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Queen Kiera Ch. 02


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Once the tie was on, she said, "There you go, Davey. Now kiss your aunt's feet and thank me for letting you empty your balls."

Once I was dressed again, Aunt Jane set me to work doing her laundry while she went back to looking at my finances. She wouldn't let me wash my face or drink anything, so I could still smell her pussy on my face with every breath, and taste my own salty jizz in my throat.

In Kiera's old bedroom was a small bed that Aunt Jane had put in there, after they'd moved Kiera's king size bed out. It wasn't big enough for Kiera and Darcy to both sleep in, so she figured one would sleep in that bed and one would be on the couch. That left only Aunt Jane's bed. I thought, Oh God, please don't make me sleep in the same bed with my aunt.

I was relieved to discover that Aunt Jane was making up a pallet on the floor for me, but it was still in her bedroom. We settled in for the night, while the girls were still out. We lay there for a while, and then I heard Aunt Jane's bed squeaking a little, and she seemed to be moving around some. Then in the darkness, I heard her voice: "Davey, thinking about your tongue has got me horny again. Slide up under the covers, from the end there, and slide your face up to my pussy, and eat me out again." So I had to slither up between my aunt's legs and bring her to two more orgasms. Then I was sent back to my pallet, with my dick throbbing in its necktie chastity device, and my face covered in pussy juice. In a few minutes, my torment was made complete, as I lay there sleepless and horny, listening to her snoring.

The next day, Saturday, I was the general bitchboy for all three women. They ordered me about to fetch them things, and I had to "help" Aunt Jane make breakfast, which meant anything she thought I could do by myself, I had to do. After we ate, the kitchen and dish cleanup was left to me.

Once the table was clear, Aunt Jane told Kiera and Darcy, "OK, sit down, girls, let me show you what I've worked out for the finances. It's pretty much all good news. Here's what Davey gets paid every two weeks. So that translates to this amount monthly. Here's his house payment, his car payment ... here's phone ... here's what cable will be now that you've gone to digital with the DVR boxes and all ... here's electric, here's gas ... um ... here's his car insurance now, but he's gonna have to add you to it when he gets you a car, so here's what it will be then.

"He's got no credit card debt, and you want to keep it that way. So don't use a credit card without calling me first to tell me what it's for. Don't use it to buy normal things like food or clothes or makeup or whatever. Here's your student loan payment. OK, Darcy, do you have a car payment?"

"No, my car's paid for."

"OK, good. Do you have any student loans or anything?"

"Nope, didn't go to college."

"Do you want to?"

"Um, I don't know. Maybe. Some time."

"Well, if you ever do, let me know, because I'll have to figure out how to work that in. OK, any other expenses at all, Darcy?"

"Uh. I don't think so, I mean ... you know, just food. Chardonnay, haha. Whatever utilities I'll use living there."

"Shouldn't be much more than it is now. OK, fine ... um ... so ... here's the amount left over each month. Now, once you get a car, Kiera, this will decrease by whatever the car payment is. So decide how much you want to have left, because out of that, you buy food, cigarettes, clothes, makeup ... all your entertainment."

"OK," Kiera said. "So ... let's see ... if my car payment is like $400, then ... hmmm ... yeah, we should do fine on what's left, right, Darcy?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"OK, then," said Aunt Jane. "If you're happy with what's left, then neither one of you will have to get a job. But if you find it's not enough, then someone's gonna need to bring in more money. Oh, yeah ... another thing: if you don't have a job, Kiera, you're not gonna have health or medical insurance. So you should get some private coverage. Here's what that'll cost each month.

"Also, it's a good idea to save some each month so you build up a fund for emergency expenses like car repairs, or you have a fund to buy Christmas presents out of, that kind of thing. And if you want to take a vacation or something, you'll have to save up for it. But basically all the money out of Davey's paycheck is at your disposal, because his employer is making retirement contributions, plus there's a certain amount from his income going directly into those accounts. So he's fine there. You won't be doing anything that messes up his retirement accounts."

My heart sank, listening to all this. I thought this was when Kiera was gonna find out she really needed to get off her ass and get that nursing job she went to school for. Instead, her mother was telling her that living off her cousin would work out just fine! I noticed she didn't mention anything about money *I* might want to save. What if *I* wanted a vacation or something?

Darcy sat clapping her hands lightly and said, "Yay! This is so exciting. I LOVE your mom."

"I know, right," said Kiera. She got up from her seat to give her mother a sideways hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Mom. You're the best. Mmmmwah!"

"OK, well listen, hun," Aunt Jane continued, "for a while you need to write down everything you're spending money on, or make Davey keep a record, so you know where all your money goes. Because if you find you're coming up short, you'll know exactly why. So KEEP RECORDS. OK?"

"OK. I'll just get receipts for everything and give 'em to Davey."

That night the girls dropped me off at my high school reunion, and man, was I ready to get away from them for a while. The dinner was great, and catching up with old friends from Bellewood High was a lot of fun. Some of my classmates had married each other, of course, but I also met a lot of spouses who were not from Bellewood. I looked at a lot of pictures of people's kids.

Very few of my classmates did not have kids. But there was one. I had vaguely remembered Patty from high school. We had friends in common but didn't really know each other very well at the time. She was at the reunion unaccompanied, like me, so we got to talking. For the next two hours we told each other of our disappointments. I told her of my rotten marriage to an abusive alcoholic bitch. She had never been married, and had no children, but had lived with three different men who were all drunks, who hardly ever worked but mostly lived off of her. The last one had also been somewhat abusive. Currently, she said, she was just living alone, in Bellewood, and working at the video store. (That was back when video stores were still pretty thriving.)

We commiserated over wine and talked about our lives over the last two decades. Patty was very impressed that I'd let my sister (Karen) and niece live with me while Karen went to school. "Awww, that is sooo sweeeet," she said. "That is so nice of you. How are they doing now?"

"Oh, they're doing great. They're living back here in Bellewood now. Karen started with this company headquartered in Trentstown, but when she found out they were opening a Bellewood office, she was like, 'I'll run it! I'll run it! Pick me, pick me!' Hahaha. So they did!"

"That is just so great that you gave her a place to live so she could get that degree, and job and everything."

"Well, you know ... they're family. Oh ... speaking of which, my cousin is living with me now. She just finished nursing school, so she wanted to come to Trentstown to find work."

"How's that going?"

"Well, she hasn't found anything yet. And I really don't think she's looking very hard." Actually I knew she wasn't looking at all.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about it. How old is she?"


"Oh, well, she's young. She's just not looking forward to having to be a real adult, haha. I wouldn't push her."

I felt really at home with Patty, and I felt like we really understood each other. The more we talked, the more we looked into each other's eyes, and the closer to each other we sat. There came a lull in the conversation, and we were staring at each other, and smiling slightly. I leaned in to kiss her. Then I pulled back to look at her, and she was smiling. She kept her face where it was. So I leaned in and kissed her again.

She looked sideways to survey the crowd on the dance floor and standing around the hall. Then she turned back to me. "That will give them some gossip to take home, haha. Hey ... you wanna come to my place for a while?"

"Sure. I'd love to."

"Should we walk out together? Then they'll REALLY gossip. Haha."

"We might as well. They'll gossip more if one walks out five minutes after the other. Besides ... um ... I'll need to ride with you, because I don't have a car here." I explained that Kiera and Darcy and I had come to Bellewood together in one car, and I was relying on them for transportation.

"Oh. OK, well, why don't you call Kiera and tell her you have a ride home, 'cause I can take you back tonight. That is, if I let you leave, haha."

I called Kiera to tell her I wouldn't need a ride. When she learned the reason why, she razzed me mercilessly about having a date. "Ohhh my! Darcy, can you believe this? Davey has a date. Well, well. What is the young lady's name?"


"Well, isn't that sweet. Are you gonna bring Patty to your parents' house tomorrow so we can all meet her?"

"Ummm ... probably. I don't see why not."

"Yes, well, I think you should. I for one definitely need to get a look and see if I approve. You're not spending the night over there, are you?"

"Umm ... I ... um ... I doubt it. I don't know."

"No, you're not. Not on the first date. If it comes to that, tell her you can't stay, you have to get back to your aunt's house, and make her bring you back. But invite her to the dinner tomorrow, so she knows you want to see her again and aren't just trying to get outta there."

"Uhhh ... but ..."

"Davey. You're not gonna try and be difficult, are ya? You heard what I said. You're not spending the night. Be home by 2." Then she hung up.

I cleared my throat as I put my phone in my pocket. I prayed Patty couldn't hear Kiera enough to discern what she said. "All set?" she asked.


At Patty's house we drank a bit more wine and continued chatting. We sat on the couch in candlelight and had some music playing. I told her of the get-together at my parents' house on Sunday and that I'd like her to come. At that time, unlimited long distance on cell phones was not so common, nor did everyone even have a cell phone. Patty didn't have one, so we made plans to communicate a lot, in the coming days, by email and instant messenger. I suspected I'd want to come to Bellewood a lot more weekends in the coming months.

We made out on the couch for a while, and Patty had me caressing her breasts on the outside of her clothing. We didn't go any farther than that, though, and I was glad she didn't seem to mind, because I was afraid if she opened my pants and found my dick tied up with a necktie, she would freak out. I kept considering going to the bathroom to take it off, but then where would I put it? If I tried stuffing it in my pants pocket, she would likely discover it from running her hands over that area. There was really no way to hide it unless I tried stashing it in her house somewhere when she wasn't looking. Then I'd have to worry about how to retrieve it.

She seemed to understand when it was time to take me back to Aunt Jane's. She didn't seem upset or offended, so I was relieved. I had her phone number, and I gave her my cell phone number so she knew for sure we'd make contact again.

When I went inside, Kiera was standing near the door waiting for me, smirking, with her arms folded. Darcy was sitting on the couch wearing her usual bemused expression. Kiera said, "Drop your pants."

By then I should have been used to such orders, but I always seemed to be taken off guard. When I hesitated, Kiera snapped her fingers. "Come on, come on. Drop 'em."

When I did, Kiera nodded and said, "Still have your tie on, good. Did you take it off at all over there?"


"Really? You didn't get lucky?"

"Uhhh. No, we ... just kissed."

Kiera turned her head toward Darcy. "Aw Isn't that sweet? Hahaha. They just kissed, Darcy. Such good kids."

Turning back to me and smirking some more, Kiera said, "Didn't even get laid, huh, Davey? Well, tomorrow night you gotta be home, so you kinda lost your chance, huh? Well ... you might have another chance, who knows. I can't wait to meet her. If we like her, Davey, we can always bring you back here so you can go out with your girlfriend again, hahaha. Say 'thank you' for being allowed to go on a date."

"Um ... thank you ... uh ... for--"

"Come over here and kiss my feet while you thank me, Davey. No, don't pull your pants up yet. Crawl over here and kiss my feet."

I slunk to the floor and crawled to Kiera, with my pants and belt clinking and dragging behind me. "Thank you for letting me go on a date," I said, as I kissed her feet. She reached over and smacked my ass a couple times.

"That was just for fun. Haha. I couldn't resist, with your bare butt sticking up in front of me like that. Ew. I need to wash my hand now." Then to Darcy, "I touched his butt, Darcy. Gross. What was I thinking?"

"Hahaha, I don't know."

After changing out of my dress clothes, I went into Aunt Jane's room to go to sleep on my pallet. No sooner did I get settled in when my aunt said, "Davey. I hear you had a date tonight."


"Did you eat her pussy?"

"Uhhh. I ... I mean ... no. We basically just met tonight. I mean ... I knew her in high school, kinda, but ..."

"You didn't have sex with her, did you?"

"Well, no. That's what I'm saying. We just met. We didn't ... you know ... we just ..."

"Well, what I'm saying is that if you like this woman, then whenever your clothes do come off, the first thing you need to do is eat her pussy. So if you'd told me you tried to fuck her, without eating her out first, I'd be very disappointed."

I sighed. "Aunt Jane ... I think ... it's ... um ..."

"What, Davey?"

"Ahem. Um. I think that's ... my business."

At that point, as I lay in the darkness, I could hear her getting out of bed. Then I heard her feet thud across the carpet. I was startled; it sounded like an angry walk. Then I felt a hand grab me by the hair of my head. "Owww!" I shouted. She pulled me up off the floor and before I knew it had led me out into the living room. Kiera and Darcy were sitting on the couch watching TV, and as we burst out of the bedroom, both turned their wide-eyed gazes toward us.

Aunt Jane spoke: "Your cousin is in here giving me lip. He needs an attitude adjustment. I was asking him what went on over there at his girlfriend's house ... what was her name?"

"Patty," Kiera said.

"Patty, right. I asked Davey if he went down on Patty, you know, to show her he cares about her pleasure and not just his own. And you know what he told me? That's none of my business."

"He SAID that??" Kiera responded, incredulous.

"Does he smart off to you like this, Kiera, because if he does, I'm tellin' you, you need to put a stop to that."

"Well ... he doesn't. No. But I think I know how to straighten him out. Drop your pants, Davey, and crawl right over here." She pointed to a spot in front of her. "Face that way. Darcy, go in where his clothes are and find his belt."

I stayed put on my hands and knees and thought, My belt? Oh my god, is she actually going to spank me with a belt? Right in front of Darcy? Sure enough, when Darcy returned and handed her the belt, Kiera doubled it, and brought it down on my bare butt with a rather weak and clumsy whack. She got a better grip and tried it again. This time it made a nice "pop", but it didn't really hurt. "Hmm," she said.

Aunt Jane said, "You need to hold the other end until you're just about to release it." Kiera took that advice, and the next one landed very hard. "Owwww!" I called out.

"Oooh," said Darcy. "That one had to hurt."

"It had better hurt," said Kiera. "That's the idea." She brought it down again.

"OWWWW!! Ohhhhh. Ow, ow."

She continued whacking each cheek again and again, and it HURT. I wriggled and whimpered and whined as she kept pounding my ass. As she beat me, she lectured me on treating my aunt with respect, and how I should be glad I had the benefit of their advice on women, and how they were looking out for me and would help me not to blow it with another woman, since I wasn't able to keep the one I'd married. And after everything they do for me, I go out and shoot my mouth off. And when it came to what I did with my girlfriend, it certainly WAS their business, and I'd better hope they like Patty or I wouldn't even get to HAVE a girlfriend, etc. etc.

"OK, OK!!" I begged. "I'm sorry! I'm sooooorrry!!"

When she stopped, I remained on hands and knees, and whimpered and panted. My ass was burning. The cool air on it almost hurt. Kiera brought the belt buckle around in front of my face. "Put this in your mouth. Now go stand over there in the corner. Put your nose in the corner, and put your hands down at your side. Go stand there 'til we tell you you can move." So I stood up, and since my pajama pants were still around my ankles, and she hadn't told me to pull them up, I shuffled over to the corner, with the belt hanging from my mouth, and stood. My bare ass, which must certainly have been red, was on display for everyone.

Aunt Jane joined the girls on the couch and had a cigarette. When she finished, she called to me, "Have you learned your lesson, Davey?"

"Yeth." I tried to speak without dropping the belt.

"That's 'yes ma'am'," Kiera corrected.

"Yeth ma'am."

"Are you sorry?" asked Aunt Jane.

"Yeth ma'am. Um thorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"Um thorry thfor disthfwespeffeen you."

"Hahaha! What? You can take that belt out of your mouth, Davey, and come over here. Get on your hands and knees in front of me. You can kiss my feet while you're apologizing."

When I started to shuffle over, Aunt Jane told me to crawl to her feet. when I got there and started kissing them, she said, "Now what was that you're sorry for?"

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you."

"Will it happen again?"

"No ma'am."

"When I ask you a question, next time you'll just answer it and not smart off to me, right?"

"Yes ma'am. Next time I'll just answer. I'm sorry."

Occasionally I could hear Kiera and Darcy say something to each other, but there were talking low and I couldn't always make out what they said. I did hear Darcy say, "I love your family. So entertaining."

When they were all satisfied that I was sufficiently contrite, Aunt Jane and I returned to the bedroom. I was exhausted, but was I permitted to sleep right away? No. First I had to spend an hour or so under Aunt Jane's covers, with my face in her hairy crotch and sweaty ass crack.

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PeterOmezPeterOmezover 12 years agoAuthor

Haha. Well, I'm glad you kept reading and stayed interested. Spoiler alert: Davey's hopeless, he's not gonna "man up" lol. Part 3 is in the pipeline. Thanks for reading :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

The only reason I kept reading is because I was hoping that he would man up and beat the shit out of those bitches.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
that how gay men are form

somebody need to kick the shit out of all involve.

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