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Personal Assistant Pt. 01

Story Info
He gets the job for a huge breasted amazon.
7.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/12/2021
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James was driving through one of the nicest neighborhoods he had ever seen. He felt like his head was on a swivel as he looked from one beautiful mansion to the next. Each house looked like it was on a small plantation complete with brick walls and a grand entrance.

He was nearing the address he had been given from the brief conversation he had on the phone with his prospective employer. She was looking for a personal assistant to handle most of the day-to-day activities so she could focus on her work.

It sounded perfect for James who was looking for flexible hours and something he could jump into right away. He still really didn't know the extent of the work since they talked briefly but he was hopeful it would work out.

He found the address and pulled off the road onto the driveway where he was met with a massive steel gate blocking his entry. There was an intercom on a pole which he was able to reach out of the car window and press like a doorbell.

"Hello." He heard the same beautiful voice that James remembered from the phone.

"Hi, it's James, here for the interview." He responded.

"Hi James, come on in." She responded. At the same instant the steel gate opened allowing James to drive his car into the courtyard.

It was a beautiful house. Not the biggest he had seen on his drive through the neighborhood, but it was still pretty big, and it looked like it was in really good condition.

He drove his car around the circle paved driveway marveling at the majestic water fountain in the middle that was ringed by beautiful flowers.

There were two buildings flanking the circular driveway on either side. One was a 6 bay garage and opposite that on the other side looked like a little two story house. Everything was all in the same style as the main house that was in the middle.

The house was amazing, it was a traditional 2 story brick home. The entrance was grand with two big doors and a large window over it. It was landscaped beautifully with flowers and shrubs running along the front.

He parked his car and walked up to the entry doors which were huge, standing about 10-12 feet high. He rang the bell and heard the chime sound inside the house. Like everything else it also seemed grand and big.

He didn't have to wait long and soon heard the sounds of the door being unlocked and opened. As the door opened the woman standing before him took his breath away. It was like a shock to the senses as the beautiful tall woman looked down at him.

The first thing that jumped out to him was her massive chest. There was no way of not noticing it first because they were the biggest boobs James had ever seen. Each boob looked like it was the size of a basketball.

At first he thought this might be a joke because it seemed like there was no way a woman could have boobs this big. The strapless dress she was wearing left her entire upper chest exposed leaving little doubt that this wasn't a joke.

The dress looked like thin stretchy material that hugged tightly to her curvy figure and stopped just above the knee. The upper part of the dress covered most of her expansive bosom, but thanks to their sheer size, there was still an amazing amount of flesh and cleavage exposed.

It also seemed unnatural that her breasts could be standing straight out like they were. As big as they were it would seem more natural for them to be hanging down more.

The second thing that James immediately noticed was how tall she was. She towered over him looking like an amazon warrior. She had this commanding presence as she stood there with perfect posture.

He forced himself not to linger too long on any one thing and address his host as she extended her hand in a greeting.

"Hello James, pleased to meet you." She greeted him.

"Hi Anna, nice to meet you. You have a beautiful home." James managed to say pretty quickly as he looked up into her gorgeous eyes. They were a sky blue color and looked sharp and intelligent as she looked him over.

She must have approved because her look softened as she gave a warm smile and asked him to come in.

The inside foyer was huge with marble floors and a double staircase that met at the top of an open hallway that must have led to additional rooms. If you looked straight ahead you could see a two story great room with the entire back wall made up of windows.

Anna stood next to James as he looked around taking in the entire home with his mouth hanging open. Every detail of the home looked top notch as he admired the entry chandelier and peered into the rooms on either side of his view.

As amazing as the house was he couldn't stop himself from looking through the corner of his eye to admire the amazing curves standing next to him.

James didn't consider himself short at 5' 10", but this woman stood what seemed like a foot taller than him as he came up to just above her chest.

"Why don't you come on in." Anna suggested as she started walking straight ahead leaving James to admire her incredible curves as she sauntered into the great room.

He didn't want to get caught staring but couldn't resist looking her up and down as she walked away. Not only was her chest massive, but her butt was big and round with nice wide hips. She didn't look fat as he expected, on the contrary her waist looked incredibly small and her legs looked firm and strong.

He quickly fell in step behind her not wanting to look like a pervert staring at her with his mouth hanging open.

She was wearing tall heels which caused her tone calves to flex with every step showing she clearly worked out. Her legs looked silky smooth as the sun shined off her taut skin.

They walked past stairs in the middle of the room that led to the basement, but because it was an open staircase down with a railing to overlook, it seemed more like an extension of the house instead of a basement. He could see light streaming in from below which also made it seem less like a basement.

They walked through the grand opening into the great room that he saw when he first walked into the home.

"Have a seat." She gestured to one of the seats in the center of the room. "Can I get you something to drink?" She asked.

"Sure, I would love a water." He responded not wanting to seem ungrateful at her offer.

"Sure thing." She said as she walked into the kitchen which he could see through the large opening to the right of where they just entered.

When she was out of sight he again drank in the amazing home. The entire back wall was all windows which displayed a beautiful patio with lush landscaping showing the private expansive backyard.

He was sitting in one of the chairs which was in the center of the room arranged around a massive stone fireplace that was the centerpiece of the room. The mantle looked like marble and had ornate stonework. The fireplace continued up to the ceiling and had a huge abstract oil painting right in the center that gave the otherwise light colored room a pop of color.

Anna was walking back into the room holding a couple glasses of water. He gave her a quick glance trying not to look too obvious. As she walked he could see her boobs jiggling with every step.

She bent down to hand James one of the glasses of water which put her huge breasts and massive cleavage in his direct line of sight. It was almost like she was taunting him with her assets to see how he would react

"Thank you." He said as he took the glass from her.

She nodded and took a seat opposite him on the couch so they could talk. She maintained perfect posture as she sat on the edge of her seat with her back straight and her huge chest pushing out defying gravity.

From the minute she opened the door James was instantly aroused and was having a hard time keeping his semi erect penis under control. Anna was like every fantasy he had ever imagined taken to the extreme all together in one stunning woman.

He had been able to keep his erection under control until she bent over in front of him, now it had grown quite substantially and was probably all too obvious. James was very proud of his cock and knew he was well endowed. One of the unfortunate things about having a large cock was when he lost control in public it was too hard to hide.

She eyed him curiously with those piercing blue eyes as she took a long drink of her water. For the first time James was taking in just how beautiful Anna was. She had long golden blonde hair that flowed down her back and came over her shoulders in beautiful waves.

She looked like she was his age, around 25. If that was true he was amazed at how well she lived considering her age. Her skin looked perfect; it was smooth and youthful without a single blemish.

She had nice full lips with perfect features and those big blue eyes that just drew him in.

"Did you find the house okay." She finally asked, breaking the long silence.

"Yes, it's a really nice neighborhood, have you lived here long?"

"Only a couple years, but I love the house and it's one of the nicest towns in the area."

"Yes, it's a nice town."

"We talked briefly on the phone, but do you need to know anything more about the position?"

She was clearly ready to jump into the conversation and finished with the small talk. James was fine with that; he wasn't much for small talk.

"So it sounds like you need someone to take care of all your daily errands. Picking up food at the grocery store, dry cleaning, stuff like that." He responded.

"Yes, but also things around the house. If I need a contractor to fix something you would be required to coordinate. Also, the mundane things like keeping the kitchen and living area picked up... or to help out with lunch."

"You need me to clean and cook?" He asked.

"I have cleaners that come in once a week that do the whole house and a chef for dinners, but I will expect your assistance with some things."


"Basically, I would need you around the house all the time, which is why part of the job requirement is to live here."

His eyes went wide with this news and James wasn't sure what to say. This made Anna smile and laugh a little at his reaction.

"Did you notice the servant's quarters when you drove in?" She asked.

"Now that you mention it, I did notice the little house across from the garage."

"Yes, it's basically like a little house and has everything you would need to live comfortably. It has been recently upgraded so it is in great shape. It is a 2 bedroom 2 and a half bath house, with a full kitchen and great room."

"Wow, that's incredible."

"So you would have your own space, and for the most part you can do whatever you want after the daily errands have been taken care of."

James was silent as he thought it through.

"But listen James, this is a big deal for me, I would need to trust you fully. You would basically have full access to my house...to my life." She leaned in for emphasis and was very serious.

"I have interviewed others for this job, all women, but I still haven't found the right fit. Part of me was thinking it would be nice to have a man around the house, which is why I am giving you a shot. Would I be able to trust you?"

"Ah, you can totally trust me, but I wouldn't expect you would take my word for it." He answered.

"No I don't, I just wanted to see how you would answer." She paused for a second to size him up again, maybe trying to decide how sincere he was.

"Do you have any questions?" She asked.

He thought for a second trying to tactfully think of a way to ask the question that was pressing on his mind. "Who else lives here, am I expected to care after them?"

"It's just me, as I mentioned earlier, I have a chef that comes in the evenings to prepare food but she doesn't come every day and is in and out within an hour."

"Oh, I see." He responded feeling a little unsure. He hoped he didn't offend her or bring up a sour subject. He just assumed there must be a husband or children that lived with her in this big beautiful house.

"You look confused?" She asked, her tone a little softer.

"It's nothing...I was just thinking of what else to ask."

"It's okay, I want to be open, and you can ask me whatever you want." She looked him over as he remained silent, still looking uncomfortable.

"Let me tell you a little bit about myself and then you can tell me about yourself, okay?"


"I grew up in this area and recently sold my parents home so I could purchase this one. They moved to Florida and left me their home but I wanted a fresh start and couldn't see myself living in my childhood home."

So that maybe explained how she was able to afford such a nice home James thought. If she grew up here she must be from money.

"I am an author and spend my days writing. I have been very fortunate and a couple of my books have been on the bestseller list. It's really hard to get those breakout moments but I was in the right place at the right time and it just worked out."

"Wow, that's incredible, congratulations!" James complimented her.

"Thanks, it's so amazing I can live my dream of writing and it supports me financially."

She really brightened up when she talked about writing, he could tell it was her passion and she loved talking about it.

"If I am not writing I am reading, and when I am not reading I am working out. I love working out and do it pretty much every day. I have a full gym downstairs with pretty much anything you can find in a real gym."

"Wow." James exclaimed.

"Well pretty much everything, you won't find all that cardio equipment...I can't use that stuff for...well obvious reasons." She made a funny face not really sure how else to put it.

She continued "But I love to work out with free weights and I do a ton of Pilates. It's important for me to have a strong core and overall strength is also pretty important."

She didn't specify why all this was so important but James was able to read between the lines. Obviously having a chest that big was hard to walk around with all day and keeping her body physically fit must help out a lot.

She was an imposing figure. He could tell she worked out, remembering back to her strong legs he was admiring as he followed her into the house. Her arms also looked strong like a fitness competitor. Considering how tall she was her arms were probably bigger than he realized.

"What about you James, you look like you clearly workout." She asked.

"I do, I live in the gym. I have been lifting since I was 19 and recently I have been training to compete in a men's physique contest that will be here locally in a couple months." He said proudly.

"So you are a bodybuilder?" She asked.

"Yup, pretty serious about it."

"Do you mind? Can you flex for me?" She asked.

"Sure." He brought his arm up and gave her a good bicep flex.

His bicep sprang to life forming an impressive rock solid ball.

Like a bee to honey she rose out of her seat and bent down so her massive chest was in James face so she could feel his bicep. She cupped it with both hands and felt all over sizing him up.

"Ummm! Very impressive." She said with admiration.

James's cock sprang to life pressing hard against his pants as it grew down the length of his leg. There was no hiding it, all she had to do was gaze down and she would have seen the outline of his long cock.

"Do you know how big your arm is?" She asked him as she felt his bicep all over. Her cleavage was only inches from his face as she continued to admire his arm.

"Uhhh." He stammered still trying to get over the close proximity of this beautiful woman. "Last I measured it was 18 inches." He finally managed to get out.

"Very impressive indeed." She gave one final squeeze and let go so she could return to her seat.

"I have always been a sucker for bodybuilders, I love them. You are going to need to give me some pointers if I decide you are right for the job."

"Ahh, sure." James said.

He was still completely in shock by the whole interaction. He loved the attention which was clear from the bulge in his pants. He also couldn't get over how intoxicating Anna was. Just having her near him gave him butterflies in his stomach.

On top of all that, did she just basically say she had a thing for bodybuilders? Is it possible this goddess of a woman was attracted to him or at a minimum his body. He was going to keep that information in the memory bank and possibly use it to his advantage later.

"So aside from spending a ton of time in the gym what do you do?" She asked.

"Well, I guess you could say I am a starving artist." He answered.

"That's wonderful, what type of art?"

"My real passion is painting; I like to do realism, of people mostly."

"Where someone stands there, and you paint them?" She asked.

"Sure, but I also love to do photography, so most of the time I am using a picture as the inspiration. My photography is what pays the bills; I am kind of freelance right now."

"Wow, handsome and talented. You may be a keeper after all." She said.

There it was again James thought. She called him handsome. She either really thinks that or is just good at making someone feel special. Either way he loved every minute of it.

"Have you noticed the art on my walls? Most of it comes from local artists." She motioned to the picture over the fireplace.

"Yeah, I noticed this piece when I walked in. It's a beautiful use of color and I love how it pops in this room."

"I would love to see your work sometime." She commented.

"Sure, I have a couple pictures here if you wanted to see an example." James got his phone out which had some of his photos and a couple pictures of paintings he had done.

"I would love that. Come sit here." She patted the cushion of the couch where she was sitting.

James got up and eagerly sat next to her so he could show her some of the pictures. She was really interested and leaned in to get a good view of his phone as he held it for her to see.

Whether she meant to or not her breast was pushing into his arm as she tried to get a good look. His earlier erection was finally calming down until he was close to her again. He could feel it growing in his pants pushing as he became rock hard.

She acted perfectly normal and showed no sign of knowing the effect she was having over him. She was probably used to her massive chest constantly getting in the way and thought nothing of it.

James tried to keep his composure as he flipped through the different pictures he had on his phone. It was an impressive assortment of portraits and full image shots of people of different age, race, and ethnicity. He even had pictures of families posing in a park from his freelance work.

"They are beautiful, you have a great eye." She complimented him.

"Thanks, I feel like everyone is beautiful in their own way and I try to showcase people the best I can."

"I love it, you are really talented."

"Thanks, too bad it's so hard to pay the bills." He responded.

"So would this job get in the way of your true passion?" She asked.

"Actually, I think it would be perfect. I am looking for something with flexible hours since I need to meet people when it works for their schedule. And my painting can happen anytime."

She looked down and a small look of surprise showed on her face for a brief moment. They were still sitting next to each other on the couch as they continued to talk. It looked like she was looking right at his crotch when the look flashed across her face.

James was convinced she noticed his raging erection pushing to be released from his pants. How could she not notice and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Are you handy James?" She asked.

He was still blushing from his realization that she had to have seen his erection and didn't know how to answer. She gave him a beautiful smile as her piercing blue eyes seemed to look directly into his soul knowing his every desire.

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