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Proclivities - Pt. 06: Back to Work

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Monday arrives. Going back to work is better than I'd feared.
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Part VI: Monday Arrives

I groaned softly as my deep slumber was interrupted by George extricating himself from me.

"Sorry, sweetheart," he said quietly as he sat on the bed. "But Monday morning has found us."

I rolled over and groaned in exasperation. I had absolutely no desire to get up and go to work but I could see that the sun had already risen. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Take your time," he said softly. "I'll go put on some coffee."

"Bless you," I mumbled.

Awaiting his return, I sat up in bed, propping the pillows behind me with the covers at my waist, totally at ease with my breasts exposed. My, how things had changed!

I replayed the weekend in my mind. Eventful, to put it mildly, I grinned, as I considered my good fortune as well as the revelation that George was a man of many parts, most importantly vulnerable and subject to insecurities like anybody else.

And yet, I felt a bit of trepidation. Going to work would never be the same. Secretly, my new title could be Naughty Bitch to the Director of Product Development, I joked to myself. But eventually our relationship would have to become public and I'd have to cope with busybody Betty.

Before that, I'd have to endure Judy's inquisition. Not that big a deal, but she would insist that I feed her vicarious curiosity.

Moreover, at some point in time I'd have to introduce George to my parents. I had no doubt that he'd be a perfect gentleman. Me, on the other hand, how could I look at my mother without feeling embarrassed? In all the years of living at home, I'd never known them to be that sexually active, or at least they'd been very quiet about it. There wasn't much in the way to hide things in their little Cape Cod house that held so many wonderful memories. And now their little girl had indulged in a myriad of lascivious acts that would make a longshoreman blush.

Not that I regretted my new relationship with George. Far from it! It's just that life outside of his house would require some major adjustments. Especially since a part of me just wanted to scream how divine it was - and all of its wonderfully naughty indulgences.

George startled me as he returned with two steaming mugs, offering one to me, which I gladly accepted and took a short sip.

"Black with sugar, right?" he asked as he joined me in similar fashion.

"Mmm, perfect. What time is it anyway?"

"A little after six. I know that's earlier than when you have been getting up, but if we're going to get to the office on time..."

"Yeah, I know, I know. We have to go to work, but it's rude...nothing personal mind you."

"No offense taken," he assured as he gave me a quick kiss. "Enjoy your coffee. I'm off to the shower."

"Okay," I replied absently, preoccupied by the sight of his body and that wonderful cock.

There was nothing more I'd rather do than spend the day in bed with him. I sighed and resigned myself to drinking my coffee, as the sound of the shower conjured images of his washing playing voyeuristically in my mind. So why am I laying here? A few hasty gulps of coffee later, I opened the shower door.

"I was hoping you'd join me," he said, pausing from shaving his grinning face. "Give me a minute to finish up and I'll give you a hand."

I started the second shower, briefly savoring the hot water cascading over me so divinely, then washed my hair and applied conditioner. He rinsed off his face, took both scrubbies, lathered them with soap, handed me the pink one and commenced washing himself with the other, watching me intently, as I mirrored his actions. As mundane as the process would normally be, I found it extraordinarily sensual, and, judging by his hardening cock, he was as well.

Dropping the scrubby, I let my hands explore my soapy flesh, initially squeezing my breasts and pinching my hard, aching nipples, then moving my right hand down to my slick pussy and my wonderfully smooth lips. Damn I loved performing for him, unabashedly touching myself to his caressing gaze.

Recalling our first night together, I said, "Show me how you like to be touched."

Locking his eyes on mine, he also dropped the scrubby, and replicating my actions, played with his nipples and fondled his hard cock.

"That's it," I encouraged, "Stroke that big hard cock!"

Leaning back a bit, the water sheeted down his body until the suds were washed away, thrilling me with an unimpeded view of him proudly and vigorously pumping his majestic cock, lust clearly evident in his eyes.

"Yes! Make that big, hard cock cum for me!" I exclaimed as I continued caressing my tits and pussy, consumed with desire to climax with him.

"Then get on your knees and eat my cum, bitch!"

Ardently complying, my hands returned to pawing my tits and pussy as I knelt and aligned my open mouth with the head of his cock.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, bitch!" he bellowed, stroking his cock while keeping the tip oscillating on my lower lip.

As I joined him in ecstasy, my lips sealed around the crown of his cock, welcoming his salty seed filling my mouth while my body spasmed in its release.

"Show me that cum, you naughty bitch!" he declared.

Joyfully looking up at him, I briefly exposed his load puddled in my mouth and then swallowed; reopening to confirm that I'd consumed it all. Despite my initial reluctance, I now relished this ritual of devotion.

Placing his hand under my chin, he gently encouraged me to my feet, embracing me tightly, his slippery flesh playing against mine while his tongue forcefully invaded my receptive mouth. Coaxing me backwards, we luxuriated in the warm cascade from the shower, lingering until the water started to cool.

Breaking off the kiss, he said, "I guess that's the sign for us to get out."

"Yeah, but that was wonderful," I replied as I rinsed the conditioner from my hair and the remnants of soap from my body, shivering slightly.

Turning off the water, he stepped from the shower and handed me one of the towels from atop the vanity, then took one for himself.

He finished drying off sooner than I, and I couldn't help but marvel at how even the simplest things were so piquantly intimate, as I watched him hang the towel on the bar, apply aftershave and deodorant, brush his teeth and comb his hair.

"As soon as I'm dressed, I'll see what I can rustle us up for breakfast," he said with a quick kiss on my cheek before he exited.

"Okay, I'll be down in two shakes."

Maybe it was more than two shakes, but I hurriedly put myself together, disappointed that I would have to dress for work -- a black blouse and oh so conservative black bra that left everything to the imagination, full cut black panties and jeans. My underwear and jeans felt so confining, but I could hardly go to the office otherwise.

I joined George in the kitchen, where the familiar sight of him, dressed in jeans and a yellow polo, sitting at the breakfast bar reading on his tablet greeted me. He'd gotten out butter, jam and orange juice. The dear man had even remembered to bring down both our coffee mugs.

I came up behind him and hugged him, planting soft kisses on his neck.

"Mmm, I hope you don't mind croissants again. They should be ready in a couple more minutes," he said.

"Works for me," I replied as I sat next to him, "But I doubt I'll ever be able look at them the same way ever again."

"Oh really? How so?"

"Oh come on! You know the last time I had one, we were right here and I was an emotional wreck."

"Yeah, I guess you were. How about now?"

"Well, I'm still an emotional wreck, but I mean that in a good way."

"Do tell!"

Intentionally locking my eyes on his, I replied, "I'm on cloud nine now, but wearing underwear again is so damned restrictive!"

"I guess that's my fault, but I'll tell you what to do..."

I wasn't sure where this was leading and his mischievous grin made me a little nervous despite that I usually loved when he did so.

"And that is?"

"When you get to the office this morning," he started, barely controlling his laughter, "The first thing you should do is go see Betty and file a disability claim."

"Oh, you are so wicked!" I teasingly chided, but couldn't help joining his amusement, loving how he could always diffuse a situation with humor.

A timer dinged.

"Saved by the bell," he said, rising and fetching the croissants from the oven with tongs and putting them on plates that he set before us.

As we began eating, any time we looked at each other, we snickered at his wonderfully preposterous suggestion.

About half way through, I'd finally regained my composure and said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Always, but as I've said before, you don't have to ask."

"I know, it's an old habit, but I wanted you to know I'm serious."

"Just so you know, I always take you seriously."

"True and that's one of the things that I really like about you. Anyway, what about now? I mean, what comes next? We're going back to work and I just don't know what to expect. How should I act about you?"

"Wow," he said, "I guess you've got a lot on your mind!"

"I do. Normally I'd keep things to myself, but I feel I can tell you anything."

"I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I'd like."

"Okay...and that is?"

"What I'd like is you to pack a week's worth of clothes and come back here after work today. I can help if you'd like, but it has to be your decision."

Damn it! Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Uh-oh, did I say something wrong?" he asked.

"Far from it," I answered as a droplet trickled down my cheek. "That would be wonderful. You're just going have to get used to the fact that I can get weepy when I'm overjoyed."

"I can live with that, but how will I know if you're upset or overjoyed?"

"I'd be smiling."

"Duh. I guess I walked right into that one. So now that it's settled we'd better get a move on."

As we drove back to my apartment, of course I still had one concerns spinning around in my head. George had put me at ease when I asked why he'd brought his laptop. He needed to meet with Chuck and debrief on his recent trip. Normally, they'd do it remotely, but George also wanted to let him know about us. And that, he wanted to do in person. How lovely, I thought, but that still left busybody Betty.

"One more thing," I asked. "What will I do about Betty? You know how when she left on Friday, she was doing her best to drive us apart, but she's probably been wondering all weekend what I did."

"No doubt. So when you see her this morning -- and I'm sure you will -- thank her for making you my naughty little bitch."

I slapped his arm playfully and said, "You are so bad."

"I can't help it. You bring it out in me. But seriously, stick with the truth. Just not whole truth. We had a nice get to know you chat on Friday, went to the Mallards game on Saturday. Then out to dinner and a stroll on the boardwalk Sunday."


"Don't worry about it too much. When I talk to Chuck, I'll politely deal with the Betty situation. After all, he's the one who thought we should meet. And I'll tell him the same story about our weekend."

"Sounds like you'd really given that some thought."

"I did, after all, it's about you and me. There's no point in hiding things and it would be best if we choose what to reveal and when."

I gave his arm a gentle squeeze. "Thank you."

"But there is one thing that surprises me," he said.


"Yeah, that you could keep your clothes on while we're driving."

"I know, right?" I confirmed, amused with his observation, "Don't worry, I'm sure other opportunities will present themselves."

"Speaking of missed opportunities, we never did get around to posting your wardrobe malfunction documentary."

"Maybe tonight?"

"I was thinking of more immediate gratification."

"Somehow, that sounds ominous."

"I'll text you the photos, so you can post them, should the urge arise."

"I could get caught..."

"Your choice, but you can do it from the Ladies room. Just be sure to turn off your Wi-Fi. The company firewall blocks access to adult sites."

"I'll think about it," I said, unsure if it would be appropriate.

"That's all I could ask for. Tonight, maybe we'll do some video editing, if you're up for it."

"So we can post them?"

"With your approval, of course. And now, unfortunately, we're in your complex. So we'll have to say good bye -- for now. I'll be counting the hours til I see you again."

"Me too," I replied as he parked. "Reality bites."

George opened the door for me, retrieved my bag from the back of the car and we headed towards my apartment.

Taking the bag from him, I said, "I'll take it from here. Judy's going to be full of questions and I'd rather handle her alone."

"You sure you don't want a little immoral support?"

"Thanks, but I'm sure it will be immoral enough without you. Besides, we can be immoral tonight."

"Okay, suit yourself. Just know I'll be thinking of you."

I dropped the bag and flung my arms around him. "I'm going to miss you too, but thanks so much for a lovely weekend."

He returned my embrace and kissed me, just as I come to expect, hard and aggressively, with the usual effect, leaving me breathless and weak-kneed.

When he finally let go, I said, "You're a great kisser, you know."

"Wait til tonight and we'll see how the rest of your body feels about that."

"Til tonight," I replied, picking up my bag and going to my apartment, without looking back, afraid I'd cry at the sight of his departing.

"Well, time to face the music," I muttered as I unlocked the door. Upon entering I saw Judy, dressed for work in a red blouse and black slacks, drinking a cup of coffee and looking out the window that faced the parking lot.

"Good morning!" she said cheerfully. "I take it you had a good weekend?"

"Not really," I replied, feigning dejection, but couldn't suppress a wry smile. "Not good. Just the best weekend ever!"

"Judging by the kiss he just gave you, I'm not surprised. Damn, girlfriend, it left me hot and bothered."

"You were watching?"

"Sure was. I've been waiting a good thirty minutes for you to get home so you could tell me all about it."

"I will, within reason, but not now. I've got to get myself together for work and have to leave in about ten minutes."

"How about a Reader's Digest version?" she implored, following me like a puppy to my bedroom as I tossed my bag on the bed and headed to the bathroom to comb my hair and brush my teeth.

"Okay. I can see you won't give me any peace until I do," I told her, slightly exasperated. "I went through with the Brazilian waxing, had a wonderful time at the ballgame, but we didn't go sailing on Sunday because of the storms, so we hung out at his place. Last night, we went out for dinner and a walk on the boardwalk."

"That's all?" she asked, clearly dissatisfied with my answer.

"Well, yes, but there is one more thing. He asked me to pack a week's worth of clothes after work and stay with him."

"What! You're going to move in with him?"

"It certainly looks that way, but don't worry, I'll still keep paying my half of the rent until the lease is up."

"That's not what I'm talking about, and you know it!" she exclaimed.

"Yes," I said meekly, touched by her concern.

"Don't you think that's a bit impetuous?"

"It might seem that way, but I've never been more certain about anything in my life."

"Really? I mean you haven't had many relationships, and I'm not saying this to be cruel, but you sure you're not just in lust?"

"Oh, I am, but there's so much more to it than that!"

"Such as?"

"First of all, he's kind and courteous, a real gentleman...well except when we..."


"To be blunt, yes. That's when he can be really aggressive and it fulfills a part of me I didn't know existed...but getting back to my point. When we talk, he really listens. Like from just an offhand comment on Friday, he figured out that going to the Mallards game on Saturday would be my ideal date. And he always asks for my opinion or my preference before we do something or go somewhere. Plus he can make me laugh. You might find that trivial, but it means so much to me. All I can say is I've never felt more alive. And not just in a physical sense. It may sound corny, but he completes me emotionally."

"Wow!" said Judy. "I hope I didn't sound critical and I understand now. I take it he's of the same mind?"

"Absolutely. He finds me beautiful and sexy, but most importantly, his intellectual equal."

"Then I say, go for it!"

"Thanks. Now you have to let me get ready for work. We can talk more after work tonight while I pack." I told her and then kidding her, "That should give you time to create your questionnaire."

"That would be nice. Don't you worry, I still have plenty to ask and we'll get down to the nitty-gritty. You've got to fill me in on his...aggression."

"Okay, but within reason. There are certain things a lady doesn't divulge."

"Something tells me you weren't very ladylike." Judy teased with a wink.

"Maybe not. Anyway, I'll be back a little after five."

"Don't worry, so will I...and it'd better be juicy!"

"Judy, you're incorrigible!"

Temporarily satisfied, Judy left. I hurriedly got myself ready, grabbed a yogurt and granola bar for lunch, and headed off to work.

As I expected, no sooner had I sat at my desk and started going through my email than Betty made her appearance. I had a nagging suspicion that she'd been laying in wait for my arrival. It was like Friday all over again. There she stood in a different, but similarly frumpy, floral dress. The exception being I had absolutely no premonition that I was looking at my future.

"Good morning, Betty," I said cheerfully. There was no way I'd let her spoil my euphoria.

"Good morning, Linda. How was your girls' night out?"

At least she cut to the chase.

"Truth be told, I didn't go. I actually ended up having a very nice get-to-know-you chat with George."

"Oh? How did that go?"

The devil in me wanted to reply scandalously and tell her how many ways George had fucked me, how much of his cum I'd swallowed or that she could find pictures of me naked on the web. I smiled inwardly at the prospect and would have to tell George later of my wicked thoughts. He'd be amused, I'd wager. Of course, I said nothing of the kind.

"Swimmingly. We really hit it off. He's nothing like you said. He's kind and polite with a great sense of humor."

"I never said he wasn't," she said defensively.

"Okay, sure," I said, unwilling to get drawn into an argument. "Anyway, he took me to a Mallards game on Saturday night and last night out to dinner and a walk on the boardwalk. So, all I in all, I had a great weekend. How about you?"

"Nothing exciting, just puttered around my apartment," she said absently. I could sense her seething at the prospect of George and me dating.

Intel acquired, she quickly ended our discussion, "I've got to get going, lots to do today."

"I'm sure you do," I replied. Like running to Chuck's office, I figured, so I added, "But you were right about one thing..."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"He does have a beautiful house."

Teeth clenched, she turned and, without a word, left with renewed purpose. Have fun storming the castle, bitch!

My encounter with Betty made me smile the whole morning. I sensed that she wouldn't be such a pain in the ass anymore. I was even more productive than usual. It definitely helps to have your libido given a strenuous workout. Maybe that's what Betty needs. Sure, but good luck with that.

I hadn't noticed the time passing, but around eleven thirty, my phone dinged with a text message. Oh, right, George was going to...

I opened it. From George. No photo attached, but this was better:

G: Sorry I haven't sent anything. Been tied up with Chuck. Sounds like you had an interesting chat with Betty this morning. You free for lunch?

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