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Quaranteam Ch. 01-10


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"Look, I get that," Andy said, as the three of them descended the staircase back to the ground floor. "I just want to make sure that nobody's doing anything they don't want to do."

"I can assure you, Master Rook," a voice said from around the corner, "none of us is here unwillingly."

As the three of them walked around the corner, Andy could see Niko and Lauren standing in front of three women. The first woman was a Hispanic woman in overalls and a t-shirt, in her early thirties, with her black hair cut in a short bob. Next to her was a Midwestern looking woman around the same age, curvy with her hair in a bushy brown ponytail, dressed in a t-shirt and slacks, with an apron draped over the front, her eyes behind large circular glasses that almost dwarfed her face. And on the right was one of the most buxom women Andy had ever seen. She was in her early twenties, dressed in a French maid's costume, black and white, with a short skirt, white underfrills poking out the bottom, her legs in fishnet stockings, with a single black line running up the back of them. Her tits were huge, practically forming a shelf, as much of them exposed as covered. Her hair was blonde, long running down her back in massive curls that hung down to her waist. Unlike the other two women, who were wearing sneakers, the maid wore tall high heels.

"We're all aware what we signed up for, Master Rook," the voice continued. It emerged from the woman on the left, whom Andy assumed was Katie, the gardener. "And we will make sure the house is kept in perfect condition."

"Master Rook sounds so insanely overblown... Katie, was it?" Andy said, as he approached them, feeling Aisling moving in behind him.

"Yes, Master. I'm Katie, this is my partner Jennifer, and down at the end is Yvette." Jennifer bowed a little, while Yvette gave a curtsy that somehow even offered even more of a view of her cleavage than before. "And it's important we show deference and respect."

"Would 'sir' be an acceptable compromise?" Niko asked the women, which made Andy relax a little.

"I would have no problem with that, ma'am," Katie said.

"Nor I, madam," Jennifer followed.

"I must insist I refer to him as Master," Yvette said, her French accent practically oozing into every word. "I want to offer him his earned respect. And besides, it gives me a tingle saying it."

"You really are French, Yvette?" Aisling asked.

"Oui, madam."

"And it gives you a thrill to refer to him as Master?" Niko said.

"Oui, madam."

"How much of a thrill?"

"Madam, I am a natural submissive. I enjoy serving, being ordered around, and the idea of having a proper Master? That is exactly what I wanted."

"And the outfit?"

"Mon dieu, what man hasn't wanted an actual French maid at some point in his life?"

"The outfit's quite complete."

"In all the right ways," Yvette giggled, while tugging up the front of her skirt to reveal that while she was wearing fishnets, that was the only thing she had on beneath the skirt. And the woman's pussy was not only wet, it was practically dripping down her thighs. "Welcome to your new home, Master."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Aisling is actually pronounced "Ash". My wife knows one.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

I have read many of the spin offs and enjoy them. Coming back and reading the original is fantastic. I appreciate you allowing the others to work off your premise. And look forward to reading this and your other works!

Voxman314Voxman314about 1 month ago

Mon dieu, I just started the Quaranteamiverse, what have I gotten myself into?

RhinocockRhinocockabout 2 months ago

Is it going to be tough to bring the Orange Goomba back into your stories?

ClearmuseClearmuse2 months ago

Having enjoyed other stories of yours, finally starting in on this wild and clearly widespread setting.

Having fun so far! And yes, who doesn't love a French maid? Stereotype and all.

The math seems strange - half the men means two women for each man, in theory, and that assumes zero female fatalities - but I'll just overlook it and assume 15:1 makes sense for some reason :)

ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory2 months ago

Re: CP - I'll put my hand up to leading language, that's fair, I didn't do my sums. I did, out of curiosity, look up San Francisco's demographics from the 2020 census. Under 50% was Caucasian. The larger Bay Area might push that up. The Black percentage was around 8% iirc.

It's not that I have a thing for women of certain ethnicities - indeed, having a section which treats it as a kink is problematic in my view, re: FTB.

It just seems to be a prevailing theme I've noticed on this site, a lack of black characters. A bit like Irish girls all having red hair! (No, they usually don't...) I haven't read Phil's Story yet and I know that features at least one; I'll be reading that.

I thought QT: Undamaged Goods did a great job of tackling mental health - CP has created a sandbox other authors have fun playing in. The original series doesn't need to be all things to all people, and CP can tell me to get stuffed. Laying down the central lore of this metastory is difficult enough, and I am sometimes forgetful of that.

Now, there's plenty of story fuel for why people from specific minorities would be underrepresented in such a scenario. The theme of the rich and privileged buying their lifeboats and bunkers in apocalyptic scenarios has been explored many times. I enjoyed the ending of Don't Look Up, which lampooned that trope.

MaxGirth69MaxGirth693 months ago

At this point it is definitely appropriately named Eden. That lucky bugger

feel_the_beastfeel_the_beast3 months ago

Shaggy: CP's response covered the bases quite well on your diversity concerns with his work. If his explanation still leaves you unsatisfied in your search for stories that address diversity as you think they should, I suggest you try this link:


If you can't find stories that meet your standards there, man, I don't know what else to tell you.

CorruptingPowerCorruptingPower4 months agoAuthor

ShaggyDogStory: Andy's harem makeup is, in many ways, a product of his area, i.e. the SF Bay Area. But, for the record, Andy has: an Australian woman, an Irish woman, Niko (who's part First Nations/Chinese/Mexican), a 2nd gen French/American, a 2nd generation Mexican/American, a blonde Midwesterner, a blonde Californian, a brunette from Florida, a half Indian/half French woman from London, a redhead from the Northeastern US, a posh British blonde, a Canadian acrobat, a half-Hawaiian/half-Japanese woman, an Iranian-American woman, a Californian blonde, a brunette from Illinois, Andy's college girlfriend (originally from Chicago), a Scottish woman, a Cuban-American, a New York/Israeli Jew, a Welsh woman, a Korean-American and one more (so far) in a chapter that's available on the Patreon (who is also Asian although not American), but hasn't been made public yet. An offer was extended to an African-American woman, but she declined (see 1:28).

That puts Andy's harem at around 47% Caucasian Americans, 17% Caucasian non-Americans, 17% Asian, 10% Latina, 8% Middle Eastern. Saying Niko's "one of the few non-white women in his harem" is both inaccurate and misleading, when if you add it up, Andy's harem consists of over 30% non-white women.

As for disability and neurodiversity, some of that has been addressed by the regenerations as part of the story. If you recall, Lexi showed up with quite a sizable amount of scarring damage, which was healed off. And while I haven't called attention to it, Whitney is on the spectrum, but I have been, as advised by those people I know on the spectrum, not to draw attention to it, but simply let it be reflected in her behavior and demeanor. But I can't reflect everything for everyone.

Anonymous: If you've read Phil's Tale, you'd know - Niko was lying about ever having been a data analyst. (Andy, of course, discovers this later in Book 1 anyway.) She's part of Air Force Security Services, also known as the Air Force's Military Police. Part of the reason the side stories exist is to provide additional context and perspectives to things, rather than just sticking with Andy's perspective (which is the prerogative of Book 1) the whole time.

ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory4 months ago

feel_the_beast: As of 20th Nov 2024, Andy's harem still has no African/Caribbean women. I kept track. Niko is one of the few non-white women in his harem. I don't think it's intentional, but I see it again and again in harem stories here.

To Anon above - no, ethnic diversity is not a requirement for the story, a person's appearance doesn't have to be a plot point or a check box, but it's a strange thing how lacking it is given the author's proclaimed progressivism. I'd like more visibility of disability and neurodiversity too.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Posting this November 13th, 2024.

The politics aged fast.

How can Niko be 22 years old, a certified pilot, and have had sufficient training to be a data analyst? Should have made her older and tossed out one job line to make it less jarring.

Seconding the commenter who thought it racist for Lily to demand a non-white woman as #3 for Andy. Not her business anyway.

In response to a commenter a few comments back: no, a story does not need ethnic diversity to be a good read. At least to me, a LOT of the diversity gives the impression of being bolted on - it was not necessary given the setting, timeline, and overall story.

Finally: I see that there is an entire story universe, with over a dozen writers and over a hundred installments. Om top of that, lots of side tracks. I *might* have considered reading all of that if it were one writer, published as a single one-track series, and less political inserts along the way. As it is, reading all of this seems like an undertaking akin to reading each and every February sucks spinoff.

But then again, those aspects of the whole thing may make it the perfect balm for those who were traumatized by the 2024 presidential election.

Might have a look at the comments on some other installments, though - there should be some hoots there!

feel_the_beastfeel_the_beast4 months ago

Shaggy: This series alone has 28 parts. You've read the first ONE of them, and complain about lack of diversity already???? Note that Niko is more than sufficiently mixed-race to satisfy even the most rabid diversity advocate.

Relax, dude, CP ticks that box just fine, down the road.

feel_the_beastfeel_the_beast4 months ago

For anyone interested in reading additional stories of the QT universe, here is a list of authors with stories that contain the expression 'Quaranteam' in the title currently available here. I believe these are correct spellings to easily find them.

Other names have been mentioned [Julius Drake, justaguy] as authors working in the QT universe, but I did not see them in my story search for the phrase 'quaranteam'; nor could I track them down with Author Search, perhaps not having the exact correct spelling. I will be happy to amend this list if anyone can send me info I can verify about other authors belonging here, or make any other necessary correction.
















Reposting to get the authors I missed all into one post: When this posts I will delete my earlier lists in the comments.

meelosmeelos4 months ago

so some other quaranteam authors





ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory5 months ago

The story might seem wild in places, and extremely contrived, but the fate of the then President and VP, succumbing to Covid, is actually less wild than what actually became of them!

The author brushes on ethnic diversity but the harem doesn't feature a single Afro-Caribbean or South Asian.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is a really cool story. Looks heavenly. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is the start of my third time through the series! I love the characters, love the chapter, love the story, and I LOVE the world that you've setup for other authors to write in. The only significant problem that I've identified is I hate waiting for the next chapter. Hence, my third time through! Lol. Thank you for the entertainment and F*CK the haters! ;)

JodailyJodaily6 months ago

OK, all your commentors are way too hung up on technicalities. My thoughts on my his was HolyShit! What a fun diversion from real life. That's what I read for, and this was quite diverting! And, bonus, definitely arousing and stiffening. Love Nico. American Indian, Mexican, And Japanese!! Wayy too hot. Mmmmm! Really looking forward to reading the rest of this. Stocking up on lube 😂😂😋.

CorruptingPowerCorruptingPower7 months agoAuthor

For those commenting that the first ten to twenty-five chapters are less polished than the rest, all of these chapters were subsequently cleaned up, revised and polished for the print/Kindle version, which cleans up some of the timeline and most of the more egregious errors. When I first posted this, I was sort of the mindset that I didn't know if there would ever be an audience for it. As such, the revised version's available as part of my Patreon or for sale in either print or for Kindle. It was a sizable amount of work, so I chose not to reupload those revised/reworked chapters to any of the public sites. If continuity is important to you, I urge you to go read that version. Thanks again for reading!

rbloch66rbloch669 months ago

As far as I’m concerned, you’re a bloody storytelling wizard. Harem, submissives, Irish Ginger, Aussie surfer, a genuine French maid,, all in an intentional community, living in a mansion, with a pool? The only thing missing is the clothing optional lifestyle. —- Amazing story
. You’ve found a lot of my hot buttons.

NeoGatekeeperNeoGatekeeper9 months ago

You have a great thing going, but some editorial polish would help. I got distracted a few times by tense or sentence structure problems.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Why is Lily, a "Japanese" woman, saying Andy's next partner had better be "at least as dark as me"? She's Japanese. Since when are they especially dark? Also...how the hell did Andy know she was "Japanese" immediately? Is he secretly a frickin anthropologist with a specialization in far eastern cultures? Because that's seriously weird. I can see "woman with vaguely Asian features" or "Eurasian" or something like that. But he knows she's definitely Japanese? Without even a moment of pondering? Dude must be a wizard. And if it isn't Andy being a wizard, but the omniscient narrator, what exactly is "Japanese woman" supposed to tell the reader? Is it a less offensive way of saying Asian? Because trust me, if it's a choice between calling us all Chinese or Japanese, "Asian" is less offensive. Still ridiculous and ridiculously nonspecific, but at least it's not like calling everyone with Latin ancestry "Mexican". Still baffled by the "at least as dark as me" thing, too.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The math here doesn't add up.

If half the adult men are dead, then average harem size should be 2.

Filtering out bad candidates like abusers gets you up to maybe 3, with the high end around 5 or 6.

Not 12+.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

sooooo Lily is absolutely the best. Hands down my favorite character. I adore her xD

alsithalsithabout 1 year ago

Not sure I commented previously, Great series.

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

Very enthralling storyline, characterization, drama and sex scenes. A great start to what promises to be a well thought out and written story. I look forward to reading the next chapter. As this is my first foray into your writing and the first story you posted here I have added you to my favorites list. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Damonkey916Damonkey916about 1 year ago

My second read. I had to. So many spin offs of this great story. When I started reading the spin offs and those contained family from your story, I felt compelled to reread to remember exactly who they are. Thank you for allowing all the other great writers to share in this story. Maybe when all stories are complete an anthology could be published

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting take on what we’re grateful the pandemic wasn’t. By the way, in French, it’s “madame”, not madam.

Smartest1Smartest1over 1 year ago

Am really enjoying the story. 5 stars, but am getting quite irritated with Mr Rook. What a simpleton. So much intend on his own gratification with regards to being fair, to not seem to take advantage that he totally neglects a dire situation of both the woman opposite him and the overall (pandemic) picture.

My (only) other complaint is the snail's pace of the installments. I know.... The author writes a lot, and very well, too. But it makes me needing to read the whole story again. This my 4th time, lol.

Rapier875Rapier875over 1 year ago

Interesting story and somewhat pertinent in this day and age.

My only gripe is the language, but given the story is years old that's not going to change.

I just hope it doesn't become so overwhelming that I give up with this.


SniperkingSniperkingover 1 year ago

why do you want him to be average in every way? Wouldn't it be boring if the MC was like that and only the women had any character to them? Is it for easier self-insert?

SniperkingSniperkingover 1 year ago

Fun story. It's very well written. The only thing that bothered me was that thing with Lily rejecting the next woman if she wasn't American or as dark as she was. First, that sounded a tad bit racist, and second, that felt a lot like overstepping. Like maybe if Ash or Lauren said it that would make more sense. But I didn't really get why Andy let her have so much of a say in it. Anyway, it was just something weirded me out.

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlotalmost 2 years ago

This could be a "real gas!" as we used to say back in the day: a semi-satirical look at a plausible future.

Brittanyduran86Brittanyduran86almost 2 years ago

Omg 5 stars haven't read something like this In forever, it's refreshing kept me captivated for 25 minutes

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This concept and story is very fun, I really enjoyed it on the first read through. Reading through again, and I'm feeling like the first chapters could use a re-write to make them more consistent with the rest of the story, particularly with regard to Phil and Niko, I think their involvement with the program could have been foreshadowed a bit better.

oneofthegirlsoneofthegirlsalmost 2 years ago

I must say... I love the political "lean" of your writing. I'm thankful that the virus hasn't been as deadly as in this story, but your take is pretty spot on. So, don't be deterred by others. Some of us really relish your style. And, of course, it helps greatly that this is super hot. I would be thrilled to just have Aisling interested in me!

My only small complaint is that Andy is so thick. I would like him to be more average in every way. But, it's a minor criticism, and I am cool with your editorial choice. Keep the words flowing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great premise. Good writing.

As many other commenters have said, you need a better editor.

I would also recommend keeping politics out of your fiction. While half of the country doesn’t like Trump , why would you purposely ostracize the half that does? I’d say the same thing to a Republican author who bad mouthed the Democrats. You could easily leave the political commentary out of the story and, in doing so, double your target audience.

It’s a solid 4 working on a 5.

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