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Promotional Provocation


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We attended her company Christmas party the following year and I was more relaxed than I had ever been before. When the Higgins Investments party was announced, I made no mention of it to Mary Beth and instead, treated her to a nice evening out consisting of dinner and a show. We ended up at a nightclub where we danced the night away in each other's arms. Back at home, we made the most of the newfound freedom we were beginning to embrace and made passionate love thrice instead of twice that night. It was a night I would never forget.

The next week, she asked me when the Higgins Investments party was being held. I told her that we had missed it due to my oversight. She was bitterly disappointed and chewed me out royally for robbing her of an evening of hobnobbing with the rich. I explained that I would prefer to hobnob with her any day over them but she did not appreciate nor share my sentiment saying that it was one of the few things she truly looked forward to every year. I apologized for my oversight and we soon got over the bump in the road.

The next year, Don Sharpe announced his retirement from the company. I thought myself to be the only suitor to replace him. Due to his position, Don was one of the six board members and was one of the uber-wealthy as a result. Understandably, it came as a brutal shock to me to learn that there were four other employees in the queue vying to become Don's replacement. Although I didn't know his salary, it had to be a very well-paid position. I asked Don for a chat in his office.

"Hey, Andrew, what can I do for you today?"

"All these years, we've always been direct and blunt with each other due to my personality, isn't that right?"

"Yes, Andrew. That's one of the things I love about working with you. I never have to wonder what you're thinking because you always tell me truthfully. I can't imagine working with a more honest man than you."

"Then you already know what I'm going to ask. What's going on, Don? I thought you were grooming me to take your place when you retired. Have I not met your expectations working under you?"

"Met? Are you kidding me? You've far exceeded any expectations I could have ever had for you. You are the best prognosticator I have ever met in my life."

"If that's true, then why are four others being considered to replace you? Why am I not a shoo-in for your position? Does anyone actually believe that they can do a better job at picking investment opportunities than me?"

"Of course not, Andrew. Look, I'm just as puzzled as you are at this situation. If either of those four bean counters from mergers and acquisitions were to take my place, you know as well as I do that they would fall flat on their face without you backing them up as you have done for me. You made my career for me and I appreciate it. That's why I am being totally honest with you and not faking a smokescreen for the boss. I've been straightforward with Ben about your prowess and uncanny capabilities. I've given you as many raises and bonuses as HR would allow me. I'm completely in your corner. I want you to know that. No one deserves this promotion more than you in my book."

"It just doesn't make sense, Don."

"I agree. The only thing I can come up with that makes any sense is money."

"How so?"

"Well, I won't tell you exactly what I make, but suffice it to say that I make several times what you do annually. The bean counters vying for my job make even less than you do. I checked. One theory bouncing around in my head is that by hiring a much lower-cost bean counter to put in my position and keeping you right where you are, the company could save money by that machination. Your salary is already maxed out. The bean counters have a ways to go to catch up to you. If Ben puts a low-paid bean counter over you as a figurehead, and you still feed him with your talented picks as you have me, the company can save a lot of money by not having to match my salary to the new bean counter which makes sense from that viewpoint. Conversely, however, with the named position as director of investment recommendations, my current title, the new bean counter would automatically hold a coveted position on the board, which demands a commensurate salary. It's a head-scratcher for sure and Ben is being tight-lipped about his reasoning. I don't know what else to tell you, Andrew. I've made it clear to Ben that not promoting you to my position would be the biggest mistake in the history of this company. But it's not my decision to make."

"I appreciate everything you've shared with me, Don. Can you think of anything I've ever said or done that might cause Mr. Higgins to believe me unfit for your job?"

"That's the sticking point. I've done nothing but sing your praises since the day you first proved your mettle to me. I have never, not a single time, ever complimented any of those bean counters to Ben. The only other possibility that I can think of is that one of the bean counters is Bill Spencer's son. He's been sniffing around for a way to get his son a seat on the board for years. If he had something over on Ben, some kind of blackmail situation, then he might try using that to coerce Ben into naming him as my successor."

"So much for hard work paying off, Don. I would never try to blackmail anyone to do anything for me. It seems as if honesty, integrity, and hard work don't pay anymore these days."

"Don't give up, Andrew. Ben's going to interview all four of you separately in his office a week or two before the upcoming Christmas party. He told me that he plans to announce who will receive the promotion that very night. Board position appointments like this are exceptionally rare in this company. Consider yourself among the upper echelon just to be recommended for the position."

"Thanks, Don. You've always been a straight shooter with me and I appreciate it. In all honesty, not to be bragging about myself, but I don't think there is a better-qualified individual than me adequately prepared to fill your shoes. But I'm extremely nervous now about attending the company Christmas party. If someone else is announced to replace you instead of me, I would die of embarrassment and wouldn't want to be there. As you know, I have a difficult time as it is in large social situations but to add this anxiety on top of it all makes me jittery just to think about going."

"I won't twist your arm, Andrew, and I know that I can't tell you what to do. But I believe it would be a mistake for you to miss the party. It would greatly embarrass Ben to announce you as my replacement when you didn't even bother to show up for the party. Look. Don't make any rash decisions now. Wait until after your interview with Ben. Perhaps then you'll have a better feel for which way this might go."

"You've always provided sound advice, Don. Thank you. That's exactly what I'll do."

Three days later, I was in the CEO's office. There were finger foods and beverages available which made for an informal relaxed atmosphere. His P.A. asked if there was anything else I might wish to have, and that she would make it happen. I politely thanked her praising her for the spread before us. After some small talk, Ben got down to business.

"Andrew, my boy, Don tells me that you're some kind of wizard at selecting the sweetest cherries that are ripe for picking. He has even gone so far as to state that you are the primary reason behind our company's success since you joined our firm."

"Don has been a great boss and a kind man to me. He has taught me so much since I've been under his tutelage. I'm sure he'll be missed when he retires."

"The way you two keep blowing smoke up each other's asses gives me pause to think, Andrew. It's crystal clear to me that for some reason, Don wants you to succeed him and not the other men under consideration. I'd hate to think that you're blackmailing him somehow. Otherwise, his attachment to you is uncanny."

"No sir! There's no way that I would ever try to do something like that. I have nothing to blackmail him with. As I said, he's been an exemplary boss and gave me the chance to come to work for you."

"He said much the same when I asked him. What's made me doubly wary of you is how you blew off our software developer when he tried to create a program to reproduce these magical auras you say you have in your head. I don't understand how that works and when I don't understand something, I usually stay away from it. And when something doesn't make sense to me, I can't stand behind it. You and Don are asking me to put my whole company on the line for these visions of yours. Quite honestly I've never heard of such a thing and I find it challenging to chance everything for some kind of mystical hocus pocus. The other four candidates can show me hard facts, data, and paper trails to confirm their leanings contrary to your pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey method."

"I assure you, sir, that I did not blow off that software developer. I apologize that I have no way to quantify what I see in my head and turn it into ones and zeroes. If I could do that, I'd write the software myself, sell it on the open market, and make a killing from it. But I've learned to trust what I see in my head."

"Trust. Now that's the key, isn't it? I've learned to trust Don and our company has profited from that trust. Don says he trusts you, but you haven't had the chance to earn my trust yet. To me, trust is paramount above everything else. Without it, everything else falls apart. Trust imparts loyalty. I want to trust you, Andrew, truly I do. I need to trust you. Otherwise, I could never put you into such a position of power within this company. Do you see my dilemma?"

"Not really, sir. I have never tipped off anyone else about the companies I've suggested to Don. I've always been true blue to Higgins Investments 100%. I'm not aware of any blowback about any of the picks I have made over the years, not a single one."

"I can't speak to that, Andrew. Don has always been the voice for our prospects. How do I know that what he's brought to the table isn't 90% him and only 10% you? Those other four can show me clear evidence of their productivity whereas you cannot. Lacking that, you'd have to do something extraordinary to imbue my trust in your loyalty."

"How can I do that, sir? What metric would you accept as evidence of my loyalty?"

"Hmm, now there's a question worth asking. What indeed? Let me put it like this, Andrew. When I speak of loyalty, I mean absolute loyalty to me. If I say it, then it happens, plain and simple. For example, if I were to tell you to drop to your knees and suck me off, I'd expect you to do it without hesitation. However, I don't have a gay bone in my body and I would never ask such a thing of you, never. What I'm saying is that I would have to have the confidence and trust in you to do whatever I ask, unquestioning. If you can inspire that kind of trust, and prove your loyalty to me, then the job is yours. This would be a life-changing event for you and your family, Andrew. I'm not sure what you make right now, but if you were promoted into Don's position, your starting salary would be a million dollars annually plus you'd have a seat on the board. That seat comes with some unusually great perks. I won't get into the specifics right now. I just wanted you to know that we're not playing tiddly-winks here. This is for all the marbles. You'd retire one day, as Don is now, as a multi-millionaire."

I was speechless. I had no idea what kind of salary Don was making. And here I was in contention for his spot at the table. "I'm as loyal as the day is long, sir, true blue. I believe you'll find me capable of passing any test you throw at me to prove my loyalty."

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Andrew. That's good news indeed. When you least expect it, I'll be putting your loyalty to the test. Pass that test and the job is yours."

"Thank you, sir. You won't be sorry. I won't let you down, I promise."

"Will you stop with all the sir, crap? Call me Ben. I have a feeling we're going to go a long way together."

"Yes, Ben. Thank you."

The evening of the party had finally arrived. I had been on pins and needles all week expecting to be surprised by some arduous task that Ben wanted me to do during the week to prove my loyalty. If he wanted me to do a tedious complete paper work-up on one or more of my recommendations, I would gladly do that though the outcome would be the same. But nothing had happened out of the ordinary the entire week. I had begun to think that perhaps Ben's challenge had merely been his way of giving me a pep talk and encouraging me to toe the line, which I would gladly do, given the chance.

My head was spinning. I was reeling about what kind of test I would be presented with when Mary Beth blindsided me at home.

"I've rented you a tuxedo to look your best at the Higgins Christmas party next Saturday night," she announced.

"What? A tuxedo? Next Saturday night? But I haven't even told you yet when the party is. How on earth can you know about it and why would you want me to wear a tuxedo anyway when I always wear a regular suit?"

She chuckled at my natural confusion, "If you must know, Ben Higgins called me at work today. He and I had a nice long chat about you and your potential future with the company. He explained that we missed the Christmas party last year and he wanted to make sure that we were both there this year."

"Why in the world would he call you at work and not say a word about that to me directly? That doesn't make any sense. Why would he not mention it to me, his employee, but call you instead?"

"He's a very a generous man, Andrew. I promised him that I wouldn't say anything to you about the specifics of our conversation, but suffice it to say that with me recommending that you not only go to the party this year but that you need to wear a tuxedo, shouldn't that tell you something? Hmmm?"

"What do you mean, promised him? You're keeping secrets from me that are between you and my boss? If you know something Mary Beth, tell me, I'm your husband."

"I can't, honey. I gave him my word and I aim to keep it. I can't say any more or I'll let the cat out of the bag. Did you know that Ben's going to announce the promotion at the party? I can hardly wait!" She said excitedly.

"Ben? You call him Ben? I've worked for him for years but wasn't told until today to call him that," I stated with exasperation. "Besides he told me today that he hasn't made a firm decision yet. He wants to test me somehow. Who knows what form that will take?"

"Honey, think about it; this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Whatever it is he asks of you, prove to him you're the man for the job and the job is yours. That's what he told me."

As I was donning my rented tuxedo, Mary Beth came out of the shower and entered the bedroom with me.

"What's going on? Why did you shave your bush? You know I love you natural. Why would you do that tonight?"

"Oh, don't be silly, Andrew. This is just temporary. I haven't forgotten what you like. I purchased a completely new ensemble to wear to tonight's party. I'll be the wife of the primary candidate to replace Don Sharpe and I aim to look the part. The new lingerie I bought fits too snugly and looks ugly on me with my bushy hair down there so I substantially trimmed it for now. My new garter belt and silk stockings make me look and feel really sexy down below, I don't mind saying. Perhaps later on, when you've had a chance to sample me this way, you may like it better and wish for me to keep it shaved for you."

"New lingerie? Garter belt and stockings? Is that the designer dress you looked at with me a while back that cost nine thousand dollars?"

"Why yes it is, sweetie. Thanks for noticing. I can't wait for you to see me in it."

"When you tried it on in the salon, most of your breasts were exposed with that 'V' that goes all the way down to your navel. And let's not forget the slit in the back halfway up your ass! I told you not to buy that slinky dress. What are you hoping to achieve tonight? Are you trying to embarrass me in front of my coworkers and get voted slut of the party?"

Her demeanor went from happy to irritated, "Just who do you think you are judging me on how I dress? You're no clothes horse yourself, mister. If it weren't for me looking after you, you'd probably wear jeans and a T-shirt to the party. You'd be the laughingstock of the company were it not for me. You have no sense of fashion, Andrew. Now finish getting that tuxedo on while I get dressed. We're going to look like a power couple tonight for a change."

"Power couple? How about a hooker and her pimp? If I can't talk you out of putting on something decent, then maybe we shouldn't go to the party tonight. I'm sure I could think of somewhere else to go tonight where I wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with you."

"How dare you call me a prostitute! Where do you get off saying things like that to me? This is your autism speaking, Andrew. You must admit that you're not the best at reading and handling social situations. Trust that everything I wear, say, and do tonight is for us to cement our future together. No woman on earth is going to be prouder of her husband tonight than me when Ben announces the promotion. Now get your butt in that tux and let's get this show on the road. Got it?" She dared me to defy her."

Although I don't like it a bit, she's right. She's always been much better at reading and navigating social situations than I will ever be. I guess I'll have to put my big boy pants on and see how all of this plays out. She talks almost as if she knows the promotion is already mine but is forbidden to speak the words. Once we're at the party, if I become too uncomfortable with how people are looking at her, I'll just grab her and have her leave early with me. I drove us to the Christmas party, held once again at Ben Higgins' home, using our black Volvo XC90 Plug-In Hybrid. No, it didn't carry the prestige of a Lamborghini, a Lykan, an Aston Martin, or a Bugatti but we somehow managed to arrive safely all the same. The guard at the security shack approached me and asked to see our invitation. He waved us on and the electric barrier arm gate (like those at a parking garage) was raised. We drove the circle to the front of the mansion. The parking valet took my key fob and disappeared with our Volvo.

Once inside, the coat hostess and security staff greeted us warmly and asked for our phones.

"May I ask why?"

"Of course, sir. Last year, one of the attending guests not employed by the firm took some inappropriate images on their phone. We're not sure if the pictures were taken for their personal use or if they were intended to serve as blackmail material. We go to great extremes to protect the privacy and security of everyone in attendance. To make that easier, Wendy, here, will check your coats and phones together and they will be returned to you as you leave. In the event that you need to make a call for any reason, please find one of the staff and a generic phone will immediately be made available to you." We acknowledged our understanding and complied.


Then we were greeted like royalty. The six board members and their wives welcomed us to the family as if it were a done deal. This gave me cause for relief. All the signs pointed to me being announced as Don's successor. I was introduced for the first time to Robert Salman and his gorgeous wife Trudy. When I say gorgeous, I mean off-the-scale sex on a stick. I was informed that Robert was a Vice President of Accounts Receivable. That's probably why I'd never met him before. When he shook my hand, it felt as if I was shaking hands with a man's man. He was obviously a stout man. Ben made his way over to us after we made our grand entrance. Not a male in the room was able to take his eyes off of Mary Beth. She luxuriated in the attention. I didn't care for it, personally. Ben greeted us both and soon disappeared with my wife for her first dance of the night. An hour later, Ben had the DJ get everyone's attention.

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