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Problem Child

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What a mother will do to keep her affair secret.
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Sara is married with a son named Frederick. He is 18 years old. Her husband Steve is always working, she considers him a workaholic. Sara a 45 year old stay at home mom, who feels she is missing out on life, she has a nice house and new car, but she is lonely, finding excitement having an affair with her husband's accountant Robert. The nightmare starting in December five months ago, when stopping over her house not only going over household expenses, Robert talked the lovely mature mother out of her panties, ending up on the couch, her nude and him between her legs eating her and finally talking her into intercourse.

Today Robert stopping by to deliver current financial information for her husband, it is Friday afternoon, a replay of their first time copulating ensued, the couple ending up on the living room couch. Her nude, with her legs spread, him rubbing her vagina vigorously with his right hand, she is moaning loudly, Bob playing with her nipples with his left hand, when from the side door her son calling out and walking in on them. She hurriedly is covering her body, by pulling her dress over her torso and Bob quickly moving away both looking guiltily at her son.

Freddie said, "Hi guys!" Smiling at them and went to his room without a backwards glance, seeing their intimate activity as he entered the house, but not acknowledging he saw anything.

Bob left and Sara went to Freddie's room to talk to him. He said nothing about what he saw. She let it go rationalizing, "Maybe he didn't notice." She thought.

A few days later Freddie came home from school with a hand full of papers. He gave them to his mother and said, "You or dad has to help me with these the teacher said."

Sara opened up the literature, the year was 1980, the educational system was testing a prototype for health class in their school system under a grant from the federal government; it was a sex education booklet called 'Your Body and You' for seniors in high school. On the inside of the first page was a notice to the parents asking them to go through the material with their children? Sara was embarrassed by the content of the booklet, as the subject of sex was never talked about in their family. On the other hand Fred was not completely innocent he has had a few girlfriends he has gotten to third base with, but he really wanted to get to know his mother better. He knows she is fooling around with Robert from what he saw the other day when he came home.

"I will have your dad go over this material with you Freddie." Said Sara.

"I want you to go over this material with me Mom, dad is never home. I need to know the material for a test in the next few days." Said Freddie.

She sighed and said, "OK."

Everything is going well while they are going over the male anatomy and Freddie knows most of the answers for the quiz. When coming to the female anatomy, Freddie feigned ignorance about the female anatomy as his mother asked him questions from the test.

Sara was shocked when Freddie while looking the diagram of the female anatomy asked Sara. "Is this what you look like Mom?"

Sara turning red said, "Yes Fred, all women have basically the same body parts."

"Great" Freddie said, "I need to see you naked, so I can pass the test."

Sara almost fainted she was so embarrassed saying. "I don't think it would be right, I am your mother."

"Oh, it's OK to show your body to Robert who was here the other day, but not me your son, so I can learn something right?" Fumed Freddie as he walked out of the study.

Sara was very frightened presently, if Steve her husband ever found out he would divorce her. She realized she was in big trouble at this moment.

The next morning as Freddie was leaving for school he gave his mother an ultimatum saying. "Mom I am going to tell dad what I saw the other day in the living room, if you don't let me use you as a model to become familiar with the female form, when I get home from school today."

Sara is nervous about the afternoon when Freddie comes home. She didn't know what to do, after giving the situation much thought, rationalizing she is performing a service showing her son what a woman looks like, so women won't be a mystery to him as far as their anatomy is concerned. Their thought process will be a mystery him, as he will find out when he interacts with women throughout his life.

Sara is upset with her current problem, if she didn't have their accountant come to their house, she wouldn't be in this situation presently. They should have gone to a motel as they usually did. She will have to deal with it this afternoon, when Freddie comes home, if he says anything to her. Hopefully he was just trying to get her attention and will not make her go through the humiliation of having to show him her body.

Sara called Robert, "Robert you busy?"

"No, why?" Asked Robert.

"Can we go to Motel 6 for a few hours I have something I want to run by you." Said Sara.

"I will be there in about 20 minutes." Said Robert.

When Sara arrived at the Motel Robert had already paid for a room and was waiting in his car for her. They entered room 12 and before the door closed Sara was undressing, lying on the bed relaying to Robert what she will have to do after Freddie gets home from school. Robert was playing with the mature woman's pussy throughout her description of her afternoon when her son arrives home.

By the time she was done describing her coming humiliation Robert had 3 of his fingers in her pussy pumping them in and out of her box on her way to her first orgasm of the day. Robert ripped off his clothes and joined Sara on the bed. She slid down to take his organ in her mouth deep throating him. He did not last long Cuming in her mouth she swallowed the whole load not missing a drop. Sara sucked his cock back to life and he rolled her over, got between her legs and pushed his cock into her with one slow long stroke, picking up speed as their passion grew. They both came at the same time.

Fred came home at 3:00 from school he had more papers for her. She put them aside for now. Sara had to find out if Freddie remembered about this morning, if he was going to tell his father, if she didn't let him see her nude.

"Well!" Freddie said.

Sara's heart pounded in her chest as she says. "Well, what?"

"Are you going to help me with health class?" Said Freddie.

"OK!" she said, "But only one time."

"No!" Fred said, "When I tell you I want to see you, you're going to have to let me or I will tell Dad."

Sara countered, "I will let you examine me whenever you want, as long as you keep your marks up to a 'B+ to low A' during the rest of your school career." Rationalizing she is doing this to give him an incentive to keep his marks up.

Fred thought for a while then said. "That's reasonable; it will give me incentive to keep my marks up. This will continue until I have a girlfriend or leave for college in September." Smiling at his mother happy with the compermise.

Sara could not believe she will have to do this, but she is resigned to the fact she will be nude for her son very soon or be homeless if he tells his father about her affair.

Sara tells Fred, "I want to take a shower first, to be clean for you." What she didn't tell him was this afternoon she met her accountant friend at a motel she was so turned on by the possibility she would be required to expose her body to her son and they ended up having sex, after she told Robert what Freddie wanted her to do for him.

Finishing her shower she could put her humiliation off no longer. Sara draping, a dressing gown over her shoulders leaving it open, proceeding to Freddie's room to face her coming humiliation for her recent transgression observed by her son. Freddie was on his commodore 64 in his room when Sara walked in. He turned, he had seen his mother in the gown before, but all the other times she had on her bra and panties. Today it is opened showing a flash of her breasts and pubic hair ,as she didn't have any underwear on, but in a few minutes he will have her completely naked. He was getting hard, at the thought of seeing his mother naked. To him she is the best looking woman in the world even though she is over 45 years old. She sat on his bed and without a word dropped her Gown to her waist. Sara thought, as long as she was showing her son what a woman looks like, she will show him how to please a woman also.

"Fred I am going to disrobe a little at a time I want to show you how to please a woman in the process of letting you examine me." Said Sara with a blush on her face to her son.

Fred watched his mother touch her breasts and to show Fred how her nipples get erect when touched. She let Fred touch the other nipple and he almost came in is pants. This has never happened when he played with the breasts of girls his age. After about 25 minutes of the breast massage', she stopped Freddie. Sara removed the gown completely, and laid it on the bed. Freddie's mother laid back on the bed, brought her heals back to her bottom she spread her legs to reveal her flower of life to her son for the first time. Sara was in the humiliating position by her own inability to keep her panties on; she was embarrassed to be exposed to her son in this way. To her complete surprise the illicit exposure excited her; she is having many sensations all at the same time. Fred getting between his mothers legs and looking at her flower of life, he could not take his eyes off of her intimate parts, and he could smell her feminine scent. Her scent was like a bouquet of flowers to him.

"She is so beautiful." He thought.

"Mom you should never wear any panties you have such a pretty vagina." He said using the proper noun for her womanhood, as he opened her pussy with is fingers and looking in her womanly sleeve, marveling it is very pink, moist and inviting. Her pubic hair is light brown and very fine.

Sara, reaching between her legs, spreading her lips, to show Freddie the location of her clit, Freddie rubbed her clit as his mother breathlessly told him how to manipulate the little nub, and her clit became erect and hard. Her pussy was open and was very wet, the pussy lips engorging because of her excitement, needing to cum the mature woman is bucking up against her son's fingers.

Freddie asked his mother. "Is your vagina always this wet and open Mom?" Knowing she is sexually excited by his manipulation her pussy.

"No, my dear only when I am excited." She explained somewhat breathlessly as she humped his fingers.

He spent another 45 minutes playing with her. She was close to an orgasm, when the phone rang. It was Steve telling her, he was on the way home, a 20 minute trip. She told Freddie she needed to get dressed, because dad was coming home. She reluctantly covered her body not bothering to dress only covering her nude form with the gown, preparing supper for her men in this atire. They all eat supper telling each other about their day except for the episode Sara and Fred had just before Steve's arrival home. It surprises him the way his wife is dressing in front of their son although pleasantly.

Freddie said, "I am going to John's house to play cards."

"Ok be home by 11." Said his father.

Steve went into the study as Sara cleaned the kitchen after dinner. After she was finished, she removed her gown and walked into the study naked as the day she was born. Steve had his back to her as she moved up to caress his neck with her breasts. Surprised he turned to find his face between her 38c boobs, he sucked one while using his fingers to play with the other. She pulled him up out of his chair and she sat on the couch in the room unbuckled his belt and removed his pants with his underwear both at once. She had his cock in her mouth and deep throated him while she played with his balls.

"I'm going to cum." He groaned trying to have her stop, figuring she will be mad at him for cuming in her mouth.

She just kept sucking him, He grunted and shot rope after rope of cum down her throat amazed his wife had such a talent he didn't realize she had. Steve fell to his knees between his wife's spread legs without a moment's thought he kissed his way to her flower of life and licked her to completion within a minute she was squirting all over his face. Steve would have thought twice before he licked his wife's pussy if he realized he was giving his Accountant a blowjob by proxy. They both took a while to catch their breath. The couple stayed in the intimate embrace for over an hour. Sara was sorry she cheated on her husband and vowed to stop.

They eventually recovered from their after sex bliss, Steve dressed and went back to his desk and work. Sara remained nude retrieved the documents their son brought home from school sat down to look through all the papers. She noticed a signup sheet for health classes stating, female medical models were needed for the school sex education course. The models will be videotaped, but they will be disguised, so the twelfth graders will not know who the female model was. She put the document to the side as she didn't want to be a model for the health classes.

The next morning, after Steve finished breakfast Sara prepared, he kissed her and went to work. While Sara fixed her son's lunch and breakfast, Fred asked about the papers he brought home, because she had to fill out a document, so he could bring it back to school today.

"Which one is that?" Sara asked.

"The model statistic sheet. I signed you up, you just need to fill out the papers and sign it, they will call you, it they need you. They said I could go with you and you can make some money of your own. It is a state proto type program paying the models from a federal grant." Said Fred.

"What are you talking about?" Said Sara still not comprehending.


Fred said, "The female medical model for the seniors in high school. Mrs. Johnson my teacher said it was great you would do something like this for the seniors."

Sara's heart pounded in her chest, she couldn't do this she would die of embarrassment.

"Mom," Freddie said, "I think you have to do it or I will tell Dad about you and Robert. Remember the other day when I came home?"

She was defeated, Freddie held all the cards. She signed the paper, hoping they will not need her and Freddie left for school excited he talked his mother into this program.

Chapter 2

It was a month since Sara let Freddie see her naked, she does not bother to dress completely anymore in the house. When she cleaned the house, she usually dresses a tee shirt no bra and sometimes, no shorts, just panties. She doesn't lock the door to the bathroom anymore, when she showers in the morning. Freddie comes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair. Sometimes when Sara gets out of the tub and dries her body, she talks to her son not bothering to put on her dressing grown. She feels more at ease presently, with her body around Freddie. He has not asked to examine her again. Sara feels she did the right thing to let Freddie see her; currently he is not curious anymore about a woman's body. She sighed contently, everything works out.

Sara was dusting the furniture in the living room, when the phone rang. She answered it; the person on the other end introduced himself as Dr. Madison, the school physician. Sara's first thought, was Freddie hurt at school today.

The first thing she asked the doctor, "Is my son all right?"

"Yes," he said, "I'm I talking to Mrs. Sara Mason?"

"Yes," She said forgetting about the paper she signed.

"You signed up to be a medical model for school health videos." Said the Doctor.

Sara felt her body get warm and her face turn red. She couldn't speak for a few seconds. Sara thought if she said it was a mistake her son would tell Steve what he saw.

She said very softly, "Yes, I did."

"Please speak up Mrs. Mason," Said the doctor.

She cleared her throat and said again louder this time. "Yes, I did."

"Excellent!" Said the doctor. "Could you come by this afternoon, so we can see you Mrs. Mason?"

Sara said, "OK".

The doctor told her to be at the School headquarters at 1 PM. She hung up the phone in a daze; looking at the clock it was nearly 10:30 she better get ready for her meeting. Undressing she jumped into the shower and washed up, doing a trim of her pubic area checking to see she is properly groomed, then put on a skirt, blouse, bra, panties and pantyhose with shoes to match to complete the outfit.

Sara's mind was racing, as she was driving to the School headquarters. "Maybe they will not need me, or they will use me as a backup model as someone else was there before her." She thought.

Finding a parking spot, Sara went into the building and asked at the front desk for Doctor Madison's office. The woman at the desk directed her to the second floor room 269. Sara found the stairs and went up one flight, found the room and went in. At the desk was a lady named Lena.

"Hi" Lena said. "Can I help you?"

"I am here to see Doctor Madison." Said Sara.

"Have a seat I will let him know your here." Said Lena.

Taking a seat Sara picked up a book and was flipping through it without even looking. She was wondering what the next few hours had in store for her. What ever it was she felt she wasn't going to like it. Within a few minutes Lena came out and showed Sara to the doctor's office. He was tall with gray hair about 48 years old with glasses.

"Please sit down Mrs. Mason, how are you today?" Said the Doctor.

"Nervous!" she said.

"That is to be expected , thank you for taking an interest in our children's education." Said the Doctor Madison.

She smiled nervously, but didn't say anything.

"Today we need to acquire history on you and then we will do a test to see if we can use you." Said the Doctor pulling out the questionnaire and giving it to Sara, telling her. "Fill this out and I will be back".

It took her an hour to fill out the questionnaire she is totally embarrassed at this time, having to answer all the personal question on the document, just as she is finishing up the document in walked the doctor with 2 men and a women in white lab coats.

"The next part of the test will be done by these three people. Matt, Sam, and Erica Please follow them." Said Doctor Madison.

The group of medical personnel led Sara down a hall to the last room, opening the door it was like a sound stage, with a lot of electrical equipment. She looked around and her eyes stopped on an exam table with stirrups and a camera man focusing a video camera aiming at the exam table. Sara is paralyzed for a moment. She just stops.

Matt it talking to her, "Sara please come over here."

There was a makeup table set to the side and Erica said. "I will help Sara with her makeup."

"What are we doing today?" Sara asked having trouble forming the words she was so stressed.

Erica said, "Test shots, please remove your skirt and top, but leave on her panties and bra for the time being." As Erica started to apply the make-up for Sara.

It took her about 45 minutes to apply the make-up for Sara, when she was done Sara did not even recognize who she was when she looked in the mirror.

"We will call you Tracy when you are in your make-up, OK." Asked Erica,

"Yes, that will be fine." said Sara. She was more concerned about the coming video than her name presently.

Erica told Tracy(Sara), "Follow me.".

Sara did not move right away when Erica called her Tracy it took her a few seconds to realize Erica was taking to her.

"Where is a robe to wear?" Asked Tracy (Sara).

"You have your bra and panties on they cover more than a bathing suit does." Stated Erica.

Tracy resigned to the fact she would be on display today walked behind Erica, with her arms crossed over her breasts, she was shown to the studio area.


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