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Our Peculiar Relationship

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The false promise of sex is used to bend me to her whim.
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My girlfriend Sofia was a free spirit, in every sense of the word. She was outgoing, outspoken and had a vivacious cheeky sense of humor. Always the life of the party with an overwhelmingly friendly persona. In other words, she flourishes in almost any social situation whereas I, am the complete opposite. I'd first met Sophia whilst waiting in line at the grocery store. I had accidentally cut someone off, a giant oak of a man who had every intention of pounding my face into the pavement. As I stood there, trembling, anxiously waiting for the worst to happen, Sofia came to my rescue, practically shouting at the guy who in turn retreated, allowing me to carry on about my business. Sofia had this knack for manipulating people in an almost evil kind of way. I was just grateful she was on my side. The second I laid eyes on her, I was completely smitten, so much so to the point I forgot how to put together coherent sentences. She of course found this amusing and was actually the one who pursued me in a romantic sense, admitting that she found my lack of backbone 'adorable' and that I reminded her of a frightened little puppy.

Of course, she oozed confidence. She was this buxom brunette with shoulder length hair, curves in all the right places and a dark olive complexion. In other words, she was a goddess in every sense of the word. I on the other hand always felt like I was just an average looking guy. Nothing repulsive about me, but nothing overly special either. I was very much 'in the middle' with nothing interesting to offer. Sofia of course quickly took charge and as days turned into weeks, I found myself in a relationship with her.

Having her in my corner essentially meant no one would mess with me. She was always ready for some type of fight or argument. This was clear to me on our second date when the waiter had gotten my order wrong. I of course didn't want to make a fuss but she on the other hand, flew into this destructive tirade, making our poor waiter burst into tears. Moments later, she'd done the same to the restaurant manager. In the end, our meals were free. I soon realized that this was very much a constant regular thing with her, she loved to fight and argue. Not with me, but for me.

Then, there were the times where she'd strike up conversations with random people, often random men. She responded well to kindness and flattery especially from the opposite sex. I recall on our third date, I was running late. When I arrived at the bar, I found her deep in conversation with some 'guy'. Politely, I stood and waited and waited and waited. After forty minutes, I decided to approach her. It felt awkward and uncomfortable interrupting them. The muscular jock simply scowled at me as if to say 'fuck off'. Sofia of course responded with joy, completely unaware that the whole situation left me feeling anxious and jealous, "this is him!" she said to the guy before peeling herself away. Playfully, he wrapped his arm around her torso and pulled her in close, whispering something in her ear. She glanced over at me before erupting in laughter, "you're naughty!" she exclaimed before peeling him off of her, "maybe, that sounds fun," she said before she grabbed me by the hand, leading me away.

"Who was that? An old friend?" I asked in almost a whisper.

"Oh, no. Just some guy who saw me sitting there alone. He bought me a few drinks and kept me company. He's such a blast," she glanced back at me, "what took you so long? You're like almost forty-five minutes late!"

"Urr... I was here I just...." I struggled to get the words out, "I just didn't want to interrupt you two..."

This caused her to erupt in laughter, "oh sweetness...." her voice trailed off, amused by my lack of backbone. Amused that I stood and watched some other guy 'move in on my girl' and the fact that I did absolutely nothing about it. Needless to say, it left me feeling embarrassed and on some level emasculated. This was heightened much later on in the evening when the same guy walked by our table, placing a folded up napkin before her. Without a word, he winked at her and continued on. With an impish grin she opened up the napkin and chuckled, giddy, almost like a school girl. "What's urm... what's that?" I nervously asked.

"It's his number," her eyes met mine with a cheeky grin, "should I call him?" she teased.

I shuddered, looking away as she let out another laugh, "you're blushing!" she teased some more, "jealous?" she asked, playfully swaying back and forth.

I looked up at her, feeling overwhelmingly anxious yet, somehow aroused. "Yes." I admitted, "very much so," I added, softly.

She erupted in laughter before folding up the napkin and placing it inside her purse, perhaps to playfully tease and taunt me.

Our first sexual encounter was, for me, a disaster. Although she remained completely clothed, she insisted I strip for her, eager for a show. I hoped to impress her with my prowess, my virility and prove to her that I was an impressive male specimen. Of course, when I peeled off my underwear she arched her eyebrows in wonder, gazing down at my rigidity for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, a smirk washed over her as she playfully 'flicked' the tip of my penis, causing it to bob up and down. "boing! Boing!" she teased, letting out a chuckle, "penises are such funny little things," she mused out loud, "especially yours," her eyes met mine as a semi-sadistic grin washed over her.

I feigned laughter, hoping there'd be more to the joke. That's when she said, "can I be honest with you?"

"uh-huh," I responded, anxiously.

"I really like you. You're sweet. You're like a little lion cub," she paused glancing back down at my penis, "but..." she grimaced, almost awkwardly before prodding my erect penis once more, "I just... I don't think so," she looked back up at me with a sympathetic smile.

"You urhhh... you mean.... You don't want to have sex with me?" I responded, in almost a whimper, letting out a groan in the process.

She snickered at me before gazing back down at my member, "no. no, I don't."

"Urm...." My voice trembled, perplexed, dejected, anxious and upset, "but, but, why?" I managed to say.

This time she glanced back up at me. A sympathetic smile plastered on her face. It was clear she felt bad for me, but it was also clear she was quite amused by the whole situation, "Well...." She began, "Maybe we should just....wait, I want our first time to be special."

I gazed down at my hard-on, part of me felt as though she were rejecting me based on the size of my genitals. I knew I wasn't well endowed, but I'd never been rejected sex because of it before. "oh," I said softy before adding, "but.... we will have sex... eventually? Right?" I asked, hopeful.

She snickered once more, shooting me a knowing look, more than amused by my silly question, "oh sweetie," she began, "Of course! One day..... You understand, don't you?"

I looked down at my little peter and winced, "urr... yeah. I guess." I admitted, lost and dejected.

Standing before her, completely naked while she remained clothed felt surreal to me. Perhaps it was the rush of being so exposed and vulnerable before her as she stood there, with a cheeky impish grin, finding humor in the situation. I had been rejected, it stung but it was clear we were both getting off on it, at least on some level. Thinking I had nothing to loose at that point, I decided to further push the envelope, just to see how far I could progress things along, "uhh.... Can I umm..." embarrassed, I looked away sheepishly.

She played along, amused by my candor, "can you what?" she teased, "go on? Can you what?" she teased some more.

"Urm.... Can I have a uhh... a little blowjob?" I asked, softly.

She cocked her head at me with that sultry crooked smile before playfully running her tongue over her upper lip, "Aww honey," she began, "I'm sorry, I don't do that," she said resting her arms on her hips confidently whilst maintaining that semi-sadistic sarcastic smirk. Needless to say, it made me feel two inches tall. "How do you masturbate?" she then asked me.

"What do you mean?" I responded, beyond embarrassed at this point.

"How do you.... I mean, you can't really get a fist around that little pee wee. Can you?" she asked me, confidently, with a wide eyed cheeky grin, perhaps enjoying this a little too much. Needless to say, her enquiry completely rattled me. She called my penis 'pee wee' and made me doubt everything I assumed was masculine about me. Desperate to save face, I looked back up at her with pleading eyes, "Urm, yeah. Of course, I uhhh-" before I could finish that thought, she said something that took the wind completely out of my sails, "show me," it wasn't a request, it was a demand.

With confusion plastered on my face, I stood there, completely gob smacked. It left me feeling particularly silly and lost. This was not at all how I'd hoped our first sexual encounter would go.

What happened next took me completely by surprise.

She turned and sat on the sofa, gently patting the spot beside her, encouraging me to sit beside her. Nervously, anxiously I sat next to her, feeling overwhelmingly self-conscious and embarrassed. It was awkward to say the very least. We both stared at my little member for what felt like an eternity. Once again, she repeated, "show me," it was indeed a demand, "go on!" she added, sternly.

Gently, I reached forth and proceeded to fondle my erect member.

Using my thumb and index finger, I clasped my dick at the base and gave it a gentle pump. She of course looked on in wonder, gasping as I fiddled with my little bits and pieces. I let my thumb wonder by the tip of my erect member, wiggling it about, rubbing the underside of my glans. Sofia couldn't contain herself, she erupted in laughter as I sat there, red faced with my dick in my hand. "Don't stop!" she exclaimed in between fits of laughter, "keep going!" she egged me on as I continued my efforts as that all too familiar feeling began to gather in my loins.

"You just rub the tip huh?" she teased, "rub, rub, rub," she teased some more as laughter followed, "you play with yourself like a girl!" she announced, "That's how I play with my clit!"

That was all it took.

Like a geyser, I erupted. "Ngh! Ngh! Mpf!" I wailed, I panted, I groaned and I shrieked. I sat there, gasping and heaving as I came and came all over my torso. All the while, Sofia sat there, amused, laughing her ass off at me.

When it was all over and I came back down to earth, I felt every little bit silly and pathetic. This was heightened by the fact that my penis rapidly began to deflate, retreating back inside of my body. Within a matter of seconds, all that remained was a little pink nub. She of course continued to laugh and laugh at me. Anxiously, I crossed my legs in an attempt to shield myself from her.

"So manly!" she said sarcastically, mocking my lack of endowment as I sat there, red faced.

"I'm just teasing, that was fun!" she admitted as her laughter slowly died down, "This will work! You'll see... You're my little cutie pie." She turned, rifling through her purse before extracting her phone. She stood up, towering over me, her phone in hand, "mind if I take some photos of you?" she asked, batting her eyes at me. It was clear that this was all part of some kind of sick game. Sensing my hesitation, she mock pouted at me, "pweese! For me?" she shot me another smile, practically casting some type of spell on me. From there, I posed for a variety of photographs while she teased and laughed throughout the whole process.

"Arch your back, stick your butt out!" she ordered as she took photo after photo.

"Hands on hips!" she ordered, "spread your legs! Show me that little power tool!" she teased once more before erupting into laughter yet again.

"You're not going to show these to anyone? Are you?" I asked, a frazzled mess.

"Aww honey," she began, "they're just for us. For fun!" she said, trying hard to contain her laughter, "well...." She paused, letting me stew for a moment, "I may show it off to a couple of friends." She grinned at me again as a shiver ran up my spine, "I've told them all about you. They're dying to know if you're hung or not!" she chuckled to herself before putting her phone away.

Moments later, she had gathered up her belongings and was practically out the door, "that was fun pee wee," she said, giggling to herself, "Let's go out tomorrow night! Dinner and a show. Sound good?" she asked in that stern dominant tone with a strong hint of mockery and condescension. "Urm, yes," I responded.

"Can we urr..... I don't suppose we could urm.... Have sex tomorrow? Like.... Actual sex?" I asked, sheepishly.

"What? Again!?" she teased, "but, you just 'had sex'....." she paused, on the verge of laughter, "with your fingertips!" she erupted into laughter once more before walking off down the hallway, "pick me up at eight pee wee," with that, she was gone.

I stood there naked, wondering just what the hell had happened. It was emasculating. It was embarrassing. It was humiliating. I wanted more. So much more.

From there, our relationship evolved.

Yes, she was amused by the size of my genitals, but it was more than that. It felt as though it were part of some larger game of hers. My response to her teasing seemed to fuel the fire. I would shudder, turn three shades of red and find myself becoming aroused. This of course did not go unnoticed by her and thus, on that trajectory, our relationship evolved. There were countless nude 'photo shoots' all for her amusement and she'd find ways to push the envelope in an attempt to further intensify things. I'd be forced to pose alongside other phallic objects all for the sole purpose of providing entertainment for her and whoever else she was showing the photos too. Of course, she'd keep it a secret, which of course heightened my sense of anxiety which would ultimately pretty quickly transform into arousal on my part. Watching my little member grow to its full erect state always seemed to amuse her and as embarrassed as I was feeling, I was proud to display to her the effect she had on my body.

She would use the promise of sex to control every facet of our relationship. In doing so, I'd submit and she'd always get her way. At first I was simple things like choosing which movie to watch, or which restaurant to eat at, but eventually it got to the point where I would bend to her every whim, her every request, every demand, everything... it was impossible to say no to her. I even ended up paying her rent, her car payments and even the vast majority of her bills. "Take care of this for me.... And I'll rock your world," she'd seductively say, which would turn me into putty.

Of course, when she got what she wanted from me, she'd renege on her promise, or altogether change her mind. This was often accompanied by a sly grin or a cheeky smirk. She knew denial is what drove me insane and what made me want her even more.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't entirely a sexless relationship.... But it was often sex her way on her terms.

On our six month anniversary, she promised penetrative sex. In fact, those were her words 'penetrative sex'. I was so anxious, overjoyed and perplexed, that I had a permanent hard-on for two whole weeks leading up to the main event. Leading me into her bedroom, I was ordered to strip naked and lay flat on the bed, on my stomach. Of course she remained clothed but proceeded to give me a deep tissue massage. After ten minutes, she ordered I stick out my rear, "Ready?" she asked hoarsely in my ear. All I could do was nod and whimper. She clasped my rock hard member in the palm of her hand, with her thumb, she gently massaged my puckered up anus.

"Ngh" I groaned as I was gently penetrated. From there, she jiggled her hand back and forth, prodding my ass, and gently milking me simultaneously. It didn't take long for me to ejaculate all over her sheets. It left me a heaving, panting mess and as I collapsed on the bed, she of course erupted in laughter, beyond amused by what her touch had done to my body. Perplexed, I gazed up at her, confused and shocked. "I urhhh.... I thought we were going to have sex?" I asked, in between labored breaths.

She of course chuckled out loud before saying, "aww honey! You did have sex! With my hand!" more laughter ensued.

The more I was teased, the more I was denied, the more I wanted it. It just seemed to go and on like this.

On one occasion, we were at a crowded coffee shop, seated opposite each other when some lug-head confidently strut over to her and practically asked her out in front of me. It was as if I were completely invisible and although she didn't say yes, she did humor him to the point where it drove me completely insane. Sensing my angst seemed to fuel the fire, especially when she noticed I'd sprouted a boner, noticing the prominent lump in my pants. "You're jealous?" she teased, loud enough for everyone to hear, "and it turns you on?" she laughed in my face.

Before I could respond, she'd shoved her foot into my crotch where she proceeded to gently rub my tender little bits. As I sat there, heaving and groaning, she looked back at me, confidently with a wide eyed smirk and when I eventually soiled my pants, she erupted in laughter garnering attention from almost everyone nearby, "pee wee went off, didn't he?" she teased, "you made an icky mess in your big boy pants?" she teased some more before resuming her laughter.

Red faced, I quickly waddled over to the bathroom in a desperate attempt to clean myself up.

When I came back, I was shocked to find her deep in conversation with that same lug head who'd hit on her earlier. Again, I stood by the sidelines and watched and waited until their conversation was over. Once he'd left, I approached her, anxiously, sheepishly with a grimace plastered on my face, "what was that all about?" I asked her, nervously.

She shot me a crooked grin, "adult stuff," she said as her eyes peered down to the wet stain between my legs, "sex in public is so kinky!" she exclaimed.

I stood before her, embarrassed, red faced, "sex?" I asked, curiously.

"Yeah. You just had sex with my foot. I bet it felt wonderful," she teased before adding, "let's get you home 'big boy'!" nearby, a group of women listening in all erupted in laughter, all in unison, all at my expense.

Yes, it was an odd relationship. Built mostly on control, denial and manipulation.... But I loved it. As much as I longed and begged for sex, I loved our dynamic. I was permanently horny and she was permanently in command, exercising her dominance over me. It seemed to me as though she got off on it.

As a couple, she dictated pretty much every aspect of my life. What to watch, what to drink, what to wear, what to eat and where to go. In other words, I'd been cut off from booze and I'd been put on a strict diet in addition to being forced to take a wide variety of vitamins and supplements. My wardrobe had changed, significantly so. Whereas I normally used to wear a dark polo shirt and grey shorts, I was now forced to wear nothing but pastel colors and what I felt to be oddly effeminate shirts and pants. Most of my pants seemed to have flares in addition to being almost paper thin. My shirts more than often resembled women's blouses and were often pink, aqua or purple. I'd complain to her about this on numerous occasions and she'd respond with, "it's the latest European fashion! You look so trendy... so sexy!" she'd tease, which of course, would turn me into putty and in turn, bend me to her whim. As for movies and television, we mostly watched together and generally tended to be romantic comedies or musicals.

Furthermore, she was the one who decided what we did together, socially, as a couple.

Roughly a year into our relationship, she dragged me along to a party on the other side of town. Apparently, it was a housewarming for a friend of hers, someone I hadn't yet had the opportunity to meet. As I sat in the passenger seat in my pink and aqua suit, I gazed over at her, confidently clinging the wheel, with a permanent bemused smirk plastered on her face. She'd been looking forward to this party for some particular reason. She was dressed in a tight short leather dress which left very little to the imagination. The look was completed with a pair of black pumps and a full face of make-up, more so than she often chose to wear. In other words, she looked glamorous, but also rather slutty. Either way, it seemed as though she were desperately seeking attention.

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