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Promotional Provocation


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"This is not going to happen, Trudy, at least not this way." I admonished. "Apparently, Mary Beth didn't tell you what really turns me on because it would embarrass her to reveal our sexual proclivity."

Trudy replied, "I don't know what happened to you just now but I can tell that your interest has waned. So your wife was holding out on me, huh? It figures. Sometimes women like to keep the best secrets to themselves to maintain their edge with their men. You two don't have to worry about me, Andrew. I belong to Robert and I'm no threat to your marriage, I assure you."

"Well, if you continue doing what you're doing, Trudy, you'll get nowhere with me. That I can guarantee you."

"Well, do tell your honey for the night exactly what trips your trigger, sweetie, and I swear to you, I'll make it happen beyond your wildest imagination," she promised.

"To be honest, Mary Beth didn't want me to share our little secret that always gets my motor running and keeps it running all night long."

"Come on, sweetie, you can tell me. I'll be the best you've ever had and I promise that we'll never tell her that we used your bedroom secret to make it happen."

"Alright, Trudy, but it may shock you. She said it takes a special woman to be that vulnerable to trip my trigger every time."

"Enough, Andrew! Tell me what it is!"

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. You see, she says I'm a little different than other men when it comes to getting me off. You coming on to me and being pushy like you are is a huge turn-off to me. I'm the type of man who needs to be in control in the bedroom at all times to get my rocks off. At home, I regularly tie Mary Beth spread eagle to the bed, blindfolded and gagged. The lust-filled sight of a woman helpless and squirming in the bed, unable to resist me is a power trip that always elevates my libido through the roof. When I make my move, I always ensure that both of us are thoroughly satisfied. As nervous as I am about being with a new partner like you right now, that's the only thing I can think of that will assuredly work for us. Have you ever tried anything as kinky as that before, Trudy? I realize it may be way too much to expect of someone not experienced in that form of unusual sex play."

Trudy laughed with hearty, gut-busting laughter before she commented, "Is that all? Why, shoot, honey. I practically invented the sport. I usually prefer to be the one in control, but I can see that about you. Hell, the whole BDSM scene is about domination. If being in charge is what you want and need, honey, I'm your girl. But I don't think we have any ropes here to use."

"That's not a problem, Trudy. I was a Boy Scout and the Scout motto is Be Prepared. I always have my utility pocket knife with me. I can simply cut up the top sheet into strips and use them for the task. They'll be soft on your skin yet effectively bind you as my love slave."

"You'd ruin one of Ben's bedsheets?"

"Think about it, Trudy. After tonight, I'll make a million dollars per year. I think I can afford to replace one of Ben's sheets, though I believe he'd freely volunteer every sheet in the house to help you and me seal the deal."

"You're right, sweetie. I'm all yours. You start making the cuts and I'll rip the strips. I'm getting excited thinking about you overpowering me and taking me completely. I'll be totally at your mercy. Is that what you want, sweetie?"

"You're a mind reader, Trudy. Your previous experience may be just what the doctor ordered."

She giggled eagerly as we prepared plenty of strips of cloth to use on her. I gave her instructions before we began: "Trudy, it's not a deal-breaker but it would be helpful."

"What would be helpful?"

"When you removed your dress, you weren't wearing underwear. I assume that was for my benefit but would you happen to have either of them with you?"

"No. I skipped the underwear tonight, especially for your benefit. Why do you ask?"

"Again, it's what I customarily do with Mary Beth. She sometimes wears a dress or her underwear when I tie her down, then I tear everything off with my teeth before I ravage her body and take my pleasure."

"My, my, big boy. You might have some animal tendencies right up my alley. I can put my dress back on if you like. I've worn it a few times before. I don't care if you rip it off of me. I'll have Robert bring me another one in the morning after we've both passed out from sexual exhaustion."

"Perfect, go ahead and put it on then." She wiggled, tugged, and pulled on the skintight fabric until it once again molded and clung to her every curve.

As I blindfolded her, I kidded and flirted with her in doing so. I had her lay down flat and spread her arms and legs wide. Once she was in position, I used my knowledge of Scout knots to tie her so securely that she could never escape by herself. She was giddy with excitement. Next, I stuffed her mouth full of cloth and tied a gag strip in her mouth and around her head to secure her gag. She could still wiggle and undulate which she was already doing to entice me but she would not be going anywhere unless someone untied her. Her gag rendered her voiceless. Even if the guard outside had his ear to the door, all he would hear from her would be moans and groans which would be anticipated and expected.

My next step was to crank up the music a bit louder to mask any sounds I may make in the room as I explored my options. I looked through the two-way mirror to view the activity in Ben and Mary Beth's room. Mary Beth was naked on her knees nursing on Ben's cock with uninhibited eagerness. From the looks of it, I imagined that they would be going at it all night long as they were having a great time together. My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to their activity. Hate was rapidly growing inside of me. I needed to find some means of escape. If the room was soundproofed, the walls must be very thick, or even two walls back to back, maybe with two sheets of sheetrock layered over thick insulation, perhaps even spray foam insulation to create an impermeable sound barrier, so breaking through a wall wouldn't be a viable option.

As I continued scanning the room for an escape route, I noticed that Trudy had left her shiny purse on the floor underneath the chair. I quickly opened it and discovered her phone. It then occurred to me that the only phones likely confiscated tonight were mine and Mary Beth's. An idea struck me but I had to act quickly. I put Trudy's phone camera up against the window and began recording the activity in the next room. Mary Beth was still suckling Ben's hardened shaft but after another thirty seconds, they switched to intercourse. He began plowing her furrow with prodigious fervor on the bed. The phone recorded their debauchery in high definition. After about five minutes had elapsed, I stopped the recording and immediately forwarded a copy of it to my password-protected cloud account where I regularly stashed pictures and important information to prevent their loss. Once I confirmed that the upload had been successful, I quickly deleted the recording off of Trudy's phone as well as all evidence of the forward to my cloud account. Being able to produce a recording later would prevent a my-word-against-hers situation in divorce court. With all traces of my activity expunged, I put her phone back inside her purse and placed it back under the chair where she had left it.

Trudy was already becoming impatient. I had not yet interacted with her or touched her in any way. She began trying to talk to me through her gag but only muffled groans escaped. I didn't want her to panic too soon. I needed to buy a bit more time as I planned my escape. I sat down beside her on the bed and caressed her face and hair without touching her intimately.

"Trudy, I just realized that I have not had my shower today and I would be very embarrassed if my body odor took anything away from our session of passion. Please bear with me a little while longer while I take a shower so I can be comfortable with anywhere your mouth might contact my body. Let me pull the bedspread up over you to keep you warm until I passionately peel off that dress and slowly expose your luscious body for my taking. Just relax and wait in anxious anticipation of what is to come." She reluctantly moaned through her gag as if urging me to hurry up and get on with it.

Having dealt with her for the time being, I searched in earnest for a means of escape. There was no slipping by the guard outside the door. The bathroom was small with no windows or doors leading to another exit so I focused my attention on the outside window. I was unable to raise it, so Trudy's admonition of it being bolted shut was confirmed. I searched for the method that had been used to secure it and found a single Phillips head screw that went through both sashes just under the window latch. Although I didn't have a Phillips head screwdriver bit on my pocket knife, I did have a combination blade as a bottle-opener, can-opener, and a small blade flat screwdriver bit that was small enough to fit inside the Phillips head screw slot. I partially closed the knife blade at ninety degrees so I could use the body of the screwdriver for extra leverage to unscrew the deeply embedded fastener. It took some effort to finally get it started but once it initially started unscrewing, it was only a matter of time to back the screw out enough to remove it altogether. With the screw removed, raising the window sash was easy. I looked out into the night air. The window sill was easily twenty-five to thirty feet above the ground (7 to 9 meters). I could also tell that the roof was very steeply pitched and covered in fire-resistant red terra-cotta roof tiles. It was treacherous at best but appeared to be my only option.

I checked on Ben and my wife who were still going hard at it. I removed my bow tie and cummerbund. They were useless. My tuxedo shoes were black patent leather with very slick soles. There's no way I could climb on that slick roof with those shoes. Plus, even if I were to manage it, the clunky sound of my shoes on the roof would alert someone to my presence. I removed my shoes but tied a lace from each one together and hung them around my neck. I would need them later.

Fortunately, it was not raining. It was cold but dry at least. I scooted out the window backward and sat up once my butt was on the sill. I saw no one on the ground outside so I continued my egress. It was a dormer window with a little roof-like structure above the window for aesthetics. I grabbed onto the dormer structure and pulled myself up to a standing position clinging desperately to the frame. Then I bent down and closed the window from the outside. The roof wasn't vertical but it was as steep of a roof as I had seen. I climbed atop the dormer and carefully stepped up above it to the peak of the main roof. There was nothing to grab onto. It required all of my balance skills. I stood up on the peak of the roof with a foot on each side of the 'A' and made my way sock-footed slowly and carefully in the moonlight toward another intersecting roof section, located at approximately the center of the house. At the crossroads of the roof, I surveyed my best route for escape. I was very high up in the air on top of a very large mansion. There was barely a sliver of a moon on a partly cloudy night. Then it appeared to me, a bright green aura of my synesthesia surrounded a dark area at the edge of the roof about 200 feet (60 meters) from my current location. I knew what that meant and made my way over to that position along the cold tile roof. My feet were freezing.

When I arrived at my destination, there was a tree near the house. Its elevation was about ten feet (3 meters) taller than the roof apex where I was. It was a fir, cedar, or some other kind of evergreen conifer but was located about five feet (1.5 meters) away from the edge of the roof. Five feet might not sound like a lot unless one considers that a miss would drop me thirty feet (9 meters) to the ground. The tree was thinning as it neared the top. I was unsure if it would even hold my weight. I decided that now was the time to do or die. I'd rather face this threat than continue to endure their betrayal. I sat down and put my shoes back on. I didn't want my feet injured by penetrating branches. With no other options, I made the leap and instinctively grasped for limbs to avoid falling. The tree rejected my weight and began to bow toward the ground. As it did, my feet fell away from the tree toward the ground below as the tree kept bowing. I held on with my hands for dear life to the thin tree trunk. I came to a stop about four feet above the ground. I knew that if I let go of the tree, it would hit me in the face so I pushed my body back away from the tree as I released it. I landed hard on the ground but tried to cushion my fall by crouching my knees slowly as I hit the ground. The tree snapped back into its former glory unbroken and I lay on the ground with my heart beating out of my chest.

A quick check revealed several scratches on my hands and one on my neck but I didn't notice any appreciable bleeding. There didn't appear to be any broken bones. I decided to look for my car. The tree was next to an open carport where nine cars were parked. They were parked three abreast. My black Volvo had a car parked in front of it and one behind it. Fortunately, the car parked behind mine was a 1965 beautifully restored red Ford Mustang. I found it unlocked. Older cars like that can be put in neutral without the key or having the steering column lock up as the new cars do. I shifted the car into neutral and used my body against the door column to push the vehicle back about 20 feet (6 meters). Unknown to Ben or his staff, I keep a spare key fob hidden in a magnetic key holder, concealed in a location under the car that my hand can reach but cannot be seen from underneath. I decided to do that after seeing my car on a lift in the shop one day with my hidden magnetic key holder staring everyone in the face. Once retrieved, I opened my door, got in, and closed it as quietly as I could.

Being a hybrid, I backed the Volvo up silently using only the electric motors then drove forward to the security gate. Luck was still on my side. There is a barrier arm that must be raised to exit. Surprisingly, the guard shack was unmanned but locked so I could not electrically raise the gate. I checked the pivot point of the arm lever and discovered a manual release pin to open it in the event of a power failure or motor failure. Once I drove past the open gate arm, I lowered it back down and latched it. Undetected, I drove to freedom away from the Higgins' estate.

Hoping that no one would know that I had flown the coop until sometime tomorrow, I drove straight to my house. Once there, I wasted no time packing two suitcases full of my clothing, laptop, files, and other items and paperwork of importance. I shed what remained of my damaged tuxedo and shoes in a pile on the bedroom floor. I took a pair of lineman's pliers, cut my wedding ring in two pieces, and left it on the bed hoping to make a statement. Once I was all packed up, I drove to my office at Higgins Investments. There I typed up my formal letter of resignation immediately, signed and dated it, and placed a hard copy on Ben's desk citing 'personal reasons'.

It occurred to me that by remaining silent about past recommendations, I might exact some revenge on Ben or rather Higgins Investments should I elect to do so. However, it would affect all of the employees, not just Ben alone. I would have to give that some more thought after getting some sleep. Before leaving, I moved two-thirds of all of our available cash from our joint banking account into a new account in my name alone. I didn't want to chance getting locked out of access to funds by unforeseen machinations.

Since it was getting late, I decided not to wake up any extended family or friends. I found a no-tell motel on the highway and crashed for the night. I was so mentally exhausted, I slept soundly until my arranged wakeup call pulled me back to reality. Since it was now Sunday morning, I returned to the desk and again paid cash for another night. My car was parked behind the building out of sight from prying eyes. My phone and coat were still at the Higgins' mansion, so there was no way for anyone, my wife included, to get in touch with me. I wondered what they would think when they learned that I had not participated in any kind of intimacy with Trudy and that I had cleverly eluded my captivity. An infuriated Trudy might be able to give them an idea of what time I had slipped out the night before. I chuckled to myself as I wondered when she was released and who discovered her in her ignominious state. With our car missing from his carport, Ben would have to transport Mary Beth to our home unless she planned on shacking up with him. I no longer cared what she did. But being without a phone was inconvenient. I drove to a discount store and purchased a burner phone. I could then control who had access to me. Fortunately, one of the documents I had stored in the cloud was my phone's contact list. My laptop computer along with the motel Wi-Fi password gave me access to that list. I also made it a point to check on the video I had taken of Ben and my wife having sex, simply to ensure the integrity of the file. It was just as revolting to watch the second time around.

By lunchtime, I was certain that my whereabouts might be of concern to a few people. Ben had completely lost control of the situation. He perhaps considered that he could threaten my employment to gain my cooperation once I was located, though I seriously doubt that he would learn of my resignation until Monday morning. My life plan had suddenly taken a sharp turn. Divorce was a given. But of great importance to me also was my means of income. I came to Higgins Investments right out of college and a reference from Ben would now be out of the question. I need to research other employment opportunities.

Mary Beth's job as a Clinical Social Worker at the school was still intact and her annual salary had increased over time to $95,500.00. Though she would be able to meet all of her personal needs on her salary alone, she would still need a chunk of my income to continue to meet the expensive house payments each month. Now that I no longer have an income, I'll be unable to contribute toward that expense, even if a judge were to order it. I called my parents.

"Hey, Mom. Can you go get Dad and put the phone on speaker so I can talk to you both at the same time?"

"Sure, Andrew, hang on... Okay, we're both here now, what's going on?"

"I know this is going to surprise you, but Mary Beth has cheated on me with another man, my boss, Ben Higgins. I saw them with my own eyes last night. I've packed a few things and left home. I'm at a motel right now but I wanted you both to know what's going on in case Mary Beth called looking for me."


"This is shocking news. We're sorry to hear that son. It's almost unbelievable that she would ever do such a thing. You must feel terrible. What are you going to do?"

"Well, I've already taken the first step and resigned from my job. I can't ever work there again after what he did. Mary Beth expects me to simply accept and overlook it. I can't do that. My current frame of mind tells me to divorce her. I don't want to see or talk to her for a while. Her betrayal is too painful to confront right now."

"How did this come about, son? Weren't you two going to a Christmas party last night?"

"Yes, and it took place in his house. I was locked in a room that had a one-way mirror so I could watch their deviant behavior if I wanted to. Needless to say, I didn't care to watch it. I'm not wired that way. But I saw enough to know what they did and there is no way for me to ever un-see that. I escaped their trap and spent last night in a motel. I'll stay here again tonight as well. If Mary Beth, the kids, or anyone else calls either of you looking for me, can you plead ignorance for the time being? I don't want anyone to know where I am or what I'm doing except for you two."


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