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Only in a Dream Ch. 08

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Some surprises and the conclusion.
17k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/16/2014
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They hadn't even noticed Brad standing there. Kathy told the three guys to stand in a row, and she started sucking their cocks to make them hard again.

Brad had seen enough, he had to get out of there. He suddenly had the urge to start another project. He headed outside to the garage, he was going to get a sledge hammer and do some body work on these three cars, of which one was a Corvette. A spectacular yellow Corvette!!

He opened the garage and grabbed the sledge...

After Brad arrives home and finds Kathy acting like a porn queen with three young guys, he plots his revenge...

This is the conclusion of the story. I will turn on the comments now.

Brad headed out of the garage with the sledge hammer in hand, when he looked up, there stood Matt. All three hundred pounds of him, Matt looked at him and said,

"Man, your wife sure is a cum slut isn't she?" he laughed.

"What the fuck are you doing here, you fat fucking piece of shit?" Brad yelled,"I should have beat your ass before you ever got near Kathy!"

There were more men behind him. Brad went out of the garage door and walked past them, looking around the bushes that ran down the side of the drive. There was a line of men for as far as he could see.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Brad said.

The sun was down now, it was dark, and Brad started getting confused. Something didn't quite feel right. As Brad stood there in his driveway, the whole line of men just stared at him. Some were laughing, but there was one who looked down at the ground, acting like he didn't want to be seen, almost like he was embarrassed.

Brad walked over to him, poking him on the shoulder, then the man looked up... It was Jason. He was older now, and bald. He was so thin, he looked like he had AIDS or something.

Brad heard someone saying something, he couldn't make out what it was... Then, he heard it again.

"Grandpa," he finally made out.

He looked up, and out of the darkness, he saw Dustin walking past the line of men. And there stood Jack too!! Dustin walked right past Brad, heading for the front door.

"Grandpa," Dustin called out again, as he got closer to the front door.

"NO," Brad hollered,"Don't go in there!! You don't need to see your grandma doing that... Wa... Wait...

"I don't remember coming home from the lake, di... Did I even go fishing. Wait a minute, I was read... Did I ever read that damn book??" he said out loud.

"Why am I here? What the hell is going on?" Brad was puzzled,"I never caught my Kathy doing anything, I'm reading her diary. That's how I found out about Matt...!!"

"GRANDPA... Are you awake?"


Brad opened his eyes and there stood Dustin. He looked around, he was still sitting in his Jeep, not standing in his driveway. He rolled down his window.

"Grandpa, Jack's here," said Dustin.

"Was I asleep? Was that all a dream?" Brad said to himself.

Brad knew some of those things were true and had happened, he remembered them.

"How much of Kathy's affairs with these different men was true? Did I read that in her journal, or was it all part of a dream?" he wondered.

Dustin had walked up from the lake when he saw Jack pull in and had been standing there talking with him for a bit.

"Were you asleep grandpa?"

"I guess I was," Brad said, groggily as he reached over and turned off the radio.

The rain was still coming down, but it was more like a mist now.

"You sleeping instead of fishing??" said Jack, feigning shock.

"I've been up here twice already, this is the third time. I came up when I saw Jack pull in. You looked like you were kind of out of it before, so I didn't say anything," said Dustin.

"We've been standing here talking for probably twenty minutes or so. Oh... And a... I don't really think that I'm that fat, and... You got to Kathy before me... Remember?"

"Huh?" said Brad.

"From the looks of it, you were having quite a dream! And you hollered out to somebody, wanting to know what the fuck they were doing here, and you called them a fat fucking piece of shit. And you said that you should have beat their ass before they ever got near Kathy!" said Jack.

"Oh... Yeah, I was having a dandy!! Sorry if you thought I was calling you names." said Brad.

"Ahh... It's alright. It was kind of entertaining watching you tho, I didn't hear everything you were saying, but you were talking up a storm, and you did open your eyes a couple of times... You even looked at us and were looking down at that book on your lap there. It looked like you were reading it. We could tell that you were out of it tho."

Brad just shrugged his shoulders and changed the subject, because he was an emotional wreck...

"Have you caught any more?" Brad asked Dustin.

"I got hold of a nice one, but he got off, and I've caught a couple more a little smaller than those first ones." Dustin replied.

"Did you eat a sandwich?" Brad asked.

"Yeah, I ate two... And some chips."

"Sorry to be so out of it, but you know how I am after I've been asleep," Brad told Jack.

"Yeah, I know," Jack smiled.

It was mid afternoon, so, Brad figured that he'd been asleep for about two or three hours. He glanced into the rear view mirror, noticing the tracks of his tears on his face, he'd also been crying whilst he slept,

"Well, I guess that was pretty emotional," he thought,"Wow, I dreamed all of that in three hours."

Brad wondered again, just how much of it had been a dream and how much he'd actually read in her journal.

"God I hope that was all a dream," he said out loud.

"Huh??" said Jack.

"Oh, nothing, I just had a weird dream is all."

"So, you feeling any better now?" asked Jack,"Dustin said that you didn't feel good."

Brad decided to stretch his legs, eat a sandwich and have a drink of pop before he did anything else, maybe that would make him feel better. He wanted to go back and look through the diary tho, to make sure what was a dream, and what wasn't.

"I'm going to try and eat something and drink a pop to see if that helps," he said.

He took the keys out of the ignition, went to the back of the Jeep, and retrieved a sandwich and a cold Dr. Pepper.

"Want something to drink?" Brad asked Jack.

"Nah, I've got a drink there in my truck," answered Jack.

Brad walked down to the water with Dustin and Jack to look around for a while, eating the sandwich on the way. Dustin asked him if he was going to fish now.

"I will a little later, you two go ahead and fish, I just want to relax for a while longer, I usually don't like to fish until evening, anyway, you should know that Jack," said Brad as he smiled.

Actually, he wanted to go back up to the Jeep and make sure just what was in that book.

Brad and Jack headed back up towards the Jeep.

"Did you see that yellow Vette that was sitting up there along the hi way for sale?" asked Jack.

"Yeah, that was pretty sharp wasn't it," Brad replied,"I wanted to take a sledge hammer to it!" he mumbled under his breath.

"Huh? said Jack.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about something," Brad laughed.

Jack got his fishing gear out of his truck and headed back towards the water. Brad told him he'd be down there a little later. He wanted to relax a little longer.

He wasn't as groggy now, so he should be able to get through the book fairly quickly. He got in, made himself comfortable, having to wipe his glasses on his shirt. The misty rain had fogged them up pretty good.

Brad opened the book, trying to determine which parts he had actually read, and which parts he'd dreamed. He left the radio off this time, so that he wouldn't be distracted, he was distracted enough by the dream he'd just had.


[Author's note: The re-reading of the journal by Brad is a summary of it's actual content,(that's all that's needed here) rather than word for word. The lines are just to represent an assembly of pages].

He skimmed through the book until he saw Matt mentioned. It was right about to the point where Kathy had written about Cindy getting transferred, then it moved to Matt talking Kathy into going to Hilltop park with him. Brad's heart began to beat a little faster, as Kathy wrote about how she enjoyed the trips to the park with Matt. But, as it turned out, she enjoyed the trips because the children seemed to be having so much fun.

Brad read up until June 28th, all Kathy had written was, that she did enjoy Matt's company, he was pleasant, they also seemed to like a lot of the same things. With Cindy away at work and Brad in bed, it gave her a chance to interact with someone besides children.


As Matt got more comfortable around Kathy, he started becoming more aggressive, in fact almost vulgar, he had started talking about sexual situations. Of course, he would always laugh when he said these things, as if he was joking. Kathy was starting to get a little uncomfortable being around him.

She also thought it funny, that once, after Matt had been talking about those things, he got up from the picnic table with a hard on, his pants looked like a pup tent. She didn't look deliberately, it was just so obvious... And funny.


Brad was relieved as he read this, and he wondered,

"Was that when she supposedly saw Matt's cock?"

He turned the page...



Kathy had started writing about her sister now. Tina had stopped by that day, while Brad was sleeping, and Kathy absolutely did not approve of the way Tina was leading her life.

For the last couple of years, Tina had been living with her second husband, even tho they were divorced. They had two children together and she had an older child from her first marriage. Her (ex) husband worked for cash and she was on all sorts of government assistance (their reason for divorcing to begin with). The year before, she found that she could go to college and get a degree, while the government paid a babysitter fifty dollars a week for each of her three children while she went.


Tina and Kathy's mother watched the three kids and gave the money back to her daughter, a cool six hundred dollars a month for free. With all of her government benefits, plus her husband's 'cash' income, it worked out to where she was bringing in about one and a half times what Brad made, and was all tax free. And Brad's job was one of the highest paid jobs in the area.

Kathy had already known about how Tina was bilking the government for the last couple of years, but she just ignored her and really didn't know to what extent she was doing it. Until now.

It seemed that Tina had stopped by today for the sole purpose of rubbing her lifestyle into Kathy's face. She bragged about all of her new furniture; her new car (that was in another relative's name); the designer clothes; the jewelry and the house she lived in almost for free (HUD).


Then, Tina had bragged about her sexual exploits that started just a few days into the semester, Tina, who was twenty nine now, but twenty eight last fall told Kathy about all of the young guys that were chasing after her. How, on the third day after classes, she had brought some homework home in the form of a six foot, seven inch, nineteen year old college basketball player. A big muscular boy, that was big enough to crush her husband if he dare get out of line when she asked him to leave for the night.

Tina bragged to Kathy, all about sucking that boy's huge cock, how much fun she'd had riding it. How hot it made her feel when he shot what must have been a quart of cum in her face. Tina told her all about the times she'd been with this boy since then, and how sometimes he brought one of his friends along, and she fucked them both at once, how amazing it was. And then, there were the mini orgies that she'd gone to.

Kathy wasn't sure if Tina was telling her the truth, or just bragging, trying to make her jealous. Or was she trying to convince her to cheat on Brad.


Before she left, Tina told Kathy that she still couldn't understand how Kathy could stand to sleep with the same guy all of the time. She told Kathy how, her husband (ex) knew better than to try and stop her from fucking who she wanted... She'd throw his ass out and take everything he had, plus she knew things about him that could get him in trouble with the law.

Kathy had told her about how the guy next door (Kurt) seemed to be making subtle passes at her. Then, how she and her friend's husband (Matt) had been taking the kids to the park, and how he had been talking about sex. She laughed as she told her about him having a hard on when he got up from the table that day.

Tina had tried her best to get Kathy to go ahead and fuck around with them, to get some of that strange cock, she didn't know what she was missing, and to live a little!!


Brad had always told Kathy what her sister had been doing, it was obvious, but Kathy always seemed to defend her, well this book proved that Brad was right all along.

He turned to the next page, he was up to July 13th, 1988. As he started to read, he noticed that this was the evening when Matt had gone off alone, wandering into the woods. It was starting to get dark, when Kathy went looking for him and the children.

Brad stopped, he didn't know if he wanted to go on or not, he remembered this scenario playing out, in what he now thought was the dream.

"But was it?"

He reluctantly continued...



As Kathy got closer, she could hear the children inside of the woods a good distance away. Then, she spotted Matt standing on the trail, a short distance ahead. He was looking intently down the hill in the direction of the children's voices.

She started down the trail towards him. When she was only a few feet away, she tripped over a tree root in the darkness of the woods and lurched forward, taking a couple of almost running steps to try and catch herself.

Matt had heard her trip and turned around just in time to see her flailing towards him. He braced himself and he caught her. Kathy fell right into his arms, her face was planted right against his neck, Matt had to turn his head away to keep from getting headbutted.

After they'd caught their balance, Matt held his arms around her tightly for a few moments, she was only inches from Matt's face and he was staring intimately into her eyes. They started to laugh a little, and when she started to pull away from him, he leaned in, pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. Caught up in the moment, Kathy caught herself kissing him back for a few seconds. She hadn't realized until then, just how attracted to him she had became.


Matt was an attractive man, he'd been innocently flirting with her for quite a while now. Talking about her likes, the things she was interested in, ever so slowly drawing her in. Then he had switched things up and started talking about sex. Kathy thought it was vulgar, but although she wouldn't admit it to herself, it was kind of turning her on too, she couldn't help it.

Matt had been trying to put mental images of how good sex would be with him; she had actually wondered about it. All of the things he was saying, even in a joking manner, had put images of being naked with him inside of her head. Brad was right, he was trying to get into her pants.


Brad's heart was now beating rapidly after reading this, he was angry and hurt. Angry at Matt for trying to seduce his wife, and angry at Kathy over the fact that he'd told her what Matt was up to and she didn't believe him. Hurt because Kathy had been attracted to Matt, had actually thought about what crawling into bed with him might be like. Then, on top of that, she'd kissed him.

Brad was almost sure, that if Matt had waited a few weeks longer before making his move, worked on her some more, he just may well have succeeded. Faithful women all over fall for this kind of shit every day.

The flashbacks from his dream were playing havoc with his psyche too. He turned the page and pressed on...



Ranch dressing.

4 cucumbers.

Bag of shredded lettuce.

Cheddar cheese.

Ice cream.

1 gal milk.


"What the hell is that?" said Brad.

Then, he realized what he was looking at. Kathy had started to write down a grocery list and stopped. She must have reached for her notebook and grabbed this book by mistake. He knew, that if she was yakking on the phone, or preoccupied with something, she did absent minded things like that all of the time.

"Ha ha ha... Them's her sex toys," he laughed as he remembered how she had used the cucumbers in his dream.

He turned to the next page...



Kathy had told Matt No!! She was married and so was he, and she had pushed away from him. Matt had been apologetic tho, said that he was sorry, he just got carried away, she was so beautiful, he just couldn't help himself. It wouldn't happen again, he promised.

Matt hollered at the children to come on, it was getting late, while Kathy walked out of the woods, back over to the picnic table to wait. She had passed an older couple walking along the way. The woman could sense that Kathy was a little agitated, and when she saw Matt coming out of the woods, she had looked at her and asked if it was a lover's quarrel? Kathy had turned about three shades of red, and shook her head from side to side, and told the woman that NO, he was NOT her lover!


Then Matt walked over, apologized again, and asked her if they could still be friends. Kathy told him that she didn't know, she'd have to think about it. Matt had asked her if the kids had to suffer because he was so stupid? And did that mean that they wouldn't be bringing them out to the park anymore? He was really sorry.

Once again, Kathy had told him she didn't know what she was going to do. Then, she said that she noticed the woman she had just passed along the trail looking back at them and watching closely.

"Great, she probably thought we were a couple having a lover's spat!! Kathy had written.

She also wrote that she could never tell Brad about any of this, he would probably thump Matt good. She didn't want to mess up her friendship with Cindy either. And she sure as hell, didn't want to have to get Brad out of jail.


Kathy thought she'd give Matt another chance. She didn't want to keep the kids away from the park, they always had so much fun there. It seemed that Matt may have just had a momentary lack of judgment and wouldn't try anything again.


Brad was perplexed as to why she would let herself get sucked into this,

"I cant' believe she gave him another chance, all he's gonna do is change tactics. Fuck! I hope she was able to see that and he didn't succeed!" he thought, as he remembered the dream.

Then, he prayed he didn't already know what had happened next.


Kathy had gone with Matt and the children to the park again, this was to be his one and only chance to keep his hands to himself. The children ran off to play, while Matt and Kathy sat down at the same picnic table they always did.

After some small talk, Matt had started telling Kathy his woes with Cindy. He told her that they weren't getting along, and he thought that they might split up.

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