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A lost bet and a new experience.
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A lost bet and a new experience.

Another tale without the graphic details because I want the readers to use their biggest sex organ, their brain.

Anthony and I have a problem. We bet on sports games. It doesn't matter what the season or even if we have an interest in the teams. Baseball, football, hockey, golf, volleyball, basketball, auto racing, and more, if it's televised we watch it and make stupid bets on the outcome. Strangely we never bet on aspects of the game like if he will make the field goal, only the outcome.

When were first going out the bet might be which movie we would go and see or what restaurant and who would pay. As we became closer it started to get a little sexual. I was determined to remain a virgin and he understood that and respected it. So the bets slowly moved from him touching a breast over my clothes or me rubbing his penis over his pants, to me topless and him caressing them. Or if he lost he would have to be bottomless so I could look at and touch him.

Eventually it was one or the other fully naked and getting touched all over. I still vividly remember giving him a hand job for the first time. His team won a playoff game; his parents had gone out for the evening and I had agreed to do it if I lost the bet. And it wasn't even a fair bet; his team was favored by ten points. If I won he had to bring me to an orgasm by reached up under my skirt. But then I was really hoping to lose so I could finally watch him squirt. It was a real eye opener. Three or four shots straight up in the air and then more pouring out and down over my fingers. When he asked me to taste it I told him that it wasn't part of the bet.

Eventually we move on to intercourse as could be expected and the first times it wasn't bets that lead us there. Something about being in love was the culprit and we knew were on the road to matrimony. Being in our own home gave us real freedom. No more worrying if the parents might come back early and catch us doing whatever we might be doing at the time.

We would make some really silly bets. The loser might have to do a strip tease or maybe pose naked for pictures. A favorite of mine was to make him jack off while I watched. It didn't bother me when I lost and had to do myself while he watched. Fair was only fair.

Now that I've laid the ground work and would like to share one episode that in my opinion was the ultimate victory on my part. We had over a few years taken to watching porn on the tube. The winner got to pick the movie. Anthony often picked videos that were very graphic and I preferred a large variety of scenarios. It might be threesomes or bisexual or family or a lot of oral but also tried to tell a tale.

I think what planted the seed was when I picked a video with anal in it. Anthony picked up on it and now he wanted to fuck my ass. Being not at all interested in that idea I refused. Period end of discussion, which only made him more determined. He tried to use it in bets. I still would not make any bets that included him sticking his cock up my ass.

But I did allow a finger. In fact when he was down between my legs paying homage to my lady parts it felt kind of good. Actually it felt better than good. I enjoyed it. A slippery finger moving in and out and wiggling around, in fact it felt great. Which lead me to think maybe anal might be ok. I had to think about it for a while.

The Bears were heading to Green Bay for a game and I thought of a great idea. I told him the Bears would win the game, which was silly of course. Anthony quickly offered to bet. I suggested we write our bets on paper seal them in an envelope and await the outcome.

I was kind of sure my love would write down anal because just the night before I had again refused and he kind of warned me that the day would come. Secretly I had decided that I would allow it. His finger was feeling great and I thought I should try it. My written bet told him we would try me fucking him back there with my dildo under the conditions of slow and lots of lube. The kicker was my friend would be allowed to capture all the details with her cameras.

Would wonders never cease, the Bears won. He tried to convince me he would have won except for the bad call by one of the referees. I had to agree that yes Green Bay would have won but sadly they didn't, so I win.

I handed him my envelope and it was time to learn his punishment. "No...No...No. I can't do that. How could you even suggest such a thing? You're kidding right? No...No...No. Not going to happen. I'm never going to do that. Please, anything but not this." as he waved my paper around.

I could only say, "Well I can't force you can I? Do you remember the time you took me to a clothing optional beach? You wore your swim suit, the baggy ones so your boner wouldn't show. Then you walked me up and down the beach naked, with a collar and a chain and me having to walk behind you. Stopping in front of those guys that pretended to be reading their cell phones while taking pictures? Making me face toward them and then making me look out over the water so they could see my ass? I do, I remember begging you not to do that to me."

My parting shot, "You're bigger and stronger and I certainly can't force you. If this is what you want I will have to agree. Sadly I guess this is our last bet. It's been fun but all good things have to end at some time." I added a little sob as I got up and walked into the kitchen. "How about we have spaghetti for supper?"

Supper was subdued. He was feeling guilty and I was playing the part of being pissed. I was wondering if he would cave in. I was wondering if I was going to allow him to finger me back there anymore. I liked it but should I draw the line? Or was I hurting myself as much as him? I decided not to be stupid about it. Ya, I would still let him use a finger if he wanted.

That night we cuddled and I could feel his erection against my stomach. But still playing my part I didn't make any moves to indicate I was willing. He gave me a kiss and rolled away. He was snoring the way he does so I used my fingers to give me a little release.

Shit, I was worried things going to go bad between us. But thankfully breakfast was normal. We talked about our Sunday plans. The yard and garden needed to be prepped for winter. Leaves cleaned up and a final trim for the bushes. The work went quicker than I anticipated. By half time we were done and eating lunch in front of the tube.

Anthony looked at me and said, "I bet the Lions win this one."

"No you don't. Remember last night? No more bets."

"I'm sorry. Can we please forget about that?"

"Maybe you can but I can't. You reneged on a bet and that kind of ruined it for me. How would you feel if I had done that? I still love you and I always will but the gambling days are over."

In case you're wondering the Lions did win that one. It was their last victory of a dismal season for them.

Things were back to normal. We talked, we laughed, and we shared stories from work, fucked as much as normal. He would go down on me and I would go down on him. He loved it when I would swallow so I made sure he was aware of it when I was doing it. When I didn't swallow I would spit it out on his stomach and then rub it into his skin.

It wasn't until the next year. The race was tight in the National Football Conference. The American conference was fairly well sewn up. Over the year after our problem with his lost bet he had tried to renew the betting but I was adamant that it was over. Finally he broke. I knew he would. I was just surprised it took so long.

We were lying in bed reading. "Ok...I'm willing to do it."

"What...Do what?"

"Let you use your dildo on me ok? But I don't want Terry to film it. It'll be just you and me ok?"

"Thank you but the bet was the dildo and Terry. She's studying to be a cinematographer and can use all the practice she can get. I had asked her and she was willing."

"Wait...You asked her?"

"Well I had to ask her didn't I? What if she wouldn't do it? That was part of the bet if you remember?"

He sulked and pouted and stormed out to work in the garden alone. The next Wednesday at dinner he offered, "How about we set up our camera on a tripod and film it ourselves?"

I told him no. The plan Terry and I had come up with was three cameras on tripods, some lights on stands to give even light and she would have a hand held camera so she could move around and get shots from different angles. Then she would edit all of it into a movie. She was certain she could borrow the equipment from the school. I figured this was the deal breaker, having my friend filming the whole thing. But a bet is a bet and I won. It was all of it or none of it.

After the Sunday games were over and only one game was left to decide who went to the Super Bowl for the National Conference Anthony offered a compromise. His team wins I am the one that that gets the dildo up my ass. My team wins and he gets filmed and fucked.

I refused. "Anthony please stop, there is only one solution. No more bets. It's over, read my lips, no more bets. I won. You lost. You get naked and bend over. I do you with my dildo and Terry films it and until you allow it there will be no more betting."

I had heard the word pegging and without his knowledge I found a video about it and put it into the bookmarks. Monday night I suggested we watch a little porn. The horn dog was always willing. The couple was necking on the couch. Soon they were naked. She sucked him for a bit and then he went down on her. The grunts and groans followed as normal in these types of videos. She suggested they move into the bedroom. He was on his back when she walked in with a harness and a purple pecker sticking out in front. The next scene was him with his legs in the air and her pushing it in his ass. They never showed him being greased but it was apparent that he had been. After doing him for a long time he was next on his knees getting it from behind. Then back on his back and masturbating as she drilled him so more. Finally he explodes and the film ends.

"Wow...That was interesting. Maybe I should get a rig like that. Then when you finally agree to let it happen I could really fuck ya. How about it, should I check the internet? I suspect that big internet store has them."

He only mumbled no and so we kissed and ended up on the couch with him giving me a good tonguing and orgasm. Naturally I returned the favor and his favorite I let him watch as I swallowed. In bed we hugged and kissed for a bit before falling asleep in each other's arms. By morning we had moved around until he was spooning me. I woke up to feeling his boner poking my butt. I left him there and did my morning business and shower. When I came back into the bedroom he was on his back with his cock in his hand masturbating.

I started to say, "Can I help you with..." as he started to climax. Pulling on a robe, "I guess not. Hurry with your shower I'll do pancakes for breakfast."

As we were cleaning up the kitchen, "I'll let you do it."

"Do you think you can get it up again so soon?"

"No not that. The other thing you wanted to do."

"Are you saying the dildo and everything?" I didn't want to mention Terry by name and spoil his agreement.

"Yes...But I thing yours is too big. I ordered a smaller one. Not as big around. It should be here this week some time."

"And why do you think mine is too big?"

"I tried it and, well it just felt to big, ok?"

"Really, you tried it. Where was I during this little experiment?"

"Does it matter? I tried it and it is not going anywhere ok?"

I dropped the subject. I had won. He checked the order and it had been shipped and was due on Tuesday. I called Terry and told her it was finally going to happen. She laughed that nasty sound she has.

The package arrived as promised. Terry's professor gave her permission to borrow the necessary equipment. The big day was set for Saturday. Anthony had to help Terry get the lighting equipment from her school. As they were carrying it in she whispered to me, "He was so embarrassed. Prof asked him what was the big project and he just went red."

Terry had told me that her professor insisted that he be told what her plans were before giving her permission to use the equipment off campus and to be allowed to see the finished movie before she could borrow all the cameras, lights and stuff. So to protect my identity she used washable ink to draw a tattoo on me with a colorful snake that came out of my blouse and over my shoulder and biting my neck. For the filming I was to wear a loose blouse and no bra, that way the snake was ultra-visible and one tit would be able to flash now and then. Just to be safe Terry was to edit his version so none of my or Anthony's faces were shown.             

Terry bless her soul, kind of took control of everything. I suppose if she wants to be successful at her profession she will need to be. After she had the stationary cameras and lights set up to her wishes and had made some tests with the cameras she announced it was action time.

I stood off out of the way and out of the picture. She had Anthony walk into the bedroom and strip. Unfortunately he was soft and little, stage fright? She had him get dressed except for zipping up. "Now go out in the hall and get it hard. Then zip up and let's do it again."

As he left and closed the door she whispered, "Men, So predictable. When you want em soft they are always poking at ya. When you want them hard all they got is a soft noddle."

It was taking way to long. Terry called out, "Need any help out there? Should I send Patty and her hands to help?" Just about then the door opened and our victim, I mean my husband, walked in.

It went better this time. He made a show of dropping his shirt and pants. Maybe he was getting into the spirt of this adventure. Terry had kind of scripted the opening scene. He was to undress then stand there slowly masturbating as she filmed it. I could see her working the lens to get a close up. Still stroking himself he sat on the edge of the bed before falling back with that hard cock in his hand.

It was my turn. Terry wanted me to enter the room and spend some time kissing him, holding his hardness and then giving him a little oral treat. As I lifted up I asked, "Are you ready for this?"

Right on cue he said, "I am but please be gentle. I've never done this before."

The supplies were in the bedside table, the skinny dong and the lube that Terry had recommended. When I asked her why that brand she only giggled and told me to mind my own business.

It was time for another session of instructions. I never thought it would go this way. Foolish me I expected that we, Anthony and I, would just do stuff while she would move around filming us. Thankfully Terry had spent a little time planning it all out.

With the lube in my hand I told him to bend over the bed. I had him rest his head and shoulders then reach back and spread his cheeks open. Terry moved in for a close up as I spread a generous amount on his butt crack. He groaned when I was pushing first one finger and them two up inside.

It was time for the big event but Terry put the camera down and told me we needed more lube, "Lots more lube. There can never be too much. Give him another big glob of it and deep inside. Do it when I start filming again. Then give the toy a good coating before you push it in. And remember, slowly we went it to be memorable and visual. Besides it would be good if Anthony is making happy sounds, not crying or screaming. Ok I'm ready you can go ahead and do it."

I was fascinated watching it slowly disappearing. Terry was beside me filming the whole thing. The dildo had a flange so it couldn't go in to far as I pushed the last little bit in then it was time to pull it slowly out. This was fun. I'm screwing my husband and enjoying it. When I was pushing it in for the fourth or fifth time he was pushing back at me.

It appeared that Anthony was enjoying it also. He asked me to do it a little faster. When he reached back and took ahold of that hard member that was hanging down Terry called a halt. "No, no, no Anthony I don't want you to do that. If you come too soon you'll spoil the whole thing. Just be patient you'll get a really good orgasm later. Trust me on this."

The next instructions were for him to move onto his back and lift his spread legs giving me free access to his entire bottom. As I did him from the front I was able to play with his hardness or the ball sack. Damn this was fun and for all his original reluctance Anthony was enjoying the dildo moving back and forth.

Then it dawned on him. "What is this? How come I'm the only one without any clothes on? Come on Patty take it off. You to Terry, let me see those big knockers of yours."

Together we refused his request, telling him the bet was about him getting done up the ass and nothing about us joining him naked. Terry quipped, "If I stripped down you might get the wrong idea and that'd not be good."

"Ya, her big titties would put my little boobs to shame."

Following her instructions I finally told him it was time, "Do it big guy. Jerk that big cock. Make yourself come. I want to see you shooting out all that wonderful juice. Do it...Do it...Come for me, all over yourself."

He did it. It was spectacular. The biggest load I have ever seen. More than way back when we were kids and playing around like we used to do. He kept on stroking as I kept fucking him, he kept shooting and Terry kept filming. Finally he collapsed back, his hand going still and his legs falling back to the bed. I slowly pulled the toy out and held it up like a prize. "Finally...You have paid off your debt. The game can now continue, if you've got the guts to try."

I wiped the dildo off on his chest. "I'm the winner. How does it feel to be the loser?"

"Ok stop gloating Patty. Help me pack up this gear. I promised to have it back in school tonight. You naked man, up off your ass give us a hand here."

Anthony wanted to shower, he wanted to rest but Terry wouldn't let him. He told me later that Terry told him she was proud of the way he responded and had the courage to go through with it. He also said the professor asked what was that he could smell as they were putting the equipment back in the studio. Neither shared what he might be talking about but then he knew what it was from Terry's conversation back when she asked about using the stuff. As they were leaving, "Don't forget your promise Terry. I expect to see the finished project soon. I hope it meets up with your other works."

Epilog: Terry made two copies of the film. Our copy was a masterpiece. The detail and clarity was so very much better than what we could see on the web. It flowed so smoothly form one scene to the next. The expressions of Anthony face were priceless as he could feel the toy going up inside. The way he scrunched up his face when he was finally allowed to come. The detail on his cock head as the juice came flying out. The little comments I had made during the time. No annoying music in the background. In short I loved it and after a bit Anthony said that yes it was good. Very good in fact and he even thanked Terry for all the work she went through.

When she asked if she could film another of our get-togethers, as she called them, we thought that one time was enough but if we changed our minds we knew who to call.

Terry also showed us the copy she made for her teacher. It was great and as hoped for it didn't show any faces. She told us she got an extra A+ that semester. Her teacher also suggested she consider selling it. He knew of a producer that would be thrilled with it. We talked about it but you'll not be seeing it any time soon at your favorite porn site.


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