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Raven's Dad Pt. 02

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He's certainly a trier is my friend's dad.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/09/2024
Created 05/04/2024
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There are a few previous stories that give some background to this one. "Ritual" Parts 1 and 2, "Raven's Party" Parts 1 to 4, and "Raven's Dad" Part 1 all lay the foundations for this story; it would be worth your while, if you haven't already, to read those first.

Happy reading.


Having downed the welcome brew, I reclined on the bed, reviewing the last hour. I had no interest in shagging George, but my mind did drift upon our encounters. That first moment I saw, we all saw, George and Jen stand on the altar and drop their robes to revel in their nakedness. My eyes were irresistibly drawn to his manhood. On reflection, George's penis was like an older version of Zeb's. My mind wandered to Zeb as I thought the coven would be right up his street.

George's penis, I recalled, had grown little by little as he, Jen, and Raven promenaded around the circle of witches, hugging each. The image of his erection filled my mind as I recalled him and Jen astride the alter as we all watched his Lingam entered Jen's Yoni in a ritual lovemaking.

I realise that my Yoni was tingling again, and I consciously pushed these memories out of my mind. Forcing myself to stand up and shake off the feelings, I went for a piss.

Stepping from the bathroom, robe flapping around me, I continued to the bedroom door and stepped onto the landing to hear the sounds of a piano concerto drifting up the stairs. This time, a full orchestra accompanied the playing, and I wondered if George had a recording that he played along to.

I stood at the top of the stairs, robe hanging loose and exposing me to anyone who cared to walk up. Listening to the orchestra, I remembered another encounter with George. The night of Raven's party, George had fingered me in a room full of revellers while I toyed with his cock, and we'd brought each other off. Of course, I had no idea it was George as he was behind me, and no one, not even Jay, had noticed. Each note aroused me and I felt my weight shift forward. I caught myself before I fell into a stroll down the stairs.

Turning and running back to the bedroom, I almost slammed the door and threw myself on the bed. I cannot be tempted by a man more that twice my age, I told myself. I stared at the ceiling, contemplating the unlocked door and how exposed I would be to anyone who cared to walk in, as my robe was open and bundled either side of me.

My eyes sprung open as I realised I must have fallen asleep. Thinking I'd been asleep all afternoon, I sprang up and looked at the clock. Barely twenty minutes had passed. I dressed anyway, making sure that I donned my unsexy jeans and even less sexy sweater.

I could still hear George's practice as I stood in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil. While the tea was brewing, I gathered the ingredients for a cheese sandwich from the fridge. The tea was brewed, and I'd completed the sandwich when I realised I could hear an orchestra but no piano. Standing at the breakfast bar, I took a bite and chewed while staring at the kitchen wall and replaying the memories from earlier. I had just swallowed when I felt a breath on my neck and a soft voice said, "I see you've come down for some more."

"No," I replied, "I just came for a bite to eat."

"You didn't offer me a cup this time."

"Didn't want to disturb you." I took another bite and remained with my back to George.

"I knew you were here." He nuzzled my neck.

"How?" I shouldn't have spoken with my mouth full in such a posh home. It didn't put him off.

"My ears are finely tuned. I heard the kettle boil." He kissed my ear.

"Neat ability."

"I have other skills." At this, he slipped his large hand under my sweater, caressing around my body to my bare breast.

"I told you before, I'm not going to do this."

"You're not stopping me." Top marks for observation.

"I didn't say I didn't enjoy the attention." The last syllables shuddered and decayed as his fingers reached my nipple.

"Then just enjoy," he said as his other hand found my other breast and began to play.

"It's hard to enjoy when I keep reminding myself who you are." My words were a little shaky.

"Then don't remind yourself." He traced kisses from behind my ear to my shoulder. "Just remember how much you enjoyed the attention at the party."

The dampness was already seeping into my gusset and now tingles fired up and down my belly. One of his gentle hands slid from my breast down over my shivering flesh. If I didn't stop this now, I knew where it would end.

"If you don't stop this now, I know where it will end," I said, but still not stopping him.

"Then don't." His hand slid across my waistband, down the denim fly.

"I put on my least sexy clothes so this wouldn't happen!" I admonished.

"You would look sexy in an old coal sack." The compliment weakened my resolve and his exploring fingers scratched at the soft shape of my vulva through the denim.

"No! Stop!" I pushed against the bar and my bum pushed him back a half step.

"Ouch!" he said, and he pushed harder. "That hurt Peter-Pecker." I ended up in the same position as I had been.

"That's his own fault for being so eager!" But my knees trembled with the excitement.

George pressed the denim seam that pushed against my clitoris, sending waves of pleasure through my groin. "If you really wanted me to stop," George said, "You would stop me." His fingers traced back up the denim to find my zip.

"This will go too far if we don't stop this."

"Let it," he said as he pulled down the zip. "The goddess gave us a sensual body to enjoy." His hand pushed into the opening. "Why do you think she gave you one of these?" His fingers pressed the cotton of my knickers against my clit and circled.

"Oh, please..." I didn't finish the sentence as his other hand had pushed through the neck of my jumper and turned my head. George continued to massage my sex as he stared into my eyes for a mere second before placing his lips on mine. Moments later, my knees buckled and the force of an orgasm rippled through my body.

"See. Made for pleasure." Both hands returned to my breast to play across my organ-stop nipples. He continued to kiss me, caress my body, run his tongue up and down my neck, round to the nape and back to my lips.

My sex was burning with desire within a couple of minutes of this. Shivers rippled up and down my skin as his hand wandered south again. The button at the top of my jeans popped, and I trembled with anticipation, knowing that my body would not allow me to stop now. His hand slid inside my knickers and his bare fingers reached my sex, sliding over my love bud and assailing my labia before invading my vagina. It was quite an achievement to find my G-spot from that position, but find her he did. It felt like a lightning bolt shooting up my body, to my brain and back down as another orgasm rocked my being. My legs gave up, my knees buckled, and my weight dropped, held up only by George's hand on my tit.

As the pleasure subsided, my knees found some control. George's hand was still on my fanny as I stood. He turned me to face him, wrapped a hand around my head and brought it to his. His lips locked on mine as his free hand caressed my breasts once again. My hand drifted to his slick and rigid manhood. The pleasure of touching his dick fluttered up my arm and down to my sex.

George stepped back and knelt on the cold stone of the kitchen floor. His hands pulled open my fly and pulled down on the denim. My jeans slid down my thighs but held halfway as George pulled one leg aside. His face buried itself into my crotch as hot breath from his open mouth enveloped my pudenda. His lips, tongue, teeth ravaged me, sending those pleasure waves through me again. A hand slid up my thigh and he pulled back long enough to pull aside my soaking gusset, giving his tongue free rein to stoke up and down my slit. His mouth sucked on my clitoris as his hands pulled harder on my jeans. I pulled my legs together to facilitate their removal.

The denim bunched up around my knees and a sound shook me with terror. "Hello!" Jen's voice!

"Shit!" I called as I pushed George and grabbed my treacherous jeans.


I had just locked the door of the "private" toilet when I heard Jen's voice in the kitchen.

"Hello, love," she said. "How was your day?"

Surely she noticed the pole poking through his dressing gown. All my arousal dissipated down the toilet pan as I released my bladder.

"Oh, you know. Bit of practice. Bit of this. Bit of that," George replied.

Bit of Sandra, I thought.

"Who's eating?"

Well, it was George eating me, I thought.

"Oh, that's Sandra. She's just gone to the toilet."

It felt like an hour that I sat, trying to control my breathing. It was only a couple of minutes. I had to face her eventually, and she'd know what we'd been up to. I fastened everything up and hoped that the musty smell of arousal wasn't strong enough for Jen to detect.

"Hi Jen," I trembled. "Just having a sandwich."

"I saw." I wondered if she meant the half-eaten sandwich or what we'd been up to.

"I thought you'd be out most of the day." So did George, obviously.

"Mother decided she didn't want to go out. One can only take so much mundane talk with a parent, so I came home. I should have called, I suppose."

"I probably wouldn't have heard the phone," George said. "Been rehearsing Rachmaninov all day." Not quite all day, I thought. I was feeling sorry for him and what must be frustration.

"I'm going up for a shower and a little rest," Jen informed us. "Want to join?"

"No," said George. "Need to practice." I'd have thought he'd have jumped at the chance, given his arousal.

"Right. See you later." Jen disappeared.

"Fuck me!" I exclaimed.

"That had been my intention!" George responded.

"Behave! She nearly caught us."

"Wouldn't have mattered. We have that sort of understanding."

"Well, she doesn't have that understanding with me."

He kissed me. "It would have been nice." He kissed me again, putting his hand up my sweater again. This time I pushed him away, despite the flutters starting again.

"Stop it. One close call is enough. Let me eat my butty."

"I'm going to empty my bladder before my erection blocks it again." I looked down and, sure enough, his pecker was perking up. He winked and walked out.

I took a bite out of my sandwich, wondering if that had been an invitation. I was still chewing as I reached the far corner of the utility room. Of course, George had left both the wooden door and the inner folding one open wide; George angled such that I could see he was in full flow, while pushing down on his still semi-hard cock. He smiled at me.

"Took the hint, then?"

"I thought it was more of an instruction." I continued to stare at my favourite male body part.

"Well, you took it anyway."

"I felt a bit selfish, leaving you all frustrated like that."

"It couldn't be helped." My staring at his pissing cock didn't seem to faze him even the tiniest amount. "Who knew she'd come back so early?"

"Still. I wouldn't like to be left high and dry like that." I looked back at his semi-erection. "Or high and wet."

"You mean you..."

"No! I mean I felt sorry for you."

"Oh!" He squeezed out what he could of his last dribbles and shook.

"Here, let me." I said as I closed the door behind me. He looked confuse as I reached for his Wet Willie, but he turned towards me.

His semi cranking towards a full hard on as I knelt. "Oh, no!" he said. "I'm still wet."

"Don't think I've never tasted the last dribbles of pee, do you?"

"Oh, er..." He stopped as I wrapped my lips around his glans, which twitched as I sucked. The last squirt of urine hit the roof of my mouth. The taste was much stronger that I'd sampled before, as my fellatio partners had usually been drinking beer all night.

"You need to drink more," I advised and put his now rigid dick back in my mouth.

"Sorry. I did say..."

I stopped my ministrations long enough to say, "Don't worry. The sweet taste of your pre-cum has made up for it."

I went back to work, using the skill I was best at. "Oh my God!" He blurted out as I ran my tongue up and down the length of his shaft. "That's... you're so... so good at that."

I pulled his dick out of my mouth. "I am." I returned the member to the warmth while grinning up at him. I caught myself wishing his shaft was running up and down my G-spot instead of my palate. My hand drifted to my sex. I stimulated myself as I decided the teasing part was over. I sucked and swallowed. George drew in a gasp. I ran my tongue up and down again before repeating the technique. Another gasp.

I could feel my own orgasm rising, but held off, not wishing to bite his dick off. I sucked and swallowed again. The next suck brought a jet of hot, boiling, sweet semen, so powerful and voluminous, I nearly choked. I swallowed again and missed the next jet that blew out my cheeks. My mouth was so full, I had to let some dribble out before the next suck and swallow that caught the next spurt. I continued my self stimulation. He had a lot of juice for an old man. I must have sucked ten times before he was spent.

I pulled my head away, rested my face against his thigh, and moaned as my own pleasure exploded.

"Did you just..?" he began.

"Uh, uh!" I nodded, and wiped the evidence from my chin and neck. "Fucking hell, George. Have you been celibate since the ritual?"

"No. I was just so aroused for so long, it must have built up."

I looked at his still rigid cock, which was still oozing. I wrapped my lips around it once again to clean it up.

"Ooh don't. You'll have me going again."

"Surely not. Even Jay struggles."

"Oh, yes I could."

"No. Not a chance!" I sucked again, still extracting residual semen.

"Oh yes I would. Lots of training and practice."

"I don't believe you." Never one to shrink from a challenge, I teased with the sliding tongue again.

"Honestly. You need to stop if you don't want another mouthful."

"One can never have too much man juice," I said, and I stroked at him with my fingers. He was losing none of the rigidness.

The next several minutes were silent, bar George's occasional moans. I alternated between a couple of minutes tonguing, followed by a couple of minutes sucking. Then I introduced the swallowing. It was not long before he filled my mouth with a more reasonable and less powerful amount of juice; just enough for me to savour the flavour.

"You weren't joking, were you?"


"Not bad for an old man."

"Less of it, child." Touche!

As I stood, he turned us both one eighty degrees, and knelt face level with my crotch, almost ripping open my jeans and pull them, and my knickers down to my ankles. "No, George. It's okay. You don't have to," I said, while inwardly begging him to do so.

George lifted my foot out of my clothing and placed it on the cold porcelain edge of the lavatory bowl, exposing my Yoni to his eager mouth, which he wrapped over my vulva, rubbing his tongue up and down my vestibule. I was already so aroused that I started panting immediately. His tongue played on my clit, then back to my slit. Each cycle brought me hurtling towards that petit morte. As he sucked on my clit, two of his fingers assaulted my inner zone, pushing me right over the cliff to tumble into the chasm of orgasm as I slammed my fist between my teeth, lest I should scream and betray our tryst.

"Enjoy that." George asked. Why do men need so much reassurance?

"Oh yes! Fucking hell, yes!" I pulled my clothing back up to my knees. I need a pee.

"I'll just go," he said while tying up his robe, erection now subsided.

"You don't have to. It doesn't bother me if you're here," I said, thinking that I didn't need the arousal of being watched while sober. "I just thought I'd warn you." I let the seat down and sat on the toilet.

"No. I'll go. Don't want to get another erection."

A like-minded perv, I thought as he walked out and closed the door.

"Jen!" I heard him call and shook with a certain fear. How long had she been out there? Had she heard anything? Had she heard everything? I can't pee now, I thought.

"Yes, it is." She replied to him from close enough to have guessed what had been going on. "Isn't it time you got dressed?"


"Hey. You never said hello properly before. Come here." I thought I heard them kiss.

"I'd love to, my love. But I should get dressed and do a bit more practicing."

"Yes, perhaps you should." There was a moment's silence before, "You might need a shower. You seem sweaty."

"Yes. Shower. Then dress."

"Come on then."

I waited for a few minutes to make sure the room was empty, then emptied my bladder. Tip toeing through the utility room to the kitchen, I kept stopping to listen. I reached for my sandwich in the empty kitchen and ate as quickly as I could, washing it down with a cold cup of tea. I rinsed the plate and cup and walked out of the kitchen towards the stairs.

I was one step away from the stairs and froze at the sound of the under-stairs toilet flushing. The door opened and Jen stood still, looking into my eyes. "Hello Sandra," she said.

"Oh. Hi Jen."

She grinned and winked. I grinned back and took the stairs two at a time. Fuck, I thought. She knows!

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mitchawamitchawa24 days ago

Sandra wants more than she suggests. Pleasure is pleasure especially if it's connected to a large cock. Caught in the act is embarrassing but who cares. Pleasure is still a pleasure even if it's not unknown.

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