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Revenge, Maybe

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Bosses' wife manipulated on news of husbands adultury.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/06/2023
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Getting perceived revenge by not letting the cheaters have all the fun.

She hesitantly answered the banging at the door. Their stood Mike Malone. She recognized him from a few of the parties that her husband had hosted for his employees.

"Is Danny at home?!" He sounded distressed.

She tells him that regretfully, her husband wasn't home and was in fact working later that night. At least that was the impression she was under. Her response vaulted his distress to a near panic. She could see he was on the brink so invited him in to avoid a scene in front of the house. Something was wrong.

She knew him as a loyal employee to her husband's and hoped she could offer up some support for whatever seemed to be bothering him in her husband's absence. He followed her to the kitchen where she offered up a cold drink.

"What's going on, is everything?? Do you want me to try and get him on the phone."

He didn't answer immediately as he seemed to be holding off a panic attack with his heavy breathing. He nodded affirmatively at her drink offer. She grabbed the whisky and ginger ale, remembering that was his drink of choice the last few times they met. As she filled the ice into the glass, he grabbed the whisky bottle and took a swig. She knew he was dealing with something serious. He was starting to make her a bit nervous.

"Something is wrong" she said, starting to think that there may be some trouble wither husband.

She began to jump to conclusions.

"Oh my God! What's wrong?! Was there an accident?!" Now she was beginning to panic.

He held up a hand to calm her down. She took a breath and waited for his response.

"You remember my girlfriend, Nikki?"

She nodded her head in agreement as she did remember a beautiful young woman with him over the summer. She was trying to focus on what could possibly be the reason for Mike stopping by like this today.

He tried to gain some composure as he took the bottle and ginger ale to finish making the drink she started. After a few overly deep breaths he let out what had been torturing him. She tried to keep up what seemed to be an elaborate story, where the bottom line was that Danny was not in fact working late and hadn't been for a while. He was instead sneaking off early with Mike's girlfriend, Nikki. He accused Danny of having an affair with Nikki for the past two months.

She stared blankly at him in disbelief. Her vacant eyes slowly transformed to possessed. She didn't want to believe it at all, but Mike's energy was hard to deny. She grabbed the bottle and took a swig of her own. Then she grabbed her phone, stared at the message where Danny had told her he had to work late again. She dialed his office on a blocked number and asked to speak with him. The secretary responded that he had gone for the day, and she would happily take a message. Maria hung up the phone. Her hand shaking as she also picked up the whisky and ginger that was originally for Mike while sliding the bottle back over to him.

She was mad, with the memories of all the hours she was lonely in the house as her husband would come home two hours late twice a week for the past month. How could he do this to her? Mike was mad too.

"I finally thought I had found a good girl after being burned so many times since my divorce... and then to be betrayed by her and my own boss, who is also my friend!"

After back-and-forth banter over their mutual disbelief, Mike turned to a call for revenge.

"We need to make them pay."

She suggested waiting for him to come home and confronting him. She grabbed her phone again and said she was going to call him and let him know that she knows, saying Mike should call Nikki at the same time, letting them know that "they know". Marias call went directly to voicemail.

Mike wasn't satisfied with these solutions. Just exposing them wasn't going to be enough. He was jealous. He appealed his case to Maria challenging the fairness that their significant others should be out having sex, participating in debauchery, while they just sit back and suffer. Maria didn't have a response for him, not quite following his rant, her still reeling herself.

"Your husband stole my girlfriend!"

In a flurry of emotions, she apologized in response. Somehow, guilt was also thrown into the emotional mix. Afterall, Danny was Her husband, he certainly wasn't here to apologize on his own behalf, and this and man did deserve an apology.

"Why would he have to take her from me? Especially when he has a beautiful wife at home."

He flattered her, but he was right. Danny does have a beautiful wife at home. Mike notices! Why can't her own husband notice what a good thing he has? She had no defenses for any of his rantings as she was totally crushed at the moment. She thanked him for his acknowledgement of her beauty. Mike wouldnt have any way of knowing, but he echoed a growing frustration she had herself lately. Mike saying this to her was validation that she had needed to hear for months. She put her head in her hands, lost.

"What do we do, what do we do?" as she shook her head. Mike embraced her as they both seemed at a loss for what to do next.

He lifted her cheek off his shoulder, as he held on to their embrace, he kissed her on the lips. She was surprised, and slow to respond. After a few moments, trying to catch up while her husband's friend kissed her in her kitchen, she placed a hand between them and pulled her head away.

He apologized immediately, and profusely. He seemed embarrassed, and she certainly didn't want him or her to feel anything more than they already did. His shame, or her own, was too much at the moment. She told him not to apologize, that it was ok, just a mistake, and he just got caught up in his despair.

His hands were still firm around her waist. He stared into her.

"He gets you, and he gets her?!, we need to give them a taste of their own medicine!"

She didn't know what to stay. She told him that they weren't like that. She told Mike that she believed he was good, and she knew she was good, and they wouldn't do something like that. He challenged her virtue. He asked her what benefit does she get remaining true to him in the wake of his adultery? She didn't have an answer. She didn't have an answer to any of this now. He continued.

"They have their secrets; we should have ours."

She remained silent, trying to make sense of the situation. He was slowly shaking her head in disagreement with his apparent proposed solution. Mike looked at his boss's wife, overwhelmed with anger, guilt and confusion, trying to make sense of his own motivations.

She wore a sundress that didn't have any straps, without breaking eye contact he pulled down the top of her sundress exposing her breasts. They were so much bigger than Nikki's. They were glorious. Any other day she would have recoiled from him and delivered a jaw breaking slap that would leave his ears ringing. Today was not any other day. Maybe he had convinced her, or maybe she just couldn't process what was happening so fast. He kissed her again. Her breasts remained exposed as he kissed her and slipped the dress free of her hips, letting it fall to the floor.

She was uneasy, feeling that she should stop this. She was also feeling angry and duped from the weeks of betrayal by her husband. She hated feeling tricked.

"Danny takes my girlfriend, I take his wife, it's the only way."

She was a powerful woman. Certainly not the type to ever accept herself being used as some sort of tit for tat tradeoff. Mike knew this, he needed to appeal to her own senses if he wanted to "claim" her as a demented sort of consolation prize.

"You deserve this, you deserve so much more than you have gotten. No one should be able to take you for granted"

He felt some of her hesitance melt away. It was working. She stood in her kitchen, having been stripped to her panties, locked in the embrace of a man, a younger man, that could possibly offer redemption for the abandonment and betrayal that she had been through. For the first time she returned his kiss. She ever so slightly leaned into his embrace, allowing herself to give in to this moment just a little. As they continued to kiss, a passion that was breed out of anger and a slew of other emotions began to take hold of her.

Why shouldn't she indulge in this moment? He had convinced her that she deserved it. He had convinced her that he deserves her. Visions of her husband ravaging his girlfriend in some car, or some hotel room, or his office ran unbridled through her mind. Amongst the noise that these visions caused in her mind, Mikes voice offered a background narrative. She should give herself over to Mike in any way he desires. Her husband took what wasn't his, and now she had to let Mike have his way with what wasn't his. He could have his way with her, and she was willingly going to make herself available to him.

She found herself unbuttoning his shirt, and then his pants. Her hesitancy was gone, and she was blind with the desire to seek revenge, to be selfish in pursuing the passion that she had been robbed of, and to be used as payback for her husband's indiscretions.

After she had him unbuttoned, she pulled down his jeans, exposing his cock, as it flung up, giving her the salute she felt she fully deserved. She lowered to her knees, being led by Mike's controlling hand. She gave up her mouth to her husband's victim. He filled it, claimed it for his own. A long-time fantasy of his, since he fist ever set eyes on his bosses' wife. It was a fantasy of almost all the guys at the office to be truthful.

"You haven't got to express your true self sexually for so long right? Danny has kept you away and alone, not getting to exercise your sexuality while he helps himself to my young, hot, girlfriend, and who knows who else."

Mikes girlfriend was much younger than her. As if she needed the added feeling of a need to prove herself sexually superior. The thought of being compared now to his, young, hot girlfriend fueled her. Suddenly, the most important thing for her was to prove to Mike that women get better with age. The thought that Mike might think that Danny had hunted someone younger because she hadn't satisfied him was terrifying and embarrassing. She would not let Mike think that was the case. She had to prove it to him.

She devoured his cock in a way she had not Taken Danny is years. She looked up, with his cock filling her mouth, as she was near choking to see him taking a picture of her. One in which she was looking directly into the camera.

This was too much, "there can't be photos," she thought.

"How many naughty pics of my girlfriends does your hubby have on his phone, probably swiping through them as you sleep next to him. So, he gets to see my girlfriend, nude, whenever he wants? Now I can remember this moment. I can look at your luscious lips around my cock while your hubby lectures me about priorities in our next board meeting."

His logic, seemingly responding to her thoughts, seemed sound. Did her husband have pictures of this young bitch on his phone? While he lay next to her in bed, supposedly playing "wordle", was he scrolling through pictures of her. Did he prefer her perky tits? Her tight ass? Her smooth pussy? Instead of drawing the line with picture taking now, she accepted it as part of all of this now.

Mike continued to comment at the exact right time, saying exactly what she needed to hear to keep down her defenses and keep granting him full access.

"Ooooh, what is wrong with Danny?! Nikki can't suck cock like this. You are amazing Maria."

He placed his hand beneath her chin and led her back up to her feet. She was feeling a confidence that was not familiar to her. He then turned her around and bent her over her the kitchen table. She looked back at him with wild anticipation. Was she going to give herself up to him? Was she going to allow him to have her in that way?

She decided that the answer to that was, no. She was bent over her own table in nothing but her panties, at the hand of someone who works for her husband that she has only met on a few occasions. This had gone on far enough. She began to stand back up, to regain control from the younger gentleman. She is also used to a different pace. She is used to being in control every step of the way. Before she could even push herself up from the table her panties were whisked to her ankles.

The feeling was shocking. She was naked. Exposed. His controlling hand resting on her upper back and his other at the bend of her waste.

"If your husband can't properly care for this pussy, I will have to do it."

Being bent over her table, her ass and pussy exposed to him was such a new sensation. She was scared a bit too. Did she have any control anymore? Was she going to surrender her married pussy without a fight?

"You can give up control to me. Let me take what I deserve. Let me give you what you deserve. You don't owe him anything, you deserve my cock."

He let up on her back ever so slightly. She could freely stand up at this point. She didn't. She didn't invite him in either, rather just for a moment, remained resting upon the table.

"Silence is agreement," he claimed.

She wasn't sure that was true, but she wasn't sure about anything at this point. Again, at a speed that she simply couldn't keep up with, he was on his own knees. Her pussy now inches from his face. He took in her essence with a triumphant breath in. He then tasted her.

She gasped when she felt his tongue on her lips. She knew she should stand up at this point. She knew this was a point of no return. She willed herself to stand and regain control, but her knees were locked in place. She couldn't move. In fact, her legs were trembling, and she had no control over them.

"I knew this excited you, you're glistening wet lips give away your true feelings. You want this, you Need this."

Again, all she could manage was an audible squeak like sigh. Was he right? She was wet? She must be enjoying this. She was enjoying this. Again, her hesitations retreated to the background. The young man who she politely invited in,to console, out of the kindness of her heart, now had his face buried in her bare, moistening pussy.

"Does your husband appreciate these lips enough to taste them?"

The answer was no, and she whimpered in response. His hands greedily groped her ass cheeks, spreading them, giving him full access to her treasure chest. There came a moment when she couldn't bear the sensation any longer. He was masterful with his tongue, giving her feels that were so foreign and exotic to her. Her legs gave away and she slinked down to the floor. She collapsed on her knees and elbows leaving her ass in a mountain pose on her dining room floor.

He looked down at her. A smile wide across his face knowing there was nothing now between him and the full conqueror of his boss's wife. She panted on the ground, her ass straight up, offered to him in surrender. He reveled in his masterful unraveling of the enemy's queen. His phone resting against the kitchen table leg was about to capture his victory.

The wailing she let out because of feeling a new cock penetrate her for the first time in over 10 years would have been embarrassing if she had any control over it. She had not even heard herself makes noises like that in any recent memory. Her knees soon gave way, and she ended up fully flat on her belly while he continued to thrust into her from behind.

Suddenly she felt a quivery rush begin to build up. Could this be? She wondered in disbelief. This feeling was a mounting orgasm. Another feeling that she had not experienced in a while. Certainly not like this. The rush quickly took over her left her bucking and convulsing on the floor.

He gave her a tow curling orgasm like she has never experienced. He pulled out which caused her to gasp out load again. He rolled her over as she panted trying to recover her breath. Everything that just happened was racing through her mind, but she felt amazing. Mike had convinced her, she did deserve this, and he did Deserve her.

Her heart continued to pound for some moments, she let herself come down. She opened her eyes to see Mike above her. As he came into focus, she saw him leaned over her, his cock still hard and he was stroking it hard. Then for the last time today, his high tempo actions caught her off guard. On the verge of his climax is when she realized what was about to happen. He finished over her, shooting his climax into her face. Her eyes took a direct hit causing them to close, the rest sent to her chest. He stole one final photo of his boss's wife, laid out on her floor, naked, glistening, and covered with his ending.

"You were amazing, and your husband is an idiot."

She heard him say as he collected his things. She remained lying flat, knock-out style on her floor until after she heard the door close behind him and his car leave the driveway.

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SamStone496SamStone496over 1 year agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous concerned with divorced, remarried, pop out six babies possible trip ending. I can assure you that this is not that story. As far as wanting her back, is it possible you confused this with another story, in this one, there is no dynamic where anyone is taking back a past lover? Fear not, no baby poppin in this story (no guarantees on the tropes though)

SamStone496SamStone496over 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks anon. p2 is posted now. I referenced p3 because I had already written p2 and the soonest I could integrate a focus on on mikes persuasion tactics. You will also see, that persuasion is one of the dynamics that moves p2

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

SamStone496, you commented that you would post part 2, yesterday. Then your last post referenced part 3. Did I miss part 2? Is it posted somewhere else? Great start to what could be an epic story. Looking forward to future parts.

SamStone496SamStone496over 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks anonymous. I agree the story couldn’t have used more of a persuasive pitch with more convincing details. I Also could have worked more on developing a reason why the character was so susceptible to the claim. People can be caught off guard and easily convinced of things if it fits a narrative they already have played out in their head. This would have helped. Thanks. I will take that note for part 3

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

he can't possibly want a woman that stupid back. But, please, save us the bog standard, "he gets divorced, immediately meets a perfect woman, with a world class body, and marries her, then pops out six kids with her" trope ending. We've read that story like a thousand times already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I can't believe any wife would give herself up so freely, All she had was a receptionist saying he wasn't in the office, from that she deduced that he was cheating on her? Gimmie a break, I don't believe it for a minute.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

They both Deserved that, after what her husband and his girlfriend have been doing for the last two months, fuck them or should he say fuck the boss's wife. Good so far for first chapter, but not so good if the author leaves it at this point, then if sucks!!

SamStone496SamStone496over 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback so far. There is certainly multiple parts to this story to come (4 I believe should do it) , the next of which will be submitted today. If you have a suspicion that all may not be what Mike is purporting, you may be correct. I am releasing it in parts, because I believe it to be more digestible that way, as opposed to reading a 10,000 word story. I digress.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

blackmail coming up good story carry on

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Unfinished story?

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 1 year ago

3, average at best. Pretty abrupt ending and the wife seemed not that intelligent. Was willing to cheat on her husband on the word of his employee with zero proof, just suspicions. Wonder if the husband was even cheating or if the revenge was not her having sex with Mike for the cheating but Mike getting revenge on the husband for some passed over promotion or something. I doubt its even that bad with how the guy was mentioning being lectured, he was probably offended and decided to seduce the boss's wife to make himself feel like the bigger man.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 1 year ago

She is obviously retarded. Now, of course, she will find out that her husband has an honest explanation for the twice per week, for two hours, he was late home. meaning, she cheated... fucked this other guy, for no valid reason. Either he just conned her, or his own GF was having an affair with someone else. Did they carefully check the days and times, to see if they coordinated? No.

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