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Penal Slavery Pt. 02

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Slave transport and a picnic. With a special dessert.
4.9k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/23/2018
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After two hours riding in the slave bus, Brooke was ready to scream "are we there yet!" She kept her mouth shut because she didn't want a painful jolt of electricity shot up her ass through the rod inserted inside the butt plug filling her rectum. Or "transport restraint and discipline system", as Jack, their enslavement officer had previously explained. The bus vibrated just enough to provide a little anal stimulation, but the overall feeling was one of terrible constipation. The hard plastic seat was uncomfortable from the first, and, over time, became hot and sticky to her bare ass and back.

At least the scenery had improved, moving from bland suburbia to the foothills of forested mountains. Brooke noticed that the bus was approaching a turn off with a small sign that said "DOCS." She felt the bus slow, and then turned onto the paved lane which wound through the trees till it split into right and left lanes. The bus veered to the right and curved around a group of trees and ran into a gate covering a hole in the sheer face of a mountain. As the bus approached the gate it rolled back, allowing the bus to pass into a lighted cavern with an identical gate at the other end.

Brooke heard through Bettys wrist comp, "Dante Control. area secured. Slaves may be disembarked." Brooke saw two uniformed men exit the windowed room by a side door off from a main door with the phrase "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" painted in red above the entrance. One man had a pitchfork and the other had a bullwhip at his belt.

Betty got up and walked to the glassed-in area and stepped to the left of the aisle into an open area where seats would normally be, facing the plexiglass door. Betty did something to her wrist comp and the door opened. Seth stood next to Betty shocker drawn.

Betty called out, "Female red collar slave, stand, turn to me and take two steps."

The slave complied her wrist bracelets and seat belt both released and she rose, a bit unsteady on her feet. Brooke heard Betty tell the woman to turn toward the front of the bus. Brook saw her back was a mass of welts and bruises Her somewhat sagging ass bore a barcode printed in red rather than black and a large red "L" on her left ass cheek. Seth exited the bus, never turning his back on the woman. Betty walked behind, but instead of exiting the bus she returned to the open area watching the man while Seth approached the Dante guards.

Brooke saw the woman bending and spreading, her sagging tits flopping forward. She was left in that position as Seth returned to the bus. Betty and Seth repeated the process with the paunchy man, whose back had also been brutally flogged, except that once the man exited the bus Betty returned to her seat.

Brooke saw Seth walking back to the bus as the two middle aged slaves straightened up. The guard with the pitchfork poked both the naked slaves, pushing them toward the main entrance.

Betty keyed her wrist comp, "You lucky slaves just saw history being made. To our knowledge, this is the first time a married couple has been sentenced and delivered at the same time to Dante. As you might have noticed, only state reserved and unsold lifers are accepted at this fine facility filled with the lowest of the low. The woman was an alcoholic on her 4th DUI. She crashed into a minivan, killing a mother and three children. The cunt didn't get a scratch. Hubby let her take his car, knowing she was drunk and knowing she has no license to drive to start with. That is called accessory to a crime by the lawyer types. And here they are. And here they will stay for the rest of their miserable lives. I will say that, between you and me, the guards go a little overboard with the whole Divine Comedy thing. They pay out of their own pocket to get shockers modified to look like pitchforks."

While Betty was talking, Seth got the bus back on the highway. Brooke was surprised that the bus only traveled a few miles before a large complex appeared on the right. It looked like how a prison looked from old movies, with tall fences and rolls of wire on top. The bus rolled through two separate gates, the first of which identified the facility as "Perkins Industrial Complex-DOCS". Presently, the bus pulled up to the back of a building that looked like a college dorm. If dorms had bars over the windows.

Betty stood up and said, "Green collar slaves will stand as their restraints are released and exit the bus and walk to the uniformed group of people waiting to receive you"

Brooke noticed that Betty stood by her seat, directing each slave off the bus. Seth was outside the bus at the door. As each slave exited, he or she walked by Seth to the group of guards and then bent and spread. Each slave was then coffled together, much like Brooke and her friends were secured when they were led to the bus. By the time the last slave was handed over, the group looked like some bare assed conga line as they were led through a set of doors as Seth waked back to the bus.

As Seth pulled back onto the road. Betty said, "Now that it is just us chickens, I'm going to release your collars from the restriction field so you can move a bit. You are also free to ask questions in the appropriate manner to a domina. I suspect you three will need the practice. First, do any of you need a bathroom break? "

The three replied as one "Yes domina!"

'Well, we can't do anything about number 2, but we are about twenty minutes away from a roadside park that has restrooms where you can get bladder relief if no one is there. Which is likely as the only thing on this road is the Lodge. In fact, Seth and I are overdue for lunch because we can't take a break or lunch with more than four slaves in transit. And no breaks at all if Dante transports are aboard. Since you three have behaved and Jack gave you a good report, we might let you stretch your legs. I need to check, but we might even have something to feed you. I know Seth and I have something for Nympho and Red to snack on later. "

Brooke had a feeling that her legs might not be the only thing stretched at the next stop. She couldn't wait.

Beth spoke, "Domina, may this slave ask a few questions?"

"Go Nympho, replied Betty.

"Domina, the two lifers. They sound like they got what they deserved, but I have read that Dante is a... hard place. Neither of them looked very young or strong. "

"My second assignment out of school was Dante. Since it is a hardship posting, you must volunteer to stay after nine months. I didn't. The woman will likely be servicing slave miners eight hours a day, six days a week for the rest of her life, or till she gets so old no one wants her. The man, he might get lucky and wind up a service slut himself or a janitor for the guard areas. He wouldn't last a week in the mines. The last time I heard, there are about eight hundred men and about two hundred women total. The women stay busy, because frankly, access to food and cunt is the main thing controlling the population and insuring production is met."

Beth continued, "Domina, do all lifers go to Dante? "

"The state can request that if convicted that the defendant be reserved to the state, which means Dante. The jury can deny that and the enslaved convict can be put up for auction. However, if the auction fails, which is what happened to those two, then they are sent to Dante. Most crime of passion, or negligent murderers wind up sold rather than sent away. "

Brooke asked, "Domina what was the place all the green collared slaves were dropped off at? "

"That was state industries. Unsold slaves wind up there if not reserved by the county of conviction. The green collar marks them as state felon slaves. Nympho, after a few days there, you would be begging to be shipped to Dante. Work slaves only get the chance for sex once a week, and only if they meet production quotas. Slaves there are in chastity belts and cock cages at all other times. That is pretty standard for most state-owned slaves "

Brooke's pussy clinched. Once a week? she thought to herself. It had only been a few hours and she was so horny the ass plug was starting to excite her. Was this part of her punishment? Turn her into slutty slave meat and then deny her? Looking at her friends, Mark was frowning. Beth had not looked that terrified since she saw a snake in their tent at summer camp years ago.

Beth spoke in a shaky voice, "Domina...will we be put in chastity?"

"Not for me to say Nympho."

With that, the bus slowed and Brooke looked over to see that they were pulling into a rest area. No other vehicles were in the parking area. Seth stopped the bus and got out, walking out of sight behind the bus. A couple of minutes later, he got back in and drove up to the small building and collection of picnic tables. Seth pulled across the marked spaces blocking part of the picnic areas from view. Looking back toward the road, Brooke say a gate closed across the highway entrance to the rest area.

"Ok, my lovely little cunts, whose first? Cocksucker, you're last because I know guys can hold it better. "

Brooke was not too uncomfortable, "Domina this slave can wait."

"Ok, Nympho we are going to have a trust exercise. You are to walk off the bus, go directly to the women's restroom and enter it. Do your business and try not to play with that slutty cunt of yours because others will be waiting. Including me. Walk to the picnic table and sit facing away from the bus. Your wrist and ankle cuffs will lock as soon as I see you settled. We will repeat the process with each of you. I don't think any of you are stupid enough to run, buck naked with fresh slave barcodes on your asses. Not to mention the tracking chips. Questions? Comments?"

Beth piped up, "Domina, this slave is not stupid. Horny but not stupid."

Beth, got up and walked down the aisle rolling her hips. Brooke licked her lips, thinking about how nice her friend had tasted. A low moan from next to her caused her to look over at Mark. Able to finally bend her head down, she noticed her friend was getting an impressive hard on. Perhaps his resistance to his sisters' charms was weakening. She felt wetness at the sight of Beth's rolling rump that didn't have anything to do with her bladder.

Next to her, Betty muttered to herself, "That is one fine ass.".

Brooke saw her friend enter the restroom and really hoped she would be as quick as last time because Brooke was starting to regret her self sacrifice. Suddenly Beth screeched so loud that it could be heard in the bus. Seth, who had been spreading out some blankets on a picnic table to sit on, rushed toward the bathroom almost running down Beth who was sprinting toward the bus door.

Betty jumped out of her seat at the scream, rushing down the aisle and, grabbing Beth slung her in a chair slapping her wrist comp. Brooke felt her head snap back against the headrest.

Before Betty could get to the bus door, Seth's voice came over the cabin speakers, "Stand down. It's just a corn snake. Poor thing looks frightened out of its wits."

Brooke was torn between concern for her friend, who has a horrible fear of snakes, and the desire to laugh like a hyena at the sight of Beth running out of the bathroom hair flying and tits jiggling. Between those two extremes, was the realization that seeing her friend like that sort of turned her on. Was she becoming a lesbian? No, because she really wanted Mark plowing her ass. Where did that come from?

Beth, who had moved from screeching to sniffling had been gently pulled to her feet by Betty and guided toward the door to the bus.

As the pair were exiting, Betty said over her shoulder, "All your restraints have been deactivated. Both of you go to the bathroom as instructed and come to the table."

When Brooke exited the now snake free bathroom, she found Beth, and Betty sitting across from one another at the concrete picnic bench. Seth looked like he was getting items out of a storage hatch opened from the side of the bus.

As Brooke approached the table, she noticed a cable, identical to the one Brooke used to secure her bike at home. This cable seemed to be securing Beth's right ankle to the concrete bench.

"Ah, Red. Come around and sit next to Nympho...good. Now touch her left ankle with your right. "

Brooke felt the ankle bracelets click together. Looking to her right, she saw Mark approach, his impressive cock at half-staff.

"Cocksucker, glad you could join us. Sit next to Red and put your right foot to Red's left. Now the left against the restraint chain. I will be right back", Betty then got up and went to the restroom. Once she returned and sat down, Seth got up and headed to the men's room.

Once Seth returned and seated himself next to Betty in front of a big cardboard box , she said, "Good, now we can have a bite to eat. Thank you for setting all this up Seth, "

Once seated, Seth reached into the box and pulled out a couple of bento boxes, three energy bars and a six pack of bottled water. He sat an energy bar and a bottle of water before Beth, Mark and Brooke, and handed one bento box to Betty, keeping the other for himself.

Brooke started to reach for the water when she realized Beth had her hands on the table, palms up not moving. Brooke did the same, noticing Mark mimicking his sister and friend.

Both Seth and Betty smiled. Betty said, "Nympho might just get your assess through the next year yet. Slaves may eat. In fact, slaves are free to talk amongst yourselves and to your domina and dominus except that there will be no questions about where you are being shipped to or what to expect. I will say that, because we are running so early, we are going to have to kill about an hour here before they are ready to receive your slutty asses. Bureaucracy is a marvelous thing."

Brooke reflected as she ate the surprisingly good and filling energy bar that this late lunch had to be the most surreal meal of her life. Seth seemed to be a bit quiet, readily answering questions put to him but pretty much letting Betty direct the conversation. Betty was full of questions about the trio, and seemed genuinely interested in their responses, as did Seth. The conversation by and large was about what Brooke would expect from two groups having to share a table in a crowded restaurant. Except your dining companions aren't buck naked with their legs spread and chained to the table.

"Dominus, is this slave correct in thinking that when slaves are bent and spread, like we were at the jail before we got on the bus that we slaves actually become the property of the domina and yourself?" asked Beth.

Seth leaned back a bit and replied, "Nympho, technically yes, but it is really more like you are issued to us. Like the bus behind you, we can do anything we want with it, but we must have it back by a certain time in mostly the same condition we got it."

"So, we three are issued fuckmeat?, " interjected Brooke.

Betty guffawed and replied, "Red, I knew I liked you! Just so. Speaking of, I think it is time for Seth and me to get some dessert!"

Seth grimaced and remarked, "Not me, alas."

Betty glanced sharply at her partner and said, "What, you... oh."

Brooke really wondered what was going on there, but was acutely aware that inordinate curiosity was likely to get a slave's ass spanked. Seth put her out of her misery.

"My wife and I are switches, we like swapping the dominant and submissive roles. When one of us is in the submissive role, bottoming, we must get permission from the top for sex. Mistress Susie said all I could do is get a blowjob from the male slave. I am fine with however people want to swing, but I am just not into guy sex."

Turning to the three slaves, Betty continued "And that is why Seth and I make such a good team. Neither one of us likes cock. Ok Nympho, we are going to start with you. Cocksucker, Red you can step away and walk around the parking area between the bus and the picnic table and may talk to each other. If you need to go to the bathroom again, ask and get permission first. If you want to fuck, ask permission. Nympho, on your knees in front of the bench.

Brooke felt her legs freed. As she turned to get up from the bench she saw Betty dropping her pants and panties and sitting in the spot recently vacated by Beth with her legs spread open. Beth was crawling between the officers' legs.

Betty exclaimed, "I love a cunt who can anticipate her domina's wishes... Ahh, thats it..."

Brooke noticed Mark standing in front of her extending his hand to help her up. She took it and was pulled to her feet as he asked, "Walk with me?"

Brooke walked with Mark as she had done countless times growing up. Mark was the big brother that only child Brooke never had and she could talk to him about things she could never tell her parents or even Beth, as he could to her. Of course, walking around a paved lot wearing only flipflops and having the cool breeze caressing her bare cunt and tits was a new thing.

Brooke opened the conversation, "When I was learning what to expect as a slave, I kind of figured we would be put to work at menial tasks away from home. Reading between the lines, I suspected that at least Beth and I would be used sexually. I figured I could put up with that. Must put up with that if truth be told because, slaves can't say no. Not only did I not see the atonement coming, I never dreamed that in the space of a few hours I would become a sex craving cunt who is wanting all her holes used all the time. Looking at my best girlfriend and wanting to devour her cunt ... Have I always been a slut and just didn't know it? "

Mark responded, "Beth probably has a better answer than I do, since that girl has apparently spent an inordinate amount of time on the subject, but I think you right now and Beth when we were able to talk while waiting to be transported got to the heart of it. We don't have the luxury to choose. We aren't Brooke Ashcroft, Mark Thompson, and Beth Thompson deciding if we are going to have sex with random strangers and deciding if we are going to do acts considered gay, straight, bi or even lesbian. We are Red, Cocksucker, and Nympho, barcoded slavemeat whose holes are at the disposal of any free man or woman. Scrubbing a floor or sucking a cock is pretty much all the same, it's an order to be obeyed unless you want to taste a shocker. Brooke, Mark, and Beth don't really exist right now so they aren't acting like omnisexual sluts. Red, Cocksucker and Nympho are just animate fuck toys doing what they are told. And if they enjoy it, then that's a bonus. Although, now that I have embraced most of that, I am not looking forward to the possibility of spending six days a week in a cock cage. Honestly, I am not quite sure what a cock cage is, but I am pretty sure I won't like it."

"Yeah, I am really worried about going from total slut cunt to sex once a week. Now that I am craving sex all the time, the thought of being limited to once a week is torture. So, change of subject, are you are now ok with fucking Beth?"

"I said mostly embraced. I am not going to lie. As women, I would fuck you or her, or both in a heartbeat. Intellectually I know it's going to happen sooner or later. Emotionally, you are the sister of my heart and she is my blood twin. And you don't screw family.".

"Yeah, but like you said we aren't family right now. And Mark...I really need to be fucked and I bet Beth does too. This could be our last chance for a while," Brooke said, giving Mark her best puppy face.

"No, no not the puppy eyes! " The rest of Mark's response was cut off by Betty calling out,

"Red, Cocksucker get your asses over here. Your domina has a use for you. "

The pair rushed over to the picnic table as fast as the cheap flip flops would allow. Brooke saw the back of Beth's head between Bettys thighs, the slaves mouth vigorously servicing the officers' pussy, her cute ass upturned and exposing an open and glistening cunt. Betty was flush faced and clearly close to an orgasm.


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