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Revelation 09 – Friday (Ken)


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Helen smiled and thought, "Fair is fair. If you can tease me, I can tease you!"

Acting as if I didn't notice I proceeded with the massage of her arm and hand making sure that, from time to time, I brought her forearm and hand in contact with my bulge. Finished, I got up off the table and laid her arm down alongside her and moved around to the other side of the table to do the same with her other arm. As I walked around Helen shifted a bit to the side to give me more room to sit and moved the arm I had just massaged up so that her head was resting in the palm of her hand. She turned her head so that she could watch me massage her other arm after I sat down.

When I was seated I started to reach for her arm but she lifted it up herself and laid it on my lap almost directly on top of my cock bulge. I was really starting to enjoy myself!

Again, acting the consummate professional I acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary and massaged the arm and the hand. When I was finished I looked down at her smiled and let her take the arm and move it up so that both her arms were up over her head and her head was now resting in the palm of her hands. This had the effect of making her breast even more prominent. I think she was really enjoying being on display.

She still had her head facing me so that when I got up she had a good look at my hardon. She took a deep breath, let her eyes move up to my face, smiled and closed her eyes, the smile still on her face.

I think that Helen expected me to begin massaging her breast next but instead I spread creame on her stomach and proceeded to massage from just below her breasts to just above her pubic area. I wanted to continue teasing her. I was going to massage the breasts, just not right now. I wanted her to be as receptive as possible to the feel of my hands on her tits and nipples.

Helen had expected that Ken would begin to massage her breasts and when he moved down to her stomach she was somewhat disappointed. However as he worked on her she realized that he was simply continuing his teasing. She never realized that the stomach could be such a sensitive erogenous zone. The way he was using his hands and as close as he was coming to her breasts and top of her vagina was, at the same time, sexually stimulating, physically relaxing and maddening.

Her mind was running wide open and had been since she decided to let Ken massage her. On the one hand she was scandalized that she was actually laying naked and open on the table in the den of her own house while Ken was running his hands all over her body, on the other hand she was feeling very sexually excited by that and she wanted him to continue. Then there was the question of what was ultimately going to happen. Was he going to actually play with her tits and pussy to make her cum? Was he going to try to fuck her? If he did would she let him fuck her?

Helen was not a person who had trouble making decisions, that is, not usually. But this was something that was outside her normal ken. She had been married for 22 years and never, in all that time, had she had any serious contact of a sexual nature with another man. True, she had played an occasional game of strip poker with close friends where they all ended up naked but paired with their own spouses nothing had happened between the couples. Also true she had once purposefully paraded naked around the house so that her hunky next-door neighbor could get a look at her and then went upstairs and masturbated for an hour thinking about fucking him, which, unfortunately, she never did! And, of course, there were the quickie kisses and gropes with Lance at several New Year's Eve parties and lastly, there was that one time with her neighbor Janice ...... but that was not the issue here. This time was different, this time she was actually thinking of fucking Ken!

She took a deep breath, one of many she had taken since this session had started and made her decision. Having made it she cleared her mind and settled down to enjoy the massage. She felt almost elated! She took yet another deep breath, stretched, closed her eyes completely and concentrated on the sensations that Ken was causing her body as he massaged her. Her pussy twitched!

When I felt Helen's body tense up I stopped and looked at her, I was afraid I had done something that caused her discomfort. "Helen, is everything okay? Did I hurt you?"

She smiled. "No, Ken, everything is fine. What you're doing feels wonderful. You have such nice hands I could lay here all day and let you do that!"

I returned her smile and nodded. I believed that Helen wanted me to play with her as much as I wanted to. Returning to the massage I made the last several strokes on her stomach making sure that my hands brushed her breasts and the top of her pubs. As I moved down to the bottom of the table to work on her feet I let my fingers trail down her stomach and the inside of her thigh close to her pussy.

The view was very, very nice, Helen's legs were spread and I had a nice clear view of a warm, deliciously wet, blonde hair covered pussy! Reaching down I picked up her foot and looked up to find her looking at me with a smile. I raised my eyebrows in a questioning look and smiled in return. She looked down at my cock and back up, winked and closed her eyes.

Now I was sorely tempted to forget the remainder of the massage and just bury my face in that pussy but I held back and forced myself to continue the massage and not to rush it.

For some people, especially those that are ticklish, the feet can be an erogenous zone of some strength. I thought this might be true with Helen so I took my time to avoid tickling but making it a point to try and stimulate her as much as possible. Judging from the soft moans I heard while I was massaging her feet I was succeeding.

The last thing I did before returning her feet to the table was to lean down and lick between each toe and then to suck each toe in turn. When I put my tongue to her foot the first time she involuntarily pulled back and opened her eyes wide. I smiled at her and gently brought the foot back to my mouth and, while looking at her, tongued and sucked each toe.

Helen's breathing markedly increased and she watched in fascination for a moment and then closed her eyes and literally moaned while I did this. Helen's feet were highly sensitive to erotic stimulation!

Finished with her both her feet and ankles I moved right up to the edge of the table and picked up one of her legs and to support it while I massaged her calf placed her ankle on my shoulder. While massaging her calves I continued to enjoy the view of a very nice looking wet pussy with lips that appeared to be swollen with excitement. My cock got even bigger.

Her breathing was heavy and she was taking even more deep breaths, also she was moaning a bit more and softly saying things like, 'oh, that feels good', 'oh, yes', mmmmm! Hell, I was getting ready to start moaning as I anticipated the possibilities of what I hoped was going to happen.

Finished with her calves I forced my eyes away from her pussy and looked up to see that her breathing continued to be quite pronounced. Her breasts were rising and falling nicely and I decided that I wanted to touch them so, instead of beginning to work on her thighs I walked back up to the side of the table even with her breasts. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I looked at her and then made it a point of looking down at her tits and raised my eyebrows in a questioning gesture. She smiled almost drowsily, nodded, licked her lips and closed her eyes.

Her nipples were rock hard and standing out proudly. I put creame on my hands and reached down and took only the left breast in my hands and used both hands to softly massage it. With one hand I would softly massage the breast and with the other I would rub and stroke the nipple, gently pinching it and rolling it between my thumb and first finger. The nipples, already hard, became even larger and harder. Helen's breathing was heavy and she was moaning even more.

"Mmmmm, that feels so good! Have I told you what nice hands you have? Oh, God, what are you doing? That feels amazing!" Helen didn't say those words aloud but was thinking them while Ken was playing with her tits and nipples. There was no doubt that she was going to let Ken do whatever he wanted with and to her!

I wanted to lean down and begin sucking on those delicious looking nipple but instead I walked over to the other side of the table and did the same to her right breast. When I thought the time right I moved back to the head of the table and leaned over and took a breast in each hand.

I moved forward so that my cock bulge was in direct contact with her head and, if she moved her face slightly to the side, with her face as well. When she felt my cock bump her head she flinched a little but did not pull her head away. Instead she began to slowly move her head slightly while I played with her nipples rubbing her head against me.

As I caressed her breasts, I was no longer using massage technique but was simply fondling her. Helen reached back and ran her hands up and down my sides and hips.

I spent a lot of time stroking and tweaking her nipples. They were amazing! Firm and proud they stood out from her beautifully large and dark areola like two little red pillars. I wanted to put my mouth down and suck on them but the position was not right for that. While I played with her nipples, Helen moved her hands so that she was now caressing my butt and legs just below my shorts.

Helen's heart was racing and she was thinking, "God, I wish he would suck on me. I love to have my nipples sucked! I wonder what he would do if I pulled his shorts down and played with him while he plays with me?"

I decided that the time was right to move down and begin working on her thighs and ultimately her pussy. I eased away from the table and started down the side. Helen opened her eyes and looked at me questioningly. I smiled and nodded toward her groin and thighs and she nodded back with a smile and again closed her eyes.

Will she let me fuck her? God I hoped so, I was so fucking horny right now I wanted to cum!


I looked up and she still had her eyes closed. "Yeah?"

"Are you ever naked when you give massages?"

"On occasion."

"Can we make this one of those occasions?"

"Sure, if you want."

She opened her eyes and looked at me. I stepped back from the table and pulled my shirt over my head and my shorts down and stepped out of them. God, did it feel good to let George out!

I looked at her and she was staring at my cock with wide eyes. She looked up and saw me looking at her and said, "Did I do that?"

I nodded, "Yes, you did that!"

"You're quite big."

I laughed and said, "Not really, you just don't get out much."

She laughed in return. "You are so right!" She looked at me and said, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Finding an old woman like me sexually stimulating. For getting excited seeing me naked."

"Now, enough of that 'old woman' shit. You are not old but you are definitely a woman, a young and desirable woman and if a man doesn't get excited seeing you naked he isn't much of a man."

Watching my face, she took her left hand from under her head and slowly reached her hand down the table toward my cock. I stepped back to the table to allow her to touch me. She slowly stroked me with her fingertips and then encircled the head with her hand.

"You are big! It fills my hand." She looked up at me and said, "It feels nice too!"

Never taking her eyes from my face she slowly started to stroke me.

I smiled at her and took the creame and offered it to her. She took her hand off my cock and held her hand palm up. I squeezed a drop or two onto her palm. She closed her hand to spread it around and then reached down and began to stroke me again.

I put some creame in my hands and while she stroked me began to massage her thighs but this time as an erotic massage with a view only to stimulate her. I ran my hands lightly over her skin up and down the thigh on the inside letting my fingers brush over her pussy. The first time I touched her pussy she actually jumped and then pulled her feet up flat on the table and spread her legs as widely as they would go. Helen was ready!

Giving up all pretense of massaging her thighs I began to work on her pussy. I used one hand to spread her pussy lips and with the finger of my other hand began to play with her clit. Helen moaned and increased her stroking of my cock. I looked down at her face and she was looking at George as she stroked him. I had to concentrate hard not to let her get him to the point where I would cum before her.

Since her feet were so sensitive I wondered if her ass was as sensitive. I ran my finger down from her clit and inserted it into her pussy and finger fucked her for a bit before moving it further down and caressing around her anus.

When I touched her ass seemed flinched and initially pulled her hips back a bit but as I ran my finger around her ass hole she relaxed and allowed me to caress her. I put my fingertip directly on the anal opening and pressed lightly. She sucked in air and pushed her hips toward me. I was now rolling her clit between thumb and forefinger of one hand and pressing a finger of the other hand lightly against her ass.

Helen was feeling stimulated sexually in a way she had not felt for quite a while. She almost felt like a teenager. Her breathing was deep and ragged, her pulse rate was very high, her whole body felt flushed and hot and almost every part of her that Ken touched tingled. She had a sense deep within her that she was going to cum and it was going to be large.

It was building fast now. He was playing with her ass and she found she liked it! She occasionally played with her ass when she masturbated but had never put her finger, or anything else, up her ass. Frank would sometimes try and put his finger in her ass and had even asked her to let him fuck her there but she wouldn't allow that. But now, Ken was going to put his finger up her ass while he played with her clit and was going to let him do it!

With gentle pressure my finger penetrated her ass and her sphincter muscle flexed against it but I persisted gently inserting it slowly until it was past the muscle. I stopped moving my finger to allow her ass to accept my finger and then began to slowly stroke in and out. With my hand that was playing with her clit I again spread her pussy lips and then leaned over the table and put my mouth on her clit and began to suck on it.

With my finger in her ass and my mouth sucking her clit Helen lost it. Almost as soon as my mouth made contact with her clit she raised her hips and tried to fuck my fingers and she started to cum! I felt the first contractions on the finger up her ass and I increased my efforts on her clit and she climaxed fully.

Helen damned near broke my neck! I have not had a woman cum that fast in so long I wasn't ready for it and when she climaxed she instinctively slammed her knees together and humped her hips up and my head was almost trapped between her thighs and my nose was jammed against her mons.

She gave a grunt and then softly kept repeating, "Shit, shit, fuck, oh my god, fuck!" as she came. It went on for what, to me, seemed forever but was probably only a minute. Not only was my head being squashed and my nose jammed but she also had a death grip on my cock that was stopping all blood circulation and I was becoming concerned about the possibility of gangrene in my cock!

Finally she began to come down off her sexual high. Her legs relaxed and her hand too but she was still moaning. When her legs were again stretched out on the table they were trembling. Her hand was again gently stroking my cock and I went back to lightly tonguing her pussy and clit. I kept my finger in her ass but kept it still until all of her contractions were over then I removed it.

Helen reached down with her right hand and stroked the back of my head as I continued to pay attention to her clit and pussy. I continued to lick her pussy and clit and finger fuck her for several minutes after she came. Then, she slid her hand down under my chin and raised my head up and smiled at me.

"Baby, please, stop. It's too intense."

I smiled back, nodded and standing straight made a production of taking my finger out of her pussy and sucking it clean.


She laughed and took a deep breath. "Well, I must say this massage thing is something that I should have looked into much sooner. I see what you mean about having an orgasm at the end of a massage. It feels wonderful!" All the while she was still stroking my cock. "Is this what you call a full service massage?" She laughed.

"Not quite."

"Oh, you mean there is more?"

"There can be, it depends on the customer."

"Well, for this customer then."

"Can I fuck you?"

Helen's eyes opened wide. She sucked in her breath and for a minute simply did not know how to respond. "Can you fuck me? You don't waste any words do you?"

"Not when I'm as horny as I am now, I don't!" and I smiled.

Helen looked down where she was stroking my cock. " Well, I guess I have been somewhat responsible for your horniness, haven't I?"

"Yes, you have, and it isn't only playing with my cock that has done it but this as well," and I indicated her whole nude body. "You can make a log horny and that," I nodded toward where she was still playing with my cock, "isn't helping either."

"You really want to fuck me?"

"Very much."

"Well, I have to confess that I want to fuck you too! But first, will you kiss me?" She let go of my cock and held her arms out to me.

I walked up to her and leaned down and kissed her. We kissed like that for several minutes but the position I was in was not comfortable. I pulled back from the kiss and put my arms under her shoulders and legs and lifted her off the table and placed her on her feet. I put my hands around her hips, squatted down a bit and pulled her toward me. We stood breast to breast with my cock between her legs rubbing on her pussy and clit and then we kissed for a good long time. Helen is a very good kisser and while we kissed she was moving her hips so that she was sliding along the top of my cock. She was getting herself ready for another orgasm.

She pulled back and walked over to the couch and pulled the throw pillows off and crooked her finger for me to join her. I walked up next to her and put my left hand around her waist and my right hand fondled her breast and nipple. She smiled and looked up at me. "Is there any special way you want me?"

"I want to be able to look at you. Do you have any way you like?"

She shook her head and laid down on her back legs wide open and arms out to me. I knelt on the couch between her legs, leaned down and began to eat her. She put her hands on my head and said, "I love that, simply love that, please don't stop! Jesus Christ you are going to make me cum again!

Not five minutes later she did, she came again and almost as hard as the first time but without squeezing my head. I continued to pay oral attention to her pussy and when her climax had faded she pulled my head up and with her hands on either side of my face said, "You do that very well! I could just lay here and let you do that to me for a long time but right now, no more delays, fuck me!"

I sat back and taking my cock in my hand guided it to the entrance to her pussy and then rising up and leaning forward on my arms slowly sank into her. Her pussy was tight and hot. She had two climaxes and her pussy was still swollen from these two climaxes. Fucking Helen was just like fucking a teenager!

Helen had her eyes wide open while I did this so that when I was slowly sinking into her she was smiling at me and watching my face and sucking in air as I sank into her deeper. When we were belly to belly and I was completely inside her she sighed and said, "Ken, baby, until today I never thought of you as a sex partner. Now I won't be able to think of you without thinking of this afternoon and the pleasure you are giving me."

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