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Prudent Exchange


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I might have felt both embarrassed and guilty that I was thinking of Gail while ejaculating in Evelyn. I might have, but for the fact that Evelyn too climaxed more powerfully than I have ever seen her climax before. If I didn't know better I would have thought that she was having a health emergency she tensed up, shivered, and moaned so passionately.

Many, many minutes after I had gone flaccid and we were lying with our bodies entangled in post coital bliss after I tenderly kissed her she earnestly said "That was the Everest climax for me. You fucking wiped out ever nerve ending in my body. I'm not sure but that my spine may remain jelly-like the rest of my life. Holy shit was that awesome."

I smiled, kissed her again, and then said "I've never cum so hard before in my life. You're a female deity."

Shortly after those words we both fell into a deep sleep.

Gail wasn't done with fucking with my mind yet, however. I woke up from a dream about fucking Gail with my cock rock hard while I was spooning Evelyn. I ran my fingers over her kitty to be sure that she was still lubricated, and was proud when it was clear that some cum was still in Evelyn's V-jay. I slowly inserted my tool into her cooch and very pointedly pistoned in-and-out. After no more than five strokes she was awake, even if not completely cognizant. After another ten strokes she was actively participating. After yet another twenty five strokes she was shaking in orgasm and moaning as I made another large seminal fluid deposit in her cunt.

The next morning Evelyn was all smiles. If she was miffed yesterday about the attention I paid to Gail last night's sexercise had wiped it away. Little did she know that she owed her euphoria to my preoccupation with Gail.

As that Sunday progressed I started feeling guilty. I realized that although my relationship with Evelyn was based upon like, respect, and ultimate admiration, and while we both enjoyed our sexual relations, there was an absence of passion. The passion of Saturday night and early Sunday morning was all due to me fantasizing about Gail. That really, really, disturbed me.


After my interactions with Gail on Saturday, and my intense orgasms Saturday night and early Sunday morning, I no longer looked on a loan for Bryce as a business deal. I felt that even if I ultimately ended up giving him $45,000 since Gail would somehow benefit from it I didn't care.

Bryce was one happy camper when I had a check for $45,000 delivered to him Monday morning, along with a very simple loan agreement at an interest rate two points less than prime and with payments due at his discretion but with all $45,000 and interest due within 18 months. I also provided him with pieces of advice about how he could improve his situation. He quickly signed the contract, faxed it to me, and profusely thanked me over the phone. "I won't let you down," he intonated, although he made no mention of the advice I had given him.

Over the next twelve months a number of things happened. In no particular order of time or importance they were:

--I saw more of Gail both with and without Bryce since she started working in the building next to mine and we sometimes had lunch together, or just took a short walk at lunch if the weather was nice.

--I kept on trying to figure out why I was so smitten by Gail. I never did figure it out but unfortunately my enchantment with her seemed to increase the more I got to know her, not decrease as I had hoped. When I had crushes in the past they dissipated after about six months; unfortunately this was no crush that I had on Gail, something way more serious and disturbing.

--I realized that although I liked Evelyn more than anyone else on earth I wasn't passionately in love with her. When I was around Gail all of my nerve endings tingled; when I was around Evelyn I was serene. Making love to Evelyn was extraordinarily pleasant. When I fantasized that it was Gail when I was having sex with Evelyn it wasn't pleasant, it was zealous, passionate, over-the-top animalistic.

--Bryce's business got into more trouble; Gail often bemoaned how hopeless she thought his situation was. Of course he had never implemented the suggestions that I had given him which would at least have mitigated his problems.

--Evelyn also seemed to be concerned about Bryce's situation. Evelyn is a very empathetic person and when we got together with Bryce and Gail (with or without other people) she tried to sooth him.

Then things started to go off the rails. After calling to be sure that Evelyn wouldn't be there (she was making her yearly visit to see her parents and wouldn't be back until Monday night) he came over to my house one Saturday. He again was desperate. "Kyle, I know that you've been more than generous with me, but I have no other place to turn so I'm going to hit you up again. If I don't get another $20,000 quickly I'm not only going to lose my business, but there are some sketchy investors that are going to be really pissed and I worry about my and Gail's safety."

The "and Gail's safety" got my attention.

I tenaciously interrogated Bryce for the next half hour and determined that his situation was real. Then I asked him why he hadn't implemented my suggestions. "I wanted to be able to come out of my situation using my own brain, not being helped by anyone else. I now realize how stupid that was."

I was still not inclined to give him any more money since it would just go down the drain, and the only thing holding me up from blasting him was my concern for Gail. I believe what he said next was in total desperation.

"Look, Kyle; I know that you're enamored with Gail -- everyone can see it. Sometimes she lets me blindfold her and tie her wrists to the headboard. I can do that and you can then come into the bedroom and fuck her. That and I will pay your money back."

My initial reaction was all of disgust, surprise, embarrassment, and humiliation. I chastised him, but he didn't back down. "You know that you want to fuck her, well here's your chance. She'll never know and I won't ever tell anyone else including Evelyn. Dude I'm at my wit's end; please, you gotta help me!" Bryce moaned, almost in tears.

I must have been in a trance or in an alternate dimension at the time because the next thing I knew I was writing him a check for $20,000 and he was telling me that the next night around eight o'clock I could sneak over to his condo.

After he left I was emotionally drained. I was like an automaton as I made myself some dinner, talked to Evelyn on the phone trying my best to hide my inner turmoil, watched a movie without really seeing it, and then fell into a fitful sleep.

Bryce called me at 7:30 the next night. "Everything's all set; be here at eight as planned."

I couldn't believe that I was actually doing it, but I stumbled over to Bryce's condo and got there about five minutes to eight and per our arrangement let myself in the unlocked rear door. I slowly crept upstairs and heard Bryce in the main bedroom. He and Gail were obviously playing a game. I heard Bryce say "You've been a bad girl so I'm going to whore you out tonight, Candi," obviously Gail's sex scenario name.

"Don't Dalton, please," she fake pleaded with Bryce, "I'll be good from now on and won't fuck any of your friends."

They kept up their banter as I snuck into the room. When I saw naked Gail blindfolded with her writs handcuffed to the headboard my cock inflated so fast it almost popped my zipper. She looked so goddamn hot that my head was swirling. I instinctively started to undo my belt as Bryce was motioning me "up to the plate."

Suddenly I had an epiphany. I refastened my belt, turned, and literally ran out of the house. That I got that close to violating my wedding vows, raping a woman who I was friends with, and inviting scorn from my wife, parents, and everyone who knew me, overwhelmed me. I puked in the bushes in front of Bryce and Gail's condo, somehow drove home without getting into an accident, and then crashed in our guest bedroom, curling up into a fetal position and literally crying myself to dormancy.


Still wracked with guilt I called my secretary Cher the next morning and told her I wasn't coming in and to reschedule my Monday appointments. As I was drinking a cup of tea (my stomach was too unsettled to eat) about ten a. m. my doorbell rang. When I saw that it was Gail I almost didn't answer it, but decided that even if I was a pervert I wasn't a chicken so I opened the door.

Unsmilingly Gail pushed herself in and said those famous words "We need to talk."

"Can I get you something to drink?" I meekly inquired.

Gail was already seated in my living room when she replied "I'm here to kick ass, not to sip a mint julep, now sit your ass down."

I sighed and did as I was told. "What the fuck was with you coming into my room last night while I was naked and starting to undo your pants? Were you going to fuck me?"

"I...I...I thought...that...you...uh...were...uh...blindfolded," I stammered while looking anywhere but at her.

"Look at me, asshole," she snapped. When I continued to look down she got up, walked over to me, and slapped my face. "I said look at me."

Despite how my cheek hurt I did look up at her, her emerald green eyes boring into my soul. "Bryce is a boob; the blindfold wasn't tight, and partially transparent. I saw you there. Once you turned tail I made Bryce release me, and then reamed him out. He continued to maintain that he didn't know that you were coming over, but obviously he was lying because even a perv like you wouldn't walk into a house uninvited, and it's clear that you came in through an unlocked door," she snarled.

I cast my eyes back to the floor.

Gail grabbed my hair and pulled my face up to look at her. "Tell me what the fuck is going on."

"OK," I said. "Please sit down and I'll tell you."

I decided that the time for duplicity was over. "I'm hopelessly infatuated with you. I hate myself for it, I hate that my most passionate lovemaking sessions with Evelyn are when I'm fantasizing about you, I don't even have a fucking clue as to why you've bewitched me. I thought that I had successfully hidden my fascination but apparently even Bryce -- who's definitely not the most observant guy in the world -- recognized it so I'm sure that Evelyn has too and it's hurt her."

I made eye contact with Gail trying to gauge her reaction but she had a Sphinx-like look on her face. So I continued and told her everything about my contacts with Bryce, helping him out with $45,000 that I was quite sure I'd never get back, his plea for $20,000 more otherwise he was afraid he and she could have been hurt, and his idea to get me to agree by fucking you when you didn't know that it was me.

By the time I was done talking Gail's face was full of emotions -- I just couldn't tell exactly what emotions.

After a pregnant pause she asked "So why didn't you fuck me?"

"Because it would have been rape, and you certainly didn't deserve that; because I would be cheating on Evelyn; and because I would never be able to face you, my parents, or Evelyn ever again," I replied.

The most uncomfortable silence of my life lasted for what seemed like hours, but likely was just a minute or two, as Gail stared at me while I occasionally made eye contact, then looked at the floor. Finally the stillness was broken when she got up, walked over to me, lifted my chin up, and then gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. When she broke it she said "You are so fucking clueless and naïve I wonder if you can be salvaged. I'll be in touch after Evelyn and I meet tomorrow. She and I are having dinner together tomorrow night so make other plans."

Then Gail turned and pranced out the door, wiggling her ass as she went.

I don't know if my Y chromosome makes me guileless and/or stupid, or if it's something else in my upbringing or education. All I knew is that I didn't have the slightest fucking clue what was going on. The previous night's near disaster, and Gail's visit, had so fucked up my mind that I had no goddamn clue what to do -- if anything.


I was essentially a zombie for the rest of Monday. I think that I read some documents for work, but I didn't retain the information in them, and I watched some mindless TV, but I was still not of the living when Evelyn got home about 6:30 p. m.

Evelyn greeted me with a kiss like nothing was wrong, even though I know that she had talked to Gail -- to what extent information was imparted I didn't know -- and then asked "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I was waiting for you," I replied trying to sound upbeat.

"Great; let's go to our favorite quick neighborhood restaurant, Luigi's," she smiled. "I could use some eggplant parmesan." So that's what we did.

During dinner we kept the conversation light. I got the news about her parents -- which fortunately had been good news since my father got them jobs and in a rent-controlled apartment -- she told me about interesting things going on at work, and mildly interrogated me about some of my projects at work. She surprised me by asking about my loans to Bryce, since I didn't remember ever having told her about them, was curious as to why he wouldn't implement my suggestions, and inquired about if I was ever likely to get the money back.

I told her it was unlikely that I'd get it back.

On the way home she mentioned that she was having dinner with Gail the next night. When we got home she put on some music and demanded that I dance with her -- we had taken some dance lessons and she wanted to practice -- and then she led me up to bed.

Evelyn initiated a joint shower together -- and I only got my hands slapped a half dozen times, a record for me for joint showers -- and then she tenderly made love to me in our bed, and fell asleep on my shoulder. Her final words before she nodded off made sure that I wouldn't sleep well. "No matter what transpires I'm so glad that we've been married; it's been the joy of my life."


Despite having had almost no sleep, I stumbled into work Tuesday morning. I was surprised that I actually got a reasonable amount of work done. I ate at a local deli about 6:00 p. m. since I knew that Evelyn wouldn't be home, and got home about 7:15. I was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep by 7:45, barely having been able to take a quick shower before I zoned out in bed.

Evelyn was next to me when I woke up the next morning. She woke up too and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. At breakfast I asked her about her dinner with Gail. "She's coming over Thursday at 6:00 p. m. to share Chinese takeout and talk with us. Be sure you take off from work to make it in time."

"Uh...what...uh...what about?" I stammered.

"You'll see," Evelyn replied with a smile.

Evelyn and I had a very comfortable pleasant Wednesday night. I was actually able to get a good night's sleep and not be agitated about Gail's visit. I looked at it like going to the dentist. If you think about it for 24 hours before your visit you'll be in pain for 24 hours. If you don't think about it in advance you'll only be in pain the ten minutes that the dentist is drilling.

I found it odd when Gail arrived Thursday night that she had a small suitcase with her when I answered the door. I asked her about it and she said something like "I brought over some things for Evelyn," before changing the subject.

We ate Chinese while chatting. I think that I was successful at not staring at either Gail's eyes, thighs, or ass. After we cleaned up we all went into the living room with a class of wine. Once we sat down it was all business. Gail started out.

"Kyle, you're probably the savviest businessman I've ever met in my life. Everything you touch turns to gold. However, you have blinders on when it comes to personal relationships. For example, you've really thought that you've hidden your infatuation with me from others over the last two years or so, you think that you're in love with Evelyn, and you have no clue that Evelyn and Bryce have always had a connection since college and even though they have never had sex since their junior years in college, they've always had the hots for each other."

I was speechless, but probably opened and closed my mouth without making a sound, like a fish just pulled out of the water.

Gail hesitated slightly, and then continued. "In accordance with your foggy brain when it comes to interpersonal relationships you apparently have no clue that I may be as besotted with you as you are with me. I'll turn it over to Evelyn before I make a proposal."

Evelyn got up and sat next to me holding my hand. "Kyle, you are my best friend. I love you, and you love me -- but we don't love each other like Romeo and Juliet; we love each other as friends. You have every desirable quality in a man, and I know that you think that I have every desirable quality that a woman could have. However, neither of us are passionate -- unless you're thinking about Gail when we have sex."

"But...but..." I started to stammer before Evelyn put me out of my misery.

"Kyle, when we've had the most intense sexual experiences over the last two years or so -- and I did truly love them -- half the time you called out Gail's name at some point. I didn't let it bother me because sometimes when we were having our highest climaxes I was thinking of Bryce. I'm not sure that you ever knew for sure why I broke up with Bryce in college. It wasn't because I didn't passionately love him; it was because I had no confidence that he would ever be successful -- and he hasn't been -- and given my history of poverty I was never going to be in it again. In you I had someone who was handsome, virile, and honorable, and who was going to make it in the world. Hell, you left college with $200,000 or so in the bank. You had everything and I fell in love with you because of that -- even though I didn't have the passion for you that I did for Bryce."

I think that I did the fish imitation again before Evelyn continued.

"Bryce needs me; you don't. You want Gail, and you should have her. With the money I've made, and with a few equitable arrangements if we divorce, I'll be able to save Bryce while not putting myself in jeopardy of ever being poor again. That's why I'm enthusiastically going along with Gail's proposal."

With that Gail got up, came over to me, sat on my lap and put her arms around my neck. "Evelyn and I are doing an exchange for sixty days. At the end of that time you, me, Evelyn and Bryce will meet to see if we want to make it permanent. If we do, we will. If we don't, we'll probably go back to the way that things are now. Regardless, that's the way it's going to play out."

Evelyn was still holding my hand. She squeezed it then said "We're sorry that this is a fait accompli and that you weren't given a choice. But considering your steadfastness and honor you might not have agreed, so we didn't give you the choice. See you in sixty days."

With that, Evelyn stood up, pulled a wheelie from behind the couch that I hadn't noticed was there (apparently one of hundreds of things I was oblivious to), gave me a quick kiss on the top of my head, and then started walking to the door. Her parting words, delivered in a sing-song voice, were, "Don't waste him too badly, Gail."

As soon as the door clicked shut Gail stared into my soul and then said "I for one would really like to get started seeing how sexually compatible that we are. Do you think that big strong you can carry little ole' me to your bedroom -- Evelyn promised that she changed the sheets."

So here I was, totally manipulated by two women, treated like I was some pathetic creature with no awareness of the world, and they expected me to perform like a circus animal?

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