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Pay It Forward

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Can one person really make a difference?
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 02/12/2013
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Hello, I am challenging myself to write stories in many different categories, and today I am still marching towards my goal.

Here is my new story. I'm placing it under Novellas because this will be along one.

I had an idea and I wanted to see if one man was willing could he really change the world. Not by some magnanimous feat, but by changing the life of one person at a time. I believe it can happen. Therefore, Shaun MacGregor was born.

This chapter has NO SEX. It is not intended to be a raunchy sex tale. There will be sex in later chapters, but it will not be exploitative or crude. This story will definitely be a slow burn.

So please read and enjoy. Make sure you comment. Your feedback is what I need to help drive the tale. I hope you like it. Now, I present, Pay It Forward.


Shaun MacGregor could not believe his luck. All he'd done was broke a few laws. Speeding should have warranted him a few hefty fines but no, he ended up with Judge Sandra Munoz, the one judge that he hated the most. Her decision to throw out his violations surprised him, and then she added her conditions. He had to do six months of community service. Judge Munoz was piloting a mentoring service for wayward youth. She needed prominent members of the community to serve as mentors. As much as she hated to admit it, Shaun MacGregor was a perfect guy to mentor disadvantaged kids.

Shaun didn't have time for that. He had a multibillion dollar business to run. However, the idea of being a mentor intrigued him. So, he had to make a choice. Either he did the community service, or have a black mark on his record. If he mentored the youth, Judge Munoz would expunge the traffic violations from his record, and he'd start over with a clean slate. It didn't really matter to him. He could just as easily pay the fine, but this program peaked his interest.

Curiosity won and Shaun MacGregor became a mentor. How hard could it be? Reporting to the judge's chamber, Shaun was given his assignment. He was to mentor three of the toughest young men in the county for at least six months. He was told by the judge to report to the Warren County Detention Center on Monday morning where the youth waited to meet him.

He arrived Monday morning deciding to meet the young men, give them some money, boost their self-confidence, and then he'd return to his life. He did not expect to find three young men that would change his life and give him a chance to really make a difference.

Shaun MacGregor arrived at the center and was greeted by a bedraggled supervisor, Mr. Kersh.

"Look, these boys are a lost cause. I don't know what that judge is thinking. In all honesty, Mr. MacGregor, you won't be able to help them. They are considered delinquents. Some of the things they've done... Let's go to my office and look at their files." Kersh suggested impatiently, as is he wanted MacGregor to just go.

However, Shaun had a reason for being there, and this man's actions incited his desire to stay even longer. They arrived at Kersh's cluttered office. Files, boxes, and reports littered the small space. Clearing a chair, MacGregor sat at a small table while Kersh presented him with three overstuffed files. For a moment he wondered, What am I letting myself in for?

Kersh stopped talking and let him peruse the documents. Kersh hated when bureacratrs did things like this. They'd come in trying to do good, but in the end the boys suffered. These kids had gone through enough, but he didn't have the authority to stop the do-gooders that had no idea what these kids went through.

Deciding to ignore Kersh's glare, Shaun started reading about his charges. See, what most people didn't realize is that he wasn't born rich. He'd worked his way to where he was. Even though his wife had money, Shaun earned his own. He never took a handout, never begged, and worked for everything he ever needed or wanted. His father-in-law forced him to take a job in Lang Corp, because he threatened to disinherit his wife, leaving her penniless. Shaun still refused, because he worked and could support his family. He gave in when the old man promised him that the company would go to the children born into the family and that his wife would never want for anything.

He had been on his own since he was fifteen years old. So if anyone understood these young men, he believed he did. He knew what it was to fight for everything. He was not a stranger to hard times and struggles. So despite what Kersh thought, Shaun knew he was what these boys needed.

The first young man's name was Darren James, African American, sixteen, runaway, and charged with possession which later after an investigation was dropped. He had one sibling, a sister that was unable to care for her brother. He came from an urban area, which had a high crime rate. At a young age, he witnessed violence when his father attacked his mother, shooting her and then turning the gun on himself. He was violent, and had a hard time controlling his angry outburst. He was a below average student, and had problems in school. He had records showing he'd been tested for special services, but his IQ was that of a genius. Shaun could relate. He could help this young man.

The second young man's name was Gianni Russo, Italian American, fifteen, abusive home, charged with assault. His mother was alive, but could not care for the angry young man. He had no other relatives, and showed severe antisocial tendencies. He was constantly being suspended for fights and aggression from school. His last offense landed him in WCDC. He attacked a teacher at school. The woman started to press charges, but dropped them when a video surfaced showing that the young boy was clearly provoked. She was immediately terminated and Gianni was remitted to the juvenile detention center. His personality, like that of Darren showed him to be a loner. He only reacted when he felt threatened.

After reading about the second young man's exploits, MacGregor began to question his wisdom in doing this. He thought of his own son Michal. Michal was a good student, popular, and mannerable. He could be a bit lazy, but with his advantages he had a chance at a great life. His goal in life was to make sure his son did not suffer as he had. Unlike these boys, Michal was blessed. These two young men, so far, they had no advantages. Then he picked up the last folder. He took a deep breath. It couldn't be that bad, after the first two, but he wouldn't be surprised.

The last young man's name was Kevin Knight, Caucasian, sixteen, orphan. He was charged with assault. He'd been placed in several foster homes, until he was finally detained at WCDC. At his last foster home, Kevin worked at a local store. The owner accused him of stealing and Kevin adamantly denied the accusations. The owner slapped him and threatened him. His verbal abuse triggered Kevin's anger and he attack the man that he worked for, beating him unconscious. After regaining consciousness, the store owner pressed charges, but later after realizing a customer was the one that actually shoplifted he apologized and dropped the charges against Kevin. Unfortunately, Kevin, like Darren and Gianni, had a problem controlling his temper and this behavior remanded him to the detention center.

Shaun rubbed his hand over his face. What was he going to do with such volatile young men? He'd take it one day at a time. Besides six months would be over before he knew it. He'd try to be a positive light for them, and maybe offer some inspiration. At the end, he'd give them money and go back to his life.

"Mr. Kersh, thank you for this information." Shaun stood to leave as he continued to explain, "Judge Munoz had briefed me on the young men already, but this information is very enlightening. I know I'm supposed to meet them today, but let me take a day to think. It seems that I need to bring more to the table. I'll be back tomorrow and we can meet then." Shaun stood and shook Mr. Kersh's hand. He looked the overwrought public worker in the eye and he read the disillusionment that was there. He knew Kersh expected him to walk out and not return.

"Well, Mr. MacGregor, thank you for your time." Mr. Kersh gracefully answered.

MacGregor stopped, "Mr. Kersh, I will be back tomorrow. If I can help these young men, I will. I give you my word." Then he walked from his office. He recalled his upbringing and he knew these young men didn't need empty promises. He may only have to help them for six months, but he'd make darn sure he did some good.

Shaun returned to his office and proceeded to work the three young men he'd read about were not far from his thoughts. "How can I help them? I have six months. I can offer scholarships, and a shot at summer employment. But they might see it as handouts and be offended. Those young men have been through so much; they'll spot bullshit immediately. I will do this right. I need to talk to them, be myself."

"Mr. MacGregor, Michal is here." His assistant, Ms. Mars, interrupted his thought process.

Soon, his son walked in. Shaun wondered if Michal realized how lucky he was. His son was a good kid, spoiled but a polite child. "So dad," he asked, "Did you meet the criminals today?" Shaun didn't like how his son sounded.

"Michal, those young men are disadvantaged. They didn't choose their lots in life, so it's extremely inconsiderate to make comments like that. I don't like it and you will not speak that way about anyone." Shaun admonished his son.

Michal flinched, I always disappoint him. Let me try and fix this. You're right Dad. I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to know if you met them?" he asked earnestly

"No, I read their files and honestly son. I am grateful that I am able to take care of us. Their stories are so...." Shaun stopped. How could he explain this to his son. He'd never had to suffer for anything, and he wouldn't understand.

"It's just for six months, right dad?" Michal asked. He loved his father and didn't want to share him. He knew his Dad thought he was spoiled and he feared that he might meet a kid he liked better than him. He knew what a hard life his dad had led. These guys had similar history, and his Dad could probably relate to them better. Michal knew his father loved him. He made sure he never wanted for anything. He was proud of him and encouraged him to succeed. Michal also understood that his dad would want to try and help these guys, but he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. And it shamed him. Here he was, a great dad, a great home, and even the world's best Mom, and he was envious of three guys that had nothing and no one.

"Yes, six months, but Michal, you know me." He explained. Michal was quiet, too quiet. Shaun looked up and saw worried crease his son's brow. "Michal, I'm not in any danger son. The boys are in a correctional facility and they are supervised constantly." Shaun reassured his son, "Michal, I'll be fine. Don't worry son."

"I know Dad." Michal whispered. "I just worry, that's all."

Shaun smiled, "Don't. Now tell me. Didn't you visit Pembridge today? What did you think about the school?"

"I liked it. I think I'd like to go there this fall. But I want to visit a few others before making a final choice. My friends are thinking about Harvard, but I want to go to a school that's more diverse." He answered.

Then on a more serious note, Michal spoke candidly to his Dad. "Dad, you are a great man. If anyone can help those guys you can. I'm proud to be your son. I know it may not mean much, but if you need my help, I'm here."

Shaun smiled as a warm feeling filled his chest. Michal always made him proud. Soon the work day ended and the two rode home together. Shaun knew what he'd do the next day. Unbeknownst to his son, he'd helped him decide. He'd be himself and get to know the boys, and then he'd decide how to help them.

The next morning, Shaun MacGregor reported back to the Warren County Detention Center to meet his charges. Mr. Kersh walked into his office and almost fell over. He never thought he'd see this man again. Although he was adamant that he'd return, Kersh figured he'd gone back to the judge and opted to pay a fine and make a hefty donation.

"Um, Mr. MacGregor, you're back. I didn't expect you to return. I mean..." Kersh stammered.

"Mr. Kersh, when I commit to something, I see it through." MacGregor explained. "Now let's meet my young men."

Kersh stood to lead him to the recreation area in the back. "Let's go. Look, I didn't tell them you were coming, so I'll need a minute to prep them. Usually these programs don't work, and I hate to see these kids hurt. These three boys have survived insurmountable odds and not everything is in that file. I want you to wait here in recreation area and I will bring each boy to you. Look, I know you mean well, but if you realize you can't do this after meeting them, then don't make them promises." Kersh pleaded.

MacGregor nodded. He could tell that this man really cared about these kids, and he was impressed. "How long will you be here today?" Kersh asked.

"I'm here all day Mr. Kersh, and I would like to spend time with all three young men. Are they violent toward each other? Is there a reason you keep them separated?" Shaun asked.

"No, they get along fine. I just know this is community service for you MacGregor. These kids have been kicked around enough, and they don't need to be used as fodder for..." Mr. Kersh stopped.

"I came back, didn't it?" MacGregor challenged. But he liked what he saw in him. This man really cared about these kids and he was doing all he could to protect them.

"Kersh, let me meet my boys. At the end of the six months, regardless of how I feel, I will make sure I do all I can to mentor and help them." Kersh nodded.

"Please have a seat, and I'll bring Gianna to you, he's the youngest." Kersh explained.

Five minutes later, Kersh returned followed by a small frail looking boy. The kid was adorable, deep olive skin, black hair and the biggest brown eyes full of wariness and mistrust.

Mr. Kersh introduced the two. "Mr. MacGregor this is Gianni Russo. Gianni, this is Mr. MacGregor. Now son, be respectful and mind your manners." Kersh reminded the young man before he left the room.

"Good morning Gianni, come here son, sit down." MacGregor ordered. The young man did so nervously. MacGregor just talked and made sure the kid was comfortable. Shaun reached into his wallet and gave Gianni a business card. Gianni read the card and looked up at this man in front of him with a look of astonishment on his face. "Why would you do this? You don't know me." He whispered.

Shaun smiled. He really liked this kid and wanted to give him a chance to soar. By the end of the first hour, Gianni had really opened up to the older man, and Shaun had a clear is idea of how to help him.

Time seemed to fly by. Shaun learned that this young boy had a head for numbers. He loved math. He'd already decided to purchase some electronics for him and see if he could enroll him into a tutorial program to help him catch up on his studies. This young man, with the right help had a bright future.

A guard came back to escort Gianni back to his class and Kersh brought Kevin in.

Mr. Kersh introduced the two. "Mr. MacGregor this is Kevin Knight. Kevin, this is Mr. MacGregor. Kevin is quite the artist." Kevin frowned at him.

"Kevin, if it's alright, can I show Mr. MacGregor your work." Kersh asked. As a gift Kevin had created a few sketches for him.

Kevin scoffed, not really comfortable with sharing his work with an outsider, "I drew them for you. You can do what you want with them." Kersh smiled before he went to retrieve his art.

Kevin never talked; he preferred being alone. "I'll be right back. Kevin, be respectful, alright." Kersh reminded the young man before he left the room.

Kevin was rude and short. But Shaun didn't give in. It was something in his eyes. The kid had too much fight in him to give in.

In the middle of their talk, Kersh back came to show Shaun Kevin's sketches. He knew this kid was talented and this man could help him realize his dream. Looking at the art, MacGregor was impressed.

This information opened a new channel for discussion. Soon, but reluctantly, Kevin opened up to the older man. He was extremely shy, and didn't want to be around people. But MacGregor promised him, that no one would hurt him again. All he wanted to do was help. Kevin didn't really believe him, but he accepted what the man said.

Then just like before, MacGregor handed Kevin a card. Kevin read the card and immediately became suspicious. "What do I have to do to earn this?" He asked.

MacGregor smiled. "Nothing son, just let me help you."

Kevin didn't trust him. You didn't get something for nothing. That's not how life worked. He'd watch this guy. He nodded and just like before, time flew by and his hour was up.

He had one more young man to meet, and as the guard escorted Kevin back to his cubicle, Darren was brought in. MacGregor had worked with many people, all races. But Darren was the biggest black man he'd ever seen. And he seemed angry.

"So you think you can help me old man?" Darren demanded. "You can give me some duckies. Then get the fuck outta my face." The angry young man replied.

"Darren, that's rude and you know better," Kersh reprimanded him. His admonishment seemed to make the young man cringe. Darren respected Kersh. Out of all the bureacrats he'd dealt with, Kersh really tried to help him.

"Sorry, Mr. Kersh." He mumbled respectfully.

"It's alright. I know you're nervous. But this is Mr. MacGregor, he's here to help you. I want you to give him a chance alright?" Kersh spoke firmly, but softly. Darren grunted and mumbled "OK"

"Good, Mr. MacGregor, this is Darren James. Darren, behave." Then Kersh walked out to wait on the other side of the door.

Shaun didn't respond. He just waited. Years of dealing with all kinds of people taught him how to spot bluster. This kid adopted a get him before he gets me stance. He would not challenge him. So Shaun waited until Darren calmed down. Soon Darren sat and Shaun reintroduced himself. Darren didn't respond. He was thinking Why would this white guy want to help me? It's probably some community service shit. Kersh wants me to listen, then I'll listen. Shaun asked "Darren tell me something about yourself. What is it that you want to do with your life?"

Darren decided to be honest. "I'll end up in prison. I already got a record, no family, just..." Darren thought of his big sister, Clemmie. He couldn't help her. He hated feeling so helpless,so worthless. This man wanted to help him, then he needed to take care of Clemmie. Shaking the thoughts, Darren continued to speak. "I'll get made for a crime whether I did it or not and end up locked up." Darren leaned back. He crossed his arms behind his head. He had to admire this old white guy, he didn't flinch. "So you see Old man, you're wasting your time here."

Shaun nodded and just like before with the other two, handed him a business card. Darren glanced at the card and tossed it aside. That action told Shaun what he needed to know. He couldn't read.

"You will learn to read before you leave here, but-" Darren stood and cut him off.

"I can read, Old man. I ain't no dummy. You calling me stupid?" he demanded, fist balled up as he huffed his chest puffed and swollen. He was ready to take on the world.

Kersh ran back into the room, but Shaun signaled for him to leave. Then in his most authoritative voice he commanded, "Sit down, Darrren, I said sit down now."

Darren didn't want to appear weak, so he became even more aggressive. He leaned forward ready for a fight. Shaun looked at him and said, "I am not going to let you ruin your life, son. Sit down Darren and talk to me."

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