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Paladin Princess Ch. 05

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Queen Ruth begins to take back her kingdom.
7.2k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/18/2022
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To my faithful readers: This is a story requested by an anonymous reader. I always asked for new ideas and this story was spawned from that request. I can't help myself and, in the end, it winds up being a love story, but it has lots of twists and turns getting there.

I have received many other requests and Medieval fantasies, continuation of Venus Ascending and a new version of Model Slave are all in the works. Other ideas are welcome even if you remain anonymous. I love your positive feedback and thank you for reading.

Paladin Princess

Chapter 5

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity. The first thing Geoffrey wanted to know was who people devoted to her were, especially those in the army of her kingdom. He also wanted to know where they may be found. He assumed that with the capture and sacrifice of Princess Ruth the loyal members of the army would be hunted, slayed, or imprisoned. So, he quickly needed to find them, get them all into a safe place and begin to train his new army. Eragon and the Queen were critical pieces of his new army.

Fortunately, most of the old palace staff were very loyal, wanted to help any way they could and were not considered a threat by the king. So, on behalf of Queen Ruth, Geoffrey began contacting them, but he knew they might consider his contacts a trap, so Queen Ruth needed to make several appearances. The question was where and how?

Any meeting with the Queen needed several things. Security was first and foremost the most important factor. Any meeting needed to be in an isolated area, someplace where they wouldn't be seen arriving or leaving and a place with a fast and easy getaway should something go wrong. Geoffrey thought this might be great practice for the Queen and Eragon. Arriving astride a dragon would also build confidence in their new Queen Ruth, especially with the army.

The next important task was to find a way to explain their quest to regain the kingdom, without giving too much strategy away. This wasn't as hard because their strategy was fluid, depending on who and the size of their army. Queen Ruth was much better with words, so this was her responsibility.

Two days after they made love, Geoffrey traveled to Ruth's kingdom to find her Lady-in-Waiting. She wasn't that hard to find, and she was still living in her parents' old house. The house was run down and in need of repair, but it was well kept. Gisele was tending a small garden trying to coax a minimal existence out of the soil. Her clothes were old, but well mended despite being thin in many places. She looked as though she had fallen on hard times but was making the best of it.

Geoffrey approached her slowly so not to scare her, but when she saw him, she jumped up from the garden, gathered her dress to her bosom and looked around trying to find an escape. He saw that she was ready to run and called out, "I come in the name of Queen Ruth, and she needs your help."

Gisele turned wary of what this man had said, and she responded, "The princess is dead, sacrificed to the dragon hoard." Still, she didn't run away, her attitude was hopeful and wanting to hear more.

Geoffrey continued, "If the Queen shows at a meeting will you hear her plea for help and bring others that are devoted to your Queen? You must be careful of whom you invite because she is still under threat of death."

Gisele gave Geoffrey a quizzical look before she responded, "I still don't believe you and I will have to think hard before I invite anyone."

Geoffrey knew this was the best he was going to get, but he asked one more favor, "If you come, the queen is in need of some royal garments. Could you please bring two or three outfits that will fit the queen and be respectful of her stature? In three days', time, she will be in the clearing behind the smithy at sunrise. Please be there."

Gisele looked more interested now and nodded her ascent before turning to leave. Geoffrey quickly mounted his horse and rode like the wind to bring the news to his Queen. It took a day of hard riding to reach his queen and he arrived in the evening before she was scheduled to meet with Gisele and the Queen was elated with the news. Now what to wear?

Geoffrey went down to the stream to wash off three days of riding, while his queen looked for ways to be royal while wearing only peasant clothes. She settled on reusing some of the ribbon she used to seduce Geoffrey mixed with the peasant clothes and the results were acceptable, but not great. She decided at the last minute to use the feathered cape once again over the top of her improvised outfit.

That night Geoffrey and Ruth snuggled together. Both had missed the touch and feel of the other and in the end, they make soft, caressing love to one another. It was not the wild lovemaking from before, but it was heart rending, satisfying the ache in both their hearts. They fell asleep in each other's arms, with Eragon guarding the entrance to the cave.

Geoffrey rose with the dawn, dressed, and quickly began to ride to the meeting place. Eragon had carried him into battle before, but with his queen on his back Geoffrey did not want to overtax Eragon. So, he rode hard to get to the meeting place before dawn the next day and Eragon would fly his queen to the meeting in the morning.

Ruth spent the day refining her outfit, trying to look queenly with what she had and practicing what she was going to say. She had a light bite to eat and slept fitfully, hoping that tomorrow would go well. Eragon seemed to sense her nervousness and he paced most of the night. Eventually both gave up trying to sleep, the queen dressed, climbed on top of Eragon and they took off.

When they reached the meeting place, they were early and circled high above the clearing. As they circled, both searched for Geoffrey, and they eventually found him on the edge of the clearing. They also searched for warriors, the queen's ladies-in-waiting and anyone that might cause trouble.

Gisele walked into the clearing alone, stood with arms akimbo and with an angry look on her face shouted, "Okay I'm here, where are you?"

Geoffrey walked out from the edge of the woods and began walking towards Gisele. She looked around trying to find the Queen and when she didn't find her, her anger increased, "Why are you playing games making me think the princess is alive?"

Geoffrey stopped several feet in front of her, scanned the area with a practiced eye honed from many battles. When he didn't find any sign of deception he said, "My first and foremost action is the safety of my queen. I don't care about your annoyance, and I will only allow her to appear when she is safe." He waved to Eragon that it was safe.

Queen Ruth felt a lump in her throat as Geoffrey put himself in harm's way to protect her. Her love for this man kept growing with every day. She whispered to Eragon, and he flew down to the clearing making a perfect landing in the middle of the field. The wind from his wings almost blew Gisele off her feet and she smelled the sulfur of his breath. Gisele fell to the ground in terror as a dragon landed in front of her.

Queen Ruth smiled at the terror her entrance created and hoped it would do the same for her enemies. "Arise Gisele, it is I, your queen."

Gisele cautiously turned her head to glance at the dragon and as her terrified gaze lifted, she saw her sovereign sitting astride the massive beast. She slowly began to rise, still wary of the monster in front of her. As she regained her feet she said, "You are alive and have tamed the dragon that was to eat you."

Queen Ruth smiled and said, "No, I was saved by this warrior and his dragon. From this point forward, Sir Geoffrey is to be considered my consort and the leader of my army. We will need your help to build the army and get the word out that I am going to fight to retake our kingdom. But you must be careful of whom you speak with, for I am still under a death decree."

The queen judged her words and the effects they had on Gisele. She saw complete trust and fierce loyalty in her eyes, so she continued, "I need you to contact my former generals, but if you sense any deception, do not let them know that I am alive. For those that you trust, we will meet here in one weeks' time to begin planning my return. Lastly, did you bring any clothes for me?"

Gisele looked down at her feet and muttered, "I only brought one dress, because I didn't believe that you were alive. I can gather more and place them where you may retrieve them. I will leave as many outfits as I can in this clearing tomorrow evening." She produced the one dress she had brought, and Geoffrey handed it to his queen.

Queen Ruth nodded her head and asked, "Do you have any other questions before I take my leave?"

Gisele stuttered a response, "I would love to hear the story of your escape and I may need it to convince others that you are still alive."

Queen Ruth smiled lovingly at Geoffrey and answered, "It was very simple. This warrior saved me, and it is he that tamed this dragon. Between the two of them and my army, we can regain my kingdom." With that Eragon flapped his wings, lifted into the sky whisking the queen into the sky and away from any potential danger.

Gisele turned to Geoffrey and said, "Thank you for saving and bringing my queen back to me."

Geoffrey told her first job was to locate all the loyal warriors and members of the army, pass the information to him and he would take care of the rest. Then he asked, "Could you set up a meeting with the generals of the army the day before the queen's meeting?"

She looked at him fiercely and said, "Yes."

With that, she turned and left leaving Geoffrey alone in the clearing. He silently reentered the forest, retrieved his horse, and began the long ride back to their sanctuary. On his ride back he encountered groups of the king's warriors, but they never bothered him. They must have assumed that he was still one of the king's mercenaries, but the large number of warrior groups bothered him. What were they searching for?

Other than dodging the king's knights the trip back to his love and queen was uneventful, but boring. He was lucky that no one challenged him, because his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his love. From the moment he saw her he wanted her, but after they made love, he was desperately in love with her and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life by her side and her in his arms.

His arms ached to hold his queen, his lips burned to kiss her, and he longed to be inside her watching her wildly jubilant orgasms. He was surprised that she let him make love to her the way he did. The church thought sex was only for married couples and only for making babies. Their lovemaking was the physical manifestation of their love and bound them together in ways he never imaged. However, the church would not see it that way.

Ruth was having many of the same thoughts. At first her eyes were lost in a faraway lusty stare, but as her lucidity began to return her thoughts focused on the man she loved. Her eyes filled with tears of love as she remembered him kissing her softly. As she remembered his lips touching hers the tears rolled down her cheeks and she dreamt that she reached up to wrap her arms around her massive lover's neck. Ruth envisioned pulling him into her sensuous and welcoming body and whispering, "I love you, Geoffrey. You are the Master of my body and know how to send me to the moon and back. I can't live without you!"

Ruth remembered the priests and her father telling her that what they had done was wrong and sinful. But having experienced the nirvana that was loving Geoffrey and the physical manifestation of that love, led her to the belief that they had been wrong. Love that touches you bone deep, must come as part of God's plan. In addition, that this man that loved her so, would pledge to protect her with his life and return her kingdom to her, must be a gift from God. She began to remember his touch, his kisses and the rapture as he made love to her. How could that be wrong?

She imagined Geoffrey rolling over and pulled her onto his chest. As Ruth nestled into her pillow with a heartbeat, she felt satisfied and content before she dreamt softly whispering to her lover and to herself, "My love, if it is okay for me to say this, I want more of what we did that first night. I loved what you did to me, but I want more. I wish to feel your tongue and fingers roam over my body. I want to be stretched and meant to feel totally helpless before your masterful dominance of my body, my heart and my orgasms. I want to feel our love mixing with our pleasure until they merge, and they are the same, but most of all, I want to have your eyes dominate me as you conquer your queen."

She thought as she imagined Geoffrey's face and questioned, "Is it wrong for me to tell you my desires and the perversions deep inside of me? I desperately want you to show others that I belong to you, that the passion inside me explodes when you torment, tease, and dominate. I love being your play toy, your fantasy girl and I want to live in a world where my sexuality is out in the open and on display but controlled by you. Do you still love me after knowing what a perverse person I am?"

She knew what Geoffrey would say as he looked at her tear-stained expectant face and his heart ached with the love he had for his woman. Geoffrey would hold her in his arms, squeezing her tight as she envisioned, while he whispered lovingly in her ear, "I love you more now than I ever have. You and your perversions are a dream come true for me and I love that we have awakened the wild beast inside you. I have always wanted you to open up to me and give me all your trust and tell me all your craziest fantasies. I want us to live out your whims, your quirks and your wildest dreams."

"I want your perversions, your sex, your imagination, your soul, your body, your mind, your spirit, your heart and your unconditional love. I know that you are not a weak or stupid woman. You have a strong sense of self and what you want out of life. You are not perverse because you find joy, fulfillment, and immense pleasure in being my lover. I don't care what others think about us as long as you are happy with our life together."

"I am proud of the strength and trust that it takes for you to put your body and heart in my hands. You are an exceptional woman, stunningly gorgeous, strong-willed with more passion than anyone I know. Baby, there is strength in leading and controlling, but it also takes strength to follow or surrender yourself. There is also the power to strip your heart bare, but it also takes power to stand with your soul naked and exposed. There is strength in knowing who you are and what you want, instead of living a life that society devises for you."

Ruth thought that she looked at Geoffrey with a wonderous stare and then with disbelief as her voice responded, "You don't think I'm sick or perverted because I love being sexually dominated by you or being your plaything? The fact that I find pleasure in your tongue driving me wild with pleasure or your fingers giving me climax after climax or I love your cock deep inside me, doesn't bother you?"

Geoffrey found her disbelief almost humorous but knew this was a very serious discussion and kept his voice and face serious as he added, "No baby, I don't think you're sick or perverted! Do you think I'm sick or perverted because I love looking at you naked or tormenting you until you can't stop climaxing?"

Ruth sat for a moment contemplating his answer and then he expounded, "I find you absolutely gorgeous and find you exceptionally beautiful when you give yourself, mind, body and soul, to me freely. Watching the love and trust grow in your eyes as I ogle you and then the passion blossoms as I tantalize you is mind-blowingly erotic. As you release your heart and body into my care, I find joyful pride flourish as I conquer willful spirit inside you. Your strength and courage allow you to open yourself to accept and to give the love you feel."

Ruth snuggled into his arms, and she lay on his chest as she murmured, "Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. I can tell you that when you stare at me and play with me, I feel more love, belonging and arousal that feels so totally intimate. At that moment I can't hide from you and my heart is wide open. At that moment you could hurt me if you wanted, but I know I will always be safe with you."

"Sometimes it is hard to admit but I love being your lover and I want nothing more than your love and attention. You could never force me to act this way, but I desire to give myself completely to you. I want to feel your eyes devour me and eagerly comply with any commands you give. I may be the queen of a kingdom, but you are the king of my love and body. I love you Geoffrey!"

Ruth imagined that Geoffrey had a lump in his throat and couldn't say anything, so he pinned her arms above her head and nibbled down her face, ears, neck and finally breasts. At that point he had to release her arms, but she kept them stretched above her head as if he had them bound above her head. While his mouth was busy with her nipples, his cock slid easily into her sopping wet slot. Geoffrey slowly made love to his queenly lover, stroking her nipples and clit as his cock leisurely filled her pussy over and over. Together they reached their climatic pinnacle and then fell asleep in each other's arms.

Her dreams were so real she found her nipples engorged and her pussy sodden. She knew that she had to have Geoffrey the minute he arrived, so she began thinking about how to seduce her man when he arrived.


As Geoffrey opened the rug to their bedroom he shouted, "Good evening my queen, I'm Ho..." The stunning vision standing in front of him stopped him cold in his tracks and his mouth fell open. As his eyes widened, he saw kneeling in front of him the sexiest, most stunningly gorgeous woman he had ever seen ... and she was his lover and queen. He murmured, "Oh my God!"

Ruth was kneeling on a chair in front of the front door completely naked. She was kneeling in a seductive presentation position with the light from the open rug spotlighting her. As she saw Geoffrey's reaction her face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree, her excitement brightened the room and definitely Geoffrey's mood. He slowly walked towards her, drinking in the incredible vision of his queen submissively presenting her erotically displayed naked body to him.

She was sitting on her heels with her legs folded underneath her. Her shoulders were rolled back lifting her gorgeous breasts to a prominent and spectacularly displayed position. Her tiny waist and tummy seemed almost to disappear between her ribs and her beautiful hips. The light from the door cast shadows all over her body creating a very exotic pattern, but close-up he saw her entire naked body glistening in the faint sunlight. It struck the perfect combination of elegant and erotic. Her face had a brilliant smile that told him everything he was seeing was her present to him.

The closer he looked, the more his mouth watered at the delicious sight. She had scrubbed her face in the stream, and she glowed with her beauty radiantly beaming her happiness. She had even scrubbed her naked body and he could even see her nipples achingly hard, and the rest of her body was flawless as she trembled in anticipation.

While she normally liked her long blonde hair in waves, today she had it straight down the middle of her back with not a hair out of place. She had gone all out to impress him, and he had to admit she looked like the most devastatingly perfect slave, but she was also his queen. At this moment he wished he could preserve this moment ... A most beautiful woman, all dolled up, giving herself as a gift to her lover and warrior.


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