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Recipe for Success

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Mom cooks up the perfect plan to seduce son.
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It's been a while. To all my followers, thank you for your patience. I hope this story rewards you for it. If you are new to my writing, welcome. I hope you enjoy this and my other works as well.


Judy Martin had two great loves in her life. The first was masturbation. The lack of pubic hair kept her sensitivity at highly insane levels. Judy's clit was so sensitive--and keep in mind that this was no 24/7-type of sensitivity, just whenever she was in the mood to rub one (or more) out--that she could make herself cum within two minutes. It's safe to say that if she masturbated for an hour, she would have thirty orgasms give or take without fail, and she loved the way her body responded to her touch.

The second love was for her cum. Judy's cum was thick, whitish, and very sticky, and it seemed the more she masturbated the thicker the globules became. She loved the taste of her cum. Initially, she had just scooped it out of her pussy with her fingers and licked them clean. However, while shopping one day she came upon a thickly rubberized child's spoon and purchased it with the hope of using it to dig deep within herself to extract as much cum as possible, and upon returning home she put it to use. This spoon, she found, was a godsend, and she never again masturbated without it by her side.

Judy loved watching porn, and her tastes were so diversified that, depending on the day, something new would turn her on. One day she stumbled upon incest porn, found a ten-minute clip titled "Mom and Son in Sixty-Nine." She watched it, felt herself becoming aroused, and masturbated. She found another titled, "Mom Fucks Drunk Son," and masturbated twice over that one. She came upon another still titled "Moms make the Best Lovers," and yes, she rubbed a few more out, in each case using her spoon afterwards to hungrily eat her sweet, thick cum. She decided that was enough videos for one day, but not necessarily enough porn, so she conducted searches for real incest stories between mothers and sons.

She found a website devoted to exactly that and skimmed a few stories. There were quite a lot of sons explaining how incestuous sex with their mothers began and others where the mothers were telling the stories. She found these fascinating, exciting, and by the time she was done she had convinced herself that she and her son Bradley were destined to become lovers. Just the thought of it lit a fire between her legs, and she cranked out four more orgasms before feeling sated.

As she ran the spoon inside her pussy, she wondered under what circumstances she could get him to comply with her desires. Just as she brought the spoon toward her open mouth she stopped, moved her hand back a little, and studied her cum. It really didn't have much of a scent, but she knew the taste was unique. Could this be the tool she needed to pull Bradley in? "We'll see," she said to herself before licking the spoon clean. "We'll see."

Bradley attended school at the local technical college. He was in his second semester studying to be a mechanic and this semester had him coming home around five-thirty every day. It was three o'clock now, so that gave Judy time enough to decide how to implement her plan. Dinner was already decided upon--fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and green beans--so what could she do to introduce the new spice? She laughed at that a little, then decided it would be the perfect ruse. She would start out with a small amount, and if he noticed she would simply say it was a new spice.

Judy began dinner at four-thirty. She timed everything to be ready so that when Bradley walked through the door, all he'd need to do is wash his hands before sitting at the table. She still had not fully decided on how to introduce her cum to the meal. She could possibly drain the brine from the green beans and let them stew in some, but green beans had a distinct flavor of their own, which meant the differentiation in taste might be too noticeable. She supposed she could mix some in with the potatoes, but the flavor might get lost in the sheer volume and density. I know. The gravy! she thought to herself. Bradley had always liked her gravy, so perhaps changing the recipe would bring about a positive reaction from him.

Judy had made two cups of gravy, so she supposed a half a cup of cum would be a good amount with which to start. She grabbed a bowl and her baby spoon, pulled her shorts and panties off, and climbed onto the table. She moved her hips to the space where Bradley usually sat and began masturbating to the fantasy that he was eating her pussy for dinner. She was cumming at her regular two-minute intervals, but the fantasy excited her so much to the point that she was really gushing with every orgasm, and just as the clock approached five-twenty-seven, she had filled the bowl with the desired amount of cum. She gave one final swipe of the spoon inside of her, relishing in the warm, thick substance and she slid it into her mouth.

Judy pulled her clothes back on and then set herself to the task of mixing her cum in with the gravy. She used a spatula to rake out the cum into the pot, and then a whisk with which to blend it, the final result being that it had lost some of its viscosity but there was still a stickiness to it. She tasted the gravy but could not immediately discern a difference. She assumed that was because she had just eaten a spoonful of her cum in its purest form.

"Hey, Mom. I'm home," she heard Bradley announce.

"Dinner's ready, sweetheart. Go ahead and wash up," she called back to him.

Bradley did so, and upon entering the kitchen said, "I knew I smelled fried chicken."

"And green beans, and potatoes with gravy," Judy stated.

Bradley walked to the stove and kissed his mother on the cheek before grabbing a plate. He took two pieces of chicken--a breast and a thigh--two large spoonsful of potatoes, two large spoonsful of gravy, and a hearty helping of the green beans. He set his plate at the table, then fixed himself and his mother a glass of tea each before taking his seat. He did his impression of the Pope, making a cross in the air (this was the closest they came to praying), and then they began to eat.

Judy started with a few green beans to clear her palate, then moved to the gravy. Yes. There it was. It was barely detectable, but noticeable, nonetheless. She looked over at her son, who was just staring at the food on his plate. "Is something wrong, Bradley?"

"This isn't your usual gravy," he answered.

"What makes you say that?" she asked.

"Your usual gravy is a bit darker in color," he responded. "Does lighter in color mean a different

taste, because you know how much I love your gravy?"

"Why not just try it before making any decisions about it?" Judy prompted.

Bradley dipped his spoon into the gravy and brought it to his mouth. He allowed it to roll around his mouth, caressing each taste bud, before swallowing. He looked at his mother. Even as he worked his mouth open and closed. A puzzled look came upon his face. "So, what did you do to it? I mean, it's different, but it's really good. There's a taste there, though... It's on the back end. It's a bit sweet and... I don't know. It's familiar somehow."

"So, you like it?"

"Yeah, I do. What did you do to it?"

Thinking back to her earlier decision, Judy replied with, "The store was giving away free samples of a new spice today. It's called 'Mrs. J's Country Jamboree Mild Cajun Seasoning.'" Now, of course, Judy was Mrs. J, and she, of course, spelled her pronunciation of Country as CUNT-ry, but Bradley didn't need to know that. Not right now, anyway.

"Well, I like it," he responded before clearing the potatoes and gravy from his plate. As he got up to get a second helping, he said more to himself than his mother, "I wish I knew what that taste was. I can almost put my finger on it."

Judy had slipped a finger inside her shorts and rubbed her clit while thinking You can put your finger on this if you like, Bradley. She had to stop herself, though, as she felt an orgasm beginning to build within her, and it just wouldn't do for her son to see her cumming at the dinner table. Not yet, anyway.

"You know what?" Bradley said as he finished dousing his potatoes with more gravy. "I'm going to let my chicken stew in the gravy while I eat my sides."

"You don't like fried chicken stewed in gravy," Judy reminded him.

"What can I say?" he asked his mother. "This gravy is the shit."

Judy laughed as she said, "Have at it, then."

Bradley finished his sides, then retrieved his chicken. He slurped the gravy off it before eating it down to the bone. When he was done, he said, "Lord knows I'm not hungry, but that was so good I'd keep on eating just for the taste of it."

"Well, I guess I'll go by the store tomorrow and see if they have any of that seasoning for sale," Judy lied. "If nothing else, I'll just snag a few more of those sample packs."

It was all Judy could do to load the dishwasher while Bradley went to get his shower. Once done, he would follow his usual cycle of watching about an hour of television before studying for his next day's classes, at which point Judy could enter her room and rub one out. Hell, the way she was feeling at the moment, she'd need to rub out fifteen or twenty. Finally, with rubber coated spoon in hand, she made her way to her room. Her clit had been throbbing since dinner and her pussy was already soaking wet, so the first orgasm was achieved in a little less than thirty seconds. She spooned the cum from her pussy and deposited it in her mouth. That warm, sticky, and thick concoction immediately made her want to cum again, but she did her level best to maintain control, because control meant quiet, and she didn't want her son interrupting her. Not just yet, anyway. She had a two-week plan. After that, after she was sure he was hooked on her cum, then and only then would she reveal the truth and hopefully enjoy sex with him.

Judy awoke around eight and deliberated on what to fix for dinner tonight. Something simple, she thought to herself, yet something I can infuse with my cum. The simplest thing she could think of was burgers and fries. She decided to forego mayonnaise for her cum. What to do about the fries, though? Then she knew. "I'll mix some cum with some Yum-Yum sauce." She laughed at that, simply because she thought her cum to be yum-yum. It was settled, then.

As she made her way to the kitchen, Judy started thinking about all the different ways she could add her cum to a particular meal. She further wondered why she had not thought of doing this before, and not so much because of Bradley, but for herself. She poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table. She figured she'd need a full cup of cum for dinner tonight, and it needed to set in the fridge so as to maintain its thickness, which was already just shy of mayonnaise.

Bradley came into the kitchen, kissed his mother on the cheek, and took two bananas before making his way to the door. Judy finished her coffee and headed to her bathroom where she took care of her morning business before setting herself to the task of masturbating. It wouldn't take long for her to attain a full cup of cum, so she could be finished with it and take care of her other duties while waiting till five to start dinner.

After placing the bowl in the fridge, Judy started a load of clothes and vacuumed. She went ahead and cleaned the outside windows and did a little weeding in her garden before calling it a day at 1:30. She stripped her clothes off and jumped naked into the pool. It was so inviting and refreshing, and the tree growth ensured that no one would be peeping in on her. She spent just twenty minutes there before gathering her things and making her way inside. She left her clothes in the laundry room and headed to her room for a proper shower.

As much as she wanted to masturbate now, she willed herself not to. She wanted to wait till after dinner so she could masturbate over Bradley's reactions to "the spice." She laughed as she remembered that haunting whisper from Dune: "The Spice..."

The burgers were in the over at five, and at five-ten Judy started the fries. She fixed one burger for herself and two for her son. Hers would be a simple cheeseburger, with her cum as the only condiment. She would fix Bradley one the same way, then another with lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickles, and she would ensure his had lots of cum on both. As she waited for everything to cook, she readied the buns and the Yum-Yum sauce.

At five-thirty, as she slid the burgers on the buns and portioned out the fries, Bradley announced

his return home. A quick visit to the restroom and he was sitting at the table smelling his food. "Mmmmm. Fresh out of the frying pan," he said with a smile, then he raised a curious eyebrow.

"What?" Judy asked.

"Dost mine nose detect something different?" Bradley asked, then quickly answered himself before his mother could say a word. "It's that spice, isn't it?"

Judy smiled. "Eat up, McGruff."

Bradley looked between his two burgers, then chose the simple cheeseburger. He took a good bite of it, chewed about five times, then, with a mouthful of food, said, "God damn!" He finished chewing, swallowed, then said with a smile, "You got some more of that spice, didn't you?"

"You really like the stuff, huh?" Judy asked with a knowing smile. "I put some in the Yum-Yum sauce as well."

Bradley quickly grabbed the bottle and squirted some on his fries. He grabbed a few and popped them in his mouth. "Oh, wow," he said as he chewed. "This stuff makes everything taste better."

As Bradley went off to watch some TV, Judy made a quick visit to her room where she changed panties. Just seeing her son rave over her cum kept her pussy wet throughout dinner. She decided she should start wearing a panty liner to ensure this wouldn't happen again.

When Bradley went to study, Judy entered her shower, placed the showerhead on pulse, and bombarded her clit with vibration after deeply pounding vibration. She remained in a constant state of orgasm, finally crumpling to her knees, then her side, as her horniness finally gave way.

It was all she could do to actually take a shower, lightheaded as she was. Finish she did, though, and read a few chapters from a book before calling it a night. The following night was fried catfish filets, hushpuppies, and cheese grits. She had actually masturbated long enough to procure sixteen ounces of cum from herself. To do what she wanted, she'd need every bit of it.

After washing the fish, Judy dipped it in the bowl containing her cum. Once she was satisfied with the residue remaining on the fish, she would bread it and fry it. She mixed a little into the hushpuppy batter, and some into the cheese grits to ensure their creaminess, and the remainder would have a little tartar sauce mixed in. Yes, the tartar would be added to this. She wanted the taste of her cum to be the star of the show.

Bradley arrived home, made his way to the table, and sniffed in the air. A small smile played at his lips as he took his seat. He didn't even ask if his mother had used that spice; his nose already informed him of that. Judy spooned a small helping of her cum onto her plate, then set the bowl containing the remainder in front of her son. Bradley bit a piece of fish and said, "Ooh, this is good." He then slathered some "tartar sauce" on the fish and exclaimed, "But this is even better."

Bradley didn't eat like a man hungry after a long day. It was more like a pig at a trough trying to force as much food down its gullet as it possibly could. Once finished, he burped loudly, excused himself for doing so, then said, "I want you to stock up on this stuff, mom. I hate to say it, but dinner will never be the same if they take this stuff off the market."

"It does seem quite popular," Judy told her son, "but I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. If it looks that way, though, I promise to invest heavily in it." As Bradley ran his fingers through the bowl to get the last vestiges of tartar sauce, Judy wondered exactly how long it had taken her to become addicted to her own cum. It was too far back to remember, but she settled that it had been about as quickly as it seemed for Bradley.

Thursday night was spaghetti, and Judy had cum enough to give both herself and her son a good cupful as a topper in lieu of parmesan. She added it to their respective plates when Bradley entered and once at the table, he tried his best to eat slowly, but it seemed he had inhaled the food as opposed to eating it. In an act of kindness--for she had to break her son's heart by telling him there was no more spice remaining--Judy gave hers to him and fixed herself a plate devoid of their favorite condiment.

As Bradley licked his plate clean, he said, "Oh, yeah. Don't forget I'm going to Mayuki's tomorrow after school, so don't plan dinner for me."

"Where are you two going?" Judy asked with a pleasant, delightful air that masked a bit of jealousy over her son's involvement with the young woman. Bradley and Mayuki had been seeing one another for a couple of years now. Judy had met her, and she actually liked her, but at the moment the young woman seemed more like a roadblock than anything else.

"We're going to try that new steak joint out on Colomby Road," Bradley answered. Judy scrunched up her face and looked at her son cock-eyed. "What?"

"All I'm saying is you'd better hope they're using Mrs. J's seasoning as much as you've grown accustomed to it."

"Ooh, you're right," Bradley responded, a bit concerned. Then, "Oh, every place has its signature dish. I'm sure whatever they make will be great."

As Bradley left the kitchen to do his thing, Judy did hers. Once the kitchen was clean, she headed upstairs and took a shower. She had started out the evening with fantasies of telling her son that the sauce on his spaghetti was really her cum, to which he would fall before her begging for more, but once he had mentioned his girlfriend any desire to do so was gone. She instead read for about an hour and then called it a night.

The following morning Judy was miserable over her indifference to what the day could bring. There was absolutely nothing to do around the house or in the yard, nor did she need to do any shopping as it had been done earlier in the week. She had texted her friends and family and gave shout-outs over Facebook just two days ago, so no sense of urgency there. She sure as hell didn't feel like rubbing one out, but then her spirits brightened a little as she painted a worst-case scenario of Bradley just completely disregarding the food because it wasn't as she fixed it so he would decide to come home instead of staying the night with Mayuki.

Judy felt a bit more optimistic about the day, enough to ensure that Bradley had something nice waiting on him should he come home. She collected sixteen ounces of her cum and poured a no cook pack of chocolate mousse over it, then she blended it until it was rich and creamy. She tasted it, decided it was perfect, then divvied it out into two dessert bowls. She covered them with Saran Wrap, placed them in the fridge, then danced her way outside--stripping as she went--and plopped herself into the deep end of the pool. She felt wonderful and happy and carefree as she floated on her back for all of fifteen minutes, then she took to her chaise and let the sun dry her nude body.

Judy took a shower and treated herself to a movie and some Chinese, then it was back home again where boredom began attempting to ruin her day once more. She fought it by binging The Muppet Show of all things. She ate the remainder of her Chinese food--no need to bathe as she already had--then made her way upstairs. She was just twenty pages out from finishing her book, so she decided to read before calling it a night.

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