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Quid Pro Quo Ch. 02

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Howard gets his revenge.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 03/08/2003
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Almost three months had passed since the incident at the hotel, and Erika’s life had changed overnight. Phil kept his word, and she got the bonus and promotion.

Erika and William used part of her bonus to take a Caribbean vacation. It had been wonderful, like a second honeymoon. Treating William to a week in paradise helped her deal with the guilt of the way she’d earned it. And she got a great tan to boot.

When they returned, Erika learned that she had also earned a company award and would be honored with others at a company dinner. It was the highest honor in the company and the event was black tie. She and William were looking forward to the dinner with great anticipation.

When she saw Howard in the hallways and conference rooms, he would give her only angry stares. She dealt with it by just trying to ignore him. So he was pissed; it served him right for the sexual harassment he had subjected her to for more than a year.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t avoid him altogether as they both were assigned to lead a proposal team for the Long Haul Trucking account. That meant they had to go to customer and strategy meetings together. It was difficult to say the least.

Howard was pissed, but even more, he was resolved to get the little bitch back. He knew she fucked Phil that night and screwed him out of the promotion he deserved. He didn’t see Phil again for months afterward, and was hurt that the trucking executive would turn his back on him like that.

However, a few days before the award dinner, Phil called to clarify a point in the new contract.

“Why are you calling me? Don’t you want to talk to your girl?”

“Don’t be that way man. You’ve been around ... you know the score. It’s just business.”

“I know when I’ve gotten the business.”

“I’ll tell you what; I promise to make it up to you.”

“Did you fuck that bitch or not?”

“Listen, I can’t talk about anything that went on between us, but I want to send you something that might make you feel better.” Begrudgingly, Howard answered the question about the contract and the conversation ended.

The next day Howard received an E-mail from an unfamiliar account. He nearly deleted it, because those are the kinds of E-mails that sometimes contain viruses. But something told him he should at least open the E-mail. When he did the message said, “As promised – hope you feel better.”

The message had two attachments – photos. Taking a chance, Howard opened the files and was not disappointed.

Erika was working in her new office trying to get through all the work that had piled up while she was on vacation. She was about halfway through her E-mail list when someone walked in her office.

Looking up, the young blonde saw Howard walking into her office, but surprisingly, he had the biggest smile on his ugly round face. He just stood there for a minute smiling at her, and she noticed he was holding a folded piece of paper in his hand.

Howard closed the door to the office and dropped his body into the chair opposite from her. He was still smiling. What in the world could this little troll want now.

“Can I help you, Howard?” she asked.

“Fuckin A you can. You can tell management the truth about how you got that contract or I will.” He squirmed in the chair, not from discomfort, but because he could hardly contain his excitement.

“You must be crazy. I earned that contract fair and square,” she said, confidently flipping her long hair to one side.

“So you’ve said, but I’m not buying it.”

“I’m not going to listen to this Howard. I think you should leave.”

“Sure baby, but first I want to show you something.” He stood, tossed the folded paper onto her desk, and walked out of her office.

Erika lifted the paper, unfolded it and looked at two photos printed side-by-side. The air left her body like a punch in the chest. The pictures were of her. In both photos she was naked and lying on a hotel bed. In the first one, a man was holding one of her breasts and she looked as if she was asleep. In the other, a man’s penis was imbedded in her vagina.

Both photos were obviously low resolution, probably taken by one of those new phone cameras. Even though the photos were of poor quality, anyone could tell that the naked woman was Erika; certainly William would recognize her. Despite his promise to protect her, Phil had gone back on the deal and given these photos to Howard.

The blonde sat at her desk for a long time looking at the photos and wondering what she was going to do. The one person in the world who hated her guts now had evidence that would destroy her job, and more importantly, her marriage.

Howard didn’t speak to her again for days. She tried to talk to him in his office on two occasions, but he told her he was late for meetings and didn’t have time. She was on pins and needles, she couldn’t concentrate on anything, and felt like she was going to have a nervous breakdown any minute.

The awards dinner was held at a local grand hotel with an elaborate ballroom, great chandeliers and everything. Hundreds of employees and their spouses were on hand. Everyone was superbly dressed including Erika and William.

She had purchased a full-length silver dress. It was skin tight and its low cut halter-like top showed off some of her best assets. She thought William looked like a movie star in his tuxedo. He looked good in anything she thought, but he was really beautiful on this evening.

They had only been at the reception for a few minutes when Howard approached, introducing himself to Erika’s husband. The young wife felt her heart race as the marketing manager began to talk. He wouldn’t dare destroy this night and her marriage with it.

“I haven’t had a chance yet to congratulate you Erika,” Howard said. “You must be very proud of your wife William. Not only is she beautiful, but talented, too.”

“Absolutely,” said a beaming William. “All she needed was a chance.” Of course he was proud of his wife. He’d always been proud to have her on his arm and especially tonight.

The conversation quickly became awkward after the introduction and they spoke for just a few minutes more before Howard ran off to schmooze with a pair of vice presidents.

“My God, he is a troll,” William whispered to his wife. “And that breath is unbelievable. He smells like an ashtray. How gross.”

“I told you,” she said. At first Erika felt a weight lifted when she saw Howard walking away without spilling his guts, but after a while she began to worry what he did have up his sleeve.

Once the dinner began, it moved quite slowly with introductions and year wrap-up videos. The wait staff took forever to remove dishes and bring the next course. As dinner began, Erika kept one eye out for Howard, but began having so much fun that she eventually forgot about the strange little man.

The greatest moment in her life other than her wedding came when her name was announced and she ascended the stage to accept the award for top achievement at Certified.

When the evening ceremonies ended, everyone came to congratulate her again. With William by her side, Erika felt surrounded by love and adoration.

Then she saw Howard’s face before her. There was some sort of problem with the new proposal. The customer needed to speak to them immediately.

“Now?” William asked. “That seems unreasonable, especially on this night.”

“You know that dealing with these issues is exactly why your wife was honored tonight,” Howard replied.

“It’s OK dear. I have to do this,” Erika said.

“I’ll wait for you then.”

“It might take a while William. We have to go over a number of issues in the proposal line by line.”

“You go home honey; I’ll take a taxi,” Erica said. William was clearly unhappy to be losing his wife for the evening, but agreed it was necessary. He kissed her cheek and she left with Howard.

Howard told Erika he had arranged for them to use a room on the second floor. For the second time the two were taking an elevator to a hotel room. Only he knew that this time would be different.

The room was as beautiful as the rest of the hotel. It was great to be in a quality hotel making important decisions for the company. She turned to the little man, waiting for him to make the call, but he didn’t make a move toward the phone. Instead, he just stood and smiled at her.

Then she noticed a video camera on a tripod in a corner. Oh shit, she thought. This is a set up. Fear ran through her body like water in a hose.

“So you’ve figured it out have you, bitch?”

“What do you want?”

“Are you that stupid, cunt? You had to know I’d get you back for fucking me over.”

“Do you think I’m going to sleep with you?”

“Actually, you’re going to let to me fuck the shit out of you or your husband will find out about you and Phil. Do you want him to see your pictures?”

The young woman was trying desperately to look tough in the face of fear, but this was just too much. Somehow, she hadn’t expected this. Despite everything, she didn’t think this little bastard would try to get her into bed.

“That’s blackmail.”

“No shit.”

“I could turn you in ... report you to the company.”

“Somehow, I don’t think you’ll do that. I saw that man of yours. He looks like a no-nonsense type to me. I don’t think he’ll go for his wife fucking old Phil just to get a contract.”

Oh God, he was right. This would destroy everything. William would never understand. Everything came easy to him; men always took him seriously. She had to work hard for everything, and even then they just stared at her chest.

And now the only option to keep her husband from finding out about her indiscretion was to be used by this bastard. How could she endure such an ordeal?

Unfortunately, she couldn’t think of another choice of action. She didn’t see any way she could persuade this little bastard to leave her alone. She’d have to go through with it – it was the only way.

“What do you want me to do?”

“You can start by getting down on your fucking knees bitch.” Meekly, Erika did as she was instructed.

There she was kneeling before him as he had always hoped she would. Damn, this bitch is hot. Perfect hair, beautiful body and now with that tan, holy shit. Her face was made up perfectly as well, right down to the bright red lip gloss. He was going to enjoy this.

The other people in the office jokingly referred to her as a Barbie Doll. Well she was going to be his Fuck Me Barbie tonight.

Leaving her there, Howard went to the mini-bar and got himself a beer. Drinking from the can, he walked around her once, then twice. Kneeling behind the young woman he reached around and grabbed her breasts.

What a disgusting man, she thought. His breath is atrocious and his touch repellant. How could she do this? All Erika could think of was to try and put up with it and make it through to the end. What choice did she have?

Howard untied the top of her dress and watched the halter fall down. Again he felt her boobs, but this time it was flesh on flesh. His hands were cold and his touch made her jump. He kneaded the big mounds with his fingers and rolled the nipples between his fingertips. Jesus they were fucking huge. He’d never seen anything like them.

The young woman tried to ignore the fingers touching her, but couldn’t help but feel something. Then suddenly the hands were removed and she feared what would happen next.

Howard broke the silence. “Do you like to suck cock, you cunt,” he said as he moved in front of the woman.

“Did you suck Phil’s cock?” At first she didn’t answer, but Howard was in no hurry and let the room be filled with silence. While he was waiting for a response the marketing manager removed his jacket and placed it on a chair. He pulled off his tie, but never took his eyes off the young woman before him.

“Yes,” she finally admitted.

“Was he big?”


“Bigger than your husband?”

“Please don’t ask me about that,” she said looking up at him. “Do whatever you want, and then let me go.”

“Let’s get a few things straight. I’ll ask you whatever I want and you’ll answer me. Second, this isn’t ever going to be over, you stupid cunt. Don’t you understand? You belong to me now.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a good thing you’re beautiful, cause you sure are dumb. You got your 15 minutes, and now you’re going to help me get mine. You’ll fuck who I tell you and when.”

“You’re going to make me be a whore for you?”

“What’s the big deal? You did it to get your promotion, and now you’ll do it for me.” Oh damn, he was right again. She was a whore kneeling in front of a man with her top down and her breasts out. And now she couldn’t do anything to stop him from using her body like his own amusement park.

“I think it’s time you started earning my silence.” The fat little man began to unbuckle his belt and lower his pants. As he neatly folded them and placed them on the desk chair, she saw his hairy white legs for the first time. He looked silly in his baggy jockey shorts, but she wasn’t in a laughing mood. There was a huge pee stain on the front panel of the shorts.

“You didn’t answer my question. Was Phil larger than your husband?”


“Did you like it when Phil fucked you? Did you like the bigger cock?”

“Please Howard.”

“Just answer the fucking question.” He was taking his shirt off now revealing a ‘wife beater’ type t-shirt. He had more hair on his body than she’d ever seen on a human being. His back alone was hairier than William’s whole body.

“Yes dammit, I liked it. Are you happy?”

“I’m glad to hear it, because if you like them big, I’m your man.”

He’d made that boast before around the office to her and to others, but she’d always thought it was the normal male ego run amuck. Yet, when he removed his shorts, she was shocked to see their contents.

She had no idea a man could be that large. It was nearly a foot long and shaped like a banana, fat in the middle with a large hook to the left and a pointed uncircumcised head. Maybe it just looked bigger because it was attached to such a small man and framed by boney legs.

“Well, what do you think? Bigger than Phil, huh?”

“Jesus. It’s too big. I can’t take that.”

Man, Howard never tired of hearing that. These cunts always acted hard to get, but once he got them in bed, the whores couldn’t get enough.

“Well, you’re certainly going to try, baby,” he said, waddling up to the kneeling woman. As much as she wanted to, Erika couldn’t pull her eyes away from the monstrous cock which danced as he moved toward her.

How could anyone be that big? She was frozen in place, completely intimidated by the size of him. She watched as he brought his hand to the cock and began to pump the loose skin along the rod. She could smell the combination of sweat and urine as he beat it right in front of her.

Howard moved closer to Erika’s face and tried to rub the tip against her lips, but she pulled her face back out of reach. He reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair with his other hand.

“Kiss it bitch,” he demanded, pulling her head down until the cock head slammed into her cheek. He started lightly slapping the side of her face with the meaty cock.

“Come on; lick it.” The cock was pushing against Erika’s lips, against her teeth. Her resistance gave way and she let her mouth open. The pungent-tasting cock head slid into the warmth of her body.

“Yeah, that’s right. Suck it good,” she heard Howard say in a deep, strained voice. “Hold still and let me fuck your face.”

With a fist still clutching her honey blonde locks, he began thrusting his hips a little bit at a time until he completely filled her mouth. He still had nearly half his cock that had not entered her.

The foul tasting penis caused her mouth to water in defense, but this only acted to make it easier for her invader. His cock continued to stretch the boundaries of her mouth, pushing her cheeks this way and that depending on his mood on that particular stroke.

He didn’t seem to tire of this activity, keeping a firm face. The plunging of his sizable penis and the amount of saliva required to accommodate it, caused the young woman to slurp noisily.

The older man stopped moving his hips and began using his grip to guide Erika’s head down on his cock. The blonde tried to sucked hard sensing his imminent orgasm. Better to get it over with she, thought.

Without her noticing it, Howard slowly ceased his pressure on her head and allowed her to take over control. He looked down to see her pretty lips slide along the top of his cock. It had been a very long time, since he’d had a gorgeous babe sucking him off ... and he probably never had one this fantastic.

Erika rocked on her knees and had to bring her hands up to his hips to maintain both her balance and keep up the torrid pace of her sucking. Suddenly, she felt the cock being pulled from her mouth, as he stepped backward.

Like a baby at the breast, Erika’s head tried to follow the cock as it moved away. Strangely, the young woman felt its loss. At the same time, she noticed a warm dampness between her legs.

She was surprised at the thought that she might have begun to enjoy the vulgar activity to which she had just been subjected. Could this man, this disgusting man possibly be making her horny.

He too noticed her reluctance to end the blowjob.

“Don’t worry, honey. You can have some more later. Right now, I want you to get that dress off and get on the bed.” Erika did as she was told, quickly peeling the silver garment over her head. Because of her deep tan, she didn’t wear any pantyhose.

The only thing that stood between Howard’s vengeful cock and her unprotected womanhood was a scant g-string that was intended for her husband. Instead, a feast for the eyes was bestowed on Howard. She turned away from him and slid the tiny panties down her long legs.

Unable to wait another minute, he came up behind the young woman. Grabbing her by the hips, the little man threw her onto the bed. Off balance, Erika fell on her back, legs flying into the air. Her entire body bounced to a stop, the g-string hanging from one ankle.

“Spread those legs nice and wide for me,” he commanded. “Point those toes at the ceiling.” She didn’t question him, but just did is he said. He watched as the tight blonde pussy opened to reveal its pinkness.

The older man reached over and ran his thumb upward along the lips of her vagina. The arousal of Erika’s body was readily evident. She couldn’t bear to watch her own surrender and turned her head to one side.

The man pushed one and then another finger into the opening, and then pulled them out. Both digits were covered in her juices. The bitch was loving this. What a fucking slut.

Leaning up over the young wife, Howard pushed the two fingers back into her and began to jerk them about with great force. Her body stiffened at the assault, but did nothing to stop him. In fact, she began to push her pelvis back at the fingers.

She started to moan in short quiet choppy breaths. He began to flick her clitoris with his thumb, and she became much louder. Now she was rotating her hips to match the stimulation of her clit.

Howard guessed the woman was ready for him now. He positioned himself above the waiting pussy and decided to tease her a little. He used his cock as a brush, lightly flicking the opening. She pushed deeper-than-normal noises from the back of her throat that sounded like an animalistic invitation.

However, the older man was looking for something more definitive from Erika. He wanted her to ask for it, to beg him. For the first time he thought about the video he was making and thought her asking for cock would look much better on tape.

The young wife was lost. She’d been blackmailed by this horrible little man, and he was using her body for his own amusement. But somewhere along the way, she had become wrapped up in the animalistic sex. She hadn’t felt this kind of excitement, since she slept with Phil. She was ashamed of herself for giving in to this bastard, but was still incredibly aroused.


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