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Pool Boy Ch. 36


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When she felt the first indications of her orgasm, she already knew that I wasn't far away either. I was drilling my cock into her and both of us were groaning and moaning constantly. I hooked my fingers into her hip-bones and used the leverage to ramp up the pace. Alexis' mouth fell open in a silent scream. One hand was on the mirror and the other was buried in her crotch. Her fingers were spread wide so that my cock slid between them. Then she let her fingers run the length of my cock and then curl under my balls as I pushed in.

Alexis' legs started trembling and she humped her hips up further on the counter to take the pressure off them. After several minutes, my balls screwed up into my body and ejected a huge load of cum. I groaned out, "Fuck Babe. I'm cummmminnngggg."

The first salvo erupted before I finished the sentence and Alexis pushed her forehead against the mirror and groaned, "No Shit. Jesus. Oh fuck. Here I go. Yesssss." I humped my hips up into her with each rope of cum. Alexis was cumming hard too. She opened her eyes to see what contortions took over her face in the middle of an orgasm. I watched her smile at herself in the mirror. I caught the goofy look on my own face as I launched half-dozen long strong blasts of cum and then slumped forward on her back gasping for air. Her pussy clenched on my cock for a couple minutes after I was done and cum drooled down her legs to the tile floor. We slowly got our breathing back to normal.

Alexis looked at me in the mirror and said, "I guess you're ready to go for tonight. Now I have to take another shower and you aren't invited. I have to get ready and you're distracting me." She giggled and continued, "It was an amazing distraction though."

I laughed and said, "Well I have to shower too. Don't you think we could take one together without distractions?"

She laughed, "I doubt it. I don't want to smell like a prostitute in a whore house when our friends start arriving."

I kissed her and chuckled as I pushed my gooey cock back in my pants. I said, "I'll take one after you're done." I left the bathroom and walked down the hallway to the living room. Rachel was still there 'managing' the Caterers. I walked past toward the kitchen. Rachel broke off her conversation and caught up with me. She took my elbow and led me to the half bathroom off the hallway. I didn't know what she was doing but I was curious to find out. She turned on the faucet and adjusted the temperature to hot. She snatched a facecloth from the towel bar and wet it under the faucet. She turned toward me and said, "Drop your pants. You smell like a prostitute in a whore house." She looked down at my crotch expecting me to move. She said, "Come on. The smell is driving me nuts."

She pushed me backward until my feet hit the toilet and I had to sit down. Rachel squatted and unzipped my pants. She reached in and grabbed my gooey, sticky cock and pulled it out. It was growing from her touch. She looked up at me. Her lower lip was sucked between her teeth. She lightly groaned and then wrapped the hot facecloth around my shaft and wrapped her fingers over the facecloth and started jerking me off in the guise of cleaning my cock.

After a few dozen strokes with the facecloth I mentioned to Rachel that I was probably clean. She stopped her hand and took the facecloth off my cock. As she stared down at my cock she said, "I should just wait until later, huh?" Any plans she had were short-circuited by a knock on the door and a voice saying, "Mom? Are you in there? You need to talk to John." I pushed my cock back in my pants and zipped up.

Rachel stood and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She said, "Um, yes dear. I'll be right out." I moved over behind the door as she opened it and stepped out into the hallway smoothing her tight skirt over her hips. She hefted her breasts into their bra cups.

Mitch looked at her and giggled. "Jesus, mother. What were you doing in there anyway?" She followed her mother down the hallway to the doorway to the main house. "John wants to know what to plan for dinner. I didn't know since we were going to go to Hunter and Alexis' party." Rachel indicated she would talk to John and they went through the door.

I heard a "hello" coming from the garage. I looked at my watch. Our guests were arriving early. I opened the door to the garage and yelled, "Up here." It was Jackson, who had arrived at the same time as Josie and Dean. Dean and Jackson were gawking over the antique cars in the garage bays. Josie couldn't care less and she came up the stairs and kissed and hugged me. The last of the Caterers pushed past us and went down the stairs. I told Josie that Alexis was getting ready and she should go down the hall to our bedroom. I went down the stairs to greet Dean and Jackson who couldn't pull themselves away from the cars. I told them what I could remember about each car. I'm sure I butchered it badly but they were impressed with my obvious knowledge.

The door opened again and Chase and Chuck held it open and waved am arm for Jan, Nina and Yu-Gin to enter. They giggled at their gallantry and Yu-Gin said, "Why thank you kind sirs." Jan and Nina giggled again. Nina, being the sparkplug that she is, ran toward me and launched her short self into me wrapping her legs around my waist and threw a lip lock on me. Yu-Gin laughed and said, "Come on Nina. Save some for the rest of us." Nina dropped to her feet and moved away so Yu-Gin and Jan could hug and kiss me. Chase and Chuck didn't miss a thing and they looked at each other and smirked.

I should have introduced everyone but the girls ran upstairs and Chase and Chuck joined Jackson and Dean gawking at the cars. I was hoping that I could keep these guys from spending the whole party down here. Finally, I clapped my hands and jabbed my thumb toward the door upstairs. They got the message and reluctantly pulled themselves away. They all continued to gawk at the cars as they climbed the stairs.

The girls had all pounded down the hallway to our bedroom. Noah was standing in his doorway watching them go. They all waved and said 'hello' as they passed by. Yu-Gin stopped and stuck out her hand and said, "Hi. I'm Yu-Gin, a friend of Alexis. We're all friends of Alexis'."

Noah accepted her hand and said, "I'm Noah. I'm a friend of Hunter's."

Yu-Gin scanned Noah from head to toe and said, "We'll talk later. Okay?" Noah released her hand and nodded. Yu-Gin followed the others into the Master Bedroom.

Noah came out to the kitchen when he heard me talking to the other guys. I started to introduce him to the others before Dean reminded me that they had all met Noah before. They shook hands all around and because their one collective experience was at Alexis' Graduation Orgy they started reminiscing. Chuck said that he hadn't been laid since and Jackson laughed and pointed at him before confessing that he hadn't either. Chase and Dean didn't say anything and let that whole conversation die right there.

Dean spotted the catered food and he headed in that direction. It was a feast and Dean whistled when he scanned the table. There were platters of bacon wrapped scallops, large peeled shrimp with cocktail sauce, nachos and dip, chicken wings with honey-mustard dip and hot buffalo dip and platters of crackers and cheeses. There was even caviar. I had tried it before and didn't care for it. I figured that came from Rachel.

The guys piled plates full of food and Dean got the kegs going. One was light beer and one was not. They were each one plate and two 16 oz solo cups of beer down before the ladies made an appearance. Alexis lead the entourage into the living room. She was even more gorgeous than gorgeous. She grinned at me and stepped up to each of the guys and hugged and kissed them on the lips. They were ready for the festivities already. Alexis made the introduction between the guys and the girls. Other than Noah we were all students at the University. Everyone shook hands and everyone was sizing up the members of the opposite sex.

Jan had been here before but the others wanted a tour of our "Palace". Everyone was impressed with the size and luxury of each room. After the tour, Chase got the music going. He had already set it up to play a pre-set playlist. For now, the volume was set to background as everyone mingled and ate and drank. The ladies made themselves drinks or poured a beer. There was wine too. Rachel had brought it earlier. In the din of voices, no one heard Mindy and Morgan knocking on the door. They just pushed it open and joined the party. Alexis made the rounds of introductions again. Mindy and Morgan already knew all the girls and Dean. They went around the room shaking hands with all the guys. They checked out the guys they didn't know just as they were being checked out.

Mindy and Morgan spotted the food and Jackson and Chuck offered to fix them a plate. Mindy smiled and touched Jackson on the arm. Mindy moved to the alcohol table and made herself and Morgan a drink. The living room was huge and had plenty of seats for everyone to move around and mingle with whoever rang their bell. Alexis made drinks to replace empty glasses and I poured solo cups full of beer and swapped them with empty cups. Dean made a run on the food table again to Josie's annoyance. It was clear to everyone that Dean and Josie was an item.

Yu-Gin liked the looks of Noah, but he seemed to like the looks of Jan. She was taller than him and he and I had had discussions before about how girls taller than us turned us on. I had only ever met one. The fact that she was gorgeous didn't hurt either. I couldn't tell if Jan was interested in Noah or not. Jackson and Chuck were hitting on Mindy and Nina. Morgan was quiet and sitting off to the side. She was going to be our Madison from Alexis' Graduation Party.

A third round of booze loosened things up even more and now everyone was invading personal spaces and touching the objects of their desire. Everyone knew what was going to happen but no one knew what would set things off. My money was on our sparkplug, Nina. Alexis and I had talked about boundaries. She had already had sex of some kind with all the guys here and for that matter, all of the girls too except for maybe Morgan. She couldn't remember.

Morgan had helped Mindy jerk me off on the bus and I had sex of various kinds with the others, except for Mitch, who had yet to make an appearance. We decided there were no boundaries. We were free to "strap-on", Alexis' words, whoever we fancied. Another thing we agreed on was that she and I had to work together to get Rachel and Mitch together with us so there would be no more secrets between them.

As if on cue, Rachel and Mitch appeared in the kitchen doorway. Everyone looked and everyone wondered who the older lady was. I had never seen Rachel dressed casually. She looked great. Mitch was dressed like everyone else. I stood up and motioned them to come and sit down. I introduced Rachel and Mitch to the crowd and then went around the room with names I knew they would never remember. Rachel took one step into the living room and turned back and stuck her hand back toward the kitchen. Someone else was behind her. Rachel turned back to me and said, "I'm sorry, I invited Crystal."

Crystal pushed past Rachel and said, "It's my fault. Rachel let it drop that you were having a house party and I begged her to invite me." She looked around the room and continued, "If it's a problem I can go. No problem." I looked back into the room and every guy and most of the girls were smiling and nodding for her to stay. My cock was screaming, "STAY". I welcomed her and introduced her all around as well. She was dressed like she was the first time I met her; a little risqué for a woman of her station, but perfect for this crowd. I could tell that Alexis liked what she saw. She nodded at me and mouthed the words, "She's beautiful."

Rachel and Mitch made themselves drinks and moved into the living room to mingle. Crystal grabbed up a solo cup and poured herself a beer. She walked past me and said, "I grew up on beer but I never get to have any at the high society soirées I frequent. This is going to be a treat." I smiled and thought, "You have no idea."

Rachel explained to the others that she is a next door neighbor. She made it sound like she lived down the road. It was always a prudent thing to do to invite the neighbors to attend a potentially rowdy party. That way, they're not calling the Police. I smiled over at her. I thought it would be better if the students at this party didn't know she was the Chancellor of the University. It would put the clamps on this party and could be embarrassing for her at some point. She was a social person and had no problem mingling and chatting with the group.

Mitch explained who she was and that she presently was recuperating from an accident. Mitch didn't have a job but she was talking like she was going to get one after the holidays. She seemed right at home with a this group of her peers.

Crystal eyed the crowd for a moment and apparently decided she liked the looks of Chase. I wasn't surprised. Chase is a good looking guy with long blonde hair over his ears. He looked kind of like a young blonde Paul McCartney. He's also tall at 6'2". Crystal moved gracefully through the crowd and found a seat next to Chase. I watched them shake hands.

We were an hour into the party and everyone seemed to be settling in and getting buzzed. People were moving around mingling with other groups of three or four. Rachel mostly kept to herself. She was the odd one out, which was fine. She was really here for a purpose, which I expected to be getting into fairly soon. Crystal mingled well. She didn't look any older than the rest of us. Josie seemed more than a little possessive with Dean. He was fully engaged with conversations with Mitch and Crystal and it didn't look like Josie liked it much.

Nina's laughter could be heard above the din. It was an infectious laugh. She was also getting pretty drunk. I walked around the periphery of the room to meet her half-way to the food table. I bent down to say something to her and she stretched up and kissed me open mouth on the lips. Alexis noticed but the others apparently didn't. I had to peel her off me. I said, "Nina. Go slow. You don't want to be passed out on the floor when the action starts do you?"

She looked at me and her eyes seemed to be going in and out of focus. Maybe I was too late already. Nina screwed her eyes back into focus and said in a loud voice, "Well, when does the action start. Do I have to start it myself?" I glanced around the room and every eye was on us. The conversations had stopped. Other than the music playing in the background you could have heard crickets.

My glance fell on Alexis, who was grinning. She mouthed the words, "You Win." The whole scan of the crowd took two or three seconds and in that time, Nina dropped to her knees, unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. I had intentionally gone commando tonight. I suspected everyone here was too. She immediately started jerking me off with both hands as she grinned up at me. I just shook my head as she nodded hers.

When Nina let go of my cock so she could stand up and remove her clothes, Mitch's eyes went wide when she saw the size of my cock. She muttered, "Oh my fucking gawwdddd." Crystal, who was sitting beside Mitch, was as wide-eyed and she said, "Fuck. What she said."

Nina was intent on getting the party going full speed ahead. I figured she would ease into it by giving me a blow-job and let the temperature around the room rise gradually. That was not her plan. She unhooked her bra and stripped her shorts to the floor. 'Yep, commando', I thought. She jumped up into my arms and threw her arms around my neck and attacked my lips again. I held her to me with my hands under her ass-cheeks. My cock was bobbing up and down just below her ass. She was reaching back behind her trying to grab my cock and guide it into her pussy. Jan got up and came over to assist. She knelt in front of me and took my bouncing cock and instead of guiding it up to Nina's sex, she stretched her lips over the glans and pushed herself down my shaft stopping to adjust as she had learned the hard way to do.

There had not been a sound from anyone until Jan was licking on my balls with my cock buried in her throat. A chorus of "Oh my gawwddd," or "Jesus, how does she do that," or "You go girl," swept the room. Alexis was amused by the various reactions. She was watching Rachel who had the sultriest look on her face. Jan took several trips up and down my shaft before she pulled off and guided my glans to Nina's pussy. She was gyrating her ass all around searching for it and when she felt it, she released the grip on my neck and allowed herself to just fall onto it. She screamed hard from the girth. I took her weight in my hands and held her in place so she could adjust.

I turned and pressed her back against the wall from the living room to the dining room. Her legs were still locked around me but she was losing her strength. I fucked my cock up into her and she screamed again. Between gasps of air, she moaned out, "Oh my gawwddd. Oh my gawwddd," over and over again.

This seemed to get the others going. Josie had Dean's cock out and was jerking him off as she was unbuttoning her blouse. Yu-Gin stood and stripped out of her clothes as Jackson knelt between her legs and began eating her pussy. He had his cock in his hand and Morgan promptly displaced his hand with her mouth. Clothes were hitting the floor everywhere. Even Crystal shed her clothes to join the fray. Rachel and Mitch sat there looking everywhere as couples joined up and started sucking, licking and fucking.

Noah was staring at Alexis with his extra long cock in his hand. Alexis wasn't in to Noah much but she liked his 9" cock. She smiled at him and motioned him over. His grin nearly split his face in half. As he walked through the throng of bodies in various sexual positions, several hands came up and grabbed his cock. He paid no attention to anyone but Alexis. She was pulling off her clothes and she had gone commando too. Alexis maneuvered Noah into a recliner chair and knelt in front of him. I watched him cross the room heading for Alexis. I prayed that he didn't cum the second she touched him. He's a fragile person and the embarrassment would crush him. Then I remembered his multiple encounters with Olivia and Sophia this past summer and I was sure he would do fine. I scanned the room to see who was with whom. I wasn't surprised to see Mitch and Rachel just watching as they held each other's hand. They were well beyond horny though as their red-flushed faces revealed. I caught a glimpse of Crystal riding Chase's cock reverse cow-girl style as his head flailed from side to side. I went back to concentrating on fucking Nina.

The party was in full swing. It probably wouldn't stop until morning. A room full of teens and twenty year old fucking and sucking was a powerful display or raw sexual energy that fed off itself. It wouldn't dissipate any time soon.

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shyspudshyspudover 3 years ago

wow, you sure know how to bring a chapter to close....fuck!

kaidmankaidmanover 6 years ago
dynamite chapter

good chapter it helped further the story by settling certain questions and problems that could have led to possible plot holes keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Repetitive ...

The six is starting to get very familiar. I find myself looking forward to the football game.

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