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Racer's Reward


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Apollo approached her and wondered how he was supposed to fit this part of his body into hers. He moved his hips forward and tentatively placed his forelegs on her back for balance. "So I just stick it in? And that'll make an egg?" he asked. This concept was both completely alien yet also somehow intimately familiar; it just seemed natural.

Rafale partially unfurled her wings and shook them in the dragon equivalent of a shrug. "More or less. Step three—insert into dragoness. Remove partially. Repeat insertion until satisfactory response achieved. Hurry up."

Apollo bent his lower back, brushing his phallus against Rafale's flanks. He kept moving his hips, trying to line up so he could push his erection into her hole. In the back of his mind his rational train of thought was commenting that this was quite ridiculous, but instinctually it all seemed like the correct thing to do.

On her part, Rafale patiently let him try to figure things out. Apollo was feeling surprisingly enthusiastic despite his completely inexperience—a deep part of his mind really wanted to get this done properly, even if he didn't actually know how. His forepaws clutched at Rafale's hips, and his erection slipped around near her slit without finding the appropriate place. After a few long seconds of Apollo awkwardly trying to move his hips about to line himself up, Rafale lifted her hips and dropped her chest to the ground, which gave him an easier angle.

Then finally he achieved penetration—the tip of his penis slipped in, and both dragons exclaimed. Rafale made a pleasured sigh, but Apollo let out a surprised gasp at the sudden warmth and tightness around his reproductive organ. Rafale gave him a moment to get used to it, then she gently rocked her hips forwards and backwards to encourage him to thrust. Apollo got the message quickly—he began to push himself in and out. But then he stopped just a few seconds later, just as the rhythm was beginning to pick up.

Rafale response was to blink her eyes open in surprise. "Did you just cum already? Even for a virgin, I was hoping you would at least last longer than a few seconds. Oh wait, no, don't tell me..."

"Um, wait. Why me?" Apollo asked, as his curiosity demanded he get those proper answers he still didn't have.

Rafale groaned and dragged the sound into a growl. She turned around to glare at the drake who was resting on her back. "Gharrghh! Not again... Can't you just...just...mate me now and ask your questions later? Do you know how lucky you drakes are that you don't go into heat every few months? You're just standing there, with your damn cock teasing my slit and making me horny as hell. I could really use a good mating right now."

"Sorry," Apollo said. He tried to genuinely look apologetic, but he wasn't apologetic enough to keep going until he'd gotten his answers. "But I would like to know what's going on. Why are we mating?"

"Arrrgh. I should have pinned you down on your back and had my way with you. Fine! I'll explain, but this is the last question you get," grumbled Rafale. "Ian is a businessman person—if you know anything at all about the aviation industry, then you've heard of him and his company. Ian owns both me and Typhoon, the racer you so handily beat yesterday, and also a younger dragoness called Gripen, but she's still just a fledgling. He bought our eggs a few years apart and raised us himself so he could enter us in the racing competitions. Don't ask about the names, by the way, you do not want to get me started on that."

Apollo immediately made a mental note to ask about the names later. He knew that a typhoon was a large storm, but what did "Rafale" mean?

"Anyway, after I broke my wing, Ian and I agreed that I would start having eggs because I can't race anymore. Pass on the racing genes, propagate the species, get laid, etcetera. Typhoon was going to be the first sire because he a damn good flyer with a superb record in the minor races so far, but he's also a real arrogant guy which pisses me off. So I made a bet with him that I would mate with whoever won this year's regional tristate championships, since the winner would obviously be the best racer. Typhoon didn't have to take the bet, but he was so confident that he would win that he did. The bet doesn't really make sense if you think about it—Imperium had second best odds to win, and though I'm sure it'll be fun to mate with her, that wouldn't work for an egg. But anyway Typhoon crashed into Imperium, and some rookie no one had heard of managed to win the cup. Congratulations Apollo! So now we're going to mate. Ian will pay your owners the sire fees if you can put an egg in me, which is something I would very much like to get on with. Now please stop with your questions and stick your damn cock in me before I jump on you. You'll enjoy it."

"Alight, alright. I guess that did answer most of my questions." Apollo finally did as Rafale asked, and he did enjoy it. It was an unusual sensation of warmth and tightness around his penis that had just enough friction to feel right. Thrusting in and out and in and out caused a pleasurable sensation to build up his groin. "So this is what mating is like. Hmm..."

"I've seen shy and timid dragons who get embarrassed, I've seen bold and demanding dragons who eagerly pin me down, and I've even seen prudish dragons who refuse to have any sexual contact whatsoever," murmured Rafale. "But this is the first time I've seen a drake start to have sex with me then stop because he was curious and wanted to start a dialogue."

Without slowly down, Apollo responded. "I can't read minds! You can't just walk up to someone and lift your tail, assuming that they know exactly what you're trying to imply."

"Actually, you can totally just walk up to someone and lift your tail, because every adult dragon of every species knows what that implies. This really must be your first championship—there's always a massive amount of screwing that goes around between all the racers. Everyone's really fit and full of energy. It's practically tradition." Rafale adjusted her stance so that she was crouching on three legs, then she used her forepaw to reach down and start rubbing herself where Apollo was thrusting in and out.

Apollo guessed that it would be alright to ask questions as long as he kept thrusting, which was Rafale seemed to want from him. A primal part of his brain seemed to be in control of his body now, and his hips moved automatically without him thinking about it. "What are you doing?"

Rafale had closed her eyes again, and she was breathing heavily for some reason. "I'm touching myself, obviously."

"Oh yes! Obviously..." muttered Apollo sarcastically. "But why are you doing that?"

"Because it feels good. Do you not feel any pleasure from the fact that we're mating? You're acting as enthusiastic as any drake I've ever coupled with, so I'm assuming that at least some part of you is enjoying this."

"I guess so. It feels...nice?" Apollo had never felt anything quite like this. How was it possible that his penis just felt so good all of a sudden? "You're right—this does actually feel good! Weird, but nice." Apollo adjusted his forepaws so that he could clutch the dragoness closer to him as he thrust in and out; this action just seemed natural. He wanted to hold her.

Without any warning Rafale suddenly growled and moaned loudly. "Grr... Oh, ffuuudge... oh, oh, oh...I'm gonna cum. Nice work Apollo, you lasted one minute—long enough to satisfy a dragoness in heat."

"What?" asked Apollo, but the malachite dragoness tensed up and shuddered under him. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, slowing down his thrusts.

"Ahh... No... It's my heat. Makes me horny as hell...and...ahhh...makes it really easy to get off. Oh, wow, wow, wow," hissed Rafale, her face scrawled up in what looked like pain. "Keep going. Just keep going. Please. Don't stop now, I'm so damn close..."

Not knowing an alternative, Apollo just continued to thrust his hips forwards and back as Rafale appeared to experience a seizure. Her wings and tail just flailed and beat against the ground, and Apollo could even feel the muscles of her genital slit squeezing down on his erection with a rhythmic pattern. It was weird! He started counting each time she shuddered and her muscles contracted, but he lost count somewhere around twenty.

Rafale moaned in pleasure and gasped. "Apollo... That's so good... Being in heat makes this so intense... You know, it makes me really sensitive and I might cum a second time. That was...that was good. No, don't stop yet! This doesn't work until you've cum too."

"Would this be a bad time for me to ask more questions?" asked Apollo, as he continued to thrust in and out at a steady pace. "What just happened to you? Is that normal for a mating? Am I doing this correctly?"

" more questions. Don't think about it, just let it happen." Rafale replied. "Just relax and enjoy it. Thrust deep and let yourself go."

Apollo found that it felt really good to thrust as deeply as he could. Every time he hilted himself, there was a bit of resistance as the slight bulge at the base of his phallus slipped in and out of Rafale's slit. The pleasure was undeniable now, and it seemed to be getting stronger and stronger until suddenly the drake felt like he couldn't take it anymore. "Ah! This is really...whoa..." he gasped.

"Eh...huh?" Rafale chirped in surprise when Apollo froze and abruptly yanked his penis all the way out of her. Her surprise was quickly replaced by irritation. "Grr... Apollo! What the hell?" Rafale growled, sounding frustrated again. "Do you know—nothing feels better than mating while in heat, and nothing feels more frustrating than when you stop for no apparent reason. So if you've stopped to ask another question I shall be most displeased," she grumbled.

Apollo shook his head. Rafale's was glaring at him with an annoyed look, and he idly noticed that her eyes were dark hazel, not black as he'd initially assumed. It was a strange thing for him to suddenly notice. "Not a question! Well, a bit of a question. feels like I'm going to pee."

Rafale made a noise which sounded like both a laugh and a groan. "Harrgh. That is...that's normal. You're not going to piss in me; I think that's physically impossible. Once you've had your first orgasm, trust me, I don't think you'll be so hesitant next time. Just keep going."

"If you say so..." Apollo pushed himself back in and resumed thrusting, and once again the sensation built up to unbearable levels. This time he kept going even as his groin started to feel oversensitive and muscles began to tense up. He pushed into Rafale's slit one last time, and then when he tried to pull out he found that he couldn't do it. It was like he'd somehow become stuck inside her. Then before he could even wonder why, pleasure exploded out of his groin. "What's happen...ahh..."

He was a racer born to fly, but this? This was the moment every drake lived for. Muscles in his underbelly began forcefully contracting as hard as they physically could, obeying a biological imperative that his conscious mind could not possibly deny. Apollo snapped his eyes shut at the sheer intensity of the moment—he clutched Rafale close and held on for dear life. Waves of pleasure seemed to blast through his body, all originating from his penis which was buried deep in a beautiful dragoness. His legs went rigid as he tensed up, and vaguely at the back of his mind he realized that he had spread his wings without thinking about it, but overwhelming pleasure was dominating his mental state for a brief moment that seemed to stretch on forever.

Gradually the pulses of pleasure seemed to slow down and ebb away until Apollo realized he was back in control of his body. His penis was no longer stuck inside Rafale; with some exertion of effort, he pulled out and discovered that the bulge at the base was partially swollen with blood. Then he glanced back up and made eye contact with Rafale—the malachite scaled dragoness was looking over her shoulder and watching him as basked in the afterglow. "Had fun?" she asked.

Apollo panted softly. "Wow...that felt incredible. Was that...was that was happened to you earlier? It felt so good..."

"Yeah, that's called an orgasm; it's nature's way of encouraging you to make eggs. And now that you knows what it feels like, you'll wonder why you haven't been doing this before," murmured Rafale.

"And your owner pays me to do this? Wow..."

"Yep. Life's not fair...but then again it's not like Ian's hurting for money. Come here, let's cuddle." Rafale walked towards a soft patch of grass and sat down on all fours, then she patted the grass beside her and Apollo got the hint. He trotted over and sat down next to her. The two dragons started licking and grooming each other—Rafale with an easy confidence, and Apollo with an awkward nervousness that showed he clearly had no idea what he was doing. "Be the teeth...yeah. That's good. Congratulations Apollo, you've now mated with a dragoness. I hope you liked it."

"I did, yeah. This was very interesting!" Apollo wasn't quite sure what had just happened, but it had certainly felt very nice. And Rafale was a racing champion! Besides the fact he was supposed to mate with her, he would have loved to spend some time getting to know her and hear about her stories from all her years spent racing.

Abruptly Rafale started to make a strange, rumbly noise from her chest, and Apollo wasn't sure if she had gotten upset. "Rrrrrrr..."

"Are you...are you alright? Did I do something wrong? Are you growling at me?"

"Rrrrr—" Rafale went quiet, cutting of the rumbling noise, then suddenly she burst into laughter. "Ahhahahahahaha! Mfff ahahahahaha!"

Apollo raised his neck to stare. "What? What's so funny?" he asked, but Rafale just responded by grabbing him and playfully wrapping her wings around him as she laughed.

"Hahahahah... You don't... This is adorable. You're a dragon raised by a human who doesn't even know about licking or...or...ahah...hehe...You don't even know... Hahe...ahem. No, I wasn't growling. I was purring. You've never heard of that before?"

"Isn't that something cats do?" Apollo asked. Back on the ranch there were several cats, and Jennifer had explained that these small creatures made a rumbling noise when they were happy. No one had even told him that as a dragon, he was supposed to do the same thing.

Rafale just laughed and started purring again. "Hehehe...Mmrrrrrrr..."

It was very pleasant to just sit there side by side, feeling Rafale's warmth and listening to the rumbling noise she was making. But after a few moments, Apollo's curiosity got the better of him again. "Wow, you're really Rafale—the Rafale," he murmured.


"Yes!" replied Apollo. "I mean—wow! You made it to the nationals, and almost won! The famous racing dragoness of the famous Ian Caedry! And you're just sitting here next to me? I'm just some nobody racer, but we just mated! Wow. I don't even know what to say."

Rafale let out another pleased sound on hearing Apollo's excited enthusiasm. "Hmmr! I do like you, Apollo, and you're not just some 'nobody racer'. You not only made it to the regional championship, but you took first place in your first ever serious competition. You're a good flyer; keep this up and you'll definitely make the nationals. It's nice that a rookie dragon from some small ranch won the championship. Not that your freighter ranch is small, technically speaking, but it's small compared to the huge ranches which Ian usually does business with."

Apollo felt a distinct surge of pride on hearing such a compliment from a more experienced racer, but then he wondered at the rest of what she'd said. "So what business does your owner have to do with my owner? Do they really need to discuss so much about us making an egg?"

"My owner? Ian's my owner, but he's also my pet," Rafale muttered. "But anyway, he doesn't just need to talk with your owners about us having an egg. Ian's was considering getting a direct contract with Jay's ranch for your grey-backed nettled gliders to fly freight on either the full trans-Atlantic route or a local interstate transfer. Everyone seems to think big dragons who can carry lots of cargo and passengers are the future, but Ian thinks that smaller dragons are more versatile when it comes to flight planning. Smaller as in relative to the superheavy flyers, not small compared to us. I mean, we're practically XXS in terms of dragon size—we can't carry anything."

"I can carry stuff! I have a saddle, and Jennifer flies on my back when she's free," Apollo said.

Rafale playfully nudged his side. "I know; I let Ian ride me. But one rider isn't much of a payload, and it's certainly not economical. Actually it's kind of unfair to think that racing dragons like us are so much more valued than freighter dragons, even though freighters are so much more useful at flying things around. It so nice to be part of the entertainment industry! Am I talking too much business? Never mind. Anyway, the end result is that your freighter dragons might start flying interstate routes for Ian, not just the boring intrastate delivery stuff you guys are doing now. Not that it matters for you personally, although you might be spending more time at our central logistics mega-hub. We've got proper equipment to train racers there—you'll like it. I bet I could teach you a thing or two."

Apollo perked up at the idea of spending some more time with Rafale. "You could teach me? How to be a proper racer?" he asked excitedly.

"You're already a proper racer," Rafale replied. "But since I can't race anymore, I won't have much to do while I'm waiting to lay our egg. It'll be nice to have you as company." The dragoness leaned closer and resumed licking Apollo's scales and grooming him.

In response, the drake tried to imitate the pleased rumbling sound he'd heard her make earlier, but his voice caught in his throat and he coughed. "Rrrrr? Rrrrrrrrr...ak, erk—ahem..."

This made Rafale start snickering again. "Hehehehe. Was that a purr? Oh my. You've got the sexy body of a racer but you act so hilariously cute. I like you already," she murmured.

Apollo didn't know how to respond to that comment, so he didn't. "What will you do with the egg after you lay it?" he asked, changing the topic.

"Ian will probably find a nice human for it, someone who'll take good care of it and give it a home. The hatchling could grow up to be a racer like you or me, or just someone's companion. We'll see. But they'll be treated well—that is guaranteed."

Apollo nodded. "Alright, that makes sense. So now that we're done, shall we go find the humans?"

Rafale grinned lewdly. "Oh please. We're not done, not by a long shot." She leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear. "You're going to keep mating me and filling me with your seed until you've spent all you have. That might take a while, but your owner did say they would be back in an hour. Let them wait." Rafale reached down and grabbed Apollo's phallus again.



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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very cute. Chapter 2?

I remember you teasing that something like this was coming after I praised your first story. I'm not disappointed.

This was a very sweet story that genuinely made me laugh in a few places. And I found myself becoming interested in the wider world towards the end there. I'd love to read a longer story of this kind written in this world, or just a continuation of this one.

It seems I may have finally found that source of dragon romances I've always wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This story should have been titled the retarded dragon.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 5 years ago

Phenomenally good story - cute, friendly, and happy endings!

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