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Ramya's Journey Pt. 03

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Ramya has an observer who decides to join in the fun.
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/11/2014
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Kajal had woken up late that morning and was just having her morning tea when something made her walk out to her balcony and look out across the yard. The neighbouring apartment complex was pretty close, and she could see right through some of the windows. One of those scenes captured her attention - a young boy was walking into the room, and something about his behaviour screamed of guilt. It seemed to Kajal that the girl was irritated or tense about something.

Kajal stepped back away from the balcony so that it wouldn't be obvious that she was watching. "This could be entertaining," she thought to herself, "anything to take my mind off my situation." Kajal had just gotten through a long and difficult break-up with her boyfriend of 9 years. She'd thought that he was the one that she'd be spending the rest of her life with. Over the last few days, it had sunk on her that at 35, she was probably too old for the dating scene, especially in a conservative city like Chennai.

"Damn the jealous bastard," she thought to herself, "he just couldn't bear the fact that I was much more successful that he was. I'm definitely better off without him dragging me down!" She took another sip of the now lukewarm tea when she realized that something had changed in the flat that she'd been watching. The girl had shown the guy something on a phone, and Kajal could see that he was sobbing and seemed to be begging the girl about something. The girl, on the other hand, seemed to be yelling at the guy, and at one point actually slapped him.

"Just what I needed! Another couple breaking up just to remind me!" Kajal cursed herself for giving in to the voyeuristic urge that had made her look out. Disgusted with the weakness that she felt within herself, she just dumped the rest of the tea into the kitchen sink as she tried to figure out what to do with the weekend that would get her mind away from break-ups and boyfriends.

"Shopping! I should go reward myself for my latest promotion," she decided, "just because that jerk of my ex couldn't handle my success, I am not going to let it get me down. Shopping, and maybe a trip to the beauty parlour for a facial and massage would be the best remedy." She had to get her t-shirt from the clothesline on the balcony, and she'd almost turned around without taking another look at that window. Almost.

This glimpse though, was enough to make her drop the t-shirt and just stare! The guy was actually half-naked and masturbating, while the girl seemed to be doing a slow striptease! Kajal could see the girl teasing the guy and flashing her breasts at him. Her half-naked body seemed even more arousing because of the hide-and-seek. "Wow! This is a weird break-up," Kajal thought to herself.

She stepped back in away from the balcony door and continued to watch. She could clearly see the guy's frenzied masturbatory movements, and the girl's slow, almost languid striptease just stood out because of the contrast. Within a minute, the guy was done, and the girl just seemed disgusted as she put her clothes on again. "All guys are the same! In a bloody hurry to get theirs!" Kajal thought to herself with a smirk.

"They are definitely not a couple," she told herself, "but what on earth just happened here!" She was trying to figure that out when she saw the girl smack the guy on the head, make him clean up his own mess and then note down something on her cell phone before she kicked him out of the house.

"Hmmm. Interesting. Looks like she has a hold on the guy somehow," Kajal told herself, "and she doesn't look too bad herself. I wonder what it would be like with a girl..." Kajal's view got cut off as the girl finally went into a different room and that broke her chain of thought. "I wonder if I can use what I saw to my advantage and get some relief out of this. God knows that's a need I now have to fill because of my stupid ex!"

Kajal's day and weekend seemed to be improving...


Deciding that it would probably be easier to insinuate herself with the girl while she was still potentially off-balance and excited from what just happened, Kajal quickly freshened up and got ready to go meet her. Deciding to play it safe, she dressed somewhat conservatively in a salwar and jeans and walked over to the neighbouring aparment complex. She carefully made sure that she was at the right door, and rang the bell.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"She looks even younger from closer up!" Kajal thought to herself. "Hi, I am Kajal, your neighbour. I have seen you around over the last few days and I wanted to come over and introduce myself," she said to the girl, "Do you live alone?"

"Hello Kajal. I am Ramya, yes I live alone, I just moved her for my Ph.D.," Ramya said.

"Oh that's great. I live alone as well - my window is directly across from yours in the next apartment," Kajal responded, "Is there any chance I can get some water? It's so hot already!"

"Of course, I am so sorry to keep you standing outside, come on in please"

As Ramya went to the kitchen to get her a glass, Kajal quickly looked around the spartan flat. It was minimally furnished, and she could see no decorations, photos or even an air conditioner. "Must be tough to be a student on a budget," she said to herself.

"What do you do, Kajal?" asked Ramya as she came back and offered a glass of cool water.

"I am a VP at Westside, I run marketing for South India." Kajal said as she took the glass.

"Wow, that's great. I am sure it's not easy being a woman, that too so young, in such a big position," Ramya was obviously awe-struck.

"Thank you," Kajal responsed, she was used to such reactions and could take it in her stride. "What are you studying?"

"I'm doing my Ph.D. in statistics," Ramya said as she sat down next to Kajal. Ramya hadn't made any friends in the neighbourhood apart from introducing herself to her immediate neighbour, Vandhana so that she could keep a spare set of house keys with them. It was good to be able to talk to another woman who also seemed to be career-oriented just like herself.

"That's nice, Ramya. Good math and statistical skill will always be in demand. Thats good. Tell you what, do you have any plans for the day?" Kajal asked, deciding to try to take Ramya out of her house and to try to get Ramya to start confiding in her.

"No plans, why?"

"Well, I was planning to go to the beauty parlour to pamper myself and celebrate, and then to the mall. Why don't you come along? It'll be nice to have company, and we'll have fun. My treat.." Kajal offered.

"No, I have some chores to do, and besides I can't impose on you, we just met," Ramya said, but Kajal could see that she was interested.

"Don't be silly. I can well afford it, in fact, I won't even notice it. Let's go. I have a car, so we don't need to worry about the heat or trying to bargain with auto guys. I insist," Kajal pushed her again.

"Are you sure, Kajal?"

"Yes, come on now."

Ramya went inside and quickly freshened up. She was ready to go within 5 minutes and Kajal took her over to her apartment complex so that they could get the car.

"Why do you live alone, Kajal?" Ramya asked, "Do you not have any family here?"

"No, I just finished going through a long break-up, and my family lives in Delhi," Kajal responded, "what about your family? Didn't you just move here?"

"Oh! I am so sorry for bringing it up. I didn't know!" Ramya seemed embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it."

"Sorry.. My family is in a small town near Salem. I only moved to Chennai 3 months ago. I don't have many friends here yet," was Ramya's response as she tried to think of a way to change the topic away from Kajal's breakup.

Kajal decided to bring up the topic while Ramya was still in the car and couldn't do much. "I saw you with that boy, you know," she said. "Was he your boyfriend?"

Ramya seemed stunned. She was blushing hard, and didn't know how to respond. Kajal seemed like a nice lady, very successful at such a young age, and she'd seen Ramya's intimate secrets. "Oh my god! What would she think of me!" she thought ot herself while trying to come up with a response.

"Don't worry, I am not judging you, and I am definitely not going to tell anybody else," Kajal could almost read Ramya's mind. "It'll be our secret. I saw what went on, I just wanted to make sure that he wasn't hurting you or anything.."

"No, Kajal, " Ramya decided to tell her everything - while she'd felt horny and excited, she'd also been feeling very guilty and decided that talking to this older woman would help. "That was my neighbour's son, Adarsh. I caught him spying on me while I was taking my bath. I wanted to punish him, but it somehow got out of hand.." her voice faded off as she tried to think about how she could logically explain why she'd made Adarsh masturbate in front of her.

"Oh! How cheap," Kajal exclaimed, "but why was he, emm, you know, jerking off in your living room?"

"I wanted to punish him," Ramya started again, "and then somehow I also got excited and I wanted to see what he was doing when peeping at me.." she said sheepishly.

"Are you a virgin, Ramya?" Kajal asked gently, and Ramya nodded.

"Haven't you foold around? No boyfriends?" she asked again.

"Well, no, I lived in a small town. It would have become a big scandal if I had a boyfriend, and my father is very strict." Ramya responded.

"Well, you live in a big city now. Don't worry about what happened. It's natural for a young, beautiful girl like you to have urges."

"Stop it, Kajal, I am not beautiful, and I feel very guilty." Ramya said.

"Don't be silly. Of course you are. You just need to have a good beautician help you bring out what you have locked away, and change your dressing styles. You'll have Romeos following you everyday!" Kajal said with a laugh.

"Really? You think so? You don't think what I did was wrong?" Ramya wanted more reassurance.

"Yes, really. What you did was not wrong. In fact, I think we should have more fun with that boy - what's his name again?" Kajal said with a meaningful look.

"Adarsh." Ramya looked thoughtful. "Now you know intimate facts about me, but I dont know anything about you, Kajal"

Kajal smiled as she recognized a golden opportunity to ingratiate herself with Ramya while subtly conditioning her mind.

"You are absolutely right. I am going to tell you one of my deepest, darkest secrets that nobody else knows. In fact when I finish, you may think I am a bad person or a slut.." she said.

"No, no. Nothing can be worse than what I did," Ramya said, visibly perking up, "besides, it's another half hour drive to the mall anyways in this traffic."

Kajal just smiled and started her narrative...


This happened about 3 years ago. I was still together with my ex then - his name is Lokesh. We had gone on a vacation to Singapore to celebrate my promotion. I should tell you something about him so that you understand - we had been together for about 5-6 years when we went on that vacation, and we'd been intimate pretty much since the beginning. He also liked to show me off...

She paused to gauge Ramya's reaction, which still seemed positive and interested, before continuing..

He liked for me to wear revealing clothes, and sometimes for me to go without underwear. I would let him have his way only when we were not in Chennai. So, on vacations like this one, he would tell me what to wear, and what not to wear if you get what I mean.

We had take a guided tour of Singapore that day, and that morning actually started pretty tamely. We had showered together and had sex in the morning before we left the hotel, and Lokesh gave me t-shirt and shorts to wear. Surprisingly, he let me put on a bra and panties as well. As the tour proceeded though, Lokesh kept on trying to hug me, kiss me and fondle me without caring who was watching. I had a tough time keeping him under control.

We had stopped for lunch at a small restaurant near the harbour. Lokesh suddenly pulled me into the single bathroom that the restaurant had in full view of everybody! I was so embarrassed. Nothing could stop him, however, and he had to have me right there in the bathroom with paper thin walls. He was like an animal that day, and I couldn't remember many other times when he was that passionate. To be honest, even I was aroused. It had felt like one long foreplay session, and I was as ready as he was. Unfortunately, he couldn't last very long. As I tried to clean up in that small bathroom, I realized that my bra was missing! Lokesh had taken it away, and no amount of begging or pleading would change his mind!

I was so self-conscious as I came out. My nipples were pretty hard because of all the action, and was poking right through that thin t-shirt. I was pretty sure that's where everybody was looking. I tried to fold my hands in front of myself, and hold my purse in front of my chest, and nothing helped.

Lokesh kept smirking that entire afternoon as we went from one tourist attraction to another and I felt like I was on display all along. The warm, humid climate of Singapore didn't help either. There were a lot of double-takes as men realized what they were seeing, and then sneering at me. They all probably thought I was such a slut!

"Wow, Kajal! I would have died of embarrassment!" Ramya said.

That wasn't the worst of it. Just as we got to the end of the tour, the tour guide came up to Lokesh and told him about a dance club nearby. He promised Lokesh that it was the best club around, and he even gave us a coupon for free entry. Lokesh is a sucker for deals, and he decided that we should go. I begged Lokesh again to let me put on my bra, especially if we were going to be dancing. Lokesh told me with a smirk that he'd thrown it away. He didn't give me any choice, but to go with him.

The club was nice - it was much bigger than I'd expected, and the music was good. It even had good disco-type lighting going on, and the dance floor was still half-empty because it was still early. Lokesh ordered vodka drinks for both of us, and made me drink it down quickly before dragging me to the dance floor.

Even though they were playing fast music, Lokesh pulled me very close to him and started grinding against me. I struggled with him for a while before giving in. I was actually thankful that the lighting was dim enough that nobody would probably notice my state. After dancing for a few songs, we went to our booth where our drink refills were ready. Lokesh made me drink it down quickly again and called for shots. He made me pound down 2 more shots, and I was feeling pretty high by then.

I realized the club was starting to fill up when a couple came up to our booth and the guy asked if they could sit with us for a while. It was a white guy, about our age but much taller and well-built with a chinese girl, short but with a very shapely body. Lokesh was shamelessly ogling at the girl, and just waved for them to come on and sit with us. He scooted over and made the girl sit next to him, which made the white guy sit next to me.

"I'm Mike and that's Lilly," he said.

"Lokesh, and that's Kajal," Lokesh said, all the while ogling at Lilly. She was dressed in a spaghetti strap tank top and a short skirt that barely covered her butt.

"Are you guys from India?" Mike asked, he seemed to be looking only at me. Through my vodka-induced fog, I realized that he was probably looking at the view afforded by my thin t-shirt on my bra-less breasts and weakly thought about covering it up before deciding it was too much effort.

"Yes, we are. Where are you from?" Lokesh asked Lilly.

"Hong Kong," her voice was very high pitched, and was irritating in my drunken state.

"Would you like to dance?" Mike asked, and it took me a minute before I realized he was asking me. I just looked over at Lokesh and could literally see the gears grinding in his head. He was immediately nodding his head and he turned over to Lilly.

"Would you like to dance, Lilly?" he asked, already putting an arm on her bare shoulder.

Mike took that as permission, and stood up and offered his arm. I was so disgusted with Lokesh's behaviour that I decided to show him who was boss. I went with Mike, and just then they switched over to a slow song.

"You are very beautiful," Mike whispered in my ear as he pulled me close to him. I felt myself literally enveloped by his larger body. It wasn't a bad feeling, to be honest.

"Thanks, Mike. You look good yourself," I said. As I looked over, I could see Lokesh locked in a close hold with Lilly and I could almost swear that he had his hands under her skirt before my view was blocked by some other couples.

I don't know if I was really that drunk, or if it was anger that was driving me, but I found myself locked in a deep, passionate kiss with Mike. I don't even know how it started, but suddenly all I could feel was his wonderful arms around me, his body tight up against mine, our lips locked and tongues duelling.

"Isn't your girlfriend going to miss you?" I asked as I forced myself to stop after what felt like an endless kiss. I needed to catch my breath and get back under control!

"I don't have a girlfriend, I just met Lilly an hour ago at a bar," he responded and try to pull me back for another kiss. "Is that your boyfriend? Is he going to look for you?"

"No," I said, "that's just a friend." I surrendered myself to the kiss. Mike's body felt incredible and he was a very talented kisser. The frustrating episode from the bathroom earlier in the day and the continual fondling had made me extremely aroused, and when Mike moved his hands up to my breasts, I didn't even protest. I just pushed myself up against him.

When he stopped the kiss suddenly, I almost felt lost. "Come with me," he said as he took my hands and led me to a dimly lit corridor. I just followed him, what was I going to do. He led me up a flight of stairs and to a small room which had a balcony viewing out to the dance floor. There was a waiter there, and Mike gave him some money and whispered something to him. The waiter nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Mike led me to the balcony and pulled me to him again to pick up where we'd left off. The walk up the corridor had made me stop and think about what I was doing, and I tried to stop him. He just pointed out to the dancefloor at a couple - it was Lokesh with Lilly! They were kissing too, and now I could clearly see Lokesh's hands on her breasts as well as under her skirt!

I just turned back to Mike and surrendered myself to him. He continued kissing me, and he pushed up my t-shirt so that my breasts were exposed! I stammered something about the waiter coming back, and Mike coolly told me that the waiter wouldnt be back for a while because he'd been paid. He gently kissed my breasts and then started nibbling at my nipples with more passion. I couldnt stop him any more, and literally just laid back on that balcony - anybody standing in any of the other balconies could have seen me in my half-naked state.

Mike efficiently stripped me, and started licking my pussy. I was so horny by this time that I was screaming and moaning at this. His tongue felt so wonderful on my pussy and on my clit. Within minutes, I had a huge orgasm, all the while I was holding on tight to Mike's head and just pushing him harder into my pussy! Thankfully, the music was loud enough to drown out my moans.

After my mind-blowing orgasm, I let go of Mike's head and he asked with a smile, "Was that good? Can I get some now?" he started stripping, and I was getting aroused again on seeing his body.


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