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Pool Boy Ch. 27

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Hunter wins the Annual Cheerleaders BJ Contest.
15.6k words

Part 27 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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After reviewing game film from the previous night's football game, Alexis showed up after grocery shopping to pick me up at the coach's office. It became clear that my thoughts about using the field-house shower to have sex that we can't do in our tiny shower at home were the same as Alexis'. She made sure that I gave her the tour of the locker room and shower room.

We nearly got caught in the shower and Alexis discovered that the danger of getting caught thrilled her. She was in heat after and she nearly begged me to get her off, which I did.

We drove home with the groceries and discovered that the ice cream was soup and the other frozen food was beginning to thaw. Live and learn right? The ice cream went in the trash. I hate refrozen ice cream. We would be eating high on the hog for a few days as we had to eat the thawing food sooner than we had planned.

It was the first real Saturday night of the school year and there were parties everywhere on campus. Alexis knew of several from her friends, some of whom were pledging to a Sorority. Many of the guys on the football team belong to "Pi Kappa Alpha" which has a history of pledging future NFL Football players. I have no strong desire to get into the NFL and I don't think much of the whole concept of Fraternities or Sororities. If Alexis is interested in pledging I would support her decision. I just kept my opinion to myself.

When I got back from registering the car, Alexis already had an early dinner cooking. She was dressed in her "grubbies" as she called them. It consisted of cutoff, frayed jean shorts that were torn up the front of her right leg all the way to her crotch and a ribbed cotton wife-beater tee shirt without a bra. The ribbed material perfectly outlined her tits. Her nipples, although not currently erect, were clearly visible.

She was at the sink washing potatoes and I pinned her there with my hands on her tits. She giggled as I bent down and kissed her on the neck and then growled in her ear. She was a pushover for anything to do with her ears. She moaned and pushed her ass back into my crotch. Her nipples became instantly erect and I twirled my index fingers around each of them. She moaned again and then it was over as quickly as it had started. Braced against the sink, she pushed her ass back hard enough to move me backward. She spun around causing me to lose contact with her tits for a moment. She crossed her arms on her chest blocking any further access. I tried anyway. She said, "No. Not now. I'm busy." I went to grab her ass but she pivoted away. I maneuvered her into a corner and wrapped my arms around her and held her to me. She didn't fight it. She wrapped her arms around my waist and said, "Maybe for dessert," as she looked up at me with a huge grin on her face. I kissed her nose and backed away. She moved back to the sink. I smiled to myself as I stared at her incredible ass swaying from side to side as she scrubbed the potatoes.

So far, cooking was not Alexis' long suit. Her mother had done all the cooking in the house and she had never shown any interest in learning. She could do easy stuff like steak and baked potato and that was fine with me. I certainly wasn't a gourmet. One of those thawed steaks was on the menu tonight.

The steaks were cooked perfectly. We both liked our steaks cooked 'medium' which made it a little easier on her. The potatoes were a little undercooked and a little too hard. She recovered quickly though and shoved them in the microwave for a minute or two. They came out fine and I told her so. She smiled from my compliment but didn't say anything.

I helped her clean up after as she washed the dishes and I dried. We had been switching up every other night. Having no dishwasher was a pain. Even if we got one, there was nowhere to put it. I had hoped that there would be "DESSERT" but Alexis had apparently forgotten about that statement. She had gone immediately to the bedroom to pick out an outfit for tonight. She held up two outfits for me to choose. One was sexy and one was conservative. I chose the sexy one. She giggled and said, "I don't even know why I ask." She laid it out on the bed and retreated to the bathroom.

I heard the shower come on. It would take me minutes to get ready. It would take her an hour and probably more so I turned on the TV and lay on the bed to entertain myself while I waited. The news was on and I drifted off as I tuned out the constant political crap.

I woke with a start as I felt something lightly touch my lips. My eyes flashed open to find Alexis bent over me. She was completely naked. Her hair was just how I liked it with long vertical wavy blonde curls framing her gorgeous face. She had learned some makeup tricks from her sister's wedding hair and makeup experts and her large aqua blue eyes popped. She just had to be the most beautiful woman in the world. She was to me anyway. She bent down and kissed me again and this time I kissed her back. She didn't stay in contact very long. She didn't want to ruin her lipstick. She stood up and shook her tits at me and said, "Come on buster. We've got things to see and people to do." I smiled at her turn of phrase. It would turn out to be prophetic.

I rolled toward the side of the bed Alexis was on and pinched her ass gently. She squealed and pivoted away. I had a boner the size of a Michelob Ultra beer can. It was bouncing everywhere as I chased Alexis around the apartment. She kept looking back as she scrambled around through the bedroom and kitchen. She was giggling and laughing as she crossed her index fingers like she was trying to ward off a vampire as she backed away from the evil advancing cock. I loved her laugh. It was like Julia Robert's laugh in Pretty Woman. It was full throated and genuine. There was nothing fake about Alexis.

I finally trapped her in a corner by the back door and wrapped her in my arms and mauled her neck like I was a vampire. She squealed again. The mauling morphed into a passionate kiss and her laughter changed to a series of moans with her arms around my neck. Alexis whispered in my ear, "Baby. Chill and get ready. I promise you'll get off more times than you want tonight. Okay?" I kissed her once more and backed away. She wrapped her fingers around my turgid cock like she was shaking hands and stroked it several times. She looked up at me and said, "Now get ready before you change my mind." I didn't move until she released my cock. I wasn't about to miss one single stroke.

She strutted past me to the bedroom and started pulling her outfit on. It was a tight leather miniskirt and a bright neon pink thong. On top, she wore a cotton, cold-shoulder, low cut pullover that was one size too small with no bra. It wasn't see-through but not much was left to the imagination. The effect was that I nearly swallowed my tongue after I picked it up off the floor. She giggled when she saw my reaction. She said, "You likey?" as she posed and then changed her position to a different pose. She turned to face away from me and bent forward at the waist and pulled up her skirt to show her ass-cheeks and a glimpse of hot-pink covering her pussy.

I mumbled, "We're not going to make it to a party if you're wearing that because you're not going to be wearing it long."

She giggled again and said, "Well you're going to have to do me in front of the Uber driver. I hired a car so we could drink." I was so hot by then that I would have fucked her in front of the Queen of England. I struggled out of my clothes with a little trouble from my erect cock and pulled on the pants and shirt that Alexis had laid out for me. I went commando too, to be ready if Alexis' prediction became reality.

At 8:00 PM there was a horn blowing in the driveway. I had got my cock back under control and I purposely prevented my mind from dwelling on Alexis. It was a difficult task. She hadn't said it, but I figured she expected to be getting more than she wanted tonight too.

I had to laugh when I saw the Uber driver pull himself toward the windshield with his eyes bugging out when he got a glimpse of Alexis coming down the stairs. I locked the apartment door and deposited the keys in my pocket. The driver launched himself out of his seat to open the door behind him for Alexis to climb in. I don't have much experience with Uber; but I doubted that they held open doors for clients. I walked around to the other side and opened the passenger side rear door and slid in beside Alexis. She looked at me with a huge grin on her face and nodded toward the front seat. I said to the driver, "Hey buddy? Make sure we get there in one piece please." He nodded to the rearview mirror and backed out.

I left the destinations to Alexis. She is the social half of our duo. The driver drove us on campus and after ten minutes pulled up to a big Antebellum style house. Every light was on and cars were parked everywhere. I paid the driver and he gave me his card and said, "Call me if you want to go home or somewhere else." I pocketed his card.

We went inside and the music was blaring and cases of beer clogged the foyer. Two kegs were standing in trash barrels full of ice. Two guys were trying to get beer flowing. I didn't know anyone in sight. I noticed Alexis waving to some very attractive girls and she pulled me along through the crowd toward them. On the way, I noticed that nearly everyone in the room was staring at Alexis. I spotted several of my teammates clustered around Cheerleaders April and Mindy. They weren't in uniform. Their civilian attire was very sexy. They spotted me and sheepishly waved. I waved back to them and then to the teammates. As one them started chanting, "MEAT...MEAT..MEAT." My face flushed bright red and the chant got Alexis' attention.

Alexis looked over at the guys and spotted the 'rude Cheerleaders' that she had briefly met last night. I was trying to avoid them but Alexis led me over. She acted like she wanted an introduction to my teammates but she just wanted another round with April and Mindy. One by one they extended their hands to Alexis and said in unison, "It's great to see you again Alexis." I could tell Alexis was surprised at their greeting after their reaction last night. She ignored April's and Mindy's hands and turned to the guys who to a man were gawking, slack-jawed at her. She was used to this reaction; especially from young guys and she smiled and stuck out her hand and introduced herself. The guys all stammered out their names.

Alexis decided to play with them a little when she innocently said, "Why do you guys call Hunter 'MEAT'?" The guys started glancing all over the room. Even I was amused at their discomfort. They all looked at each other hoping someone would have something to say. April and Mindy had their hands to their mouths stifling laughs.

Finally, one of the guys said, "Umm... It's because he's such a big guy." The statement seemed plausible to the others and they all piped in with random 'yeah's'. April and Mindy couldn't hold back any longer and they burst out laughing. Now all the guy's faces went red.

Alexis said, "Oh. I get it. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you guys. You played a super game last night." She bumped fists with each of them like she had seen them do to each other and then did the same to April and Mindy who didn't know what to do.

Alexis turned away and one of the guys stepped up beside me and said, "Holy fuck Hunter. No offense but I'm going to have a boner for the rest of the night from being in the same room as her." I grinned at him and pumped his fist before falling in behind Alexis as she was again moving toward her friends.

I had never seen these girls before. They were probably freshmen befriended by Alexis during orientation. Alexis introduced them to me. Yu-gin was Asian with long perfectly straight shiny black hair down to her mid-back, she was tiny at maybe 5 foot tall. She was thin and her breasts were small but perfect for her size. I don't know the differences in facial features of Asian people so I didn't know what nationality her heritage was. She seemed shy and would only steal glances at me.

Josie was about the same height as Alexis and was the prettiest of the three. She had straight dark brown hair below her shoulders that was parted in the middle. In the dim lighting her eyes looked black, almost sinister. Her makeup was obviously playing that up. They were as large as Alexis' eyes but set a little wider. She was thicker in the middle than Alexis but her stomach was flat and her hips were narrow. Her breasts were larger than Alexis' and her nipples were hardening as she stared at me. I was more than familiar with the lascivious look on her face.

Nina stood about 5'4" tall with huge tits. She was a little chunky in the hips and ass but her waist line was trim. She had short spiky blonde hair with numerous neon color stripes dyed in. She had a pierced lip and considering all that, she was quite pretty. She was standing the closest to me and she had to crane her neck way up to look at me which seemed to be acceptable to her because she didn't stop looking at me. When I looked down at her I got a pretty good show of her ample cleavage.

Alexis introduced me to her friends and explained that I was her fiancé and she flashed her engagement ring around without even realizing she'd done it. They had obviously already seen it but they couldn't resist watching the rainbow beams dance along the walls. They were all pretty much dressed the same in skinny jeans, heels and bright cotton tee shirts.

I noticed that they were all nursing drinks so I asked Alexis what she wanted to drink and I excused myself to hunt down the kitchen which is where I assumed the non-beer drinks were coming from. The house was huge and it was overflowing with eighteen to twenty-two year old students. I didn't encounter anyone older than that as I made my way through the crowd.

Since I was taller than virtually everyone else in the room, I noticed that April was cutting across the room to intersect with my path. She came out of the crowd in front of me and stood there forcing me to stop. I noticed she had a mixed drink in her hand and I said, "You obviously know where to get a drink. Lead the way." She smiled at me and took my hand and led me to the kitchen. All the bottles you could imagine were on a counter. No one appeared to be making drinks so it was a make your own. I was not a bartender and didn't know where to start. I could have figured out a 'rum and coke' or 'scotch and soda' but of course Alexis' drink order was an "Apple Martini".

April stood there beside me as I was obviously confused. She asked what I was making and I told her. She smiled and took me by the hand again and led me to the other end of the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Vodka and another bottle with 'Apple Liqueur' on the label. She mixed those up in an ice filled metal shaker and added a splash of lemon juice. She grinned up at me and added more vodka and shook the concoction for several seconds. She poured the mixture into a martini glass. April mixed herself another drink and we walked back through the gauntlet of students to Alexis and her friends. I grabbed a 16 oz solo cup of beer on the way. I expected that April would peel off toward her crowd but she didn't; she stood there sipping her drink beside Alexis.

Alexis noticed that she wasn't just passing through so she introduced everyone to April and vice versa. Alexis didn't pay much attention to April as she was engaged in conversations with her friends. April seemed to just want to be near Alexis like a puppy even though she knew she was being snubbed by Alexis.

The drinks were flowing and I had returned to the kitchen to renew Alexis' drink three times and I had grabbed up a few Solo Cups of beer in between. I was pretty buzzed. Alexis seemed to be well past buzzed. April had gone off to find Mindy who along with her football entourage had disappeared. After bringing back another drink for Alexis, I decided to mingle. If anything there were more people at the party than when we arrived and not many looked sober. I could hardly maneuver through the halls. I could see over the crowd and the only person I recognized was Morgan, the third Cheerleader on the bus last night. She waved from across the room and I made my way through to her. She grinned up at me and offered her hand. I shook it and said, "April and Mindy are here somewhere."

Morgan staggered against me and I caught her. Slurring her words badly, she said, "They're upstairs. I think." She looked down at my crotch and then back up at my face. "I think they are hoping you'll finnnnddd themmm," she said as she staggered against an antique table and accidently on purpose grabbed my cock through my pants trying to steady herself. I maneuvered her into a chair by the table as she released her grip on my pants. She just grinned up at me and went back to her Solo Cup. I looked back over the crowd and chose a path of least resistance toward the stairwell.

Two steps up the stairway I ran into one of my teammates bounding down the stairs. He was buckling his pants with one hand and zipping up with the other. He was pretty wasted. When he saw me he yelled, "Meat! I was asked to go get you. Dude, you don't want to miss out on this. They're asking for you." I was completely confused and he tried to be clearer without success.

I finally said, "Just show me." He threw an arm around my back like he was steadying me but he was steadying himself and we staggered back up the stairs and down the hall to the last door on the left. Several of my teammates were milling around in the hall by the door. They all started grinning when I appeared. I discarded the guy who was steadying me. In hopes that I would find one of these guys who could form a sentence I said, "Hey guys. What's going on?" One of the guys handed me a black sleep mask and told me to put it on and step into the room when the door opens.

I was more than curious after what the guy on the stairs had said and now this. I did as instructed and when the door opened and a female voice said, "Next," I took two steps into the room and stopped when I felt a hand on my crotch. Without a word spoken, hands went to my buckle and zipper. I grabbed the hand on my buckle only to confirm that it belonged to a female. I didn't like being blind while someone fondled my junk. The slender wrist and long nails confirmed it for me. I released the hand and it went back to my belt buckle.

My cock was getting very hard and the position in my pants was getting uncomfortable. A hand slipped inside my zipper and when the hand touched my cock, a female voice mumbled out, "Holy Fuck. You ladies ain't handling this monster." The hand pulled my cock out into the cool air. I felt a hand attempt to wrap around my cock and then I felt something soft on my glans and my cock surged harder. I recognized the sensation of a pair of lips trying to stretch over my velvety crown and then another female voice said, "Jeannie. You're not in the competition." The lips pulled away but the hand remained and she was squeezing hard trying to close her fingertips together.

The hand pulled me two steps further into the room and the same voice said, "Okay. Since you haven't been here before and believe me, I'd remember if you had, here are the rules. You will get two minute blowjobs from each of five unnamed Cheerleaders. You don't have to do anything except make it through without blowing your wad. If you don't make it, you're out of the competition and your vote won't count. After the last one, you will vote by number for the best blowjob of the five and then you'll be lead out of the room. Don't take off your blindfold until you are outside. Understood?" I grinned and nodded. I was thinking, 'How did I stumble into this?'

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