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Puzzle Pieces

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She's forgotten a lot how much can Anaïs remember in the end.
5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 12/06/2013
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(I was sitting around on my break doing nothing what so ever when I was hit by this idea I had been working on another new story but I think I'll delete it. After all if it's worth deleting it's not worth posting. Anyhoo I'm sort of back.

I'm not connected to any businesses mentioned, likenesses etc are coincidental and unintentional. The place described is set in Colorado however to my knowledge the area doesn't actually exist. I wanted something fictional but also something you could picture. Colorado has a lot of open space and run down shops if you know where to look but most of them are no where near any wood like areas. While some memories include underage characters all sexual acts are kept to the 18 and up characters.

Also I'm not following any manual for how you might be use to the behavior of certain mythical creatures I'm throwing them together as they normally appear with a few twists of my own that's all I can tell you.

I think I'll only have a couple POV switches in the story as far as memory is concerned but if I have more it shouldn't be too much to deal with.

{Memories}, [thinking],["Mental communication"] Yes this is just another werewolf story enjoy.

I'm afraid there is no sex in this chapter, and you can go to the last page to see the short reference list for this chapter.)



Character POV

When I was six it was a good year, I can't tell you for sure who the president was, the cost of gas, the old time gadgets, or even what kind of car my grandparent's had. However, I can tell you for sure that it was the start of the best time of my life that was when I met one of my first real friends and he was the nicest boy I could have ever met.

Every day I would meet this boy and we would pick a game to play, I knew from his size he was at least two years older than me. That never seemed to bother him, he always chose to play with me over the older kids.

When I was being bullied he protected me.

He was.....

We did everything together.

I would run to him when....

He always said.....

He stayed.....

You probably wonder why I haven't given a name or why the information seems jumbled but that's just how it is with me. I can't remember his name, I can barely remember what he looked like, I don't know if we were just friends or if he was my first boyfriend, if he was just my friend I don't know if he was good to me because he was a good person or if he was using me. If he was my boyfriend I don't know if he really loved me or if I was just a play thing, I just don't know but I do know that there was an accident. My father says that is how my mother died, the doctors say I hit my head so hard that I got amnesia.

I also know that I remembered enough to know this friend was a boy, and that as I started remembering things after my own name he was the first person to pop into my mind. It's sort of unfair to remember someone so clearly yet not clearly enough to put the puzzle pieces together. My therapist says that maybe one day I'll either find all the pieces or I won't all I can do is try.

All I can do is try.


Normal POV



"Anaïs? Are you listening?"

The young woman looked up, her therapist Dr. Calvin stared at her, she shook her head and chewed on her lip.

"Sorry Dr. Calvin."

"That's alright, you seem lost in thought did you get another piece?"

She shook her head.

"Well I guess we're done for today."

She nodded glumly.

"Hey now don't be sad, these things take time."

"But how much? That accident happened when I was fifteen."

He grinned and she stared at him then rubbed her head.

"It happened when I was fifteen." she repeated.

"You see, it just takes time, I don't suppose you can fill in the blank can you?"

She looked at him expectantly.

"I am....years old"

"Twenty three......I'm 23 years old."

She looked at him for approval

He winked at her and she rubbed her head more.

"Oh thank goodness I'm over twenty-one because I think I need a drink."

He laughed and patted her hand,

"As long as you don't come back next week drunk you can have any reasonable amount of alcohol that you want."

She smiled, the older man had been more of a father to her in the past few years than her own father had. She often felt like he was angry with her, not because she caused the accident but because she lived when his wife didn't. She shook the thought from her head and got up she thanked him and headed for the door.

"Oh Anaïs wait a second."

She turned.


"I uh know it's none of my business but I heard from your father you were let go."

She sighed.

"Yeah, cut backs and all, I just didn't impress them enough I guess."

"Well that's ridiculous because no one I've ever met makes a better pot roast than you do."

She smiled.

"Thank you but I don't think my old boss would agree."

"Oh bah what does he know? Anyone can graduate with a bit of effort but it takes heart to really succeed in any field you could go to school for."

She nodded slowly he always praised her where her father shot her down.

"But if you're interested my sister told me their hiring some new live-in-maids at the house she works at, you get benefits and $25 an hour."

"$25 an hour to clean?"

"Well whatever you want to do, she said they always need an extra hand in the kitchen or out in the garden, sometimes they need a driver it's up to you."

She thought about it for a bit.

"Who is...uh the master of the house I guess."

"I think it's Lord and Lady Daemos, they have two kids and family and friends that stay at random but most of the clean up is just up keep. You will share a room with my sister, Cadence, she'll show you the ropes."

"Hmm...well what more can I say then 'yes'?"

He smiled.

"Excellent, if you can wait in the lobby for me I'll get the information."

She thanked him again.

She'd been looking for a way to get away from her father and had been crushed when she was let go this would be good for her.


The castle-like fortress was set in Colorado deep in the woods, when the taxi dropped her off she wondered if she was in the wrong place. There was a grocery store, drug store, liquor store, bakery and a small library around the many trees. She rubbed her arms, it was August and fairly chilly. She was dressed acceptably though, her curvy body was decorated by tight black jeans, dark brown high heeled boots, a white turtleneck and a black jacket.

Anaïs wore small professional glasses, she had pale skin like her mother, vivid green eyes and wavy brown hair. She had been adorable her entire life but now she was the type of beauty people assumed you could only see in magazines. She jumped hearing hooves behind her she turned as a horse drawn carriage appeared as if right out of an old fashioned movie. On the white horse was a pretty older woman with graying blond hair, warm blue eyes and just slightly wrinkled skin.

Anaïs smiled.'

"Miss. Calvin."

The woman giggled and hopped off the horse to give her a hug.

"Oh my dear just call me Cadence, it's so nice to meet you my brother has told me so much about you."

"All good things I hope."

"Oh of course, here let me help you with your bags."

"Oh no I can..."

Before she could argue Cadence had already grabbed them and put them in the carriage, the benefits must be really good those heavy bags didn't seem to bother her at all so her health must be great. Not to mention she seemed so small she was even a little shorter than Anaïs.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem, come on lets hurry and get you settled."

Anaïs climbed on the back of the horse and Cadence pulled a little on the reigns so he would turn around.

"This here is Derek he's the sweetest thing but the other maids and I think he has a preference for females."

Anaïs reached over and patted his mane a bit with a whinny he headed back where they came from.

"Is this how you all travel?"

"Oh no we have access to cars and what not but it's a little late and living out here where a hungry wolf or other sharp toothed wild animal can come out of nowhere you need to make the smallest amount of noise possible."

Anaïs nodded.

"So dear, did your father say he would visit?"

"Oh uh....he's too busy with work maybe I'll see him over the holidays."

Cadence didn't say anything but nodded, she had a sad look on her face though they lived so far from the city you would think a father would make more of an effort.

"Well instead of making the ride more awkward how about I just change the subject?"

They laughed and Anaïs was sure she would like the other woman just fine.

"Don't be worried about the trees or signal, the master spared no expense, the phone lines are just under ground in protective tubes. We have high speed internet and several hundred channels that are really just fun to flip through on break."

"So private computers?"

"Some of us have them, but there are computers in the library to use, I don't really have much use for a computer but it's fun to use them for a little while."

She paused.

"Every morning we get up at five and make breakfast for the head maids and butlers."

"How many are there?"

"About fifty they cook for the family and guests in the morning or start cleaning before we do."

"How many regular maids and butlers are there?"

"Twenty-seven now."

She looked up as they neared the mansion, there was a marble fountain in the round-a-bout, an eight car garage and a large pool past the gates. The mansion was a cream and gold work of art. With all the windows to show the various rooms Anaïs wondered how they had any time to relax. She could see a large rec room on the second floor. A massive kitchen on the first, several bedrooms and judging by the space between some of the windows, bathrooms.

When they walked inside she looked at the royal blue, black, silver, and white décor that made up the living room. It was beautiful, the grand staircase was being cleaned by several, beautiful, women in black blouses and long slightly clingy skirts under aprons.

"That is the uniform for the head maids." Cadence whispered.

She nodded, the kitchen was chrome, granite, and marble Anaïs couldn't wait to cook in it, they walked past the door that led to the indoor pool and down to the basement. At first Anaïs was a little miffed about staying in the basement until she saw it. The cherry wood floors were sparkling clean there was a sitting area in front of a large flat screen, a small kitchenette, five bathrooms and multiple bedrooms.

"Some of us have low blood sugar and that's when the kitchen is used down here the most, if you want anything just take it unless it's marked for someone else and write down what you took on the little chalkboard. It helps us keep track of things for when it's time to go grocery shopping. We will draw two names out of a little hat every time so it's fair and no one is always doing the shopping for all of us."

"You have a system then."

"And it works, there are a couple other maids your age but no one younger I'm sure you'll get along with them fine."

"Sounds good, are there bathroom rules aside from picking up after yourself?"

"Not really, except in the morning limit your shower to a quick five minutes, the others will get started in the kitchen. Or wherever their needed but no one wants to be left with too much work it's just polite not to take forever when there is work to be done. Of course you can always take another longer shower or bath after the initial chores are done if you want to ."

"Okay I can work with that."

"Great come this way I'll show you to our room."

They walked past the bathrooms and into a green and white room with two large beds, two vanities, a large walk in closet and place to sit and read.

"How do so many people share this small space?"

She giggled.

"Oh this is where the maids stay the men have their own place, and the head maids and butlers have their own areas too."

"Oh I see that should have been obvious."

"Oh no a lot of people ask that, but when you think eleven women share the area it's a lot bigger."


"Only the two of us share this room because I'm the head maid for our group and I get the chore list from the heads upstairs. Every morning for a few weeks I want you to tag along with me when you get the hang of things I'll tell you what needs to be done after the initial cooking and cleaning and you tell me where you want to be for that day, sound good?"


"That's what I want to hear, the left side of the closet is for you I'll go into the laundry room, which is to the left of the kitchen, and pick up your uniform are you a six?"

"Better make it a seven just in case."

"A size seven coming right up."

She left her alone to unpack, Anaïs noticed pictures and medicine on one of the nightstands and picked the other bed. As she was hanging up her clothes she heard a knock and peeked out the door of the closet. She smiled at the pretty blond who was dressed in her pajamas.


"Hey there darlin' you must be Anaïs."

"That's me."

"I'm Gina, welcome to the fold."

They shook hands.

"My my my you're just as cute as baby bunny in the middle of July."

She laughed.

"Oh sorry you know Mandy always tells me that my supposedly stereotypical mannerisms and what not aren't cute but let me tell you something, that ain't ever stopped none of them cute butlers from staring at my back trunk when I walk by."

Anaïs laughed harder.

"Well when you think about it your....uh personality is way more unique out here than you think."

Gina laughed.

"You know what I like you, hang on I'll go find Mandy."

She hurried off and then Cadence returned with an ankle length black dress and a frilly white apron.

"I see you've met our Southern belle."

"Yeah she's nice."

"Oh Gigi is the sweetest thing."

She handed the uniform over and Anaïs moved to try it on, soon a dark haired young woman walked in, she was tan like Gina and unlike Gina who had brown eyes her's were hazel. She kept her hair longer too,Anaïs walked out and Mandy smiled at her.

"Hello how are you?"

Her soft English accent was very nice to the ears, Anaïs shook her hand.

"Fine thank you and yourself?"

"Good good, it's nice to meet you."

"You too."

Gina came up behind her and smirked.

"Told you she was a cutie, reminds me of my little sister."

Anaïs noticed she was shorter than Gina.

"Well turn around let us see how it fits in the back." Mandy said.

She twirled a little and Gina squealed.

"Oh she's got a nice trunk back there, my momma always says a woman should never be as straight as a line when turned to the side."

She laughed with Cadence and Mandy ignored them both.

"Do you need help unpacking love?"

"Oh no I got it, I don't have much, why are you guys dressed in your pajamas?"

"We're off right now, the heads make their own dinner and clean up after themselves since they aren't going to work after. We sent a couple of the others to go get pizza we'll come get you when it's here."

They left her alone and she slid out of the uniform and hung it where she would see it in the morning. She was a bit of an air head in the morning as far as getting dressed was concerned. So far she was glad to be here.


Three weeks flew by faster than Anaïs thought they would, she had had two days off so far but worked through them. Apparently there were some guests coming and the family had been out on vacation. Anaïs had seen a family portrait the mother Vivian, had long curly black hair, deep brown eyes and pale skin that could compete with the finest china doll. The father Gabriel looked like an angel he had straight platinum blond hair that fell past his shoulders, lightly tanned skin, bright blue eyes you could lose yourself in, and a neatly trimmed goatee. Their eldest child was six according to what Gina heard, Gabriel married Vivian when they were eighteen because she was pregnant.

Devon looked like his mother except he held his father's light tan and blue eyes, their second child was three Stephanie looked like her father in every way. Anaïs had met Tony and Luis who were regular butlers they wore simple black suits their head counterparts wore white suit jackets and black slacks. Tony was really handsome with typical bad boy-like looks. He was well shaven but his messy red hair was often covering his green eyes, Luis was a little darker and bald but just as attractive his gray eyes were to die for.

Anaïs was upstairs dusting when Tony ran in and grabbed her attention.

"Hey Annie be on your toes the family just came back."

"Do we have to be downstairs to greet them?"

"No that's the head's job but Madam pain in the ass loves to fire people who she thinks are wasting space."

Anaïs nodded.

"Where did they go all this time?"

"Uh I think Hawaii."

"Oh wow I'd love to spend three weeks there."

"You and me both."


Later that evening Anaïs was among the group that was serving snacks and champagne to the many guests that had come just to welcome the family home. She looked over at Gabriel.

"Just prettier than any man ought to be huh?"

She nodded at Gina.

"You know he's a writer."

"And that pays for all of this?"

"No Mandy calls him 'old money' him and his daddy are good at findin' oil and jewel mines also I think he owns a few businesses."

"So he writes for fun."

"I'd say."

They separated and walked between the crowd she found herself glancing at Gabriel the portrait didn't do him justice. His eyes were more on the teal side and they were pretty even from far away. His mother and father were here, Julius and Katheryn, he looked like his mother, his father had black hair and dark eyes but they were a very attractive pair. From the way he held her it was clear that Julius was completely in love with his wife it was like he was almost daring anyone to try and take her if they had a death wish that is.

She emptied her tray and walked back in the kitchen to fill up again, after some time she spotted Devon sitting outside. She walked outside and bent down to offer him some juice, he stared at her for a moment.

"Are you thirsty?"


"What's the matter honey?"

"Nothing, mom says I shouldn't whine."

"Well it's not whining if you're just telling someone that there is a problem."

"It's just.....some of the kids were making fun of me."

"What did they say?"

"That my mom doesn't love me."

"Well you know that isn't true."

He shrugged.

"She doesn't act like it's not true."

She bit her lip and set the tray down.

"How does she act?"

"She's always mean to me, even when I'm sure I haven't done anything bad she doesn't like anything I do and I'm only six there's only so many things I can do to make someone like me."

"Does she treat your little sister different?"

" least I don't think so I never see any different but she's nice in front of dad." he muttered.

"I see...well..."

She didn't know what to say to make him feel better it wasn't like you could just say 'don't be sad' to a little kid who questioned his mother's love for him.

"Maybe she's just moody, mom's get moody for no reason and no one can fix that they have to want to fix it themselves, but it's not your fault."

He cocked his head.

"Then who is the problem?"

"It's just your mom not liking your mom but she'll get better."

"Do you think she loves me?"

"Well sure of course I do."

He slid off the bench.


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