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Perfect Gentleman

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An older man reunites with his kids' babysitter years later.
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Notes from Author: This story is quite the departure from my normal writing style. This story isn't so much a hot fantasy, as a loving, romantic story, with what I hope is a hot love making session at the end. If you're a fan of my other stuff and are reading this hoping for taboo, spankings, light bondage and the rest, look elsewhere. However, don't worry; I'll be back with more hot stories in the near future! As always, your comments and votes are most welcomed!


"Hey! Mr. Buck!"

I was eating at a local restaurant at a high-top table near the bar. I turned in my stool and looked into the face of a very cute, obviously buzzed woman. She had short blond hair that fell to about her collar, blue eyes, a dazzling smile, and she was gently rocking around on slightly wobbly legs. She stood slightly taller than 5 feet. She appeared to be in her late-20s or early-30s. And, I had no clue who she was.

"Hi!" I said, my mind reeling trying to remember where, or even if I had met this cute young woman. At my age, 52, I didn't typically socialize with younger woman except in work situations.

"I haven't seen you in years," she said. "How long has it been?"

"Oh, no," I thought, "now what do I say?"

Luckily, she continued uninterrupted. "Let's see...Anne was around 10-years-old. Ronnie was maybe 6-years-old. That would have made me, like, let's see...16! I'm 32 now!" She was quite perky.

Okay, a clue. Anne is my daughter and Ronnie is my son. "That's right!" I said as if I knew who she was. "It's been 16 years. Can you believe it? Anne is now 26, married, and in graduate school at the University of Michigan. Ronnie is 22 and a senior at the University of Tennessee. How have you been?"

"I'm doing great." She leaned in and gave me a huge hug. I could feel her breasts press into my shoulder. The hug went on and on, way past a casual hug. "It is so great seeing you!" She hugged me again and I thought, "I could get used to this!"

"My sisters are right over there." She pointed to a booth across the restaurant. Two ladies in their mid-thirties waved to me. I still didn't know her, and now there were two more attractive ladies I didn't know. Shit.

"Where do you live now?" I asked searching for clues.

"Houston. I'm a veterinarian." She had trouble saying it and it came out, "vet-eeer-nay-rean." She moved to the other stool at my table and sat down. Her brow furrowed deeply. "I heard about your wife. I'm sooo sorry. What's it been...like a year?"

"Thanks," I said. "Year and half actually. It's been hard, but I'm starting to get my life back on track. Everyone's been so understanding and helpful. I guess that is the benefit of living in a small town."

"Yeah, totally." She drew out the "tow" when she said it. "Houston's not like that...but I do love living there."

"Do your sisters still live here?" Come on, man, I need a clue!

"No. They both live in Atlanta."

Damn it! Come on, God, toss me a bone. "Where are you staying in town?"

"With mom and dad, silly. You know? The house next door to where your parents used to live."

Bingo! I instantly put the puzzle together. Cindy! This is the super sharp, completely adorable kid who used to babysit my children. Before my parents had passed, I saw her parents on a regular basis. Her father had told me that Cindy had saved all of her babysitting money from the time she was 13 until she graduated from high school, and was able to buy a modest car when she went off to college without any help.

"Well, Cindy, you look great!" And she did. Now that I knew who she was, I realized she really didn't look too different from when she was 16. She was much more modestly dressed now in a T-shirt and jeans. She might have gained 5 or 10 pounds, but they looked good on her. I recalled a time when my wife and I had come home from a party around midnight, and Cindy had fallen asleep on the couch watching TV. Her short skirt had scooted up a bit and she was lying on her side facing the television with her toned legs bent slightly at the knee. I could see her white panties. She was wearing a midriff shirt that buttoned in the front, and as was the custom for teenagers, it was way too tight for her tiny frame. Her small breasts were slowly rising and falling as she breathed. I felt like such a pedophile staring at her, that I grabbed a quilt off the back of the couch and covered her before my wife walked into the room.

"Thanks," she said smiling and lowering her head slightly embarrassed. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"How about I buy you a drink?" I waived the waitress over and ordered another beer. Cindy ordered a 24-ounce margarita. When the waitress had walked away I asked, "Whatcha celebrating?"

She smiled and asked, "Is it that obvious?"

When I didn't reply she continued, "Dad is getting to be quite the handful now. He turned 82 yesterday; that's why we're in town." She stopped smiling. "He is deaf as a post and watches Fox News all day with the TV blaring. He yells at the talking heads screaming racial slurs at anyone who isn't white. You know, all Muslims are terrorists, all blacks are freeloaders, and all Hispanics are illegal aliens. My sisters and I couldn't take another minute, so we came out for tacos and 'ritas. I don't know how mom does it. I'm sure she'll be up for sainthood at some point." She laughed way too hard at her own joke, and nearly fell off the stool. I reached over and caught her elbow and helped her sit back in her seat. "My hero." She smiled broadly at me.

At that moment her sisters appeared at the edge of the table. "Mr. Buck, is Cindy bothering you?"

Cindy's oldest sister was Sarah. As I recalled she was four years older than Cindy and was married. I think... She may have attended the Naval Academy, or maybe her husband had attended. Her middle sister was Stacey and I believe she was two years older. For some reason I remembered that her mother had delivered them two years apart because their father worked abroad for one year, and then was home for one year. Of course, I could have been making all that up in my own mind. At one time I knew what they did for a living, but now...

"Not at all," I said. "We were just catching up. Would you ladies like to join us for drinks?"

Sarah and Stacey looked at Cindy and then to me. Sarah said, "We were just going to head back home. Anyway, I'm the designated driver." She handed a jacket to Cindy. "You about ready?"

"Mr. Buck and I just ordered drinks." She looked sad, and then she smiled. "Mr. Buck can bring me home later, right?" She looked at me and raised her cute eyebrow.

"Of course, I'd be happy to."

Sarah looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Are you sure that's not too much trouble?" The meaning was clear; if Cindy really was bothering me, she would make sure to drag her home with them.

Honestly, I hadn't spent much time in the presence of women since I had lost my wife, and never did I get a chance to spend time with a pretty woman in her early 30s in a social situation. I was actually kind of enjoying myself. "No, really," I said, "it's no problem at all."

Cindy smiled. "See ya'll later." She waived at them dismissively.

"Nice to see you Mr. Buck," Sarah said, as she leaned over and hugged me. More breasts pressed against my shoulder. Stacey followed-up with another hug, and yet another pair of breasts against my shoulder. "We're so sorry about your wife."

"Thanks," I said. It had gotten to be a ritual in this small town. People would say "Sorry," and I'd say "Thanks." I mean, what else could they, or for that matter I say? It was a cultural ritual that did actually help, despite that it was a cliché. It told me that lots of people knew her and remembered her.

"Okay. Cindy, come in quietly...if you can. You know that Dad will be in bed by seven and mom will fall asleep in her chair shortly after that."

After about an hour of catching up, I suggested we head out. I paid the check, she grabbed her jacket and I let her walk in front of me like any gentleman would. Her ass looked terrific in her tight jeans. Clearly, the few extra pounds looked really good on her. As I recalled, she had been a gymnast in high school, and she had had a taut round butt back then. Once we were outside, she slid her arm into the crook of my arm and said, "Wow. I think I had a little too much."

I opened the passenger door of my truck for her and she slid into the seat saying, "It's sure nice to spend time with a gentleman."

"My pleasure," I said, closing her door.

As we pulled out into the light evening traffic she said, "This is just like the old days when you would take me home after I sat for your kids."

I smiled at her and looked back through the windshield.

"You know," she continued, "you were so handsome and I was always a little sad that you didn't try anything with me on the way home. I mean, lots of dads did."

I glanced at her and then back at the road.

"You're the only dad I wanted to make a pass at me and you never did."

"Cindy, baby, you were only 16 back then. That would have been just plain wrong...not to mention illegal."

"Yeah, I know. And, I'm really glad you didn't. I wouldn't have known what to do if you had. My heart was always pounding out of my chest when you took me home. I'd imagine you putting your hands on my leg and suggesting we go park somewhere. I was scared to death that you would hit on me and disappointed when you didn't." She laughed. "Ahh, to be young again."

I smiled back at her. "You know, you are young, right?"

She laughed. "Sometimes I don't feel too young." There was a long pause as she looked out of the passenger side window. "I remember one time that I was watching TV on the couch when you came home. I pulled my skirt up a bit so my underwear was showing, and then I pretended to be asleep. I remember you walking into the room and you stood there for several seconds. I imagined that you were looking at my panties and that you would put your hand up my skirt." She laughed. "But, as usual, you were the perfect gentleman and you covered me up." She placed her left hand on my right hand. "Do they make men like you anymore?"

If she only knew what I had been thinking: I had wanted to ravish her back then, but I really did have a strong moral compass. I would never have cheated on my wife with an adult, much less a child. "Baby, there are plenty of gentlemen out there."

"Are any of them not gay?" She laughed again and made a snorting noise like a pig. "Oh, shit! I am drunk!" She laughed again.

As we turned onto the isolated country highway that led to her parents' house she asked, "Do you still live in the same house?"

"No. After the kids left home, we moved into a house out in the country. We didn't need a neighborhood full of young kids and good schools anymore, and we wanted land and a place for the dogs to run free." I pointed ahead of us through the windshield. "It's on this same highway a few miles past you parents' house."

She asked, "Do you still have that dog Oliver?"

I didn't want to tease her in her drunken state, so I simply said, "No, he's gone." If she had done the math she would have realized that Oliver would have been 22 or 23 years old if he was still alive today. "I'm owned by four big dogs now, though."

"I'd love to meet them." She poked out her lower lip and looked adorable.

"Okay," I said, "if you're going to pout." As we pulled into my driveway, the dogs surround the truck and escorted us to the carport. Cindy jumped out of the car and kneeled so that the dogs could greet her properly.

"Hey, guys!" There was a mob of licking tongues, wagging tails, and joyful giggling from Cindy. "I'm pleased to meet you. And, you. And, you. And, you." She stood up and placed her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. She looked into the field behind the house and said, "Wow, this is nice. How big is this place?"

"Forty acres. There's the house here, a storage shed and a barn, and then the pasture where I keep my mules. Come on and I'll show you the place."

We entered the house and I gave her a tour. She was very impressed with my wine collection I kept in the basement. After I had shown her the inside, we stepped out of the double doors onto the back deck. As soon as she saw the hot tub she asked, "Is that thing on?"

"It should be." I walked over and lifted the top and steam escaped into the cool night air. I looked at the floating thermostat: "103 degrees."

She looked at me with a devilish smile. "Let's pour some wine and climb in."

I was suddenly very nervous. "Cindy, you don't have a suit. Do you have one at your parents' house? I could run you over there real quick."

"It's a hot tub." she said. "Who needs a suit?"

I had only been with two women in my entire life: my high school sweetheart with whom I'd lost my virginity, and my wife of 30 years. My wife had been sick for several years before she passed, and I had not been with a woman since. It had been at least 5 or 6 years since I had had sex, and I wasn't sure how to proceed. My penis, on the other hand, was quite sure. I could feel blood starting to rush to my dick. I then had another thought. If Cindy climbs into my pool naked, I'd have to do the same. I would feel ridiculous wearing a suit if she didn't. And, clearly my dick was not going to be the perfect gentleman. "I'm not so sure that's a good idea."

"Why? We're both adults and we're both single. And, I already know you're a gentleman."

"Sure...sure," I said far from sure, "but you've had a bit too much to drink, and I'd hate for you to have regrets in the morning."

She smiled and said, "Always the perfect gentleman...I told you earlier that I've always been attracted to you. Come on. Please."

My defenses were weakening. She was so damn cute! And, now she was begging. I looked her over. Even in her T-shirt I could tell her breasts were larger than when she was a teenager and they looked nice.

"What the hell," I said. "I'll get the wine."

"Okay," she said, "I'm going to run pee before we get in."

When I got back to the top of the basement stairs, Cindy was coming out of the bathroom. She was barefooted and had removed her jeans. She was wearing her T-shirt, and now that it wasn't tucked into her pants, it fell to just above her butt cheeks. She escorted me to the kitchen and she asked, "Where do you keep the wine glasses?"

"Up there," I pointed to cabinet above the sink, and started to remove the cork. "I hope a zen is fine."

She stood on the toes of one foot and reached up to open the cabinet. Her shirt climbed about half way up her butt. It was amazing; stunning even. I was mesmerized and my semi-erect cock went to a full blown erection. Well, shit, so much for being cool. She retrieved two glasses and spun around quickly, catching me staring at her bottom. She grinned. "You like?"

I blushed deeply and quickly averted my eyes. She said, "Don't be embarrassed. You're so sweet." She stepped forward and placed her arms around my waist, pressing her breasts into my chest. Without a bra they felt soft and wonderful. My dick responded and pressed against her. "Hmm," she moaned. "I can't wait to meet you."

I hugged her tight against me and gently spoke into her ear, "Cindy, I need to tell you something that is pretty embarrassing to me. I was married for 30 years and I was monogamous with my wife before we got married. I'm pretty inexperienced with women, and frankly, I'm scared to death."

She pulled away from me slightly and looked up into my face. "A That is so romantic...and, cute as hell." She grabbed me by the hand and started leading me to the deck. "Don't worry...we'll go as slow as you need."

Watching the bottoms of her butt cheeks walk in front of me, I wasn't sure how slow I could go. When we got to the hot tub, she took the bottle of wine from me and poured two glasses that were placed on the edge of the tub. She stepped over to me and said, "Let's get you more comfortable." She unbuttoned my shirt, pulled the tails out of my jeans, and pulled it off of me. She then lifted my white T-shirt up and over my head. She placed her fingers in my chest hair and swirled her hand. "Now a days, men don't have body hair; they shave it all off. This is sexy." I kicked my shoes off and she unfastened my belt and then unsnapped my jeans. She pulled them down and didn't mention the huge bulge in my boxer shorts. I reached down and pulled off my socks and threw into the growing pile of clothes on the deck. And, then came the moment of truth; only the third woman to ever see me with an erection pulled my boxer shorts off. My swollen cock was pointed straight at her. All she said was, "Nice."

She took a step back and lifted her T-shirt up and over her head. Her body was beautiful. She had a full bush of light brown pubic hair that was trimmed. She had a very tiny pooch of a belly and her breasts were full, but not large, with no hint of sagging at all. Her nipples were small. She smiled brightly, placed her hands on her hips, and said, "Well?"

I said, "It was worth the wait."

She climbed into the tub and I got a good look at her vulva as she stepped in. I followed quickly and settled onto one of the seats. She scooted over beside me, and I placed my arm around her and pulled her in to me tightly. She laid her head on my shoulder and quietly said, "This is nice."

We sat there for about 10 minutes drinking wine and enjoying the feeling of being with one another without speaking. Finally, I felt her hand run up my thigh and she gently took my cock into her hand. Ever so slowly, she began to work her tiny fingers up and down my shaft, not really jerking me off, but just feeling it. I looked down into her face and pull her up to me, kissing her for the first time deeply, her tongue feeling its way into my mouth. She moved so that she was sitting in my lap, straddling my legs facing towards me and she kissed me again, grabbing my face with both hands. When she released me from her kiss, I pulled her close and hugged her tightly, feeling her naked breasts press into my chest. For this lonely old man, it was pure bliss and I really didn't want anything to ruin this perfect experience.

We sat like that for a very long time, my erection between us, her breasts smashed against my chest. Occasionally I moved my hands to her butt, cupping each cheek in my hand, and then I would move my hands back up her back, using my fingernails to stimulate her skin. After what seemed like a lifetime, she looked up into my face and said, "I'm turning into a prune. Let's go inside." I nodded to her and we stepped out of the tub and wrapped ourselves in a couple of towels. She grabbed me by the hand and led me to my bedroom. We dropped our towels, and I pulled her close and kissed her deeply while we were standing next to the bed. When we broke our embrace, she climbed onto the bed, her head on my pillows on her back. Somewhat unsure, I decided to do what I enjoyed most, so I climbed in between her legs and kissed her inner thighs, working up toward her vagina. I moved to the other leg, avoiding her moist lips. I placed my hands on her stomach, and moved them down to the top of her mound. After about a minute of teasing her, I placed my mouth on her waiting pussy, and ran my tongue through her slit, carefully avoiding her clit. She moaned and said, "Clearly, you've done this before." We both laughed.

I went back to work, and sucked her clit into my mouth. Again, a moan escaped and she said, "Oh, yeah, right there." I worked my tongue along her lips, sucking her clit into my mouth each time, teasing her and increasing her excitement. I flattened my tongue and started working on her clit in earnest. I brought my hand down and inserted a finger into her steaming hole. I worked my finger in and out, searching for her G-spot. Her left hand was working the nipple of her left breast, and she moved her right hand to the top of my head. As her climax began to build, she rocked her hips, thrusting her pussy into my face. She squeezed my head between her thighs, and began to breathe deeply and erratically. As she came, she squealed and brought her butt off the bed. I immediately brought my tongue off her clit, but continued to slowly fuck her with my finger.


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