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Pool Boy Ch. 36


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Alexis and I dressed and said our good-nights. They were all in various states of undress and they didn't look like they were going anywhere for a while. We had a busy day preparing for tomorrow night. We drove across town to the Bar-B-Q joint that Rachel had taken us to. The food was as delicious as the first time.

We were still coming down from the stress of the finals and we immediately retired to the bedroom. With the lights out we talked about our plans for Rachel and Mitch when the inevitable orgy started. I spooned in behind Alexis and cupped one of her tits in my top hand. I couldn't resist tweaking her nipple and she giggled as she pushed my hand away. I rested my hand on the gentle curve of her hip and slowly moved it back up her body to her tit again. I didn't do anything except hold it. We both fell asleep like that.

The alarm startled me awake and Alexis groaned and rolled over and buried her head under her pillow. Jesus, I'd be glad when the Bowl game was over and I could have my life back. I grabbed my clothes and staggered into the kitchen. I made a cup of coffee and pulled my clothes on. The only illumination was a nightlight beside the sink. I did my bathroom stuff and kissed Alexis. She pursed her lips but didn't wake up.

When I got home a few hours later, Alexis was still in bed puffing away in deep sleep. She was on her back with one arm across her face. The bedclothes had been pushed down below her breasts and my cock was responding as usual to her naked body. I watched her irregular breathing for a couple minutes before I toed off my shoes, pulled my shirt over my head and pulled my sweatpants to the floor. After showering at the field house I had gone commando like usual.

I stood there at the bottom of the bed with my burgeoning cock in hand. I jacked on it until it was at full size. I lifted the bedcovers hanging over the bottom of the bed and crawled in under. Alexis's legs were spread wide and I slowly moved up between them without touching her. I exhaled on her sex a couple times. I bent down a little closer and pushed the tip of my tongue out toward her pussy. I very gently touched her outer labia and got no response. I slowly ran the tip of my tongue over her pussy lips. This elicited a soft moan but didn't wake up. I pulled back when she pushed her hand down to rest on her mon pubis and her fingers dipped inside her inner labia and ran them around the perimeter. I watched for a moment to see what she was going to do next.

Alexis settled back into her puffing noises and pulled her fingers back out of her sex. I pushed forward again and lightly licked my tongue along her outer labia and touched her clitoris. She moaned again and flexed her hips upward and then dropped them again. I touched her clitoris again and her hips repeated the same action. She stopped puffing and I thought she was about to come awake. With a feather touch, I dragged my tongue between her labia and pushed in gently until I could feel the folds of her inner labia.

The covers lifted and she peered down at me with a grin on her face. She said, "Now that's a great way to wake in the morning. I was having the most delicious dream. I didn't want to wake up. I guess I know what was causing the dream now." I smiled up at her and pushed my tongue into her pussy. She groaned loudly. She lifted her hips wanting more. I drilled my tongue deep in her sex and fucked her with it at a furious pace. I slowed the pace and quickened the pace and pulled out and flicked on her clitoris and then went low to drill my tongue into her anus. She was screaming by the time she exploded into her orgasm. Her legs were thrashing everywhere as her hands locked into my hair and pulled me into her sex. Her teeth were clenched tight and she seethed air in and out. I sucked her outer labia between my lips and hung on as she thrashed around.

Alexis stopped thrashing and settled down. Her breathing continued to be very ragged. She finally released my hair and I released her pussy lips. I pushed my body up along hers and took a breath of cool air and kissed her hard on the lips. She kissed back and threw her arms around my neck and pulled her face up into my neck and said, "Jesus Christ. That was amazing. Save me one of those for tonight. Okay?"

I pulled back and smiled as I nodded. We jumped in the shower, which as usual, deteriorated into another fuck-fest while sitting on the marble floor under the stream of multiple shower heads. We dried each other and made ready for the day. We expected deliveries to start soon.

Noah showed up around noon and we visited until things started happening. The Caterer showed up earlier than we expected but she seemed to know what she was doing so we left her to it. Chuck brought the booze and two kegs along with trash barrels and a ton of ice. I thought the better course of action was to set up the kegs in the garage and let people navigate the stairs. Alexis thought that was dumb so the kitchen was the only other logical place. Chuck, Noah and I lugged the kegs up the stairs and set them up in the trash-cans and ice in the middle of the kitchen floor. The bottles of alcohol went on the breakfast nook table along with plastic cups and other stuff. Soda cans were piled up in the refrigerator. Chase showed up with his Karaoke machine and he set it up against a wall in the Living Room. He tested it and we found out he can sing. Who knew?

Chase and Chuck left and Noah disappeared to his guest room. Alexis and I sat down on the sofa and surveyed the chaos as a squad of Caterers scurried everywhere. They all just appeared at the same time. I wondered if they came on a bus or something. They were mostly young, in their mid-twenties. I became aware of one young guy who kept staring at Alexis. Not that that was so unusual. It was just something about him. Alexis noticed him too and she leaned over to me and said, "That guy over there, staring at me, looks familiar some-how. He gives me the creeps." I hadn't picked up on the 'looking familiar' thing, but he sure was creepy.

I pulled the Head Caterer aside and asked about the 'creepy guy'. She told me that he was new. They had just hired him this past week. This was his first gig. That information didn't make me feel very good but I let it go. I kept one eye on him though.

Alexis got up and said she was going to start getting ready. Her getting ready is a couple hour ordeal. Mine is fifteen minutes. I watched her go and noticed 'creepy-guy' watch her go too. When she was gone down the hallway, he looked back at me and smiled. One of his front teeth was broken and left a black gap. That smile raised the hairs on the back of my neck. 'Where do I know this guy from?' I thought. He wasn't working on anything of importance; he was just there. I figured that he, being new could account for that.

Rachel and Mitch showed up to see if they could help. I couldn't see how. Rachel had a ton of experience with setting up parties so she just inserted herself in the process and she went straight for the Head Caterer. They hugged and kissed. They were obviously old acquaintances. Mitch and I stood around watching people scurrying everywhere. I noticed that Mitch went rigid. She was looking past me at 'creepy-guy'. Her face morphed from a grin into look of fear. I said, "Do you know that guy?"

She hesitated for a moment as she tried to search her memory banks. Her facial muscles twitched like she wanted to say yes but her answer was, "No. I don't think so. There's something that sparks a memory cell; and not in a good way either." I nodded my agreement. Mitch didn't want to look at him anymore so we went to the kitchen and leaned against the counter and chatted. I hadn't seen Mitch for a while. It was good to see her out of her wheelchair and with no cast on her leg. Her face was nearly healed and I thought to myself, 'She is a beautiful woman.'

I thought back to that night in the parking lot. She had been beaten nearly to death and if Alexis and I hadn't interceded, she probably wouldn't be here with us today. I mentally compared the beauty before me now to the broken grotesque face then. I remembered her screaming as the two guys held her down on the hood of the car while their buddy prepared to rape her. My memory flashed to the guy pushing his cock back in his pants and stepping up to me. His buddies were ten feet away and smiling as they were sure I was going to regret interrupting them. I remembered thinking the same thing. I formed visions in my mind of that night: The leader strutting toward me. His two buddies grinning as they held Mitch down on her back. The closest guy was fishing in his pants for his knife. The guy on the far side was just grinning. He had a black gap in his grin from a broken front tooth.

I shot off the counter and startled Mitch. She looked at me as I was heading full steam into the living room. Creepy-guy wasn't there. I did a three-sixty and shot down the hallway. My heart was about to explode. Mitch was running behind me. The whole world went into slow-motion. Like in those horror movies, the hallway seemed to get longer and longer the faster I tried to get to the end. Noah, alerted by Mitch yelling "What's wrong", threw open his door as I ran by. He was saying something but the blood pounding in my ears rendered him mute. He followed behind Mitch.

I burst into the master bedroom and my worst fears were confirmed. Alexis was on the bed on her back. She wore only her bra and panties and 'creepy-guy' was on top of her between her legs trying to get his zipper down. He had a knife in his other hand which was also holding Alexis' hands against the headboard. A tee shirt was stuffed in her mouth. Our eyes locked and she had the most pitiful, terrified look in her eyes pleading for me to save her.

'Creepy-guy' had heard the commotion and was trying to put the knife to Alexis' throat but as soon as he released her hands to do that she went for his eyes with her fingernails. He was forced to grab her hands to protect his face and I locked my eyes onto the knife, which was back up on the headboard again, and hurled myself through the air and grabbed his knife hand. We tumbled off the far side of the bed as Mitch and Noah burst in behind me.

My world consisted of nothing but that knife at that moment and I wrenched his wrist around and heard it snap. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. He screamed in slow-motion and the knife clattered off a leg of the nightstand. He was trying to hit me. Well, I guess he was hitting me but I didn't feel a thing. Noah ran to help and got a kick in the gut for his troubles. Mitch suddenly recognized where she knew 'creepy-guy' from and she started screaming. Alexis leaned over the bed and grabbed the knife off the floor and rolled to the other side of the bed. She was crying and screaming too. Rachel burst into the room to see what was going on and she started screaming.

Most of the action was over before the Head Caterer burst into the room. She saw me sitting on top of her employee beating the crap out of him. She was confused and tried to get Rachel calmed down to explain what was going on. That turned out to be useless because Rachel didn't know. But Mitch did and she started yelling, "He is one of the guys. Mom; he is one of the guys."

Rachel's face masked into one of fierce determination as she instantly reacted to Mitch's words. She moved quickly around the bed and with me sitting on his chest pummeling his face, Rachel kicked 'creepy-guy' as hard as she could in the balls. Noah didn't know who this crazed woman was so he tried pulling her back. She fought loose and wound up and kicked the guy again in the same spot. Every ounce of air exploded from his lungs and he tried to curl up in a fetal position but my weight on him prevented it. I could see from the horrified look on his face that the pain was building higher and higher. I chuckled to myself. I knew what he was feeling about now. Alexis was on the phone calling 9-1-1.

I didn't get off the guy until the cops pulled me off. They cuffed him and led him out. The Head Caterer was apologizing profusely to Rachel and Rachel was just waving her away. She wanted Mitch and they stood there in the bedroom clutching each other. My only concern was for Alexis and I hugged her tight as she fiercely clung to me. She suddenly burst out crying; sobbing really. I was trying to examine her to see if she was hurt but didn't realize it was due to her adrenaline high. I motioned the others out of the room and sat down on the bed with Alexis in my lap. I held her tight until she stopped crying. She finally said, "I'm okay. He was the guy who got away that night." I nodded. "He said that he had been following me ever since he recognized me on TV as the girl in the Subaru that night. He got everything he needed to know from the TV station." As the adrenaline worked its way from her system she started trembling. I held her to me until she stopped.

The Police were interviewing Rachel and Noah and Mitch and now they wanted to talk to Alexis alone and then me. Rachel told us after that the Detective had said that his buddies hadn't given him up and they had no idea who he was. They are ecstatic that they now have that whole gang responsible for raping and murdering college girls going back to last year. Alexis shuddered at the realization that she could have been killed. Mitch and Alexis had a connection now and they huddled together and held each other as they burst into tears again.

Rachel got me aside and with tears in her eyes said, "Thank you Hunter, again. Alexis said that this guy told her that the bitch that got away in the other room was next. I don't know what I can do to repay you, not just for Mitch but for this entire University and this community." I could feel my face getting red with embarrassment.

I said, "When I saw the terror in Alexis' eyes, all conscious thought evaporated. The guy was going down. I didn't care if he had a machine gun." Rachel pushed into me and held me as tears burst from my eyes. I was embarrassed again.

She pulled back and said, "You know, the Police Commissioner is not going to let you off the hook now that the rest of the gang is in custody. He will contact you about how, when and where, but you two are heroes again; like it or not." She turned to walk away and then turned back to me and said, "If you're still going to have your party tonight it would probably be best for everyone for this to remain quiet for the time being." She looked quickly around the room and then reached down and pinched the bulge hanging down my left pant leg. She released it immediately and said, "I'm looking forward to the party, if it's still on. Keep me as low-key as you can. Okay?" She started to turn away again but stopped and said, "Oh, and remember that Mitch doesn't know anything about me and you guys."

The opportunity presented itself and I took it. I said, "She may not know about you and us but we know about you two." Rachel eyes were all over the room searching for the right words. Her eyes widened and her lower lip trembled for a moment.

Rachel said, "Well I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Her eyes flitted around the room so she wouldn't have to look me in the eyes.

I smiled at her and said, "It's absolutely okay. It's probably not my place to say but Alexis has a sexual relationship with her mother and it is the most beautiful thing ever." Rachel's eyes dropped to the floor and her shoulders dropped as if in resignation.

She was biting her lower lip when she looked back up at me. She had tears in her eyes as she quietly said, "It started by accident when Mitch was eighteen. Jesus, that was eight years ago. I'd had a big fight with my husband. I don't even remember what it was about. He stomped out and Mitch came to console me. She was holding me as I cried. I don't even remember who made the first overture but the next thing I knew we were kissing and fondling and I was so horny. I didn't have a clue about lesbian sex. I don't think Mitch did either but it was happening and we figured it out. I knew it was wrong. She knew it was wrong too. We've known it was wrong ever since but we've needed each other, especially after my husband died."

I pulled her to me and hugged her. "Perhaps we can help. As you know Alexis is very good at lesbian sex. I think she loves it almost as much as she loves sex with me. I think it is so hot to see two women together. It sure spices things up." She pulled back and looked up at me. I said, "Do you really think Mitch doesn't know you've had sex with us?"

She said, "She obviously knows I have had sex with someone from the cum in my hair." She giggled and went on, "I'm sure she doesn't know it was you."

I asked her, "Do you want her to know? Do you want to have a four way with you and Mitch and us?"

She said, "I do, but I'm afraid she will be jealous if she found out about my tryst with you two and I would hate to mess with our relationship. I also would hate to never feel the touch of a man like you touched me."

I responded, "Would you be jealous if you found out Mitch had had sex with let's just say Alexis."

She responded immediately, "Of course not."

I said, "I think you guys are thinking too much. We'll take care of everything tonight. Okay?" She looked a little confused but she nodded and then turned and went back to converse with the Head Caterer. I thought, 'She may be confused now but when this party turns into an orgy tonight, all will be revealed.'

I found Alexis in the master bathroom. She was wrapped in a towel with a second one wrapped around her head. I was concerned with her mental state. What she just went through was traumatic. I wondered if we should put this party off or not. I brought it up to her and she assured me that she was fine. She professed that she was looking forward to tonight. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pushed myself close. I bent down and kissed her on the side of the neck and she groaned and tipped her head away from mine encouraging me to continue. I did and she groaned as her eyes closed and her mouth hung open. Her hands put down her makeup brush and grabbed the edge of the counter to steady herself.

I let my hands move up to release the towel and let it drop to the floor. Her nipples were rock hard as I ran my palms lightly over them. I kissed my way up her exposed neck to her earlobe and nibbled on it. She groaned again and a sudden spasm surged through her. Her hands covered mine urging me to be more aggressive with her tits and then they immediately dropped back to the counter as her knees buckled slightly. She steadied herself again and then she reached one hand around behind her and unzipped my pants. My cock flopped out into her hand and she stroked it with a backward hand-job motion. She was moaning constantly as she gasped a lungful of air in and then moaned it out again.

Alexis dragged the tip of my cock up the crack of her ass and rubbed the head over her ass-cheeks. I flicked my tongue along the cartilage of her ear. She gasped another lungful of air and whispered, "Baby, you're so hard. You've got me so horny." She leaned forward over the sink as she finished her statement. My hands followed her tits lower. She guided my cock to the top of her thighs and into her sex and then pushed back against me. I held my position and let her control the action at least until I was fully embedded in her pussy.

Her face was inches from the mirror when she opened her eyes. Her face had contorted into mask that closely resembled agony as I had begun my fucking motion. She looked at her reflection and giggled along with her moan. She said, "Oh my God. Look at me. I don't know why you like making love to someone who looks like she is in pain like I do right now." I was concentrating on the job at hand and didn't even open my eyes to look.

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