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Return Encounters


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"Gary, this won't be like last time. You're in complete control. I'll stop at any time. Just ask."

I nodded, stretched out and relaxed, putting aside my lack of understanding and closing my eyes. I felt my penis slide far into her mouth, and sighed at the strange sensation of her throat enveloping my penis head, suckling it. I didn't feel anything painful at all, just a gentle sheath as my penis was locked into position. I only realized A'moth was feeding minutes later, when I heard her breathing deeply in contentment, my empathy feeling her waves of hunger fading away.

The moments seemed timeless, flowing one after another in peace and tenderness. A'moth had a moist finger caressing my anus as she suckled, and when she finally slipped up inside of me, it felt like the most natural thing in the world, to accept her into my body. I was petting her head slowly with one hand, just drifting in the sexuality, and then I felt a hot spark up my butt and I started to orgasm. I could feel myself ejaculating, feel her suckling throat catch every drop, feel the hot tip of her finger draining me of my semen as gently as she could. I almost fell asleep, the sexual bliss was that peaceful. A'moth lifted her mouth from my penis and I felt the slick slide of a finger out of my butt. A'moth came and curled up lying by my side, backing into me and taking my hand, holding it to her naked breast. I curled around her, kissing the back of her neck and enjoying her feminine warmth and softness.

I felt sleepy, but it felt like the natural sleepiness after orgasming. I could breathe fine. "Did you get enough?" I whispered in her ear.

A'moth shivered in response. "I'm so ashamed. I think I drank more than you offered. Not much more, two swallows maybe, but more..."

I sighed. "It's okay. I feel fine. It's so nice to hold you like this... A'moth?"

She sighed in contentment. I could tell how sleepy she was, like me. "Uh huh?" she murmured.

"You need my semen too, don't you?"

She was quiet for a long moment, deciding how much to tell me. Finally she said, "Yes. Especially from your prostate. The alkaline salts there... I need it with your blood..."

I was silent for a moment, considering what she said. "A'moth?"

A'moth sighed sleepily. I could tell her eyes were still closed. "Yeah?"

"Who are you?"

A'moth woke up and giggled a bit. "Ah, Gary, you are so gentle with me. Your question really is, what are you, isn't it?"

"Well yeah, I suppose. Arterial sticks, alkaline salts... It just doesn't sound supernatural..."

"I never said I was..."

"Huh?... But you disappeared! Right before my eyes, on the train a year ago."

"I can jump. That's true."


"It's what I call it. Maybe you use the word teleport. Gary?"


"Your empathy is so strong, you could read my mind if I let you, if I teach you how to do it. Does that make you supernatural?"

I stroked her breast as I pondered her question. "No... I guess not. Still..." Her nipple responded to my caress, becoming a hard bump against my palm.

A'moth reached up and held my hand to her breast. "That feels so nice... It's been so long, I had forgotten, forgotten how much I enjoy being petted... Gary, let me think about this, about how much more I want to tell you. I've had so many bad experiences in my life, trying to trust people..." She sighed again, curling her body and backing it up into me again, pushing her butt into my groin, my hand still caressing her breast.

"Okay. I understand. I'm dying to know though..." I wanted to say more, but sleep overtook both of us. I reached over and covered us with a blanket, and we both fell asleep within minutes.

Chapter 3.

I awoke shortly after dawn. I could tell the sun was shining brightly from a crack in the tent flap. And I was utterly amazed that A'moth was still sleeping in my arms, my hand still surrounding her breast. When I fell asleep the previous night, I was expecting her to vanish before daybreak.

I snuggled against her and started to caress her breasts and stomach. She awoke slowly, stretching and pushing back into me with her hips occasionally, just to let me know she enjoyed what I was doing. She finally said, "Ah... What a nice way to wake up."

I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. "A'moth, how old are you?"

She was silent for a moment, considering, making an enormous decision. She finally spoke. "Would you think me hideous, if I said five-thousand twenty-six years?"

I gasped. I couldn't help it. "No. I know the legend of the Chungiera."

It was her turn to gasp. "What?! Oh, my diary! Of course!" She caught her breath. "Gary, am I in danger of being revealed?"

There was no accusation in her voice, just pure worry. I replied, "I think you might be okay. I never showed anything except pictures of the strings to one person. I met him recently again, a chance meeting at a textile museum. He thinks the ropes were a joke, and he's lost the pictures too."

A'moth turned around and looked into my eyes. "Show me?"


"Let me read your memory?"

"Oh. Okay." I felt her hand come out to mine, felt her fingers settle into the pulse point on my wrist. A'moth's eyes were all business. They bore into my eyes, my brain, my mind, my soul...

"I see Hernando clearly," she whispered. "I see his laugher, in his shop last year, in the museum last month... He told you he accidentally threw them in the trash in the museum. In his shop, telling you of the Chungiera."

"My gosh... yes..."

"I see the museum. I see the woman standing with you. I see your affection for her, and your emotions, how pretty you think she is, how captivated you are by her gentleness. Her name is... Carlotta... I see you glancing at her profile, admiring the curves of her breasts and hips... Oh!"

A'moth suddenly gasped and turned her head away, breaking the eye contact. Her fingers left my wrist. "Gary! Forgive me! I'm feeling jealous, and it's so inappropriate!"

At first I was at a total loss for what to say. We both lay there in silence just thinking. I finally said, "A'moth, there's absolutely nothing to forgive. I think I'm feeling what you're feeling. I'm so confused about feelings of loyalty... and sexiness too. Uh, am I making any sense?"

A'moth nodded. "Yes, perfect sense. I don't need to read you to know how sexy you think I am, and how much you want to offer me kindness." She sighed and was silent.

After a moment A'moth turned around and butted back into me. I could tell she was asking me to hold her. I curled up again around her back and placed my hand across her, low on her stomach. A'moth sighed in relief. "Gary, would it be okay if I accept your kindness and affections now, but we put off the loyalty issue for a while?"

I stroked her stomach. It felt so good, so right to hold her. "Sure. I think that's a good idea. Let's try to grow the trust at... at... Hey!"


"You have no naval!"

A'moth giggled. "Yes I do! It's just not where you're expecting it. Here, let me show you. She unbuckled her jeans. "Here. Go down on my left side... Lower... Oh Gary, don't be bashful! Lower on my hip, to where my groin meets my thigh... more left..."

My fingers were sliding in rich, dense pubic fur. I finally found it, almost to her leg on her left side. My finger began to probe it through the dense fur. Without thinking I started to slide my finger into her naval.

A'moth began to shake and laugh. "Oh, that's so ticklish! And sexually arousing! Gary, please stop!" She burst into laughter. I withdrew my hand from her naval and pants. She took my hand and kissed it. "Sorry! I had forgotten how sensitive I am there. I didn't think you would probe me..."

She turned to face me. "Gary, I want to trust you. I offer you my heart. I'll tell you everything you want to know. The legend is true. There were thirty-three of us women at Caral, including my mother and me. We were dropped off by a prison ship... an automated prison ship."

I stared at her as her words sank in. "Oh my gosh..."

"Yeah. What sort of prison do you make for people who can teleport thousands of kilometers?"

"My gosh... my gosh... They exiled a child?"

"Me? No, not intentionally. All the women were drugged unconscious for the trip. Someone must have raped my mother before the flight, raped her body."

I cringed at thinking of what A'moth's childhood must have been like. "And your group started... starting feeding on the humans?!" I shivered.

A'moth sat up and adjusted the blanket, making sure I was well covered. Then she cuddled with me again. Her body was delightfully warm and I hugged her.

She answered my question. "Yes. By design. I gather their society measured the worth of a person by how well they could see and read, with empathy I mean, and how far they could teleport. Not just the exiles, the whole society. The humans measured zero on both counts and were considered animals."

I whispered, "Uh... A'moth... Their society?"

A'moth tensed. "Gary, I'm deeply ashamed to admit it, I'm a murderer. But I'm not a monster. My values are human, not Chungieran."

Neither of us said anything for a while. We just lay there hugging each other. I finally kissed her cheek and whispered, "Sorry..."

She hugged me fiercely back. "It's okay... My body is Chungieran, I'll give you that. I think my genetic planet had more gravity. I'm as tall as a human, but my muscles are built for power. I'll show you my legs sometime, if you want. The rest of me is close to human feminine norm, on the outside. I think my legs look masculine. My insides though are a lot different.

"I chuckled. "Yes, I know!"

A'moth laughed back and looked at me with great affection, briefly giving my penis a gentle pull and squeeze. "Yeah, I guess!" Then she turned serious again. "I've never done this Gary, in five thousand years I've never done this, try to take a companion who understood my true nature. Please don't betray me."

I nodded. "I won't. I promise..." We petted each other for a while. "A'moth?"

She was lying on her back with her eyes closed, sighing in contentment as I caressed her breasts. "Yeah?" she mumbled.

"If you could feed all you want, how much would you take?"

She was still for a moment, keeping her eyes closed. "About seven pints, if I had enough semen to go with it. Each pint lasts about seven months. I can go for more than four years with a full meal. I won't try to hide it from you, what horrible things I've done."

"When was the last time you weren't hungry?"

A'moth sighed. "The last time I had a full meal was... the year was 1470 I think, in Romania... The place used to be called Transylvania..."

My eyes widened in shock. "Oh my God!"

A'moth grinned. "Those were evil times. The country was at war with the Ottoman Empire. You have no idea Gary, how brutal the world was back then... How brutal the wars were... I teamed up with Vlad Tepes in the late 1460's. His father had a nickname of dragon, Dracul, dragon in English. Dracula means son of a dragon..." A'moth yawned, almost opening her eyes but then deciding not too...

I stared down at her in shock. She went on calmly, "Tepes was just a nickname too. It meant impaler. His real last name was... Oh, I forget. The area was called Wallachia... Anyway, Vlad liked to impale people, lots of people. We had a deal going. I was well fed, and Vlad transferred what I was doing into his reputation. A'moth opened her eyes and stared at me. "Gary, I won't hide my sins from you, no rose-colored glasses, okay?"

After a moment I nodded. "Yeah. Okay... What did the Count think you were?"

A'moth laughed. "A witch. A very powerful witch. The Druids did too, in France and England. That's where I was, mostly, the last thousand years before Vlad..." A'moth yawned. "Hung out in Italy and the Middle East before that, before the Roman Empire collapsed. Spent most of my first thousand years in the Americas... I was in Siberia for a short while, then hung out in China for a few centuries, around 2000 B.C... then Laos... then India..."

I stared at her in amazement. "The history you must know..."

A'moth nodded. "Oh yeah. I knew Jesus. He was the only person I ever met who could see and read, probably even better than I can. I hung out with him for a while, years before he started his preaching ministry. Once I almost let him read me, but I didn't have the guts. I won't judge the religion created around him now, but for real Gary, he was one incredible guy."

My jaw dropped. "Errr..." The words just wouldn't come. I tried to change the subject. "A'moth, how much of the legend Hernando told me is real?"

"Uh, all of it."

"He didn't mention you could teleport."

"Huh? I didn't say the legend was complete, just true."

"Oh... right... So you were the girl in the net, right? The night of the slaughter?"

A'moth nodded. "Yep. I had just learned to walk about six months previous. Chungieran children develop slowly. I was in my mother's womb for over two Earth years after we were dropped off."

"Why didn't you all teleport to safety?"

"The adults were too busy vomiting themselves to death. I think they actually welcomed being slaughtered, to end the misery. The native women had stumbled onto something incredibly poisonous to us. As for me, teleport abilities don't manifest till puberty."

"Oh..." I stroked her stomach idly for a moment. "How far can you go?"

"In one jump? About six-thousand kilometers, double that if I don't mind getting a headache. My mom would have been proud of me. I think I'm right at the high end of what's possible for my species. I can be anywhere on the planet in just a few seconds." A'moth caressed the back of my hand caressing her and made an enormous decision. "...if I know the path," she added.

I nodded, not understanding the depth of what she was trusting me with. "Double six-thousand? Did you ever jump right through the center of the planet?"

A'moth grimaced at the memory. "Once. I did it as a challenge to myself. It took a lot of preparation. I'll never do it again. It's just not worth the migraine."

I leaned over and kissed her ear. "And on the train, jumping away from sunlight?"

A'moth hugged me back. "The group at Caral was extremely sensitive to UV. Over the years, I've built up some immunity. I'm pretty close to a human who just burns easily. My guess is my genetic planet had a cooler star, less UV. Much less... With some sun-block, I'm fine."

"But you jumped away from the train when the sunlight hit!"

"I panicked over the time! I was truly insane, hitting the same location twice, with only a three year difference! The hunger drove me insane. I jumped in shock at what I was doing, not from the sunlight. And then I couldn't jump back."

I gasped, finally realizing what she was talking about, how completely she was trusting me. "Yes! Because you didn't know the path?"

"To a moving train?! How? I can only do that if I have a visual lock on my destination, before the jump. Fortunately the new snow on the ground gave me enough light."

I glanced over at her binoculars. "A'moth... Thank you, for all the trust. I won't betray you. Ever. I promise."

A'moth nodded.

"I can see now why you spent the first thousand years in the Americas."

"Yeah. Any new place, I had to reach by mini-jumps... or boat. In my teenage years, I could only jump maybe five, ten kilometers. Still handy for avoiding danger though."

"Oh, I bet." I started to caress her face, tracing the outline of her cheeks, her ears, her nose... She was so beautiful... "Uh, mini-jumps?"

"If the weather is clear, I can jump about a hundred meters with just my eyesight, a hundred kilometers an hour if I push it. Ten times that amount if I use binoculars. I need a visual lock on my destination, that's the key, either at the moment, or from visual memory."

I nodded, pulling back from touching her lips. I looked at my fingers, at the touch of red.

A'moth grinned. "Ah, my lips. Pure black. My nails too, if I don't paint them."

"You paint them for disguise?"

"Sometimes. Not for you. I wanted to... well, be attractive for you... sexy... I wasn't trying to deceive you..."

Neither of us spoke after that. After a minute or two we both stretched and got dressed. A'moth helped me break camp. She was very grateful to get her bag back. As I finished putting on my backpack, she said to me, "Want me to jump you to your car?"

"Wow! You can do that?"


I was a little nervous, but the offer was irresistible. "Okay. What do I have to do?"

A'moth was quiet for a moment. "Let me scout of the area first." And just like that, she was gone. I was looking at thin air, and her empty footprints in the snow. About thirty seconds later, she popped back beside me, about three meters away. I jumped.

She looked apologetic. "Sorry. I'll remember not to jump so close to you again."

"No, it's okay. I'll get used to it."

A'moth nodded, and walked right up to me and hugged me. "Hug back, as tight as you can. The parking lot is deserted. We'll be there *** now."

As just like that, we were both standing by my car. Between the words there and now, with no pause, the jump happened. It seemed to take no time at all.

"Wow!" I said, as A'moth kissed me goodbye.

"Gary, when would you like to meet next?"

It was a good question. "Well, I should be ready to donate blood again in a month or so... But drop by anytime you'd like to hang out. I assume you can find me if you want to?"

She nodded. We gave each other a quick kiss, and then she was gone.

Chapter 4.

A couple weeks later I was chatting on the phone with Carlotta. Our conversations were becoming more frequent and relaxed, and I wasn't too surprised when Carlotta mentioned she was going to give Isabelle a tour of the national monuments in Santiago, and asked if I'd like to come along. Of course I said yes.

We spent the whole day touring the capitol. It was a beautiful sunny Saturday in mid August, mid-winter but cool, not cold. The sculptures and architectures were very interesting.

And Isabelle was a delight. I was amazed by her intelligence. She was shy of me at first, walking on her mother's right side while I was on Carlotta's left. Isabelle burst into a smile though when she found I could speak English, and she was soon walking between the two of us. As we came to a traffic light, she scooted around and took my left hand to cross, and after we crossed the street she wasn't too interested in letting go. Carlotta was a little surprised at this, but pleased, and after a moment she also offered me her hand to hold.

And that's how we spent the day, walking around the Plaza de Armas with everybody holding hands and me in the middle. Isabelle was super inquisitive, asking questions about everything. Near the end of the day, a brief rain shower moved through, and as the sun returned we saw a rainbow above the Iglesia Catedral. Isabelle kept asking me for a detailed explanation for how rainbows worked, and then she stunned me by rejecting my explanation.

"You're right," I said. "That was the explanation children get in primary school, how sunlight passes through water droplets and gets bent into separate colors. If you really try to think it through though, it doesn't work. The rainbow is too organized to be described by such a simple model. The way it really works is described in a model called Q.E.D."

Isabelle nodded for a moment, and then looked up at me, her face a deep puzzle. "Q.E.D.?"

I smiled. "Quantum Electro Dynamics. The only way to understand how a rainbow can work the way it does is too realize, in the time between the light hitting an electron in the water droplet, high above our heads, until the time the light is in your eye, well... In the time in between, the light is nowhere at all."

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