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Relative Deviant Ch. 05


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"What's the point? If you want to kiss Shay, just kiss her." I contested. "It's either landing on me or her. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing you two make out again."

"Eww, you want to watch me make out with a girl?" She said, disgusted. "I'm your cousin."

"Very aware you're my cousin, thank you very much," I sarcastically contributed. "You are also a good-looking woman; both of you are. I can put the cousin thing out of my mind for a minute so I can see two hot chicks make out... ...or make love for that matter."

"Whoa, what? Have you seen women making love?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. On grainy VHS, I have."

"Whatever," she said, staring to slur. "You know what I want to see? I want you two to kiss." Stacy provocatively levied.

Shay apparently was catching on to my strategy and ardently agreed. I gave her my evil half-smile and she sauntered over without a word. My hands rested on her hips, and she draped her arms around my neck. Our slightly cantered faces met, and we revisited our encounter from the night before, passionately swapping slobber, only in full view of Stacy this time.

"Very nice." I said to Shay. "She's got some talent," I said directed at Stacy, trying to pretend that was our first bout.

Turning toward Stacy, Shay pointed back with her thumb over her shoulder. "He ain't no slouch either." Before I could introduce the obvious next step, she added, "now you two kiss."

Clearly, she was joking. Smart as she was, it was probably a smoke screen for when we put more pressure on them to start getting physical. My buzzed cousin didn't get it, walking right up to me and planting her lips on mine.

Her arms went around me, and I returned the favor. I felt like I was suddenly in a dream; some oddball fantasy I'd dreamed up. But there I was, poised to make out with Stacy.

In short order, though, I began to realize she was pulling my leg. Her mouth didn't relax, just staying pursed against my closed lips. She started making cartoonish humming sounds and finished with an overly exaggerated smooch.

When she was done, I said, "okay, enough messing around. Come on girls." I made a faux picture frame with my thumbs and forefingers and ordered, "lights, camera..."

Smiling back at each other, any hint of they might have had hesitation evaporated. They advanced on one another and tenderly started. I could almost feel Shay's lips on mine as they compressed against Stacy's and sprang back to form after each little smooch. Interlacing their lips, they lagged a moment, inhaling their mutual essences. Opening their mouths they frenched, similarly to when they were showing off in the bar.

Unlike last time, I could sense a genuine craving between them. Inhibitions set aside, it seemed less like a playful ruse. An aura of infatuation permeated, suggesting that contrary to my initial assessment, Shay might just have a chance after all.

"Well done, ladies." I doted, "very sexy."

They each took a bow and howled laughing. Although moving slowly, I felt things were unfolding favorably. The bargain Shay and I made might have a glimmer of hope. When she stepped out onto the back porch for a smoke, I figured I'd make the most of it.

"This is fun, cuz. Thanks for including me." I told her.

"Oh, yeah of course. I'm having a blast too. So glad we got to hang out."

"You sure looked like you were enjoying yourself with Shay a minute ago." I wryly mentioned.

"Yeah, she's sweet. She's like my best friend." She replied.

"You know, if you guys were more than friends, or if over time, like, something culminated..."

"I told you already, I'm not into that." She cut me off, mildly annoyed.

"I know, I know. It's just wanted to know that we love you. I love you, no matter what. Nobody, least of all me, would think less of you if you brought a girlfriend home." I pleaded. "Plus," I added peering out the back window at Shay's pert little rump and the fist sized thigh gap just below. "You could do worse. She's pretty damned hot."

"That's so sweet of you to say, cuz. I love you too!" She said, drunkenly throwing her arms around my shoulders.

An innocent kiss landed on my face, barely to the right of my mouth. Practically out of instinct, my lips mimicked hers and I returned, planting one square in the middle of her mouth. We rejoined, but this time in a distinctly non-platonic way. Our mouths gaped and I slid my tongue in, alongside hers.

After losing ourselves in an out of body moment, our eyes sluggishly opened and met. Jolting into reality, we gasped and sprang back a step. An intuitive sense of denial came over both of us, neither willing to acknowledge what had happened.

"I, um, a..." She stammered. Sparing her, I excused myself to the restroom.

Returning from the can, I rounded the corner to see both girls in a huddle. Together, they leaned back, throwing down a shot of something. When I got close enough, I realized that I must have left out the tequila and they had felt daring enough to imbibe.

I got Shay's attention and mouthed "what are you thinking?"

She shrugged. As soon as Stacy noticed I was back, she took her turn going to the restroom. I smiled at her, trying not to let on that I was miffed, but as soon as she blew past, I turned, staring daggers at my blonde accomplice.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I thought a couple of shots might help grease the wheels." She admitted.

"Are you crazy? She's already slurring and stumbling." I declared.

"She's fine," she allayed.

"Well, I've done my part. I talked you up and I assured her that nobody would bat an eye if she turned out to be a rug muncher. Ball's in your court, sis, don't fuck it up. If she passes out on your watch, don't come crying to me." I berated.

"Don't worry, bro, I got this. Just trying to get her to the sweet spot before I make a move. I want to make it count." She said, defensively.

"Might want to make it pretty soon. I get the feeling she's probably open to suggestions right about now." I mentioned.

"What makes you say that?" She asked.

"Just a hunch," I parried, thinking about Stacy and I's little brush a minute ago. "Don't forget by the way, you still gotta hold up your end. You said 'anything,' remember?"

"Don't worry, stud. You're going to get taken care of." She ensured. "What did you decide on?"

"Haven't yet," I said, acting aloof about the matter. "Don't worry though. Repayment will be firm, but fair, I assure you."

* * * * * *

Stacy got up again and started stumbling back to the restroom. I looked over at Shay and instantly recognized the look on her face. Most definitely she was up to something.

As soon as my cousin cleared the room, she hissed, "this is it." Hopping out of her seat, she scurried over to me. "Wish me luck." Poking a finger in my chest, she commanded, "make yourself scarce a while."

I nodded, collected my beverage and moseyed out of the living room. The thought of me being under the same roof while some smoking hot lesbian action was going on put a huge smile on my face. What I wouldn't have given to be a fly on the wall when those two sexy bodies get all geared down and start going at it.

Thinking back to the day before when I got a good look at the new and improved Stacy only made me crave another look. When I thought more on it, I wouldn't have minded getting gander at that long, lean blonde in there either. Our impromptu hand-stuff session didn't afford me the pleasure of drinking in what I'm sure was a gorgeous, sleek figure. If Shay turned pulled it off, there'd be a by God lifetime supply of stroke material right at my fingertips.

Before I even cerebrally conceived of it, my subconscious was already percolating. Equipped with a remorselessly perverted brain, I was already scheming how I could somehow be that fly on the wall. There's no reason I couldn't. After all, I had become a journeyman of a peeping tom.

I had spent a few minutes, walking around the house and daydreaming about the girls. Surely that was ample time for Shay to spring her trap. By then, she should have either been halfway to the girl-on-girl version of pound town or pouting over a fresh rejection. Turning the corner to the guest bathroom, I found Shay lying prone peering under the door.

"Pathetic," I badgered. "Is this your masterplan to bed my kinfolk? I really expected more from you."

"Shh!" she hissed back at me. Snapping to her feet, she sprinted the few feet down the hallway to confront me. "You were supposed to be ninja smoke. What the hell?"

"Thought I'd check on your progress. Figured by now you'd be all hot and heavy." I joked.

"Uh, she got sick," she sighed. "Don't start, I know. You warned me."

"Giving up so soon?" I said, teasing. "If that's the case, maybe it's time you settled the books with me."

"Not just yet, Romeo. These things come in waves. If she's feeling alright, then I'll try and rekindle things."

"I've got to ask. What exactly is your plan?" I asked chuckling.

She pushed me back out of the hallway, I'm guessing in case Stacy emerged. Looking up at me, she seemed unsure of herself for the first time since we had met; something I did not think she was capable of being. With a quick look back at the bathroom door, she turned to explain.

"I was going to tell her you went out to get some smokes for me. Figured that way she wouldn't feel obligated to rush right back to the living room. I was just going to catch her when she got out and kind-of, redirect her back there." She illustrated, pointing toward one of the guest rooms. "When she started puking, I went in after her and held her hair til she was better. After that, she shooed me out so she could piss and clean up."

"Ugh," I gagged. "That's rough. What now?"

She shrugged. "Not sure. I couldn't get a read on her. I might have lost all my momentum. I'll give another try, though."

"That a girl!" I said, mimicking slugging her in the arm. "So, this room here?" I asked, walking past her the one she indicated.

"Yeah, what are you doing?" she whispered as we passed the bathroom door. "You're supposed to be gone, remember? We had a deal."

Stepping into her love den, I brazenly looked around. "Thinking ahead, I see. You made fresh cocktails and placed them strategically on the nightstand. Ooh, and you've turned down the covers already. Nice touch." Taking her by the hips, I pulled her close and imposed a kiss on her, to which she begrudgingly conceded.

"Come on, this isn't for you. She'll be out any minute." She begged.

"I'm so worked up; I might only need a minute." I snapped back.

Just then we could hear Stacy fumbling with the lock. Shay glared at me and pointed to the exit. Her plan relied on me being out of sight and I knew my cousin, no matter how smashed she was, would have that door open soon.

A revelation came to me like a bolt of lightning. "Tell you what," I whispered to her. "Put on a good show, and we can call it even on our deal." Leaving her with one last kiss, I withdrew to the closet.

"What?" she protested, but it was too late, and she knew it. Stacy had defeated her obstacle and was bumbling her way down the hall. Shay darted after to intercept.

Garbled sounds of the two talking in the hall soon followed. I was bubbling over with anticipation. My gift as a master voyeur was about to pay off in the biggest way ever. It was either that or Shay was going to be terribly disappointed, not to mention me. Near about to piss myself from the suspense, the girls' voices became louder and clearer.

"Come on, this way," I heard Shay encourage my cousin.

Through the cracked door, I witnessed them enter holding hands. I caught eyes with Shay from my blind and nodded approvingly. She seemed a bit disturbed, no doubt at the notion of me so eager to watch my cousin get eaten out. Undaunted, she persevered.

Spinning her around, she started making out with her again. Gently at first, but soon it ramped up more fervidly. I could see her grip Stacy's ass firmly before her hands slid up the back of her shirt. She had moved on to kissing her neck when she pulled loose her bra.

No shrinking violet, Stacy gave as much as she got. Once she was topless, she plunked down and sat on the bed. She pulled back Shay's shirt as well and planted sweet, but enthusiastic kisses on her tummy. Relinquishing her top to the floor, Shay's expression was of undeniable bliss as she hastened to undo her own bra. Hungrily, Stacy took one of her perky tits in her mouth.

"This is it! Oh, my God!" I thought. "It's really happening."

About that time Stacy made a move to escalate things. Giving Shay an intensely lusty look, she laid back and slid up onto the bed. Kicking her knees up, she slipped out of her denim shorts. Not to be left behind, Shay hurriedly climbed atop her.

I had been kneeling in the closet floor, but once they were near missionary, the bed obscured my view. Standing, I dared to nudge the door back, giving me a broader perspective. Shay must have caught the motion in her periphery, because her eyes darted to my position and glared.

Stacy, on the other hand, was oblivious and when Shay stopped kissing, went back to tonguing her nipples. The sensation caused her head to rock back and refocus on her lady lover. Not to be outdone, the golden cutie cupped her hand over her mound and began massaging back and forth. Stacy moaned and her legs curled around Shay's back.

My sweet cousin's rack was impeccable when she was upright but struggled to stand up to gravity when lying flat. So much so, that Shay had to practically spoon them up from her armpits in order to give them proper adoration. Licking and sucking on one, she, in short order, abandoned it once she had her fill. Moving on to the other, her freed hand resumed manipulating her cunt.

The display of all girl sexiness was spectacular, but I was greedy for more. I kept leaning out as much as I could, inching the door as I craned for a closer look. At some point I noted that the opening was enough for me to fit through. Fuck's sake, I was essentially in the room with them anyway, so I took the liberty of posting up next to the bed.

Neither took notice. I wheeled around and saw Shay was delicately sliding her fingers in and out aside her teal, cotton panties. Gradually, she kissed down to her belly button. As she inched to replace her fingers with her tongue, Stacy lay motionless with anticipation. Equally affected, I began caressing my fattening member over my jeans.

Hooking her fingers under the sides of Stacy's panties, she tugged downward, exposing the inked and bare, shaven skin beneath. Planting delicate kisses on her mons pubis, she persisted trying to relieve her of the final shred of fabric keeping her from being totally nude. It was then, I noticed Stacy wasn't as compliant as earlier. Moreover, she wasn't moving at all, just rhythmically breathing as Shay had her way with her.

Whispering, I satirically stated, "looks like your dance partner checked out."

Stunned that I had suddenly appeared behind her, she flipped over and cursed. "Shit, you scared me."

Clothed only from the waist down, she sat reclining back against her outstretched arms. Her nominal, but perky chest seemed sprightly when compared to my cousin's. Smooth alabaster knolls, peaked by pastel nubs, stiff from all the excitement.

"I was enjoying the show but looks like it's over." I pointed out.

Looking back at her snoozing friend, she relented, "I guess you're right. You should get out of here before she wakes."

"Not a chance, dear. You still have a debt to pay off." I reminded her.

"No, no. You said we'd be even."

"Well yeah, if you'd have gotten somewhere. I paid for an X rated show, not a PG-13 one." I obstinately forwarded.

Rolling her eyes, she huffed. "Fine! We can go fool around in the other guest room."

I picked up one of the drinks off the nightstand and took a long swig. Taking in the setting, I examined each of the disrobed vixens before me. Stacy's full-figured body with near mahogany skin versus the slight, but tall and milky frame of her bestie. That was when I decided to go for broke.

"Sure, that'd be nice." I concurred. "...but I really like the ambience you've created in here. I'd hate to let that go to waste."

Crawling on top of the bed, I made my advance. Quickly, I began disrobing and started making out with her. She collapsed back, succumbing to my advances, but protested vocally.

"This is insane. You have to get out of here. She's going to wake up and see you here." She complained, adding, "this is your fucking cousin. Do you know how fucked up this is?"

Opting not to reply, I kicked off my pants and began getting into hers. Not too long ago, I'd have shared her disgust, but I had evolved. My actions were completely off the cuff. There was no script to go by. Further, I had evidently thrown logic and decency out the window and was letting my depraved libido take the wheel.

For certain, my fair-haired comrade was going to get the best five minutes of her life. Additionally, I was resolute that I didn't want to leave with my gorgeous cousin there sprawled out in the buff. Like a dog with a bone, I just couldn't let it go. Other than that, I had no idea what could or would transpire.

I could hardly envisage the possibilities. Was I content to just make love to Shay right next to her while she slept, or was I willing to cross a line with Stacy? A line that I had been living beyond for weeks with my aunt.

Like I mentioned, Shay's bodily response to my seduction was of udder complaisance. When she shed her panties and my fingers reentered her unique vagina, even her verbal protests ceased. Her head tilted back, pleased to be, at last, on the receiving end. Doing just as she did to Stacy, I licked, kissed and sucked each breast while probing her from beneath.

As I went deeper and deeper, I felt her meaty lips again in my palm. This was a phenom had never encountered before, a snatch with so much anterior substance. Keep in mind, I was young and not near as experienced with women as I let myself believe I was. I had no idea how common it was, or how many interesting varieties of pussies there were in the world.

Peering down, I watched the thick, fleshy curtains give way with each prod of my hand. I remembered being put off at first by how unusual it was, but now I was contemplating the possibilities. My opinion had flipped from deterred to determined; determined to get to chowing on that thing at once.

Skipping over the rest of her torso, I went straight from sucking her nipples to lapping her vulva. Doubling down, I knelt beside the bed and pulled her to the edge, giving me unfettered access. Burying my face in her crotch, I made long swipes up and down. I loved the feeling of her engorged lips against my face. I loved chewing, nibbling on them. Soon I slurped them up into my mouth and sucked hard.

A muffled squeal let me know I was showing her a good time. I did that a few times, enjoying every bit of it before my tongue began boring around in search of clitoris. When I found it, she was sure to let me know, grabbing my hair with both hands and bucking. Making small circles, I gave her sensitive nub a drubbing while she tried fruitlessly to keep quiet.

"Oh, fuck," she hissed. "I'm going to..."

I took that as a cue to go at it harder, but she was now pushing me away. Resolute, I fought back, keeping her on track for orgasm. Finally, she was able to push me back, just in time for a stream of thin, hot fluid that impressively erupted from betwixt her flaps. I went right back to duty, lapping up the salty, almost citrusy juices.

Standing, I hoped to get inside her and take full advantage of all that moisture I'd helped to foment. Unfortunately, all the commotion stirred my cousin. With a snort, I saw her turn towards her friend lovingly. They began cuddling again and Shay started waving me off as Stacy had not noticed I was there yet. I obeyed, sort of, by stooping down beside the bed, just out of sight.

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