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Promotional Provocation


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"Of course, Andrew. We've got your back as always, son. You know that. We're so sorry that this has happened. Don't ever think this is your fault. You're a great husband. She somehow lost her way and there may be no coming back from this."

"I don't know about great but I did do my best by her. I don't plan to tell the kids just yet. I can't stay at a motel indefinitely. Would I be able to stay a while with you guys just until I get back on my feet again?"

"Of course, you can. Our house is your house, always. We'll start cleaning out your old room today. Just let us know what you need and we'll do our best to help. Okay? We love you, son."

"I love you both too. This is my new temporary number where you can reach me. My old phone was confiscated. I'll talk to you later."

= = = = = = =

Taking in a hot meal from a local diner settled my nerves a bit. The food wasn't bad and it gave me time to reflect on my future path. But for now, I wanted to give Mary Beth time to stew after discovering that I soundly rejected her lifestyle choice. Let her feel some of the angst that she put me through. She probably has my phone in her possession by now with no idea how to reach me. Good. I went back to the motel and took an afternoon nap. I was in no hurry to rush things along. I was awakened at 3:30 pm by my phone. No one else had that number.

"Hey, Andrew," my Dad began. "How are you holding up?"

"You caught me taking a nap. But I'm anxious to hear any news."

"Well, alright then. I just wanted to let you know that Mary Beth just called asking if we had heard from you."


"Yes. She said there was a serious misunderstanding at the party last night, and that you saw her dancing with nice Mr. Higgins who was a perfect gentleman and somehow misconstrued what you think you saw. She told us that you left abruptly without a word and no one has seen or heard from you since. Mary Beth explained that she's very worried about you and that your social insecurities associated with your autism must have triggered your negative reaction. She begged us to let her know if we hear from you."

"Why that lying witch! She's not admitting any guilt or responsibility for her betrayal last night and she's using my autism as an excuse."

"We didn't let her know that we'd already heard from you. I just wanted you to know what she was saying about last night. As you say, she's denying that anything happened between her and your boss. She also mentioned that you had just received a huge promotion accompanied by a tremendous increase in salary and she's anxious to celebrate your new status with you."

"I just bet she is. Wait until she finds out that I resigned. I wonder how much celebrating she'll want to do then."

"Your mother and I trust your judgment, son. Your room's ready any time you want to start using it."

"Thanks, pop. I may bring my things by in the morning after I check out. I appreciate you and Mom putting up with me for a while. I'll try not to make too much noise," I chuckled.

"You're always welcome here, Andrew. We love you and we're proud of you."

= = = = = = =

That evening, I did some deep diving into job opportunities using my laptop computer. What I found wasn't encouraging. Without a recommendation for all my years at Higgins Investments, I would be starting out at the bottom again. Still, to me, that was preferable to enduring ongoing betrayal. No amount of money could make me remain there, not even a million dollars.

I checked out of the motel Monday morning after showering, brought the two suitcases of belongings to my parents' home, and moved back into my old room. There was something comforting about the familiar surroundings. This was always my safe place. I guess it was fitting that it remained so. By now, Ben would have advised Mary Beth of my resignation. Of course, he could always tell her that he would refuse to accept my resignation but I'm afraid he doesn't have any choice. Later that evening as we were finishing up supper, my Dad's phone rang. He advised me that the caller I.D. showed that it was Mary Beth calling. I asked him to hand me his phone saying I would take the call. It's time I took the bull by the horns.

"Hello, Miss Meadows. How's your sister Marnie doing these days?"

"Andrew? Is it really you?"

"Yes, Miss Meadows, my name is Andrew Stevenson. Is there something you'd like to say besides those lies you told my parents earlier?"

"Please stop calling me that, Andrew. I'm your wife, Mary Beth Stevenson. Have you lost your senses again? We've all been worried sick about you. What happened to you? Where have you been? Why did you leave me alone at the party like that?"

"No, Miss Meadows, I haven't lost my senses but I believe that you've lost your mind. I don't believe that you've been worried about me for one second. You ask what happened to me? I witnessed my wife having sex with the CEO of my company while I was locked in the next room with a seductive slut hoping to appease me. You ask where have I been? Away from you. Why did I leave? I plan to divorce you for adultery and I've already resigned from my position with Higgins. There was no reason whatsoever for me to stay a moment longer at the house we used to share, none. Is that clear enough for you, Miss Meadows?"

"Why do you keep calling me by my maiden name? I'm your wife, silly. Are you having another one of your memory fades? I don't have a clue what you're talking about Andrew. I need you to remember who I am. We have three children together Liz, Andy, & Daisy. They're very worried about you too. These memory lapses have been coming too frequently lately. You need help, honey. Let me get you in to see a doctor to help you clear your mind and come back to reality. I love you more than anything sweetheart and I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for you to get your life back on track mentally."

"Listen to me carefully, Miss Meadows. I call you that because that's all you are to me now. I've never had any memory lapses and it is my greatest desire to forget that I ever knew you. I no longer love you nor do I ever want to see you or be with you ever again. I hate that you betrayed me and our marriage and I can never forgive you for that. Your actions have consequences. From this moment forward, you will live the rest of your life without me in it. Mark my words. I never lie, Mary Beth. I never lie." She began sobbing uncontrollably and hung up the phone.

My spidey senses were working overtime. I had all kinds of colors and words floating around before my eyes. My synesthesia was trying to tell me something. After another thirty seconds, some words began to congeal in dark green. I knew what that meant.

"I just got off the phone with Mary Beth and I need to talk to you both right now. I don't know how much time I have."

"We're here for you son," Mom affirmed. "What's going on?"

"I am giving you my link, login, and password to my new bank account in my name alone. I'll need you to use it to secure an attorney for me as soon as possible."

"An attorney? For what, Andrew? A divorce attorney?"

"No, not for divorce. I need you to find me a civil attorney, one that cannot be bought, not even for a million dollars. They may try to buy off my attorney to turn on me."

My Mom rejoined, "My cousin, Ira Abbot, is an attorney three states away. You've only met him once but he's family, true blue, and could never be bribed to abandon family, no matter what. We grew up together and I'd trust him with my life. He lived with us for two years when we were children while his parents were having problems. He'd jump at the chance to pay us back. But why?"

"Good. There was something strange about the way Mary Beth was talking to me. I think she may have been recording the call once she realized it was me on the phone. She was insinuating that I'm having unexplainable memory lapses and that I need help for my mental problems. It's an ingenious idea. She and Ben want to subdue me and coax me into changing my mind about divorcing her and quitting my job. Ben has enough money to buy off a doctor to get me involuntarily committed. I can see it in my mind. It makes perfect sense. When they come for me, I'll go quietly. If I resist, it will only confirm their narrative. When they come for me, ask for a copy of the legal paperwork authorizing them to take me and find out where they will be holding me for evaluation. Get Ira involved as soon as possible and make sure that he brings my laptop PC to the courtroom at my commitment hearing. I'll give it to you for safekeeping. Transfer his retainer from my bank account so I can prove that he's my attorney of choice. They may try to match me with a public attorney in Ben's pocket."

"Involuntary commitment? Honey, if you believe that, why don't you hide out somewhere for a while so they can't pick you up?"

"If I do that, it will only make things worse. The legal framework and process for my apprehension will already be in place. It's better if I'm mentally prepared to go and offer no resistance. Just make sure that Ira is retained on my behalf and can work his way through the system to gain access to me. He may be presented with obstacles to keep him away from me. Tell him to be prepared for that."

"Whatever you think best, son. We're in your corner all the way."

Sometimes, I wish my synesthesia would be wrong, but, unfortunately, it was correct. It was about 2 am when there came a loud knocking at the door. My father answered in his pajamas.

"Can I help you, Officer?"

"Yes, is Andrew Stevenson here at this address right now?"

"Yes, sir, that's my son. He is visiting us for the night. Is he in trouble with the law? Has he done anything wrong?"

"That's not what this is about. We have a report that your son is mentally ill and may be a danger to himself and possibly to others. He is to be taken to a medical facility for evaluation by qualified doctors."

"I want to say for the record, Officer, that assertion is an absurd lie. My son has never had mental issues since the day he was born. He is a danger to no one. Do you have legal authority to remove him from my home?"

"We were hoping he would come voluntarily. We're prepared to take him by force, if necessary."

"Let me be clear, Officer, and I hope your body camera is on. My son will happily accompany you anywhere as long as you have the legal authority to take him. May I see a copy of your legal paperwork authorizing you to escort him?" The officer appeared perturbed to be challenged but he did have his bodycam on by request and needed to follow the letter of the law since it was a formal request.

"Yes, sir." He radioed his partner to bring the paperwork and handed it over.

After reviewing it, he said, "Thank you, Officer. My son will peacefully go with you now."

I immediately appeared from behind my Dad, fully dressed, smiling, and with my arms extended forward for handcuffs.

"Are you Andrew Stevenson?"

"Yes, sir. I am."

"Uh, sir, handcuffs will not be necessary. You are not under arrest for any crime. Since you appear to be calm and peaceful, I'll escort you to that Emergency Response Ambulance over there. They'll take you to a hospital for evaluation. Will there be any problems?"

"None, sir. I'm ready to go, thank you for your civil demeanor to my parents. They deserve our respect."

Surprised at my alert calmness, I displayed no signs of resistance, violence, or mental defect as the Officer escorted me to the ambulance without incident. I voluntarily laid down on the gurney adjacent to the ambulance and two attendants strapped me down securely, standard procedure when transporting a patient in a moving vehicle. When we arrived at the mental health hospital, they pushed me on the gurney to the check-in window and handed the attendant the paperwork with which to process my involuntary commitment.

"Is he high on drugs to your knowledge or has he shown any violent tendencies?" She asked the paramedics.

"We checked him thoroughly on the drive over here and see no evidence of the influence of drugs or alcohol. He has been amiable and displayed no violence or irrational behavior. I'm not sure what he's doing here but he's all yours now."

"Thank you, gentlemen, we'll take it from here." I was quickly transferred to another gurney and strapped down once again as they wheeled me into the facility, complete with a new patient identification armband.

"How are you doing, Andrew?" The attendant asked me in an effort to promote calm.

"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, sir. I don't know your name. However, in response to your query, I'm fine as frog hair split three ways, and that's pretty fine if you ask me."

"I'm sorry, Andrew, my name's Randall. I'll be your orderly on this shift during your stay with us. Thank you for your courtesy. Most incoming patients in your situation are not as welcoming as you appear to be."

"Randall, I hope you find me amiable and cooperative. I believe that two-way communication will serve us both well."

"So do I, Andrew, thank you. This is your room. When we release you from the gurney, I'd like you to calmly get undressed and place your clothing on the bed for me, please. Then put on this patient robe that loosely ties in the back. We will secure your belongings as you slip into the bed. Once you're situated, my instructions are to secure you to the bedframe with these wrist and ankle restraints for your protection until you can be evaluated. Is that going to be a problem?"

"Not at all, Randall. You have stated your requests cogently and succinctly. I shall endeavor to respond cooperatively to ameliorate any concerns."

"I think we're going to get along just fine, Andrew. I wish all my other patients were as nice as you. You are well-spoken, too."

"Why, thank you, Randall. I'll put in a good word for you with the doctor whenever he gets around to seeing me."

Shocked by my unexpectedly helpful demeanor, he chuckled at my conviviality. "Now that you're secure, I've been instructed to administer anti-anxiety and sleep meds. They are merely to help you remain calm during your period of restricted activity."

"I understand and accept that you have responsibilities to perform to fulfill your role within this facility. You will receive nothing less than my full cooperation at all times. Please, Randall, carry on with your work."

He produced two pills and dropped them in my open mouth. Then he offered me water from a glass by elevating my head with his gloved hand. I readily accepted the water and swallowed the pills, allowing him to fully examine my mouth afterward. Randall smiled, winked, thanked me, and left me alone to my thoughts. My thoughts were myriad. I slowly pushed them aside as I embraced my need for restful sleep. Once my mind was rested, it could perform better, therefore it was incumbent upon me to sleep. I began multiplying four digit numbers in my head and soon slumber found me.


I was awakened at 9 am by a cheery female nurse who had brought me breakfast. Wanda asked if I needed to urinate or have a BM. I expressed my need to urinate and she deftly used a crook-necked patient urination bottle and slid it over my penis. She then covered me up to do it. I nodded and she removed the bottle, capped it, and placed it on a shelf in her cart. Next, she pulled the cart next to me and fed me breakfast. I was surprised to learn that breakfast was comprised only of foods that I liked but I made no mention of it though it was curious. We chatted amiably about nothing of importance. She was well-practiced at her job and performed admirably. I complimented her on her professionalism. Before leaving, Wanda placed a call button near my right hand and instructed me to press it whenever I felt the need for a BM. She promised a quick response because no one wanted to deal with the aftermath otherwise.

An hour later, I pressed the button, and a bedpan was produced. The male orderly was easily able to help lift me to place the bedpan in the proper position. Though I didn't care for the smell, I made the best of the circumstances. My backside was expertly cleaned and dealt with. Then my mind went to work. I knew that a hearing would be required after 72 hours of involuntary commitment. A judge would question the doctor administering my evaluation in the presence of my attorney and me, whereupon, he would then determine if further evaluation is needed or if I should be released. I was looking forward to meeting Ira Abbot, but instead, I received a shock. During the period of confinement of involuntary evaluation, no one other than my nurse, orderlies, doctor, and attorney were to have access to me. Family is especially excluded for therapeutic reasons. What shocked me was Mary Beth walking in during my lunchtime. Wanda rolled the cart in with my lunch as Mary Beth walked in behind her. Wanda then quickly disappeared as though she was not supposed to hear anything said between my wife and me. I had anticipated the possibility that this might happen, given Ben's financial reach, so I did the only thing I knew to do at the moment. I feigned deep sleep.

"Hello sweetheart, are you feeling any better this morning? Andrew? Andrew? Can you hear me?"

She was perturbed at my lack of response, so she mildly tapped my face with her hand to awaken me. I tried my best not to blink and remained unresponsive.

"Andrew! ANDREW WAKE UP!" She shouted. I remained unmoving with my eyes closed. She tried pouring a bit of juice in my mouth looking for an autonomic response. I let the liquid roll into my mouth and then spill out onto the bed.

"What the fuck? Shit. Now, look at the mess you made. Andrew? Can you hear me? I love you, Andrew." Still, no response. "Damn, they must have overdosed you on meds. I'll have Ben speak to the doctor about that. You're supposed to be alert and awake for me. How can we work this out if you don't even know I'm here? Shit. I came all the way down here for nothing." She leaned over and kissed me on the lips, my rubber, non-responsive lips, and left. Wanda returned within five minutes.

"What that was all about, Andrew? She came at us bitterly complaining that we were abusing you with drugs and were turning you into a zombie."

"I'm not sure, Wanda. Perhaps the wrong person is strapped into this bed for evaluation. I'm unqualified to diagnose her condition," I smiled. "Sorry, she spilled orange juice everywhere when she went to give me a sip. She lacks your skills, I'm afraid."

"No problem, Andrew. I have a rubber-backed towel underneath your upper body. I'll swap it out in a jiffy and you'll be dry as a bone again. "I don't understand why you're being physically restrained in the face of the calm demeanor you present. I've seen no evidence of any kind of physical or violent response from you. I'll ask the doctor if we can release you. You being restrained like this only makes our job doubly hard. You can't do anything for yourself so we have to do everything for you."

"I don't understand it either, Wanda. Any answers you could ascertain on my behalf would be greatly appreciated. I don't have a clue why I'm here. I would never harm anyone, least of all myself. I have three wonderful children to live for and hope to be a grandad one day."

We then had an amiable chat about children and grandchildren as she fed me my lunch before leaving me to my solitude. In the absence of a clock, worsened by the staff's orders to refuse to share the time of day with me, I watched the sunlight striking the opposite wall through the window to determine mealtimes. That methodology proved to be surprisingly accurate as I anticipated Mary Beth's next lunchtime visit.

"Hi, Andrew. It's me again. I've been missing you terribly since you've been in here. I came to serve you lunch again since you're not allowed to feed yourself."


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