"I certainly hope so,"Mr. Penis replied. I blushed all over my body.

Uncle Steve pushed my arms away, and Mr. Penis bounced slightly. He reached up with one hand and encircled around my cock. I flinched slightly and groaned. He stroked ever so gently.

"Could I have your cherry, Jim?" His eyes were riveted on my cock. "Let me teach you everything about boy-on-boy sex." He looked up into my eyes. "I want to suck this sweet cock and bury mine into that lovely rose bud you so eagerly showed off."

He stroked my cock looking into my eyes. I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe. He stroked faster and faster.

"Spill your seed onto my chest." His grip tightened. His stroke speed increased, faster and faster. I leaned forward enough to touch his hairy shoulder to steady myself. I felt like I was going to fall over. The feeling of his skin and the muscle underneath sent a tremor through me. A garbled groan escaped my throat. My body began to tingle all over. My stomach muscles started to spasm. My leg began to quake. I cried out loud, and the best orgasm of my life erupted.

"That's it, Jim. Give it up to me."

The first shot of semen exploded out and catapulted up to the top of his chest, clinging to his dark hair. Then spurt after spurt followed leaving a trail of cum from his chest to his belly. I moaned and groaned the whole time. The final shots landed on his penis that continued to pulsate with excitement.

"Beautiful," he whispered. "I forgot how teenagers ejaculate. Just beautiful. Come even closer."

He rolled to the side enough to bring his head toward me and drew the cum covered glans of my cock into his mouth. He squeezed upward forcing any remaining semen out of my penis into his mouth. When it was cleaned, he watched my face as he licked one last drop that oozed out of my cock.

"Very tasty, Mister Penis" he said looking at my cock that was beginning to droop. "I hope you share that with me again."

He fell back into the lounge chair and rubbed my cum all over his chest and belly. With his hand now coated with semen, he added it to the cum that had landed on his cock and smeared it around until it was also coated. I still felt like I was going to fall over.

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