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Reggie's Girl Epilogue


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"It's a fucking loaded statement that we 'exchanged rings'," he warned her softly. She lifted one nonchalant shoulder.

"Not as loaded as saying we're on our third honeymoon. Oh, you heard that right, sir. Our trips to Miami definitely count as honeymoon one and two." Jasmine sighed blissfully. "So magical. It's how I've always thought of those nights out there."

He conceded the point. On each trip their relationship had undergone a fundamental change, change that had made them all the closer. Changing nothing on a superficial level, only everything else between them.

Meeting her grandmother for the first time would definitely deepen their bond especially if, as he suspected he would, he ended up liking her as he had Billie Wells.

"You don't have to worry," she continued, "about any ignorant comments, about race or anything." Not in his presence, definitely. Just like with her mother. Small mercies, et cetera. "But I won't be spitting out any clichés about love being blind either."

From the way her hair flew over her shoulder with a toss of her head, he knew she was all business.

But then she looked lovingly into his eyes and smiled. "I see clear as day the man I love is a black man. In a house full of African art. Who comes from a proud American culture and tradition different from the one I was born into. And you know what else?"

"I don't know," Reggie murmured simply, smiling back at her with all the love he felt overflowing his chest.

"There are times I think all those things make me love you even more. Perhaps I shouldn't say so, but I can't imagine you any different from who you are and what you've made yourself. And I just couldn't love anybody else."

"You intend to tell her all that?" Reggie asked when he could speak again.

"Not in a single conversation," Jasmine whispered. But she couldn't shut up about her beautiful man and she didn't anticipate finding the off switch during their visit to Nana. She softly kissed his lips. "And not before I show you one more time."

His margarita was relegated, still untouched, to the coffee table. It would be long, pleasurable hours before he picked it up again.


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TomNJaxTomNJaxover 3 years ago

Awesome story...I couldn't put it down!!! Loved every chapter. I agree with the comment that would have loved to hear/see how soon the wedding was and how many kids....but then again in my mind they got married after the visit with Nana, had four girls and one son...right in the middle...maybe even a set of twin girls...:-) Loved it!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I'm already looking forward to re-reading it. It is so good. Last book I read with interracial romance pitted the white heroine against black female characters which was major cringe. I'm so glad we didn't see that here. Last but not least, I love that Reggie cried! Made me cry!

ann768ann768almost 4 years ago

Loved it, wished you wrote a second part to the epilogue, I really wanted to know if they had a baby or even a couple of kids. Or did they get married. Great job I enjoyed every chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Please keep writing. This was so good.

sugareolasugareolaalmost 4 years agoAuthor

Thank you thank you thank you. If you like what I've written, do tap those stars. And comment because I'd much rather hear from you, the decent, reasoning reader with genuine insight, than some crying ass white genocide bozos. Love always 😘

hotwhiskeyhotwhiskeyalmost 4 years ago

Brava. 5 🌟 I literally would have paid to read this. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

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