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Public Transit

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It's amazing what you can do on the subway.
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I would like to thank My friend Ftz for editing this story without her help I would not and could not have posted this.

Paul sat waiting in the airport arrivals area. Gwen's flight was late. It seemed like forever since the last time they had talked to one another even though it was just last night that they had chatted in Hot Bed. They had never met but had talked together now for months exchanging personal information, secrets and even photos and risqué pictures of themselves. He knew her better than he knew his brother, at least that was how it felt. Now they were going to meet and be together for the first time and he was at once excited and scared half to death. What if they really didn't hit it off in person? So what if they seemed to be made for each other, stranger things had happened.

All at once her flight's arrival was announced. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for. He gazed out the window and watched as they unloaded the baggage. Then his eyes turned to the ramp as the passengers started coming off of the plane. His heart hammered in his chest as he watched, excitement and longing building to critical mass. More and more people exited the ramp and still no Gwen.

He was staring so hard at the entrance to the boarding ramp that he almost missed her as she stepped through the opening. There she was. Her lustrous brown hair gently bouncing as she walked towards him, a shy uncertain smile on her lips. Her green eyes sparkling with hope and ...dare he think it, desire?? Then she stood there staring back into his brown eyes, the love and desire there now plain for him to see. Without a word he took her into his arms and kissed her. At first tentatively but then with all the passion and ardor he could muster. The world for the couple shrank to just the two of them. No one else existed. His hands roamed her back and then slowly lowered to her ass. He gently massaged and caressed her as they continued the kiss. His arms holding her tightly against him as their lips finally parted and they breathed again.

As they began to notice the world around them they noticed a woman staring at them with what could only be a look of melancholy and longing. It was plain to see that things like this never happened to her. Gwen felt her excitement increase as she realized that others had been watching them and that his hands were still holding her ass. She turned slightly away from him and smiled.

"Maybe we ought to go get my luggage hon," she said.

"Ok sweet heart," he replied.

On their way to the baggage claim they passed the restrooms and it gave him an idea. "Sweet heart, would you do something for me?" he asked.

"Anything baby!" she said.

"Ok, go in the lady's room and remove your panties and bra," he said

Without a word she turned and walked into the ladies room. He stood there staring after her in shock, was she really going to do it? He could feel his cock getting hard just thinking of it. Five minutes passed before she came out. She walked up to him smiling and handed him a bundle of black satin cloth.

"Here you are hon," she said.

Slowly he opened the cloth to reveal her black satin bra and matching panties. He noticed that the crotch of the panties was damp. Smiling he refolded the underclothes and put them in his pocket, noticing as he did a guy standing behind a ticket counter with a look of awe and envy on his face. He pulled her to him and kissed her soundly allowing his hands to roam over her ass.

"Thanks darlin," he said "Now lets go get your luggage."

They walked away with their arms around each other towards the baggage claim area. His hand draped over her shoulder and down across her chest rubbing her nipples through her blouse and gently squeezing her breasts as they walked. They remained this way while they waited for her luggage to appear on the baggage carrousel. She began to squirm as they waited and he could smell her arousal. Across from them a young couple watched and smiled and joined in the fun mirroring, the stance that Paul and Gwen had taken. His hand roamed over his partner's chest as they too waited. For a time both couples lost track of what they were doing as they watched the other's groping until the young man was bumped from behind by someone else lunging for a bag on the carousel. The magic was broken and they all returned to retrieving their luggage.

After retrieving her luggage he led her to the subway station connected to the airport. As the waited for a train he played with her ass. He would lift the back of her dress up and run his hands over her ass then allow the dress to fall back down and start again. As his hand ran over her ass she squirmed with delight. She could feel her juices running down her leg. Her hand reached back and slowly traced the outline of the bulge in his jeans. Lovingly she ran her hands up and down the length of him and gently squeezed and rubbed him.

The train pulled into the station and they boarded. The car they were in was deserted and they quickly found a place to sit. He placed her luggage on the seat with a space between the bags for someone to sit. He sat down there and pulled her into his lap. They immediately resumed their kissing and fondling of each other until they were both at a fever pitch. He quickly pushed her from his lap and had her stand in front of him, she was positioned so that no one could see him or what he was doing. He slowly pulled the zipper down on the front of his jeans and pulled his cock out for her to see.

"Turn around love," he told her.

She quickly spun around and he pulled her back towards him. As her ass approached his lap he pulled the back of her skirt up and guided her back onto his hard cock. She slowly slid herself up and down on his cock and then settled back into his lap burying his cock deep inside her pussy. They both just sat there for a minute and savored the feeling. She began to rhythmically squeeze his cock with her pussy and then began to rock back and forward sliding his cock in and out of her. His hands roamed her body at will and he squeezed and fondled her.

The train approached a station and came to a stop. The doors opened and she settled back onto his lap squeezing his cock with her pussy as she sat there. No one entered the car but several people exited the car ahead of them. The doors slid shut and the train began to pull out of the station. As the train picked up speed and passed the passengers who had disembarked he pulled the hem of her skirt up and flashed a view of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. Several of the men stood transfixed as the scene in the car flashed from their view.

As the train continued on they resumed their frenzied fucking. She slammed herself up and down on his cock with abandon. The fact that he had flashed a view of her full pussy to those people on the platform just served to excite her more. She rode his cock hard and fast moaning and crying out. For his part he slid down slightly and arched his back to allow him to push his cock even deeper into her pussy.

They rode on into the tunnels. When they would reach a station things would slow and when they pulled out of the station he would pull her skirt up or lift her blouse to show her tits to people as they passed.

Finally they pulled into a station and a young woman entered their car. She sat at the opposite end of the car but had an unobstructed view of them. Gwen momentarily stopped her frenzied bouncing and slowly rocked on his lap, squeezing his cock with the muscles of her pussy, they both glanced at the woman to see what she was doing. At first she only sat and looked out the window, but when Paul moaned she glanced over at them. Her eyes got big and round as she realized just exactly what they were doing and then she quickly looked away but her eyes kept coming back to the scene at the other end of the car.

As soon as she knew she had the woman's attention Gwen began to slowly raise and lower her pussy on Paul's cock. She held the woman's eyes with hers for a moment and then looked down. The woman's eyes followed hers and when they were locked on the point where they were joined Gwen lifted her skirt. The woman stared transfixed as Paul's cock slid in and out of Gwen's pussy right before her eyes. Her hands moved as if of their own volition and began to knead her breasts and rub her nipples. The woman's eyes never left the sight of his cock slamming in and out of Gwen's pussy, her breathing was quick and ragged. Slowly her left hand traveled up the front of her shirt and began to knead and massage her breasts, the rhythm of her fingers matching the stroke of Paul's cock in and out of Gwen's wet pussy. All three of them were moaning and writhing on their seats as the train rocketed trough the tunnel. Her eyes locked on them as her left hand massaged her breasts and her right rubbed up and down the crotch of her slacks.

The lights of the next station were shining ahead of the train as the three of them reached their orgasm together, Paul arching his back to drive his cock deep into Gwen while Gwen's body stiffened and her pussy squeezed his cock in a vise-like grasp. The woman's orgasm was just as strong as she screamed out her release, arching off of the seat and nearly falling to the floor.

As the train pulled into the station they all rearranged their clothing and repositioned themselves in the seats. When the train came to a stop and the doors opened Paul and Gwen rose and left the train. They passed the woman as they approached the doors Gwen turned towards the woman and quickly lifted her skirt, giving her a close up view of Gwen's wet cum dripping pussy. The woman reached out as if to touch it and then slowly pulled her hand away. Gwen smiled, dropped her skirt and followed Paul out of the train.

"Well," said Gwen as they reached the platform, "where to now?"

"The other side of the platform hon" Paul said. "Our stop was two stations back."

Smiling Gwen said, "Do you think we can find something to do during the trip?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fucking Her Hard

ive done stuff very simalar

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
My Fantasy

That has been a long time fantasy of mine. You nailed it! The only thing that could have made it better would be for the girl to suck the other girls nipples while they were fucking.

wetpusiwetpusiabout 16 years ago
5 stars!

I wish someone would do me in public just like in this story...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Dude, this is like my dream story. I wish I could fuck my girlfriend on the subway!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Short and to the point.

It was short and to the point. Great. No useless narrative.

Sexy. Every mans, (and womens) dream.

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