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Outsourced Hazing Ch. 01

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Frat pledge hazed by sorority.
4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/17/2020
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Mickey stood in the circle with the other pledges, nervously shifting his weight back and forth, staring at the cup. In that cup was his hell week. Since this college banned hazing, his fraternity decided to improvise, rather than stop. So they outsourced their hazing. In the cup were the names of all the sororities on campus, all of whom were happy at the opportunity to haze a boy, and the authorities looked the other way.

When the cup came to Mickey, he eagerly reached in and grabbed a name, completely unafraid. Getting to hang out with hot chicks for a week? What could be better! He pulled out a piece of paper and read the three Greek letters written on it. Gamma Alpha Lambda. The GALs, they called themselves. There were about twenty of them, and they were all very attractive, smart and sociable. But for some reason, the older guys were afraid of them. They always averted their eyes when walking past.

We each went to our assigned sororities houses, Mickey walking toward the blue house with white pillars just down the street. When he walked up to the door, it suddenly opened up. Standing in the doorway in shorts and a tight white tank top was a gorgeous woman with long flowing blonde hair, bright blue eyed, soft and succulent lips, lightly tanned skin, and the biggest, most beautiful and perky pair of-

"Hey, are you the pledge?"

"Wh- huh? Oh, yes, why yes I am."

"Good, come on inside."

Mickey entered the house. Inside, the woman introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I'm the president of Gamma Alpha Lambda. Welcome to hell week. There are a few rules here. Today you can keep wearing that, but from tomorrow on, you only wear what we give you to wear. Any of the sisters can ask you to do something, and give you a time limit to do it in. If you do the task to their liking, they will give you a kiss. If you fail to complete the task, or it isn't up to their standards, then they take an article of clothing from you. Once its taken, you cannot get it back. Furthermore, if you run out of clothes, then the girls get to do something else they deem equivalent. Understand?"

"Wait, you guys are just trying to take my clothes off?" Mickey thought he was in heaven.

"Oh, just you wait and see. Additionally, if all your clothes have been taken by 7 pm each night, you will receive a punishment. Got it? Good." And with that, she half led, half dragged him into the next room.

As Mickey rounded the corner, he looked up and saw twenty of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, all jumping and shouting "Surprise!" in front of a banner that said 'Welcome Pledge'. Mickey thought he was in heaven. Oh how wrong he was.

The first task he was given was to clean the kitchen. The time limit was an hour. Mickey immediately got to work, scrubbing dishes, cleaning floors, wiping counters. In fifty eight minutes, the kitchen sparkled like a gem. As he walked out of the kitchen to find Elizabeth to claim the kiss he thought he earned, another girl walked into the kitchen. When Elizabeth came to the kitchen to inspect if Mickey really had cleaned the kitchen, she shook her head. Mickey's smile started to falter. "Whats wrong? I cleaned it like you asked."

"Look in the sink"

Mickey peered in, and saw a dirty spoon sitting in the middle of the sink.

Elizabeth turned and smiled at Mickey. "One article of clothing please. I'll even let you pick which one."

"What? But that's not fair! It was clean!"

"It doesn't have to be fair. That's why its called hazing."

Crestfallen and defeated, Mickey took off and handed over his shirt.

Next he was asked for a back massage, and earned a quick kiss on the lips from a lovely curvy brunette. He earned a kiss on the cheek for a foot massage. Then a short petite girl with bright orange hair and glasses approached him.

"Help me with my homework."

"Umm ok I'll try."

"Its just some simple third order differential equations."

"Third order what now?"

"Uhhgh you're useless. Do you know anything or should I just pick an article of clothing now?"

"I'm not useless! I just don't know that stuff."

"Right. Now give me your shorts."

"Wh-what? Thats not fai-"

Before he could finish his complaint, she leaned forward and yanked down his shorts. "Take em off. They're mine now."


Just then Elizabeth walked into the room. "Is there a problem pledge? Take your shorts off."


"NOW." Elizabeth yelled, silencing Mickey. He timidly took his shorts off and handed them to the girl with the glasses. She smirked and looked him up and down. "Ooh, he's not bad." She turned and walked away down the hall. "I'm gonna have a lot of fun this week."

The GALs kept him busy, and by 6:50 he'd earned some kisses, including a very passionate one by a short, busty blonde, but he had also lost his shoes and socks. Now stripped down just to his underwear, he was brought to the main living room where everyone was gathered. Realizing that he hadn't lost all his clothes, he began to smile proudly that he had avoided punishment. Just then, he was tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and was met with a short girl with round cheeks and dark hair.

"Say the alphabet backwards, starting with j then looping back around."


"You heard me."

"But... why?"

"I said start with j not y. Now give me an article of clothing."

"B-but...but...but..." He began to panic. Was he really about to get naked in front of all these girls? Before he could react, he felt a tug. He felt a breeze of cold air much farther south than he should have. He looked down in horror and saw his member exposed to the world. Scrambling to cover himself, he fell to the ground and felt his underwear pulled out from under his legs. He looked up and saw the girl with the glasses from earlier, holding his underwear high in the air, flaunting her trophy to the cheers of all the girls in the room, and smiling deviously.

Just then Elizabeth walked in. She looked down at Mickey, then checked the time on her phone. Smiling, she turned the phone to show mickey that it was 7pm, and he had lost every article of clothing he had. "Punishment time!" She exclaimed gleefully, with a devious smile.

The girls helped Mickey to his feet, but held his arms to he couldn't cover himself. Mickey struggled, his face turning bright red, but they held firm as they pulled him to the center of the room and held him there. Elizabeth stood in front of him, with the rest of the sorority behind her, all giggling and laughing. Elizabeth nodded to the girls holding his arms, and they released him. Then Elizabeth nodded to another girl on the far side of the room, who then left the room.

"Turn around and grab your ankles." Elizabeth ordered.

"What?" Mickey asked, his mind in full panic mode as he stood naked before a group of women who cheered at stripping him. Then the girl came back into the room, with two wooden paddles.

"Turn" Elizabeth stepped forward, grabbing a paddle. "Around" She took another step forward, pointing the paddle at Mickey. "And grab" Another step, and she lowered the paddle so the end of it rested between his wrist and stomach. "Your ankles." With her paddle, she pried Mickey's hands away from his crotch. "Now!"

Trembling with fear and humiliation, Mickey realized he had no other choice. He turned around, bent over, grabbed his ankles, and looked between his legs at Elizabeth and the rest of the girls. He saw Elizabeth swing her paddle. SMACK. A jolt of pain shot through Mickey's backside. She stepped back and handed her paddle to someone else, as the girl that brought the paddles stepped forward and swung. SMACK. More pain ripped through his rear. Another girl stepped forward and swung, and another and another and so on and so forth until everyone had personally sent a shot of pain and humiliation directly into Mickey's ass cheeks.

The last one to go was the glasses girl. She had wrapped Mickey's underwear around the handle of the paddle as a grip. "I cant tell which is more red, his face or his ass." SMACK. Mickey trembled in pain and humiliation.

"Stand up." Elizabeth commanded. Mickey stood and faced the girls that had stripped, beaten, and humiliated him. "Congratulations! You made it through the first day of our hazing! You're free to do as you like the rest of the evening. We will show you the room where you will sleep tonight, and tomorrow we will give you the clothes you can wear that day."

"Can I put my clothes back on now?"

The girls all laughed. "No. You can do as you like, except you have to remain naked."

Hanging his head in shame, Mickey was led to the spare bed room he was to sleep in, and sat on the bed contemplating the humiliations of that day, and fearing what might come tomorrow.

Mickey woke up the next morning to find clothes laid out for him on the floor: A tight teal blue T-shirt with the word 'Pledge' printed across the front, orange girls shorts with 'Spank me' across the rear, pink boy-shorts panties, socks, and the shoes he wore the day before. However embarrassing the clothes were, he was just glad to have some again.

He opened the door just as Elizabeth was about to knock. "Oh, I see you've gotten your clothes for today. I can walk you to your first class. Then one of my sisters will walk you to your second. Any time you are out of the house you will be escorted by someone, to make sure you follow the rules and do as you're told." As they walked through the house, some of the passing girls giggled at him. One even slapped his ass, which still hurt from the paddling last night. But he just kept quiet with his head down. He knew exactly how much clothing he had, and didn't want to lose any so early in the day.

The walk to his first class was fine. It was early and not a lot of people were out yet. No one had asked him to do anything yet. When he got to his first class, Elizabeth stopped him before he walked in. "Ok, today your hazing really begins. Another girl will escort you to your next class and make sure you follow the rules. Good luck. Your'e gonna need it." And with a slap to his ass she walked away.

Aside from a few sideways glances and chuckles, his first class went just like normal and as he walked out the door, the curvy brunette to whom he had given a back massage the day before greeted him. "Hi, I'm supposed to escort you to your next class." she said, smiling.

"Well, actually my next class isn't for a while, so I usually go to the library to work on homework for a bit."

"Ok, then we'll go to the library." There still weren't a lot of other people on campus so the walk to the library was rather quiet, and the library was rather empty. The two of them found a quiet study room and got to work. Mickey thought to himself 'Well this could be a lot worse. at least this girl is nice, and isn't trying to publicly humiliate me. I think I might survive today.' When the time came to leave the library and go to his next class, Mickey was actually smiling. Then he saw the girl with the glasses.

"Hey pledge. Whats the capital of Illinois?"

"Umm..." He racked his brain trying to remember. He had always been bad at geography and never memorized his capitals. "Chicago?"

"Wrong." A devilish smile spread across her face. "I'll be taking your shirt now."

"Aww c'mon, its the middle of campus and I still have another class to-"

"Hey, pledge!" The curvy brunette shouted at him. "Give her your shirt." Her voice was completely serious, and had subtle hints of anger in it. Mickey swallowed hard, then complied. He only had this one more class, then he could just go back to the sorority house and wouldn't be in public anymore. He walked into class to a few raised eyebrows and snickering from his classmates, but he just kept his head down and found his seat. After class, he hurried to exit the classroom, hoping to get back to the cover of the sorority house before he was stripped further in public. When he walked out the door, two athletic looking blondes were waiting for him. the one on the left addressed him first. "Hi pledge, I'm here to escort you back." "But before you go, I have a task for you." chimed in the girl on the right. "Sing me my favorite song."

"Um... what? here?"

"Yes here. now sing."

"Um... whats your favorite song?"

"You have to guess that."

"Oh.. um..." Mickey racked his brain, trying to think of what songs girls liked, trying to think back to any clues. Unable to come up with a legitimate answer, his brain came up with a wild guess. Baby, by Justin Beiber.

"Baby, baby, baby, ooooh" Mickey weakly sang, but quickly fell silent as fear gripped his throat closed. The girl laughed. "Good guess but no. The correct answer is 'I love you baby' by Frankie Vallie. Now, I'll let you choose what to loose." Not wanting to be in public wearing panties, he gave her his shoes.

As he approached the edge of campus, he ran into another girl from the sorority. "Hey pledge. Wall twerk for me."

Mickey's face turned bright red, but not wanting to lose any more clothing, he bent over and put his hands on the ground and lifted his feet and planted them on the wall, and began to shake and move his hips. The girl slapped him on the ass. "Not nearly good enough. Give me your socks." As shame turned his face bright red, he removed his socks. With a smile, the girl walked away. After walking a few steps, the hot pavement began to hurt his feet. Walking the rest of the way back would be really painful, so he turned to the sorority sister escorting him.

"The pavement really hurts my feet, it there anyway we can walk along the grass, or walk faster?"

The girl chuckled. "Hmmm... I'm sure we can work something out. How about this, you can run to the house, taking any path you want, but it will cost you your shorts." He looked at her, pleading with his eyes. She just smiled. He looked around. The house was only a block away, and there were only a handful of people between there and here. He took a deep breath, slipped his shorts off and broke into a full sprint on a bee-line to the house. As he ran up the lawn toward the front door, he saw the girl with the glasses sitting on the front porch. Ignoring her and hoping she wouldn't take away the last of his clothing, he kept running toward the door.

"Stop, pledge."

Mickey tried to ignore it and dove for the door, his hand grabbing and turning the handle. But the door didn't budge, and Mickey slammed into the door and fell back onto the ground. The girl in the glasses laughed at him. "You idiot. The door is locked. And I told you to stop and you didn't. So I'll be taking these." While he was still on the ground recovering from his collision with the door, she bent down, grabbed his underwear, and yanked them down his legs and threw them behind her. "Now, I'll unlock the door for you." Just as she turned to unlock the door, a shuttle bus from another part of campus stopped in front of the house, and began to let people off. The girl stopped, turned around, and said Hi to everyone she recognized coming off the bus. Two of them were sisters of the sorority, and walked up, laughing at Mickey. The three sorority sisters chatted for a moment before unlocking and opening the door. Mickey ran for the room they gave him, and shut the door.

A short while later, there was a knock at his door. Mickey didn't answer, didn't move, and almost didn't breath. Another knock. Then the handle turned, the door swung open, and in stepped the curvy brunnette from earlier. "Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over the place for you. Come. I have something for you to do." Before he could react, she grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the room. He quickly tried to cover himself up with his free hand, as she dragged him into her room and shut the door. "Cover your eyes." He put one hand over his eyes. "No not like that. Both hands." He hesitated. "Now." He slowly uncovered himself and placed both hands over his eyes. She giggled a little. After a few seconds she said "Okay open your eyes."

Mickey opened his eyes and saw the beautiful girl laying chest down on her bed, topless, her ample chest squeezed tightly between herself and the bed. Her sheets covered her lower half. "I need a back massage." He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over, placing his hands on her shoulders and gently squeezing and kneading. "You're going to have to do better than that. C'mon get up on the bed." He paused, then climbed on the bed, straddling her hips between his knees. He pressed his palms gently but firmly into her back. "Mmmm That's it." she softly purred. He massaged her back as tender and caring as he could, trying his best to get on her good side. "My name's Sarah by the way." Mickey continued to massage away at Sarah's back. As he did so, She occasionally moaned softly, and arched her back a bit, causing the sheet covering her lower half the lower slightly. As Mickey's hands worked away her stress, she let out more and more soft moans and sighs, and arched her back more and more, revealing more and more of her, until mickey could see that she was wearing a small blue thong that left almost nothing to the imagination. The sight of all this would be enough to make any man weak in the knees, and soon Mickey had a full hard on and no way to hide it. Sarah glanced back and chuckled softly, then arched her back and raised her perfectly rounded ass directly up, sliding his member between her cheeks and across her panties, and rested for a moment after his dick flopped down past her and bounced up, pressing against her crotch. She then slowly slid down again, grinding herself along his hard dick, pressing it downwards until it slipped between her cheeks and bounced back up again. Then she laughed. "Okay that's enough. you did good."

"So does that mean I get a reward?" She cocked her head to the side thinking.

"Well the massage was good, but your pubes ticked a little at the end there. so no." Before he could react, she had grabbed his wrist with one hand and a pair of handcuffs with the other. "So I'm going to put these on you." She quickly grabbed his other wrist, pulled them behind his back, and cuffed his hands together. "Oh and look, its almost time." Sarah quickly put a shirt on, grabbed Mickey's arm, and swung open her door.

As Mickey stepped out the door into the large common room, he saw it was packed wall to wall with sorority girls. The room full of beautiful girls erupted into laughter and Mickey's face burned bright red as he realized that his full erect member was in plain view of everyone, and he had no way to hide it. He tried to tuck it between his legs, strained mightily against his handcuffs, and even tried to will his erection to go away, but it was no use. After not touching himself for a few days, all while surrounded by beautiful and curvy ladies, his erection had a mind of it's own, and refused to go away. In fact, it grew harder the more he struggled, causing the girls to laugh more and more. At the center of the room was Elizabeth, looking down and shaking her head. Looking closer, he saw that she was smiling. Standing next to Elizabeth was the redheaded girl with glasses that had been a constant source of harassment for him up until this point.

"Well, Pledge, looks like its punishment time. Isabel, what do you think we should do with him?" Elizabeth said turning to the redhead with glasses. Isabel cocked her head to the side in thought, then looked around the room, finally making eye contact with Sarah. "Well that depends. Sarah, how did he do?"

"The massage was good, but his pubes tickled."

"Well, then I think its time for his pubes to go. Get the waxing strips." Everyone cheered, hooting and hollering and catcalling Mickey as he was led to the center of the room and laid on a table and wax and strips were brought forth. Several girls held him down to the table as Isabel heated up the wax. "This might hurt a bit." She poured hot wax all over his pubes and balls. The heat of the wax stung slightly, and the girls holding him giggled slightly as he tensed up, causing his erect penis to bounce and sway slightly as it still stood and pointed toward the ceiling. Then Isabel laid cloth strips and pressed them into the wax, somewhat mummifying his crotch. She gripped the corner of one strip. "This might hurt a lot." The she pulled. Mickey let out a scream of agony as the area of skin just above his penis erupted in pain. "You see, guys all want girls to get rid of their hair down there, but never want to get rid of their own." She grabbed another corner of cloth, this time on his balls. "So this is only fair." She yanked. Mickey screamed. The girls laughed. Mickey's left testicle ached in pain. Isabel grabbed the corner of the cloth strip on his other testicle and pulled.


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