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Quarantine Act 01

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Dinner Guest.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/03/2020
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"Twenty four more inches tonight, and no let-up in the foreseeable future, so batten down the hatches and get ready for some smooth rhythm and blues." The voice on the radio was low and raspy. "Coming at you... a little Marvin Gaye."

The log cabin was warm and pleasant, solace in the storm, with smells of burning fir and jasmine candles wafting in the air. I pulled the lasagna out of the oven for a moment, to take the tin foil off the top, turning and setting it on the kitchen island. The green marble tile was cool and accepting. Steam rose from the pan, filling the kitchen with a new smell, a pleasant smell that made my stomach ache and the glands in my mouth salivate. I went to the sink and discarded the lid into the garbage below. Looking out the window above the sink, a flurry of white was all that could be seen, the wind whipping large powdery flakes in every direction.

"Looks like we're stuck here." I cranked my head around and tried yelling over Marvin.

A high pitched screech and thud came from upstairs as the bedroom door opened, hitting the wooden beam holding up the loft and soft squeaky footsteps pitter-pattered down the stairs.

"Ok, number one, we need to fix that door, you can hear it for miles, I'm surprised the neighbors haven't complained." Judy chided, though her voice was pleasant.

"What neighbors?" I responded, sarcastically. I heard her enter the kitchen behind me, but kept gazing out at the storm.

"What were you saying? I couldn't hear you over the creaking bedroom door." She continued, ignoring me. I could feel her stair on my back, she wanted me to turn around, but I wouldn't.

"Looks like we are stuck here for awhile. No end in sight for the storm and twenty four more inches of snow tonight." I said smugly. "Stuck in our mountain paradise, all alone."

"Now that sounds like something I just might like, so turn around and look at your wife." Her words were sharp, but still pleasant.

I spun about, my bare feet gliding over the hard wood floor.

"It is freaking hot in here." I said, stopping to face Judy. "Holy shit. very nice."

"Oh, you approve huh?" She laughed.

Her tight white shirt with spaghetti straps hugged her big firm breasts, the brown nipples stretching out the fine material, while her matching white underwear clung tight, revealing that she had indeed shaved. She was bearing her weight on one of her long skinny legs, one hand on her hip and the other holding a glass of ruby red wine, which hung between the fingers of her upturned hand.

"Correct?" She proposed again, not getting the immediate response she expected.

"Oh hell yes." I answered. "I thought that damn fireplace was burning me up, but now I realize the error of my thinking." I pulled off my shirt, so I was standing almost naked, except for my black sport shorts.

"You are making me hot." I told her.

"That's nothing" The words barely left her mouth when she spun around, almost spilling her wine.

"Oh crap." she mumbled. "It's a thong, what do you think?"

Looking over her shoulder, her long black hair framed the green eyes that beamed at me. She was beautiful and sexy.

"Smokin' hot! you are freakin' smokin' hot!" I reached to grab her butt, but she spun back around. "You just wait." I warned her, moving to put the lasagna back in the oven for the rest of the time.

"I think it's time we got a little crazy, this weekend." Her words took me by surprise.

"You mean like missionary sex, outside the bedroom?" I retorted, again sarcastic.

"There is nothing wrong with sex in the bedroom" she shot back, angry that I would even say that. "That's what bedrooms are for. I might be a little bit of a prude; I guess my daddy just raised me right."

"Oh yea?" I mumbled leaning over and looking into the oven, as if I needed to check how the lasagna was doing.

In a way I could tell she was trying to be more sexual than she normally was, and I didn't want to ruin it by looking at her in the wrong way.

"Well." Judy said. "Just maybe I'll wear this all weekend. and we can have crazy sex." Her voice spoke proud, for just saying the word sex.

"I accept." The words came out too quick. "It's a promise." I was still turned away from her, toward the stove.

"After all, we are stuck here, just the two of us." She whispered, as she slid up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I'll just set this here." The wine glass was placed gently on the marble counter beside the stove.

"And...?" I whispered back.

Her small hands made their way down my abdomen and under the elastic waistband of my shorts. One hand firmly taking hold of my half limp cock and the other reaching down under my balls, caressing them. Her hand pulled my quickly engorging member up and loosened its grip. I could feel her erect nipples pressing against my back. My hand instinctively went back to her stomach and down her panties.

"You are horny... huh baby?" I wasn't expecting an answer and her gentle moans were the perfect answer anyway.

"Did you hear that?" She said loudly; her demeanor had quickly changed and I could sense the seriousness in her tone.

"Wait, wait, wait." I pleaded. "hear what?" My finger found her clitoris, making her moan again.

"No... stop" She demanded, pulling herself away. "I heard something, or someone at the door. Maybe a knock."

"We are two miles off any logging roads, snowed in, with no neighbors. There is nobody at the door, baby." I begged, but her hands were now out of my shorts and pointing toward the door.

"Oh I see, worried Sasquatch might be watching us? Maybe we should go into the bedroom and close the blinds." I laughed.

"Very funny." Her eyes were sending laser beams at me.

Picking up her wine, she turned and headed for the front door.

"I'm going to check." she said insistently, heading through the living room to the oak door. "Just you wait and see." She swung the heavy oak door open, letting the wind whip her long black hair up and around behind her.

"Jack!" The word pierced the air as her wine glass hit the hard wood floor, shattering into a thousand tiny crystal shards and splashing pinot noir all around her.

"Jack!" She yelled a second time, her high voice piercing the air around me.

I ran for the door, not knowing what to expect, except what her panicked voice might reveal. Stopping in front of Judy, I realized her fear. Standing on the porch, frozen blue with thick red blood leaking from a fresh wound on his head, was a tall lanky man.

Looking more like a zombie, wearing a green wind breaker and jeans, with pink mittens two times too small, it appeared as though he was coming back from a warm autumn hike. His brown hair was matted in snow and blood, with a fresh ooze dribbling down his wet face. His light brown eyes were dim, as if the spark was about to go out inside his head, knees slightly bent, ready to buckle. I moved swiftly around behind him, just as his skinny legs lost their ability to hold him up, catching him beneath his arms.

"Get him inside, quick." Judy said, not panicked anymore. She was a strong woman always quick and decisive.

Turning around, I leaned his heavy body onto mine, dragging the stranger toward the couch. Stepping lightly around the broken glass and up the single wood stair to the elevated living room, his boots caught on the wooden stair. Judy, quick to act, bent down, and started untying them so they could be removed.

"Just raise them up." I pleaded, my arms growing tired from the man's dead weight.

"We have to get these wet clothes off him anyway, might as well start here." She barked, pulling on the boot.

Some snow had fallen off the man and landed on her wild hair, making it glisten white, as she tried to removed his second boot.

"There, pull him over to the couch now...and we'll finish undressing him." She said as the second boot finally popped off with a jerk that sent her falling back to the floor.

Standing in front of the couch, with this weight growing heavier, I was ready for an instant decision; all those hours in the gym hadn't prepared me for this.

"What do we do now?" emphasis on the word NOW, I thought.

"Alright" Judy took over, sensing my growing tiredness. "I'll hold his waist and you take off his jacket and shirt."

I didn't think about where this was going, quite honesty, at this point I didn't care. Putting a knee on the couch to stabilize herself, Judy wrapped her arms around the frozen man's waist and held tight, while I pulled the jacked down his large stiff arms, then, not wasting any time ripped open his button down shirt and wrenched it off his body, leaving him bare from the waist up.

"He's in great shape." I commented as I put my arms around his wide shoulders and across his hairless chest.

"He must work out." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood a little. It didn't work.

"What now?" I attempted to redeem myself. I always joked at the most inappropriate times.

"You hold tight. I'm going to take his pants off and then we will lay him on the couch." Judy breathed, almost out of breath. "If we don't get these wet clothes off, he will freeze to death."

Her plan was perfect, except for one small detail we both missed.

"Man, these things are frozen on." Unbuttoning them, she tugged but couldn't get them over his ass.

"Hold tight!" She said again, as she knelt, determined to get them off.

With one hard and fast yank, down they went. Once they slid over his ass, the stiff pants jerked down so swiftly she lost balance and fell face first into his crotch, almost knocking both of us to the hardwood floor.

"OH MY!!" Judy's face blushed red; she was frozen, green eyes wide.

I was about to speak, when I glanced down. Her small upturned nose was an inch away from what had to be the longest cock I had ever seen. The thick veiny monster hung almost to his knee. I stared at it, not believing what I was seeing and Judy hung in front of it, looking as though she was ready to take the beast into her open mouth.

The room fell into a silence as I watched Judy, unable to tear her large green eyes away, linger with her mouth still wide open. Her arms were wrapped around his waist, clinging to his ass for support, so she wouldn't fall into it. Her chest was heaving from the energy expended, each heavy breath engulfing the monster cock with warm air.

A large bead of water, from the rapidly melting snow, rolled its way down the length of his pole, curving left, it followed a large vein, until it paused momentarily as it reached the mushroom tipped head, near her mouth. Judy's eyes followed it. It pushed its way over the thick red ridge, stopping at the hole in the tip, growing as more water flowed into it, until it was finally too heavy to hold itself up and fell to the hardwood floor beneath. As the drop hit the floor, it shook Judy out of her stunned trance.

"Lay him on the couch." She ordered, still not able to completely look away from it.

Her uncomfortably long stare, looked as if she was playing the game "who blinks first" with his cock.

"Lay him down and I'll put his feet up." She finally said, now forcing herself to look away.

I wrestled him over the large brown leather couch, lying him down, while Judy pulled his feet up. His limp body still blue and shivering.

"What should we do? We don't have cell service here and the Ham radio is busted." I never really knew how to use it anyway.

"This is what we do." Judy took charge. "This is probably hypothermia, we want to warm him up, but not too fast. Our cabin is warm, very warm, so go get a thin sheet from the closet by the spare bedroom. I'll tend to his head wound." Judy was once again quick and decisive.

"Fuckin' eh" I turned around and hustled up the squeaky steps, taking a quick right at the top, past the guest bedroom, to the closet at the end.

Opening it, I pulled out a white sheet, then thought, maybe not white, feeling bad for not wanting to ruin a good sheet on a wounded stranger.

"Screw it." I took it anyway.

The hallway, at the top of the stairs, was a balcony that overlooked the living room and fireplace on one side. I paused momentarily, to view Judy, sitting on the couch, tending to the hurt man's head, applying pressure to the wound and wiping the blood away. I watched in amazement as my wife just controlled her situation and made the best of it. It didn't surprise me, I expected it from her, but she continually impressed me, no matter what life threw at her.

I reached the bottom of the stairs with the white sheet, kind of proud of myself for making the sacrifice. Judy was cleaning the blood soaked head wound on the front part of the man's head, over his right eye, it traveled up high into his hairline.

"I think the bleeding has slowed." She instructed. "Just place the sheet over him, but don't double it, it's too hot in here." Waving her hand over his body to direct me.

"He is breathing good and his shivering seems to have gone down a little." Her words soft and low.

I placed the sheet over his naked body, from his neck down, then straightened it, tucking it under his waist and chest on each side.

"Hand me that tape." Judy pointed to the first aid box, which she had retrieved while I was upstairs. "I'll see if I can bandage this."

I put the tape in her hand and watched as she dressed the wound.

"I hope that works." her tone unsure.

Judy stood up, turning around and put her arm around me, her wet body against mine and large nipple poking into me.

"I'm proud of you." I said, even though I didn't need to say it...ever.

Judy didn't need my praise, but I was always willing to give it. We stood there, over the frozen man, happy that he was alive and hopeful that we actually helped.

"What now?" I questioned her.

"Well." She said. "We can't leave him alone, because of his head injury."

"And why is that? " I looked down at her wiry smile.

"Because I paid attention when we were at the neighborhood CPR and first aid class." She said as she pushed me away.

"Ok Ok." I really liked it when she was spunky with me. "But first we really have to fix one thing."

"What?" She inquired.

My eyes gazed down to the frozen man's mid -section, where the thin sheet did little to hide the colossal shaft lying over his leg. "If we have to stay with him, I can't look at that all night."

"So move it." She answered, narrowing her eyebrows and shaking her head.

"I'm not going to touch it." I paused, trying to make the best argument I could. "I...I...I'm a dude."

"Whatever!" She forced out. "Fine!"

Reaching down with her pointer finger and thumb she tried moving his appendage off his leg, but the sheet had been tucked in so tightly that she couldn't move it.

"Crud" she spit out.

I don't think Judy had ever touched another penis and now she was physically moving one. I enjoyed watching her. She told me once in high school that a boy pulled "it" out and wanted her to grab it, but she "most certainly refused," as she put it. Now she was delicately trying to move this man's penis with her thumb and forefinger, fighting against the sheet I put in place.

"Shit" She rarely curses. "Whatever."

Frustrated she finally pulled the sheet up and slid her hand under, taking hold of the enormous extremity lying on his legs and tucking it between them, but not really hiding it, just making it a little less obvious.

"Fine...You happy now?" She huffed.

I was. Not because she touched another man's penis, but because it brought her out of her comfort zone. She was always in control and I wanted her to give that control up, just a little. I knew it wouldn't make her happy, but maybe, just maybe, it might make her relax a little. Just then the sharp smell of over cooked mozzarella hit my nose.

We sat at the dinner table, the silence thicker than the burnt lasagna we were eating. Judy was still in her thong and tank top and me in my soccer shorts, both trying to figure out what just happened. There was a wounded man on our couch and this was no joking matter, I knew that, but I was the joker in the family, the man who never grew up. I liked to have fun and be the life of the party. Fighting the urge to crack a joke to try and lighten the mood, I bit my lip and swallowed. I could be serious when I needed to be but why be serious when you can laugh and enjoy life? This wasn't the time.

Each bite made me realize how crazy this whole situation was; each bite made me think how important this whole situation was. I needed to be responsible. I needed to take this situation serious, and I knew it. I looked at Judy with all seriousness.

"I'll take first shift." My voice was stern.

Judy looked at me and I saw her shoulders starting to shake, her eyes squinted and mouth broke open with an uncontrollable laughter.

"Holy moly. Did you see the size of that..." She gasp, the laughter not allowing her to finish the sentence.

I started to laugh with her, the determination vibrating out of my shaking body and the fresh sounds of laughter forcing the thick air out of the cabin. Leaning back in our chairs, we both fought to catch our breath.

"I have never seen anything like that. Holy freakin' crap." I Laughed with her, my eyes starting to tear up.

The tension in the room dissipated as we both laughed, tears running down our faces. It was like the seriousness of the situation was sucked away. As the laughter subsided, we sat across from each other, wondering what to do next, what kind of adventure would be in store for us.

"I'll do the first shift." Judy said without hesitation. "I will get everything in order, besides, I'm the night owl and you are the morning person."

It made sense, mostly because I was tired, but it made sense.

"What will you do?" I responded, now set on going to bed.

"I have some ideas on how to help him." her face showing its concern.

"Thank you, what time do you think is good for me to come down? I mean when should I relieve you." I said, as if we were working shifts at a fast food restaurant.

I'll come up and get you around four, maybe earlier if I get too tired." Her face now sharp and serious, as I would have expected.

We cleaned the kitchen and I put everything away, while Judy began preparing for her shift with the injured man. Everything was back to being somber, the mood once again heavy, air thick and hard to breath. This would be the most crucial time for him, if he was going to survive. I wanted to tell Judy that I would stay with him, but knew that she would be better at this. I finished helping her set up, kissed her goodnight, and headed upstairs to the comfort of our bed.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 5 years ago
Awful series no matter where you start reading

More cuck porn. Stop while you’re ahead.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoalmost 5 years ago
Scrolled through second chapter

Comments turned off now on second chapter but in the words of that great philosopher Forest Gump “ Stupid is as Stupid Does”

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 5 years ago
Rolando said that . . .

. . . sometimes it’s better to just let a man die than lose your wife to him. At least so far in this story, the frost bitten man has done nothing wrong. The husband should take the duty of staying with the stranger, but you just don’t let him die.

mattenwmattenwalmost 5 years ago

So a new old shit cuckold story! When will you finally stop writing such crap? Sure, he leaves his wife alone with him and of course she warms him up with her body! And her idiotic spouse thinks it's good that she can fuck such a huge cock! Your story is really completely unbelievable! Unless you only know just people who think about fucking all day long!

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